The Sabbath

Chapter 53: Flower and expensive


There are four female dwarves who often ask Ronggui to book a car: one is the female dwarf who was getting a ride at the beginning, and the female dwarf with motion sickness, her name is Mary, and Mary has grown a large mushroom field outside the city;

The second is a female dwarf named Lily. This female dwarf is the tallest and most burly among the female companions. She has planted a large field of rye on the ground outside the city, which is slightly different from the rye of Ronggui's hometown Like, you can make bread, and you can brew beer;

The third female dwarf was named Reya. She did not farm, but herds a group of animals similar to wild boars in Mary's mushroom field. These wild boars are very ferocious, but they are not large and eat a lot. Also, their dung is a good fertilizer, both Mary and Lily need it, and the boar itself is the most common source of meat for dwarves;

And the fourth female dwarf named Qiqi is quite special. She did not grow any crops or raise any livestock. She planted a small flower field outside the city. Qiqi is petite and has slender limbs. Bravery, in Ronggui's view, is the girl who best fits the aesthetics of the previous world.

The busiest person should be Mary. Her mushroom field produces mature mushrooms almost every day, so she has to harvest every time she comes here. Lily's workload seems to be much smaller, but it is said that she is the best at the early stage of planting. Tired, Qiqi's work is not heavy work, but it requires great care, so she often has to work on the side for a long time.

However, the female dwarves are very capable. Even if the work is troublesome, they can basically finish it in about three hours. After finishing the work, they are not in a hurry to go back. Instead, they will chat and do handicrafts in the mushroom field.

They use wheat straw to weave baskets, satchels, and coats from boar hair.

It is said that this kind of object made of wild boar hair can well resist the splash of Mars. For Reya, the biggest output of breeding wild boar is not goat pork and goat dung, but the hair on the goat's body.

The four female dwarves have a very good relationship. They share the fruits of each other's labor. During afternoon tea, they eat grilled mushrooms from Mary's house, drink the dark beer brought by Lily, and learn to weave with Reya. Bring a flower that Kiki planted.

At first, Ronggui didn't respond when they were knitting the back basket, and they chatted together while watching their work, but when Reya started to teach everyone how to knit gloves, the next day, Ronggui asked Ai Ai if he could learn along with him. .

He also brought the last blanket in the house, and he was going to remove the carpet knitting gloves.

When they learned that Ronggui wanted to "knit gloves for Xiaomei who was pulling the bellows in the workshop" and that "Xiaomei's body was also very tattered, she was afraid that it would be roasted like her own hands", the dwarves happily accepted his participation. He also deliberately took a handful of hairs from his own wild boar and gave it to Ronggui: "Join this braid, it is heat-resistant."

Ronggui's hands are really stupid, even more stupid than Lily, who had the worst knitting skills in the previous group. Fortunately, the other female dwarves are quite patient. After their repeated demonstrations, Ronggui finally knitted one. Crooked glove—for the left hand.

This is the first time I've seen such a clumsy guy—although I didn't say it, the dwarves all looked at Ronggui with sympathy... The future owner of the glove in his hand.

"Okay, let's make the right hand glove." Also as a clumsy star, Lily has the strongest empathy for Ronggui. She grabbed a handful from her own materials, and she plans to continue to accompany Ronggui to get another one. Gloves.

However, at this time, Ronggui shook his head:

"You don't need to weave right-hand gloves, because Xiaomei doesn't have a right hand anymore."

"After my right hand was burned, he took off his right hand and pressed it on me."

At this moment, all the female dwarves' eyes were focused on Ronggui!

Being stared at a bit, Rong Gui whispered: "Xiaomei's left hand is mine. When we entered the city, we passed a very windy place, and Xiaomei's left hand was blown away..."

"My God—" The dwarves took another step in his direction.

Under the urgent staring of the female dwarves, Ronggui slowly said a lot.

