The Sabbath

Chapter 52: Agui and Xiaomei who are chasing drama


Xiaomei has upgraded Dahuang's navigation system again, adding a map function. As long as Dahuang has visited a place once, a flat map will be automatically generated in the system. If Dahuang can't find his way, Dahuang can call at any time through the internal communication system. Xiaomei, Xiaomei can retrieve the map in the rhubarb system, so as to help rhubarb guide the way.

He also designed an automatic charging system for Rhubarb. As long as the energy is low to the warning line, Rhubarb will automatically find the nearest charging station nearby and automatically charge.

In addition to software upgrades, Xiaomei also made some improvements in hardware: he changed all the seats in the car. In the past, the main function of rhubarb was to carry goods. Now, since it is necessary to carry people to make money, it is not suitable for the seats to be too simple. Last time, there were four male dwarves who rode with the female dwarves at the same time? It's the four sitting on the roof. When the four people got out of the car, they left the money and the chairs as well. That's right, the four chairs that were forcibly unloaded from their respective cars. Seeing that they didn't plan to take the chairs back, Xiaomei climbed to the roof to unload the four chairs, and then loaded them into the cargo area of Rhubarb.

In order to facilitate the possible cargo requirements of the guests, he also slightly modified the four chairs, which can be folded up and placed under the car when not in use.

Now Dahuang can have sufficient energy supply every day. The rent includes energy costs, so the previous pedals are unnecessary. Xiaomei put the pedals away, and the original ground was re-leveled, so that the front driver's seat and co-pilot The activity space of the people at the seats is also much larger.

Looking at Ronggui's track, Xiaomei finally added a layer of sloping plate to the door with the existing precious materials. When Ronggui got on the car, he only needed to press the button lightly, and the sloping plate would automatically stretch out. Getting in and out of the car alone is a lot easier.

Xiaomei even added a handrail.

Honor: =0=

This is downright real disabled treatment!

as well as-

Xiaomei is so sweet!

The next day, Ronggui took Xiaomei to work with Rhubarb, who used shotguns for cannons.

Ronggui himself sat in the driver's seat, let Xiaomei sit in the comfortable passenger seat in the back row, opened the car window on his side, and finally unscrewed Xiaohei and played a very brisk tune.

This was the first time the two of them sat apart.

Sitting on the soft and comfortable chair in the back row, Xiaomei's feet were hanging in the air.

Using a mechanical body, to be honest, he couldn't feel the "softness" and "comfort" of the chair he was sitting on at all.

He also couldn't feel the breeze coming in through the slit of the car window that Ronggui deliberately opened.

However, he could see the back of Ronggui's head and the hat on Ronggui's head.

Ronggui is still wearing the hat made of carpet and wool. I don't know when, Ronggui also used a cloth end to weave a knot on the tattered hat. Whenever the breeze blows, the tassels at the end of the knot will be smashed. Slightly wiggle.

And now, the ear is wiggling regularly.


As the street lights in the city turned on one after another, the lights comparable to sunlight gradually lit up from the roof of the car.

The "sunlight" came in through the car window, just right, covering his knees.

At 27 degrees, Xiaomei's body surface temperature tester accurately reported him the temperature of the metal in his knee.

I ignored it, turned off the alarm, Xiaomei sat upright in the chair, closed the imager, and sat quietly all the way.

Until Ronggui called him up.

"Remember to put on the blanket and gloves." Rong Gui said, stuffing the blanket and gloves Xiaomei used yesterday into Xiaomei's arms again, and then continued:

"Get off work at six o'clock in the afternoon? I'll come and pick you up on time!"

After the exhortation, Rong Gui waved at him vigorously.

It wasn't until he saw him enter the door that Ronggui helped the "handrails for disabled people" to get on the rhubarb again.

At this time, Xiaomei heard that a dwarf around her seemed to be smiling:

"Is it your boyfriend? Picking up and going to get off work every day is very caring!"

Glancing at each other, Xiaomei did not speak.

He walked into the bellows where he worked yesterday at a constant speed, and before sitting down, he put on the blanket and gloves that Ronggui had forced in.

