The Sabbath

Chapter 44: Reasons for wanting apples and dwarfs


That "apple" was carefully put into his chest by Ronggui.

There was a lack of materials in other places. When the east wall was demolished to make up the west wall, a place on his chest was hollowed out. Ronggui simply asked Xiaomei to turn it into a small storage room. When the excavation is done, Ronggui announced that it will be used to store the most important treasures.

The place is not big, but there are not many "most important treasures" in Ronggui.

At present, Xiaomei knows what is in it, but it is nothing more than two things: the chip that records the photos recorded by the friends of the orphanage, the evidence photos taken by the camera when the ticket was issued, and then there is this apple.

This apple alone fills the small storage room.

Although she brought this apple to him, Xiaomei still doesn't know what Ronggui wants the apple to do.

They have been driving on the road for two days. During this period, because Ronggui has to take out the apple from time to time, he has also witnessed the color change of the apple.

When I first bought it, it was still a little blue, and then it turned a little yellow, but now it has turned a little red.

To be honest, he really didn't know what was good about an apple, and if it was motor oil, he would probably be a little more interested.

"From green to mature, this apple must have a very sweet taste now." Rong Gui's voice came from the side, and Xiaomei knew: Look, that guy is playing with apples again.

You obviously can't smell anything - without speaking, Xiaomei said in her heart.

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that this fruit is the apple from our place. I don't know how there is no light here, how the apple is grown. In our place, the apple tree must be planted in the sun."

"Xiaomei, have you ever seen an apple in the sun?" Ronggui continued to look back at the apple in his palm affectionately.

I haven't seen it before. After all, who would plant a cheap fruit like stone fruit on that precious land

But he has seen crystal fruit, not only the fruit is like crystal, the flower of that fruit is like crystal, it is much prettier than apple... stone fruit.

That is the fruit that matches the value of the expensive land.

"Apple blossoms are so pretty! We have an apple tree in our orphanage, and every time we start to bear fruit, we each claim an apple, cut out our name with tape, and stick it on the claimed apple, and wait until there. When a fruit is ripe, our name will appear on that fruit!"

"Fruits that are heavy in the sun... They look great." Rong Gui said, looking at the fruit in his hand again.

"In the earliest days, each of us could only get one apple, and the rest of the fruit had to be sold. At that time, I was very reluctant to eat the only apple, and I accidentally spoiled the apple. "

"Xiaomei, do you know? Apples smell so good~ If I wasn't afraid of waste, I would even deliberately spoil a few apples to smell~"

Then you can smell the "smell of nostalgia" again soon - glanced at the apple in Ronggui's hand, Xiaomeixin said.

That fruit has matured to its limit and is about to decay.

So, this guy wants an apple in his heart, just wants to spoil the apple, and then smell the rotten apple

Thinking that she was about to walk with a robot carrying rotten apples, Xiaomei gave him another sideways glance.

It was just a passing glance, but Ronggui turned his head around as if he understood his thoughts:

"Xiaomei, are you worried that I walk with you every day with a rotten apple?"

Saying that, Ronggui suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, Xiaomei gave me such a precious gift, how could I spoil it~"

"I want to eat this apple with Xiaomei. I originally wanted to buy the apple for this."

"Look, hasn't the mechanical body we are using now been repaired many times in Ani City? It is also recharged in Ani City every day. In my thinking, this is the special meal of Ani City. Our real bodies have been buried in the ground for a long time. Even the light bulbs can't be exposed to the sun. We stayed there like corpses for so long. The energy supplemented every day is still the ground beans we got in Xiaomei's hometown before, and there is no authentic Ani cuisine. I ate it, thank you!"

"And then I see the apple~"

"There is a saying in foreign countries over there: an apple a day keeps the doctor away from you, which means that the apple cures the disease!"

"It's also the special fruit of Erni City, and it can cure diseases. It also looks similar to the fruit I liked to eat before. I thought that we must let our bodies taste apples."


"When I massaged our bodies for the last time, I always felt that we both had dark circles under our eyes. It's strange. We sleep every day~ I was thinking of ways to get rid of dark circles under our eyes."

"Isn't that just remembering that apple slices and sticking to the eyes can reduce dark circles?"

"Hahahahahaha~" Having said this, Ronggui smiled proudly.

Then Xiaomei was speechless.

In fact, the last reason is the real reason you want to buy Apple, right

Xiaomei is the truth.

In the following time, Ronggui began to pester Xiaomei to study the problem of "how to maximize the utilization rate of the only apple".

The proposal to dig out the body from the freezer to make an eye mask was directly rejected by Xiaomei, but the ingredient extractor was taken out again. An apple was cut in half, and two small glasses of juice were equally divided. The glass of juice was finally poured into the nutrient input tubes of the two people in the freezer.

