The Sabbath

Chapter 54: Level 3 Craftsman Qualification Certificate


Mary and the others selflessly taught Ronggui how to weave many items. Ronggui is a good person. Not only does he have a lot of common topics with them, but he is also very interesting. They all like him, but even so, they have to Admit it: Ronggui is really the dumbest person they have ever seen.


He taught him everything by hand, so he had to help him do it himself, but what Ronggui made up was still the same as what a dog gnawed, that is, Xiaomei, change to a male dwarf... I guess I really don't have the courage to wear such a tattered thing. body.

However, although his hands are clumsy, Ronggui is a person with quite good aesthetics!

This point, even Reya, who is recognized as the best aesthetic among the four female dwarves, admits it.

Although the craftsmanship is very bad, Ronggui can often give some good insights:

For example, this piece of fabric will look better if it is changed to a different color~ For example, Kiki is more suitable for blue than red~

He also has many ways to wrap headscarves.

I have to say, as long as Mary and the others make a little adjustment to the work in hand according to what Rong Gui said, the final product will be a big step better than the original!

Sometimes it has the effect of turning the rotten into a miraculous!

But sometimes he would come up with things that they couldn't do at all. For example, one day when they were weaving something together, Ronggui suddenly thought of a new pattern, and he drew the pattern. It's really a very unique pattern, but the female dwarves have no way to weave the material in their hands according to the pattern in the picture. Reya, who has the most dexterous hands, has tried many times, but finally ended in failure.

Therefore, the good idea in Ronggui's mind may not be a good idea sometimes.

An idea that sounds nice but can't be realized is more like empty talk.

Seeing that Ronggui was a little dejected, the female dwarves reassured him that it didn't matter if he couldn't use this pattern in weaving. In the future, they could use it when printing fabrics, which would be simpler.

The knitting group's activities that day ended with everyone using traditional patterns.

Unexpectedly, when they saw Ronggui again after two days, Ronggui mysteriously brought a knitted product over. When he showed the front of the knitted product to the other female dwarves, the female dwarves did not know that. Discovery: The pattern above is exactly what they thought was impossible before!

"Hehe~ I told Xiaomei when I went back. Xiaomei thought about it and made it up!" Ronggui said happily.

What he said was simple, but the female dwarves thought a lot, especially Reya.

Don't underestimate weaving. As dwarves who have been relying on craftsmanship for generations, their hands are very skillful, whether it is beating metal or making higher-quality metal products, every step contains the dwarves' craftsmanship. For example, the knitting patterns on the slings on the back of the basket, the average dwarf must master at least more than 200 kinds of knitting methods. This is the basic skill, and it is also the world of ancestors and predecessors. Weaving methods have been handed down from generation to generation, and each generation of dwarves will add new weaving methods, and new weaving methods test not only their mastery of old knowledge, but also their ability to innovate. Height, whether they can become new masters, actually depends on how many problems they can solve and whether they can have their own creations.

The pattern that Ronggui came up with yesterday was a difficult problem, and obviously, they all failed in front of this question yesterday.

Not realizing it was a failure, they thought it was an "impossible" proposition.

And now, the problem to be solved appears in front of them.

Holding the small woven fabric, the dwarves watched for a while, and finally Reya handed the cloth with the small pattern to Ronggui.

"We were wrong yesterday. It turns out that this pattern can be made up."

"Mr. Xiaomei is really dexterous. He can make up this kind of pattern so easily. He shouldn't stay in the blacksmith shop pulling the bellows."

Reya sighed with emotion.

Ronggui is even happier:

"Do you think so too? I just said that Xiaomei is very capable, no matter what I say, he can do it! Any whimsical idea will do!"

"Then why don't you apply for a maker?" Reya asked curiously.

"Makers? Are you talking about those shops that sell fingers, hearts or something?" Rong Gui tilted his head and saw Reya nodded before he continued: "It's not that I don't want to, but I'm not qualified, Xiaomei has no certificate. ."

"Are you talking about a master craftsman's certificate? Ye Dehan City can just take the test, and the highest level of a master craftsman's certificate that can be issued is Level 3!" Lily said quickly.