Shrinking in the corner of the room, dusty like a briquettes, Xiaomei started to work.

And Ronggui also began to work.

He didn't go home and wait until he didn't live. Rong Gui drove Da Huang to the gate of the city. Maybe someone is going out of town? Maybe someone wants to take a taxi

However, even if there was such a job, it would not be his turn. Ronggui sat on the top of Rhubarb and waited for an afternoon.

However, it cannot be said that it was completely in vain. After waiting for the work, there was a TV on in the blacksmith shop opposite, and the TV screen was just aimed at Ronggui and Dahuang, and! It happened to be the last episode of "Axe Romance" that I watched last time!

Ronggui just sat in the car and watched two episodes of Axe Romance, watching Xiaomei's time to get off work and the ending song just playing on the TV.

Although it's a pity because he didn't make any money, but from another perspective, he spent two episodes of TV series in other people's stores, and he didn't watch it at home, which can be considered to save energy costs. To a certain extent—

Save money!

In this way, Ronggui happily went back to pick up Xiaomei from get off work.

Because I just finished watching "Axe Romance", the topic of Ronggui in the car today is completely related to TV series.

One person played the role of N, and he was stunned to "act" two episodes of the TV series for Xiaomei again.

One moment he played the sad male dwarf who came home with an axe, another moment he played his neighbor, and another moment he became the old dwarf of the dwarf village...

He actually read everyone's lines again!

"Don't you have a bad memory?" Xiaomei asked him.

Ronggui temporarily interrupted the performance and took the time to answer his question: "My memory in other things is really bad, but I'm very good at memorizing lines~ Just remember the emotions of the actors at that time~ It doesn't matter if you forget the lines, just imagine The situation at that time, and then try to figure out what lines he will say based on the character and psychological state of the person involved, just make it up now!"

Xiaomei: …

"Any other questions?" Ronggui asked him.

Xiaomei shook her head silently.

Then Ronggui continued the trick.

So, on the way home, Xiaomei finished the second and third episodes of "Axe".

The honorable version.


For the next two days, Ronggui went to watch TV every day after delivering Xiaomei... No! Go to pick up work, don't get discouraged if you don't get work.

In his words, back then, waiting outside the Outer Center to pick up the show was also waiting every day, it's a habit!

Ronggui is a generous person and is very willing to share. It doesn't count if he reads it by himself every day, just like on the first day, after returning to pick up Xiaomei, he will play all the plots for Xiaomei on the way.

Xiaomei, who was forced to "watch TV": ...

God knows: in the world before meeting Ronggui, when Xiaomei was still called "Your Majesty", there was never such a thing as a TV in that white room.

I have never watched a TV series or any entertainment program. At that time, Her Majesty Xiaomei probably never imagined that she would one day become a drama fanatic, right? It's still a stinky and long dog blood drama, and it's still a dwarf version.

Even forced.


After the first failed pursuit, the male dwarf in "Axe" still did not give up the pursuit of the dwarf girl. There were no female dwarves in the village where he lived, so he resolutely carried the axe to other villages.

For this male dwarf who can resolutely say to others, "My ideal is to become a father and have at least three children, two girls, and a boy", to be honest, Xiaomei can't understand his thoughts at all.

Shouldn't the ideal of life be more lofty

for example…

He thought of himself, for a long time, his ideal was "to purify this world completely", "a society of self-control and moderation", or a little further... He wanted to "find a new world".

He has made all kinds of efforts to achieve his goals, and to some extent, he has also achieved his own ideals.


He thought of his original idea again, just want to "live".

Just "want to see the light".

That was the first time he opened the door, a hazy but firm thought in his mind as a boy inside the door.

He doesn't even think it's "an ideal."


He seems to be very happy after completing that idea.

In a long life, the only clear memory that can be described by the word happy is probably that moment.

It was a moment that could not be replicated, that could not be repeated.

Sitting in the soft chair, the Xiaomei robot thought quietly.

The lights went out one by one, and darkness fell again.

However, soon, Xiaomei found that the life of chasing dramas began to affect his daily life.