For example: Two people are working so hard now to make a new body~

For example: Xiaomei is very capable! Rhubarb was made by Xiaomei, and all the above systems were modified by Xiaomei worried that he would get lost!

For example: Xiaomei wants to sell her body to help him buy one...

When Ronggui finished speaking, all the female dwarves were in tears.

"It's really... touching love." Mary took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes. After wiping, she handed the handkerchief to Lily next to her. You passed it to me, I passed it to her, and the dwarves wiped their tears.

"Just the glove's defense is still too weak. We will teach you. You can make him a whole suit!" With her hands on Ronggui's body, Mary said proudly.

Ronggui: Huh

"I'll teach you how to make a shirt."

"I'll teach you how to make pants."

"I'll teach you how to make a satchel..."

Female dwarfs, you said one word to another, but in spite of the kindness, Ronggui first had a pair of scissors in his hand, and then an extra bag of needles and thread. From then on, he lived a day of practicing needlework hard every day.

After this day, Ronggui became an official member of the female dwarf crafting team.

On the same day, Xiaomei received a very ugly woven glove;

Received a vest on the third day;

Received a pair of pants on the sixth day;

And two weeks later, he even received a pair of shoes!

The items received were all embroidered with honorable characters ← what the female dwarves strongly demanded, saying that this was a sign of land occupation.

The things are really ugly, but they are also really practical. Every day when he works by the stove with very high temperature, the high temperature alarm in his body keeps calling.

He didn't tell Ronggui, but Ronggui prepared so many things.

Glancing at Ronggui, Xiaomei put them all on her body.

The fully armed little robot went to work as usual.

He didn't care about the beauty or ugliness of the clothes, so he didn't care about the gazes cast by other people in the workshop.


Others came more often.

The deputy hammer dwarf from Studio No. 1 had not entered this room once before, but he has come in three times today;

The main hammer of Studio No. 2 came here twice today, and he also never came before;

The beater from the next room came in four times and squatted behind him and watched for five minutes.

On the surface, she was silent, but Xiaomei had an account in her heart. When the dwarf in charge of Studio No. 3 crouched over, his head suddenly turned 180 degrees.

The male dwarf who was staring at Xiaomei's back was so frightened that he fell down and squatted!

"Is there any problem with my job?" Xiaomei asked him in a flat tone.

"No, no~" The male dwarf who has always been sluggish probably hasn't recovered from the shock: after all, the visual effect of turning his head directly without moving his body is still a bit amazing!

"..." Xiaomei silently turned her head back.

However, the male dwarf still did not leave until Xiaomei turned her head to him again.

The opponent's hand froze on Xiaomei's back.

Staring at each other's hand, Xiaomei asked coldly, "So, are there any other questions?"

"No, no!" The other party waved his hand hastily. Under Xiaomei's gaze, his hand became slower and slower. Finally, he scratched his head and whispered to Xiaomei:

"Your vest is so pretty..."

"..." Xiaomei continued to stare at him.

Then, he simply explained his intentions to the convenience:

Including him, all the dwarves who came over and over again before came to see Xiaomei's clothes!

"It stands to reason that the clothes on our men should be sewn by our own girlfriends or wives, but... aren't our girls getting fewer and fewer now? Then everyone... "

"I had to sew my own clothes."

"Isn't it, everyone sees that the style of your clothes looks good, and it happens to be the most popular new style recently, so you want to come and have a look, and then go back and make a suit..."

The male dwarf's voice became lower and lower, and Xiaomei's heart became more and more speechless:

It turns out that the dwarves basically sew their own clothes now. If there are female dwarves in the family, then someone will help them sew them. If not, they can only do it. The aesthetics of the dwarves will always be based on the aesthetics of girls. Yes, what the male dwarves wear depends on what the girls like. In this way, the male dwarves without girls will pay close attention to the clothes of the male dwarves with girls...

Although the stitches of the clothes Xiaomei is wearing now are really ugly, they are the most popular styles in the city at first glance. Obviously, the people who sew clothes know what is popular today!