"I think Mr. Mei can go directly to the second-level craftsman test!" Qiqi interjected, "If you get the second-level craftsman certificate, you can find jobs in many craft shops."

"Really? I'm worried about where to inquire about the research!" Rong Gui was overjoyed, and then he inquired with the four female dwarves about the research. I don't know much about the certificate, but Reya has taken the exam. She has already passed the first-level craftsman's certificate. She is preparing for the second-level craftsman's certificate.

Ronggui had a bad memory, so he took notes in his mind and wrote down all the information about the exam that Reya said. He thanked the four female dwarves very sincerely.

"It's good now, I'm afraid that Xiaomei will be roasted one day! After all... you all know that the quality of the stuff I made up... that... is not very good..." Rong Gui said, scratching his head embarrassedly .

It's weird to say, it's obviously a robot, and it's still such a broken robot, but when the four female dwarves are with him, they always feel that there is a big living person with flesh and blood beside them, with a very cheerful personality. .

"No thanks." Reya waved her hand and suggested to Ronggui with a smile: "I think Mr. Xiaomei can try to take the third-level craftsman's certificate. Although I haven't taken the exam, there are many people in the city who haven't taken the exam. It's passed, but I always feel that Mr. Mei can give it a try."

"The registration fee is the same as the second-level craftsman's certificate, and if the third-level craftsman's certificate fails, you can still take the second-level test at half price." She added.

"It's so good!" Ronggui immediately said: "You guys should study how to make this pattern first. I'll tell Xiaomei this news. I'm afraid I'll forget it after a long time..."

After he finished speaking, he was about to run to Da Huang - only Da Huang had the authority to call Xiaomei at any time, but Ronggui did not.

People are not as good as cars.

Speaking of this, Ronggui felt a little bit sour.

Don't you just like to talk a little bit~

"Wait a minute—" Seeing Rong Gui and running away, Reya hurriedly stopped him.

Waving the pattern in her hand, she said cautiously, "This... This is a new weaving method. It's just given to us. Does it mean that we are allowed to learn?"

Ronggui looked at her strangely: "Of course! You gave me these materials! When Xiaomei gave it to me, she said it was also for you."

"You who he said, naturally besides me, there are you too~"

Just casually giving a new way of weaving to others? You know, this is not as simple as a weaving method, but a brand new way of thinking!

Reya and the other dwarves were stunned.

However, Ronggui had already run to Rhubarb, and he couldn't wait to tell Xiaomei the good news.

Looking at the knitting sample in their hands, the female dwarves' eyes fell on Rong Gui, who had already been on the phone with Xiaomei in the distance.

If, as Ronggui said, the pattern is really made up by Xiaomei, then the robot named Xiaomei is really a skilled craftsman.

In fact, you can tell by looking at rhubarb. The person who can make a car like rhubarb must be a very ingenious person.

Such a dexterous person can easily adapt the things that Ronggui gave him to better, but he does not mean to change them in the slightest. Every time he sees Xiaomei, he always wears those ugly things that Ronggui gave him. Ugly "love clothes". If it is broken, I will not repair it myself, but wait for Ronggui to repair it with their help the next day.

And what about honor

Ronggui's hands are really clumsy.

Even though they are friends now, they still have to admit it.

However, Ronggui has a lot of whimsical ideas. For ordinary people, these ideas are really unrealistic, unrealistic, and very, very impractical.

It looks pretty useless.

And only Xiaomei, only Xiaomei, any unrealistic idea of Ronggui came to Xiaomei, but it was realized.

And only after the realization, people will realize what a great idea Ronggui once said!

It's amazing to have someone with such a great idea!

Only Xiaomei.

Only honor.

These two are a perfect match!

At this moment, looking at the honor and honor in the distance, the four female dwarves thought so at the same time.

Thanks to Agui and Xiaomei, they believe in true love again!

Here is a female dwarf who is so moved that she is determined to give other male dwarves a chance to pursue;

Over there, Ronggui has passed all the notes just now to Xiaomei.

"The money we have saved now is just enough for the registration fee, Xiaomei, let's go to the research!" Ronggui said to Xiaomei.