"Ah~ Xiaomei, I always feel like I have tasted apple juice." Ronggui closed his "eyes" and said intoxicated, "sour sour Yes, sweet, and a little musty... um... I guess it's the ground bean smell left in the pipe before?"

Pretending to be, Ronggui came to his conclusion.

Xiaomei glanced at him sideways.

How is it possible to feel the taste without leaving the body? ! After putting away the syringe, Xiaomei was about to put away the equipment, which was strange at this moment.

He really felt the sweetness.

The acidity is low, the sweetness is high, and there is no musty smell at all.

Xiaomei was startled.

Then, he continued the previous action and put away the syringe.

He eventually attributed the strange feeling just now to the "hint effect". When a person repeats certain sentences in your ear over and over, it actually constitutes a hint, and the person being hinted can easily feel the feelings or emotions that the other person repeatedly mentions. Although it sounds incredible to be suggested by Ronggui to succeed, in addition, he can't believe that it is because his spirit and body have a slight connection.

He has been out of the confinement of the body for a long time.

If he will eventually be freed from the confinement of the body no matter what, why not let him leave in the first place

After all, the flesh is an original sin.

Quietly looking at Ronggui, who was walking around the freezer and still stubbornly refused to leave, even though she could not touch anything, Xiaomei thought quietly: Perhaps, going to Yedehan City is really the most suitable place for him. decision.

After all, the legendary dwarf master with the highest level of smelting actually lives underground.

If he can visit the other party, or learn the other party's control method, maybe he can truly have a real "guilt-free body" in advance.

So, coming here this time... is to push him to complete the historical process as soon as possible

Or to let him understand the other side of the world that he has never understood before

Dazedly inserted into the energy storage battery pack on Rhubarb's body, Xiaomei thought about it all night.

Still no conclusion.

However, it wasn't for him to meet this guy anyway—the thought ended at the moment Xiaomei saw Ronggui next door.

He was clearly charging, and in order to enjoy his personal space, he also added an extra plug, but this guy was habitually plugging it into himself every time he charged, and he couldn't change it.

After unplugging Ronggui and plugging it into the plug next door, Xiaomei twisted the screws on her limbs, and then shut down and rested.

After they drove for another day, Xiao Hei suddenly made a "squeak" like a corpse, and then began to play some songs with a different key.

It is said to be due to poor signal.

But Ronggui didn't dislike it either. No matter how ugly Xiao Hei sang, he still turned on Xiao Hei's switch and let it play all kinds of music that was comparable to the background music of a haunted house.

Xiaomei also had no problem with his actions.

Ronggui interprets Xiaomei's behavior as considerate, but she doesn't know that Xiaomei is actually just doing multiple-choice questions.

Either listen to the little black brand radio, or listen to the Ronggui brand radio.

He just rationally chose to listen to the little black radio.

After all, the Ronggui brand radio basically only has a music station, or a brainwashing music station that loops a song every day, and the program list of the Xiaohei brand radio is obviously much richer.

What's more, the fact that the little black brand radios can "resurrect from the dead" itself marks that they have entered the territory of Yedhan City.

There were obviously more cars on the road, and soon Ronggui knew why there were so many cars here:

There is a road service desk in Xiao Hei's program list. Here, you can often hear someone calling in, explaining where you are on the road and where you are going. If there is a car that happens to be on the way, you can give him a ride.

Of course, there is a fee.

It's like an alien version of Didi Taxi! And it's still the version that won't let the radio go out of business!

Ronggui was excited at that time.

How interesting! And he and Xiaomei are just short of money.

At that time, he encouraged Xiaomei to pick up the job.

Xiaomei didn't do it at first, but he couldn't bear it.

And then the eggs—

Rhubarb walked too slowly, and the guests who were originally there had already been picked up.


Ronggui had to give up the plan of "guesting express driver to earn living expenses after entering the city".

But he had seen the dwarf!

Those are some strong guys! The standard equipment is the hammer and axe behind them, but they are not the five short statures that Ronggui imagined. On the contrary, most of them are much taller than him and Xiaomei!

This shows what

He and Xiaomei are not as tall as dwarves now? !


What a sad story!

Up to now, according to Ronggui's observation, the only one who can be similar to the two of them in height is probably only the female dwarf among the dwarves.

On the third day of entering the Ye Dehan area, Rong Gui saw a figure about the height of the two of them on the side of the road.

Standing on the side of the road, the other party is beckoning for a taxi.

With two braids tied, it turned out to be a female dwarf!

That was also the first time Ronggui saw a female dwarf.