The male dwarves in the workshop are all single dogs, and no one has come here wearing new clothes recently!

The dwarves in the workshop couldn't hold back when they found out that Xiaomei actually wore a new set of clothes to work.

That's why Xiaomei was watched all morning.

Xiaomei: …

Knowing that the reason why she was being watched was neither because of a job error nor because of someone finding fault with her salary, Xiaomei turned her head back and continued to pull the bellows step by step.

The dwarves behind him immediately waved towards the door, and then all the male dwarves who had been hiding outside the door all came over.

Squatting behind Xiaomei, they had a very lively discussion on Xiaomei's clothing style, cutting area, and stitching.

The last person said "thank you" and left happily.

So, a few days later, the clothes of the male dwarves in the workshop were all changed from shotguns to guns, and all of them wore the same vest of Xiaomei, with a small shoulder bag on the bottom of the trousers.

It looks like work clothes in the workshop.

Looking at the male dwarves who are happy to wear new clothes, Xiaomei: …

In addition to watching dog blood dramas, he also discovered another characteristic of these colleagues: they are quite stinky.

Not to mention, the craftsmanship of these male dwarves is really good. For the same style of clothes, their craftsmanship is much better than the honorable ones! Except for finer stitching and more precise tailoring, they copied all the characteristics of Xiaomei's clothes to themselves.

Including the word "expensive" on clothes.

It was in Chinese, and no one except Ronggui recognized it, including Xiaomei.

But the female dwarves who taught Ronggui to mark at that time knew it~

So, one day when the female dwarves wanted to buy something and asked Ronggui to carry them into the city, they happened to pass by the blacksmith shop where Xiaomei worked, and they proposed to see Xiaomei.

Given that in Ronggui's description, Xiaomei is a particularly silent, sullen and even a little shy person, they decided to come in the name of giving something.

Each dwarf brought something out: Mary took a bunch of mushrooms, Lily brought beer, Reya slaughtered a boar, Kiki brought a flower, and everyone sat happily in the rhubarb. I went to visit Ban Xiaomei with Rong Gui.


Looking at the male dwarves in the shop wearing vests and pants with the word "expensive", the female dwarves fell silent.

"Agui, how many boyfriends do you have..." Mary opened her mouth wide.

"It's almost... there are more suitors than me..." Lily, you seem to have revealed something.

Kiki blinked, and then Reya covered her mouth and smiled.

Ronggui: 囧! ! !

Of course, Ronggui finally cleared up the misunderstanding and called Xiaomei out. He put all the gifts brought by the dwarves in front of Xiaomei.

In the end, she also gave Xiaomei the only thing she made herself - a mask.

Then, Ronggui quickly left with the female dwarves.

However, although they left, the sensation they left behind was great.

It's amazing that an ordinary dwarf can get in touch with a girl so closely in one day! How about four at a time

The male dwarves in the workshop immediately surrounded Xiaomei.

Regarding the question that the male dwarves eagerly asked, "What is the relationship between Ronggui and those dwarf girls?" Xiaomei thought for a while, and then replied, "At first, she was a guest, but now she is a friend."

"Wow!!!!" The loud howls of the male dwarves exploded around again.

Xiaomei felt a little noisy, and in the next second, he was heavily placed on his shoulders by the hands of many dwarves.

"What about us?"

"It's a colleague." Looking at the large hands on her shoulders, Xiaomei replied lightly while assessing their strength.

"Before we were colleagues, we are now friends! Friends!" Who knew that the other party said so loudly.

Xiaomei, who is about to be crushed: ...

So, he distributed all the condolences that Ronggui brought to these "friends".

He couldn't use it anyway.

However, he left the only flower inside and the mask that Ronggui sewed by himself.

Pinning the flower to the window, looking at the delicate and beautiful flowers under the "sunshine", Xiaomei slowly put on the mask, and then continued to pull the bellows.