The Sabbath

Chapter 47: Xiaomei's eyes can speak


The entrance is a relatively large room, there is a door on the right side of the room, and there should be another room inside.

The usable area is a bit large - Ronggui is very happy to be able to rent a two-bedroom house at such a cheap price.

Then he motioned for Xiaomei to put him down.

There is no way, now his legs are still similar to the crawler of a tank, and he can walk freely on the sand and gravel ground, but it is impossible to go up the stairs.

But they now live on the second floor.

Like everyone who moved into a new home, he ran to the window first, then opened the curtains to see what was going on outside the window. In the end, it didn't matter, Rong Gui was a little dumbfounded when he saw the scene behind the curtain.

There was a big hole behind the curtain!

The reason why he thought the window was a little lax before was because the curtains were bulging, as if the wind had been blowing all the time, so he thought it was probably because the window wasn't closed tightly.

Who knows—

I'm so stupid. If there are curtains, I think there must be a window behind them. I never thought that there might be a big hole behind the curtains. Oh oh oh!

Curtains are there to cover up big holes!

Looking at the big hole in the wall, Ronggui turned his head to the old dwarf man at the door.

"Why are you looking at me? If it's just a little noise, is my house so cheap to rent?" the old man said calmly.

How to do? Come to think of it... what he said actually makes a lot of sense—

Nodding, Ronggui closed the curtains again.

In the following time, he fell on the carpet again and almost fell apart. When he got up, he found that there was another big hole under the carpet!

So in the following time, Ronggui no longer believed in any decorations in this room:

There is a long crack on the wall behind the full-length mirror; under the sofa there are several holes that seem to have been bitten out; even the sofa itself in the room has a problem: push the sofa away, and there is a large piece of rubbing underneath that cannot be wiped. smudges off. And the color of the stain is dark red, like dried blood, which makes people wonder what happened here...

Honor: =-=

Because the impact of the outside room was already big enough, he pushed open the door of the back room and saw that there was no window, like the back room of a prison cell, and he was very comfortable.

"In short, the room is like this. If you are not satisfied, you can return the lease, but the deposit is non-refundable." The old dwarf turned around after saying that.

The door was closed, and only Ronggui and Xiaomei were left in the room.

"If you pay the deposit, you won't be able to rent anywhere." Xiaomei said coldly.

"Then, let's live here..." After trembling, Ronggui gritted his teeth, and finally decided to stay.

Now that it has been decided to live, the first thing to do is to remove the luggage from the car.

Xiaomei originally planned to go down and bring her luggage up by herself, but Ronggui strongly objected:

"You are too tired to move by yourself, and there is also our important freezer! You must not be able to move it alone, and I must help you!"

Xiaomei took a cold look at the crawler that Ronggui was using instead of her legs - this kind of crawler can't go up stairs.

Then Ronggui looked at Xiaomei with anticipation.

Being watched by him, Xiaomei simply sat down, not knowing what he was calculating in his mind, after a while, Xiaomei ran down.

There is no doubt that Xiaomei left herself and left, Ronggui just continued to wait in the room full of expectations.

A little scared in the room with the weird red stain alone, he moved outside the door and waited at the top of the stairs.

Sure enough, Xiaomei came back not long after, still holding a piece of stick-shaped metal in her left hand.

The long ones are the clothes drying poles they used in their home in Erni City. Although there was only one miner's suit that could be dried, they also made a clothes pole. Of course, this was made by Xiaomei at the strong request of Ronggui.

As a complete pragmatist, his right hand was not empty, but he picked up some luggage from the car.

So, in the next time, when Xiaomei was lying on the ground and started "handcrafting" again, Ronggui took over the luggage that Xiaomei had brought up, and the small crawler ran fast, and he began to put the luggage.

After carefully considering whether the position of each item is beautiful or not, Rong Gui was a little slow, so that Xiaomei's "handwork" was finished, and his few pieces of broken luggage had not yet been placed.

"Come here first." Xiaomei greeted him.

Ronggui obediently walked over.

I saw Xiaomei sawing the original clothes drying rod into eight even sections, and a flat metal plug was fixed at both ends of each metal rod. After Ronggui came over, Xiaomei fiddled with Ronggui's crawler again. After a while, each two metal rods were fixed in a cross shape, and finally the four sets of cross-shaped metal rods were symmetrically installed on both ends of the track of the Ronggui track.

The metal rod happened to be higher than Ronggui's crawler. After all of them were installed, Ronggui was surprised to find that he had grown taller.

Look down: he is just a little bit above the ground now.

"Is this our new leg?" If so, he would really despair of Xiaomei's aesthetics.

Fortunately, Xiaomei shook her head.

"No, strictly speaking, this is your new crutch." Xiaomei said a more desperate sentence.

Honor: =-=

"Next, you can use crutches to go up and down the stairs." Xiaomei said, picked up Ronggui and placed it beside the stairs, Ronggui trembled and tried to go down the stairs, only to hear a "da" sound, metal The flat plugs at both ends of the rod fell to the ground, helping him to stand firmly on the stairs, and then he slid down a little, and the flat plug behind him fell to the ground.

Confused, before Ronggui could figure out how to stay away, he had already finished down the stairs safely.

