The Sabbath

Chapter 51: Rhubarb became the backbone of the family


"It takes 600,000 points to do physical work, 2,000 points per month for renting a house, and 200 points per month for rhubarb parking spaces. Our bodies can't eat beans all day long, and we have to add something else from time to time when conditions permit. Nutritional supplements, this requires at least 300 points..." Ronggui scratched on the ground to settle accounts: "In this way, we need to earn at least 2,500 points a month in order to survive in this city. If we want to save money for health... "

It's even more distant-

Ronggui didn't say this sentence, but he painted out the formula drawn before. He said to Xiaomei: "In short, let's find a job first and make sure that we can live in this city."

In this human-driven world, there are still plenty of job opportunities.

Since about 90% of the shops in the city are blacksmith shops, the jobs provided are basically related to blacksmithing. There is no labor market here, and there is no website to introduce jobs. If a shop is short of people, just hang a piece of paper on it, and list the type of work, salary, and number of people needed. Those who think they are suitable can go directly to the interview. .

The function of this piece of paper is not only a notice of recruitment, but sometimes the store owner will also write down the materials that he lacks, and also write the redundant materials.

His eyes quickly turned to the door of each store, and Ronggui was eager to try.

Ronggui was very excited, but Xiaomei poured cold water on him: "Dwarves are very xenophobic. They can't provide important work to people from outside, which will spread the skills they rely on for a living."

"Will it be? I see that many shops have put up notices to recruit people, but there is no limit on whether they must be dwarves~

Hmm... The shop in front is recruiting parts assemblers. It seems that they require craftsmanship. I definitely can't, but Xiaomei, you can give it a try!

As long as I can apply for a job in a blacksmith shop, I will be very satisfied. I will take a look around. When Xiaomei makes our body, I will be able to help out. "

Not being discouraged by being poured cold water, Ronggui decided to give it a try.

So next, Ronggui took Xiaomei to the store to apply for a job.

It was a shop that sold mechanical fingers. Rong Gui thought very well: working in such a place is obviously more labor-saving. After all, Xiaomei's strength is not large, and the sales here are mainly metal fingers and joints. If she can work in this kind of shop, Xiaomei learns a little and will make their fingers more delicate in the future.

Knowing how many doubles he had, Ronggui made up his mind from the beginning that he would be an assistant for the exam, but he thought that Xiaomei's hands were so dexterous that he would definitely be applied for.

Who knows—

Xiaomei was brushed down at the beginning, because Xiaomei did not have the qualification of Level 2 craftsman.

"What is that? Isn't that enough?" Ronggui was puzzled.

"Who knows if your craftsmanship is enough? We recruit people here, but we have to go to work directly. We are a high-end store, and we use all high-end materials. If you make a bad one, you will lose a lot of money, but there is no spare money to waste!" The person in charge of recruiting was a big dwarf man. He was not big, but he was very short-tempered. While talking to Rong Gui, he quickly assembled a finger in his hand. A very beautiful metal finger was formed in his hand.

Ronggui was stunned for a while, then dragged Xiaomei out again after a while.

Next they went to a few more stores before being rejected with the same problem.

"It seems that this second-level craftsman qualification certificate is very important." Rong Gui silently remembered this term in his heart.

However, as a result, Ronggui also gave up the idea of finding a job in such a store.

"It seems, Xiaomei, you can only go to a common blacksmith shop to find a job like me, but Xiaomei, you are so good, you might be able to work as a master hammer!" The so-called "master hammer" is for making metal materials. The main hitter in the shop is also the most experienced hitter. In the dwarf shop, the main hammer is generally held by a female dwarf. The hammer is the force. The so-called "main hammer" and "secondary hammer" were explained to him by Xiaomei.

Xiaomei glanced at him.

If you had to use words to describe that look, it would probably be: "You think too much".

Facts have proved that Ronggui really thinks too much.

After applying for six blacksmithing shops, Ronggui and Xiaomei finally found work at the seventh blacksmithing shop: Xiaomei was responsible for pulling the bellows, and Ronggui was responsible for transporting the fuel to the furnace and throwing it in.

The reason for getting a job is also very confusing: the automatic bellows at the store was broken, and the fuel delivery had not been repaired.

Ronggui: =-= Co-authoring, the two of them came to work completely instead of machines.

However, after the experience of looking for a job in the afternoon, it is not easy for them to find such a job. There are still quite a lot of non-local people who come to work. Most of the non-local people who do not have enough money to buy things will work here for a while. Taller than them, he and Xiaomei lost just by comparing their strength.

It's not easy to find a shop where two machines are broken at the same time. Besides, the salary offered by this shop is exactly 1,250 yuan a month for one person, and 2,500 yuan for two people. Ronggui quickly accepted the offer. Work.

