The Sabbath

Chapter 57: Pass the exam


"It turns out that, Xiaomei, you have listened to the details of my body that I usually talk about. Also, if you didn't listen to it, how could you draw my body like this...such..."

"It's almost exactly the same as it was back then." The finger cherished and drew it on the screen, and Ronggui was very happy, "But it's a little thinner than I was back then."


"It's just a reference to the principle of 3D skull repair." In the next second, Xiaomei revealed the cruel truth.

"The original appearance of the mummified corpses collected in the History Museum was restored with this technique." He added one more sentence.

Mummy... Ronggui was hit hard.

Immediately after—

"I drew it according to the muscle weight that this skeleton should match, that is, the body in the picture is the body of the standard body weight." Xiaomei added.

The figure in the picture is a standard body weight, and I just said that the figure in the picture is a little thinner than I was in the past. Isn't this a disguised statement...

Are you overweight? ! ! ! !

how is this possible! ! ! ! ! ! !

"My muscles! Muscles! Definitely not overweight! Absolutely—" Rong Gui retorted sternly.

Xiaomei just turned around and walked towards the back room.

After cleaning up the room, the two little robots are ready to go to work as always, but they have one more job before going to work today.

"Drag the sofa over, then put our bodies on it and let them bask in the sun!" Ronggui made another suggestion.

There is a sofa bed in the house, but the sofa bed is a little bigger for their current robot body. Usually, they still sit on the bench made by Xiaomei, and the sofa is left idle.

Now that one of the two bodies came out, Ronggui thought that the body could use the sofa.

"Even if it's light, it should be able to play the role of sunlight, right? I feel that we are both too pale." Ronggui said, Baba stood beside his body and hugged his head.

He was already like this, there was no other way, Xiaomei had to go over and hug the feet of Ronggui's body.

Ronggui's body was still a little stiff. In order to allow him to "sit" on the sofa, the two little robots really lost a lot of strength. In the end, although the sitting posture was still a bit stiff, it was barely "sitting".

Xiaomei's body is much softer, and it is almost no different from a living person except that her body is cold.

The bodies of the two of them sat strangely on the sofa.

One is shriveled like a mummified corpse, and the other looks like a normal person but doesn't move, quietly closing its eyes...

It looks really weird, Xiaomei thought quietly.


"It looks like they are quite in love with each other~" Rong Gui said with a smile, reaching out to lightly straighten Xiaomei's hair.

All day long saying that my aesthetics have problems, in fact, this guy's own aesthetics are also very problematic, right

Thinking silently in her heart, Xiaomei's words were like gold, and she didn't say a word.

Put your body in place and fasten the curtains firmly to prevent the two bodies on the sofa from being burned by the strong "sunshine". After thinking about it, I was still a little worried. Ronggui also pulled Xiaomei and dragged the sofa back, making sure that the two bodies stayed in a place where the "sun" would not be exposed to the sun for a while. Take it easy.

That is to say, they have lived in this place for a long time, the security in the vicinity is very good, and no one usually comes to their house to look for them, so Ronggui is relieved to release the precious bodies of the two.

"Goodbye, you two take a good look at home~" Before going out, Rong Gui actually waved to the two bodies on the sofa.

Xiaomei holding the lock: …

"Xiaomei, lock the door~" Ronggui immediately said to Xiaomei.

Xiaomei quickly locked the door.

As always, he sent Xiaomei to the blacksmith shop and watched Xiaomei enter the door. Ronggui hurriedly rushed to the place agreed with Lily.

However, the top speed of Rhubarb is only 20 per hour. No matter how anxious Ronggui is, Rhubarb still maintains a steady and steady speed.

Fortunately, they were not late. When they reached their destination, Lily just appeared on the side of the road, and she just arrived.

When Lily appeared, all the male dwarves around looked at her. Not caring about other people's sights at all, Lily just walked forward without squinting. When she saw Ronggui, she smiled and said hello.

Gao Leng reservedly opened Da Huang's left door and got into the car, until the car drove away and confirmed that no one around could see her, Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

After looking around for a while, she happily said to Ronggui, "Today, the number of people watching me on the road is three times as many as before!"

"Congratulations~" Ronggui immediately laughed.

Even though they are destined to be popular at birth, the female dwarves are still very concerned about their appearance. Being more popular is the best compliment for them. Under the guidance of Ronggui, Xiaomei takes a picture every day. Under the drawing, the four female dwarves re-examined their previous shortcomings in behavior and dress, not only became better at dressing themselves, but also behaved more elegantly.

The growing number of admirers day by day is the best proof!

"Lily, you are suitable for long hair~ It will look better when your hair grows a little longer." Ronggui said to her.

"Hmm." Lily nodded earnestly, indicating that she had written it down.

"But..." In addition to being happy, she was also a little sad.

"The most popular are those female protagonists in the iron shop. Their abdominal muscles are particularly developed, and they look particularly good in cropped navel dresses. We can't compare this point."

Not all female dwarves will choose to work in a blacksmith shop. Of course, there are reasons for hobbies, but there are also issues of talent and talent.

For example, Lily and Mary chose to engage in farming and animal husbandry on their own initiative. Although they were engaged in the jobs they liked and they were no worse than other female dwarfs, they would still lose to the other when it came to popularity. The key was the abdominal muscles. for the sake of.