The biggest impact: He began to understand what his colleagues were saying.

The Axe Romance that Rong Gui watched seemed to be very popular. Almost all the other dwarves in the workshop were watching it. Before, they often used sentences that Xiaomei didn't know about from time to time, and occasionally said something that wasn't funny at all. A joke, this seems to be a code word between the dwarves, only they understand it, at least, Xiaomei herself and the other two migrant workers can't understand it at all.

After chasing the drama for a while, Xiaomei suddenly found that she knew what they were talking about.

In the past, it could be regarded as inaudible because she didn't understand, but now she can't do it anymore because she understands everything. Xiaomei doesn't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

If it is said that the impact of chasing dramas on Xiaomei is too uncertain, then for Ronggui, chasing dramas will only have a good impact!

After a few days of no work, the girl who had booked the car before called to use the car as scheduled. After delivering Xiaomei, Ronggui immediately went to the appointment on time.

The girl is very cold, motion sick, and hates nagging. To be honest, Ronggui almost completely thought he was invisible at first, so he played the role of rhubarb, but later he accidentally saw a decoration on the female dwarf, which just happened to be on it. It is the key ring carried by the male protagonist in "Axe Romance".


These two big words immediately appeared in Ronggui's mind.


The driver and passenger are officially connected.

I'm chasing the same drama, even the people I like are the same (← Both of them like the old man of the dwarf village =-=), the dwarf girl is no longer arrogant, and I chatted with Ronggui all afternoon about life... No, the plot~

The two of them chatted so happily that when the girl got off the bus, she asked Ronggui, "If you're okay, just get off the bus and pick mushrooms with me."

Ronggui immediately followed his sister Diandian'er and got off the bus.

It was this time that Ronggui discovered that the destination of the dwarf girl was the mushroom forest outside the city. These mushrooms not only have the function of beautifying the environment and lighting, but also a considerable number of mushrooms for people to eat.

Underground, green vegetables are quite a precious food, and even if they could be grown using technology, those vegetables wouldn't taste as good, they were expensive, and they weren't as good as local mushrooms and moss.

By the way, the moss here is also a very important food. There is a large area on the ground of the mushroom forest, which is much higher than the moss that Ronggui has seen before. It is like a dense layer of green bean sprouts. There are dwarves in the city. Take care of these plants in the fields outside, plus some crops similar to wheat and barley, this is the crops of the dwarves.

It’s no wonder that food shops are rarely seen in dwarf cities. Almost all the dwarves in the city own land outside the city. There are so many people out there who need a car.

You can also drive by yourself, but when collecting mushrooms, you often have to walk a long way, and it is inconvenient to go back to find a car. It is better to take a taxi, so the taxi business here is not bad.

On the same day, the two picked a lot of mushrooms while chatting. The dwarf girl also borrowed Ronggui's small trailer and loaded twice as many mushrooms as usual.

In the end, he probably went too far, Ronggui almost ran out of electricity, and the dwarf sister princess returned to Rhubarb with Ronggui (plus mushrooms) in her arms.

The girl of the dwarf is indeed mighty and majestic!

The above is the only thought in Ronggui's mind.

After this day's experience, the dwarf girl only called Ronggui's car when she went out. When she heard the girl complain that "if I go to work in the afternoon, I will miss the update", Ronggui immediately begged Xiaomei to be on Dahuang. , Xiaohei's next door has been rebuilt as a shelf, which is specially used to put the TV.

From then on, the TV in their house would sleep at home at night and go to work with Ronggui during the day.

And every time Ronggui took his sister out to work in the afternoon, the two of them could watch TV while waiting for their arrival.

Anyway, Rhubarb is driving, so I'm not afraid of the driver being distracted!

After a few times, the dwarf girl really introduced him to new guests. They were all girls from the dwarf race. The place where everyone went to work was not far away, and they were all fans of "Treasure Axe"!

In this way, Rong Gui and Da Huang worked from time to time, and finally Xiaomei was no longer the only person in the family who had a stable income.

In addition to the monthly living expenses, they can still save some money for the manufacture of the body.