"Xiaomei, be careful when you pull the bellows here, the temperature is high, and be careful not to bake yourself." The two of them were not working in the same place, and before being pulled to another room, Ronggui urged them thousands of times. He said to Xiaomei, and he didn't feel relieved after saying it several times. He took out a blanket from the small trailer and wrapped it around Xiaomei. In the end, he wetted a piece of cloth and wrapped it on the left hand of Xiao Meila's bellows: "Be careful!"

After all that could be done, Ronggui left.

Leave Xiaomei...

He looked down at the dirty blanket wrapped around him: it was the same carpet that was laid on the ground in his hometown before. Ronggui cherished his body. When he was transformed into a small trailer, he turned the blanket over and folded it. Every time he loaded ore, he put the ore on a trailer covered with blankets. Although the outer shell of the trailer was dilapidated, the inside was still in good condition because of the protection of the blanket;

Xiaomei looked at the wet cloth on her left hand again: this cloth is also something that Ronggui must carry with him every day. Although his body is very tattered, once it gets dirty, he will use this handkerchief to wipe it. As long as there is water, he will also use it every day. Wash your handkerchief.

Ronggui must bring these two things every time he goes out, and now, these two things are on his own.

Xiaomei did not get rid of these two things after all.

Pulling the bellows with his left hand, he got to work.

The work of pulling the bellows seems simple and boring, but it is necessary to adjust the speed and strength at any time according to the requirements of the host. It may be really difficult to do this work for other beginners at one time, but it is not a big problem for Xiaomei.

At the end of the day, Xiaomei quickly adapted to the job, but Ronggui—

Ronggui was fired.

While delivering fuel to the furnace, his right hand accidentally went in.

The only intact right hand was instantly broken.

Half of the palm of the right hand burned instantly, the little finger and ring finger completely melted, leaving only the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger barely hanging on the other half of the palm, looking very pitiful.

Ronggui, who was brought out, looked at Xiaomei pitifully.

"Let's go back." Standing up from the bellows without a second thought, Xiaomei decided to take the idiot back.

"No!" Ronggui immediately refused.

With a miserable right hand, Ronggui said to Xiaomei: "Maybe this is the one with the broken bellows, I'll just go home by myself, Xiaomei, you, you should work hard here!"

While speaking, Ronggui diligently used the electronic imager to wink at him.

Xiaomei: …

Looking at Ronggui silently, Xiaomei finally sat back to her original position. She pressed her left hand on the bellows again and looked at the wet cloth on it. Xiaomei thought to herself: That idiot, without him, would he really find his way home? In terms of recognizing the way, Ronggui is not as good as rhubarb...

So, when Xiaomei was working next time, her mind was full of honor.

As soon as it was time to get off work, he immediately got off work and went home, and then, as soon as he went out—

He saw Ronggui, who was huddled beside the shop with a small trailer.

Ronggui: "Xiaomei, I only found out when I went out, I don't know how to get home at all..."


"And then waited here for three hours?" Xiaomei rarely looked down at Ronggui.

Ronggui nodded.

It's not surprising at all, but she was a little relieved when she saw the other party, and Xiaomei picked up Ronggui.

Under the leadership of Xiaomei, the two robots turned around, and finally found Da Huang who was still waiting in the parking lot, sat on Da Huang, and the two went home.

Come out together, still go back together.

That night, despite Ronggui's refusal, Xiaomei put her right hand on Ronggui's hand.

"Only the left hand is enough to pull the bellows." This is his reason.

"But... hey..." Xiaomei firmly grasped his right arm, Ronggui kept moving, obviously, after losing his job, he was worried about their living expenses again.

"I'm sorry, I-I'm so stupid." Rong Gui finally whispered.

"I've been clumsy since I was a kid and couldn't do anything well..."

"But I'm good-looking, and the dean and the teacher don't talk much about me when I do something wrong, and I sing well..." When he said Fei here, Ronggui was a little happier, but soon, thinking about the current situation The situation made him even more depressed: "It's useless to say this now, without a body, I can't sing well, and..."

Looking at his dilapidated mechanical body, the little robot didn't say a word.

Xiaomei didn't speak, just put her right hand on Ronggui's right wrist bit by bit.

It was not until the last screw was screwed that he suddenly said: "Actually, there is a way to earn enough points to assemble two bodies at once."

"Ah?" Ronggui's head suddenly lifted.

Xiaomei's eyes were still fixed on Ronggui's hand, he slowly said: "Sell my body, although the mechanical body is widely used, the most popular is still the real body, it is very valuable to sell it, my As for the body... the whole thing should be worth more—"

Before he finished speaking, Ronggui pressed his newly installed right hand firmly on his mouth.