"The new crutches are very useful!" Turning his head, Ronggui expressed his thoughts on Xiaomei's use in surprise.

"Then let's work." Xiaomei said coldly.

Honorable Mention: …

Ronggui has not yet woken up from the fact that he has become a disabled person who needs to use a "crutch", and Ronggui has been asked to work.

With the help of the new "crutch", Ronggui and Xiaomei can once again move things together. However, due to limited conditions, the "crutch" can only be used in places with stairs. When walking on flat ground, it needs to be removed and the original crawler is used to walk. .

Even so, Ronggui was very happy.

Mei is amazing!

Ronggui happily carried the freezer that contained himself and Xiaomei's body, Ronggui affirmed again.

They went up and down five times in total before they finished carrying the luggage.

How can there be so many things? At the beginning, her luggage was obviously only a toolbox - while helping to put things, Xiaomei thought in a puzzled way.

However, whether it was the bench he was moving, or the table in Ronggui's hands, from such a small piece of furniture to a comb and a handkerchief, as far as the eye could see, he actually made everything by himself? !

Almost every piece of luggage represents a request for honor, and then…

Almost every piece of luggage represented that he agreed to Ronggui's request again.

So, standing in the middle of the house with a bench, Xiaomei was speechless again.

Next time, next time, he must refuse his unreasonable request, which is almost useless except to make it more difficult to carry luggage - Xiaomei thought.


"Xiaomei, have you seen this big hole in the wall?" Putting the small table in front of the big hole in the wall, Ronggui looked around for a while, and then greeted Xiaomei again.

I see, but you don't want me to fill the big hole for you - without saying a word, Xiaomei expressed her refusal with her eyes.


"Don't worry, I don't want to plug this hole either~" Mingming Xiaomei didn't say a word, but Ronggui actually answered as if he heard what Xiaomei was thinking.

Then what do you want to do - Xiaomei looked at him again.

Then, Ronggui answered him again:

"Look, there's just a big light bulb outside this hole~"

"The round bulb is like the sun!"

"I found that the public light bulbs in Yedham like orange and red, and they will be lit uniformly during the day."

"In this way, no matter what color the light bulb will light up tomorrow morning, wouldn't it look like the sun when looking through this big hole?"

"So, Xiaomei, let's make this hole bigger? It's not to make it bigger, but to chisel out the four corners to make it look like a window instead of a hole."

Xiaomei: …

Seeing that Xiaomei didn't speak, Ronggui described the future scene even more vigorously.

"There are curtains anyway, so why do we look at a hole instead of a window every day?"

"And Xiaomei, you also made such a beautiful table." Rong Gui touched the table: "And such a delicate little bench~"

He touched the small bench again.

"We can drink tea in the sun here in the future!"

Xiaomei: …

Did you forget that we are robots now.

"Uh... I forgot about this again." Ronggui scratched his head at the time, but he quickly reacted: "Then we can bask in the sun here!"

"And the irregular holes are transformed into quadrangular windows, and the light-transmitting area is larger. This place can usually be used as your workbench for Xiaomei!"

"Free light! What a beauty!"

Ronggui said, and opened his arms, compared to the posture of hugging the sun.

Although he lost a left arm, he tilted his head to the left, making the picture a barely symmetrical V shape.

Xiaomei: …

I don't know which of the "reasons for having a window" he said finally moved Xiaomei. In short, Xiaomei went downstairs and asked the landlord if she could remodel the house by herself.

After getting an affirmative answer, Xiaomei started work.

"Come on, Xiaomei!" In addition to coming up with ideas, the only two things Ronggui did were: "Come on, cheer up", and—

"Doesn't help."


I don't know how the other poor boys who entered the city with one poor and two white spent the first night after entering the big city, anyway, honor their family...

It was in the midst of a vigorous renovation that turned a shabby house into a great viewing platform.

When Xiaomei was knocking the bricks, Ronggui stood beside him. On the one hand, he had to be careful not to let himself become a large obstacle. On the other hand, Ronggui also took time to put the knocked bricks into his small trailer. , and then transported to the wall and stacked.

The two little robots worked so busy all night.

Knock off the last small piece of stone that destroys the sense of flatness, and the square semi-large window is completely completed.

The moment the transformation was completed, Xiaomei was speechless again.

It seems to have done what the guy asked for again.

It's just a rented room, just a broken house that the owner doesn't even care about, why waste a night trying to remodel it

Seeing Rong Gui who was still sweeping stones aside, Xiaomei fell silent.


"Wow!" Xiaomei immediately raised her head when she heard Ronggui's voice.

Then, he was also stunned.

Just in front of him, where the big newly built window framed, a round sun rose.

Yellow, with a little red, slowly rising from the dark night!

The night has become shallow because of this round of the sun.

Then the sun grew stronger and brighter, illuminating the surrounding shops, the streets... and then slowly, through the windows, into their rooms.

The sun finally hit them.

Under the sunlight, a long shadow was drawn behind the two little robots.

The light was too dazzling, Xiaomei closed her eyes reflexively.

His instinct told him it wasn't the sun, just a very powerful light bulb, but—

When the light first rose, what Ronggui had described to him in his mind was the glorious scene when the sun rose.