Looking at the amount in their joint account, Xiaomei was silent, and finally nodded.

Then, on this week's rest day, Ronggui took Xiaomei to the examination point for the craftsman qualification certificate.

Different qualification certificates can be used in different industries. After discussing with Xiaomei, Ronggui resolutely helped Xiaomei receive the examination application form for the third-level craftsman.

They were immediately separated from the huge crowd of people waiting to be tested.

Most of the people came here to take the first-level craftsman's certificate, there are also second-level craftsmen, and third-level... There are only two people.

Another candidate was a dwarf who could not see his appearance, and he wore a large cloak;

The other name is Xiaomei.

When the staff of the test center looked at Ronggui, he quickly raised his paw: "I'm not here for the test, I'm here to accompany the test!"

So, he was invited out immediately.

Then, sitting alone at the entrance of the examination area for the third-level craftsman's certificate, Ronggui waited for a long time. When the sun was about to go down (← is when the lights began to gradually go out), Xiaomei waited.

"How was the test?" Ronggui immediately surrounded him.

"I don't know." Xiaomei shook her head gently.

"Can't I get the results on the spot? What was the test? Make fingers on the spot? Heart?" Ronggui was extremely curious.

For a handicraft like him, it is estimated that he will not be able to enter this kind of examination room in this life.

"Making fingers, connecting blood vessels, sculpting facial organs, and..." Xiaomei was stunned for a while.

"And what?" Ronggui was even more curious.

"The exam is not over, the examiner has left the follow-up exam items, three thousand portraits, all over the body." Xiaomei said expressionlessly.

"Three, three thousand!!!!!!!" Ronggui was stunned.

Another candidate passed by him, and seeing his heavy pace, he was obviously left with the same demanding "homework".

"Three thousand, it takes a lot of time to write a number on a piece of paper, not to mention three thousand portraits..." Rong Gui was in a daze, and at the end, he took the time to ask: "Xiaomei, do you know how to draw? A portrait?"

Xiaomei: …

He could draw, in fact, that was one of his few pastimes, however, he never painted portraits, not even once.

"It looks like it can, but it looks like a painting..." After carefully observing Xiaomei's reaction, Ronggui whispered.


"Anyway, the exam fee has been paid, you can't give up the exam!"

"Isn't it just painting? Can I be a model for you? Let's go, let's go and buy 3,000 sheets of paper! By the way, we have to buy brushes!"

Taking Xiaomei's hand, Ronggui regained his energy and walked forward bravely.

Not to mention, there is a stationery shop near the test center. In this place where blacksmithing shops account for more than 90% of the city's total GDP, the chances of finding a stationery shop are extremely low.

It seems that 80% of this store is opened by people from the test center—by Ronggui.

Before the stationery store closed, he quickly grabbed 3,000 sheets of paper, bargained for another 100 sheets, and Ronggui finally bought a pen. After loading everything in his own small trailer, Ronggui took Xiaomei home.

So, that night, after relaying the latest plot of "Axe Romance" to Xiaomei, Rong Gui put on a particularly provocative pose on the carpet in the bedroom.


"Xiaomei, Kang Muang!"

Rong Gui waved to Xiaomei.

A sultry little trailer...

Xiaomei: =-=

However, she was idle at night anyway and had nothing else to do. Xiaomei finally took out a stack of paper and a pen from the trailer of the small trailer and sat upright on the small bench. He started the first life in his life. Creation of portraits.

The author has something to say: I wonder if the first two words of the third-level craftsman certificate will be blocked...

No matter how sultry a small trailer is, it is also a small trailer.

I like the act of taking pictures.

I can't help but think of the word portrait of love.

And, the feelings of the female dwarf in this chapter are actually what I have always thought.

To be honest, people of this type of honor and honor in reality should be very exaggerated performative characters, and they may not be acceptable to everyone.

Even, it is estimated that many people will think that he is quite useless.

Only Xiaomei.

Only those who are with Xiaomei.

Ronggui is a person with many romantic and lovely ideas.

Not a piece of crap, he's very useful.

And, in fact, honor is not a waste, but as he said, all his talents are all based on two skill points.

He is not inferior, he is proud of it.