Although there is only a horn there, even pressing it is useless, but Ronggui still presses there according to human habits, as if pressing there, Xiaomei can't speak.

With a big face close to Xiaomei, Ronggui stared at him, and then said word by word: "Yuan, chief, said, yes, want, feet, tread, real, land, earn, money, sell, body, what, what, , think, also, no, want, think!"

It is rare to see Ronggui look so serious and serious, Xiaomei was stunned for a while, and finally nodded slowly under Ronggui's pressing stare, and he was released.

Then Ronggui became the same as before.

Sitting on the spot and looking at his hands carefully, he suddenly turned his head and whispered to Xiaomei: "Actually, there were many people who wanted to buy me back then~ Among the same batch of newcomers, my body was the most expensive~"

"It must be because I am the most handsome~"

"Hehehe~ Although I don't sell it, I'm still very happy to know that I'm so valuable."

"I can't tell you, Xiaomei, you are quite confident in your own body~"

Looking at Ronggui who was happy again for some inexplicable reason, Xiaomei: …

This evening, Ronggui told Xiaomei about the various shady stories in the world entertainment circle before, and finally sighed that he had hoped to strive to become a nationally famous singer, and even a world-renowned singer, but now...

"Probably can only work towards the goal of a well-known singer in the whole tower."

Ronggui, who said this, sighed, his appearance... a little interesting.

Xiaomei thought.

Then Ronggui continued to draw and settle accounts on the ground. The more he counted, the more sad he felt. The sadness in the little robot's heart almost materialized into the air.

Then, at this moment, the two people's passes suddenly rang.

Since it is a family account, the two people's passes are thinking at the same time. After one person is connected, the other person can also hear the voice on the opposite side.

So, after Xiaomei connected, Ronggui heard the female voice opposite.

"It's the female dwarf who carried our car last time!" Rong Gui whispered to Xiao Mei, immediately recognizing the other party's voice.

Xiaomei nodded, and then the next conversation was entirely carried out by Ronggui and the other party.

The purpose of the female dwarf's call is very simple: to go out of the city tomorrow, thinking of the good service of the two, and wanting to charter a car.

Glancing at Xiaomei, Ronggui immediately agreed, discussed the pick-up location with the other party, and politely said goodbye, and then he hung up the built-in phone of the pass.

"Xiaomei Xiaomei! Maybe, I can be a driver! I can make money this way!" Thinking of this, Ronggui stood up happily.


"Do you recognize the way?" Xiaomei only said one sentence, Ronggui suddenly wilted.

Xiaomei was the one who was in charge of driving before. Without Xiaomei, Ronggui doesn't know any roads, not to mention that he has no legs...

Ronggui looked down at his crawler, and then became even more frustrated.

"I'll change it." Then, he heard Xiaomei continue talking.

"Ah! Modify me? Do we still have materials to modify me?" Ronggui immediately raised his head again.

Xiaomei turned her head indifferently: "No, transform rhubarb."

So far, Xiaomei has finally officially called the yellow car outside Rhubarb.

Taking out her toolbox from the back room, Xiaomei took the lead and went downstairs to find Rhubarb.

Ronggui followed behind him and followed suit.

So, that night, Xiaomei and Agui drove the night train. After spending most of the night, Xiaomei redesigned the navigation system of Rhubarb, adding positioning functions and automatic driving functions.

In this way, Ronggui only needs to sit on the rhubarb, and all the other rhubarbs can do it.

"Hey... Then... Then what am I doing?" Excited for a long time, Rong Gui finally thought of this question: Da Huang has done everything, so what should I do

Xiaomei put away the tools silently, and gave him a last look: "You go to accompany Rhubarb and chat with the guests by the way."

Ronggui: ... I always feel that there is something wrong with this sentence.

However, even so, on the second day, he was still happily sitting on Da Huang, Da Huang took him, he took the dwarf girl, and everyone went for a ride outside the city together.

The navigation system designed by Xiaomei is really reliable. No matter how Da Huang passed, he came back.

Due to the service at home (← drive slowly and not nagging), and also helped to carry a lot of goods back, the dwarf girl paid him 200 points as a reward, and made an appointment with Ronggui for the next ride .

Ronggui simply drew a multiplication on the ground and counted: Oh! In this way, Rhubarb's salary exceeds that of him and Xiaomei!

In this way, Rhubarb's salary can not only pay for his own parking fee, but also help him and Xiaomei pay off the rent, and by the way, he can also buy him and Xiaomei's body an occasional apple or something...

Rhubarb is so capable!

That night, Ronggui told Xiaomei the good news. Then, on the same night, Xiaomei silently improved the modification of rhubarb.