"It turns out that you also like abs. You should say this earlier~ I have the most experience!" The question of beauty and fitness is not difficult for honor and honor, not to mention the question of abdominal muscles that he is best at. When Lily asked, he immediately The spirit is here.

"Really? Agui, you actually know how to exercise your abdominal muscles? Oh my god... I thought that only by striking iron can you get such perfect abdominal muscles..." Lily was shocked.

Ronggui smiled.

So, on this day, the topics of the two people were all focused on the problem of abdominal muscles.

When the news was known to other female dwarves the next day, the female dwarves began to train their abdominal muscles again under Ronggui's guidance!

In the following time, four female dwarves with increasingly powerful abdominal muscles were added to Xiaomei's drawing paper.

Then there were more male dwarves looking for Xiaomei's portrait. Not only the blacksmith where he worked, but also the male dwarves in the surrounding blacksmiths trying their best to find a reason to ask Xiaomei to come out and paint them a portrait during the one-hour break at noon.

And the dwarves brought more dwarves.

Knowing that Xiaomei had to complete a total of 3,000 portraits, the female dwarves also mobilized their relatives and friends to have Xiaomei's portraits. The fat and water did not flow to outsiders. Although they could find other people's portraits, since they knew Xiaomei, they naturally wanted their family members to find Xiaomei's portraits.

On the other hand, Ronggui and Xiaomei didn't stay at home all day on weekends. They set up stalls in various parts of the city, and they didn't charge any money. If they just painted two portraits, they could give one to each other, probably It was Xiaomei who did a good job of painting, or maybe it was Ronggui who was good at shouting, and their business was actually pretty good;

In the evening, they were also not idle, and they were the best models when they showed their bodies and Xiaomei's bodies.

Although the painting career did not bring them too many points, it made their family's material reserves a lot more. On the one hand, it is all kinds of materials, but more is food. There is an adequate supply of nutrients every day. Xiaomei His body returned to its original shape again, while Ronggui's body was finally not as shriveled as it was at first.

It's still flat, but it doesn't look as dry.

With the full-body portrait that Xiaomei restored using 3D bone restoration on the first day, Ronggui seems to be less concerned about the ghostly appearance of his body now. He puts on a beautiful pose for himself every day, and he lets Xiaomei paint himself. .

And every time he felt slightly better from the portrait, he was visibly relieved.

In the back room, Xiaomei completed more and more drawings.

However, Ronggui noticed—

He did not once paint a portrait of himself.

After noticing this, Ronggui did not point it out clearly, but that night, when Xiaomei was habitually carrying a small bench and sitting in the living room, when it was time to draw a picture every day, Ronggui dragged her body to the ground. went to the side.

"Today, Reya slaughtered a wild boar, gave us a small piece of meat, added a large can of oil, and added a little essential oil that Kiki gave me, and I used it to make a large can of massage oil~ tonight Just try it with my own body." Ronggui said, showing a large jar of mountain lard in his hand.

After saying that, he really started rubbing oil on himself.

Thanks to this period of manual training, he was finally able to master his strength, otherwise, according to the previous situation, he really couldn't massage himself without Xiaomei.

Ronggui massaged right next to Xiaomei, so the only thing in front of Xiaomei that could be painted...

Only Xiaomei's body was left.

Ronggui deliberately massaged slowly, he planned to delay time.

While massaging, he looked at Xiaomei's movements without a trace, and saw that Xiaomei finally picked up the paintbrush after a pause, and he was finally relieved.

In fact, he didn't know why he was so relieved.

Observing Xiaomei while massaging, when Xiaomei put down the brush, he immediately dropped his half-massaged body and ran over.

Squeezed in front of Xiaomei, Ronggui finally saw the finished portrait, and then—

Rong Gui tilted his head: "Strange, it looks quite similar, but... why doesn't it look as good as me?"

Without a little research on painting, Rong Gui can't come up with any professional opinions. All he can think of is adjusting the posture and moving the props.

Rubbing the oil from his hands onto himself (← not wasting it at all), he immediately went to move Xiaomei's body. This movement took a long time to move, and when he managed to put on a pose that he felt was relatively good, he realized that Xiaomei had been drawing for a long time.

On the screen, Xiaomei's body is still so dark and rigid, but the little robot's posture is so flexible. If you look closely, it's a little cute~

and many more-

What other tools are you looking for? You are the best tool!

Putting down the painting, Ronggui immediately ran back to the sofa and sat down on Xiaomei's lap. Ronggui found a comfortable position to lean on Xiaomei's chest, and then waved to the Xiaomei robot opposite: "Come on, that's it. This pose, let's start drawing!"

Xiaomei: …

From this day on, Xiaomei was forced to live a life of painting herself every day.

As long as he paints, Ronggui will be used as a "prop" for as long as he wants. Every time at this time, Ronggui can't help but thank himself for his experience as a magazine model in the past. One photo is a day, and there may only be one photo selected in the end. Is he very patient


Also very fashionable~

Ronggui came up with various poses for himself and Xiaomei's bodies, inspired by the cover photos of major fashion magazines he had seen back then, and occasionally added his own inventions.

Naked every day is not too bad, the key is that it is a bit monotonous. Ronggui also sewed a lot of small pants for Xiaomei. If it is not for his lack of skills and the expensive fabric, he would like to sew other clothes, but unfortunately the conditions at home are similar to his own. The ability is here, he can only sew the bottom of his pants.

It’s also a good thing that Xiaomei’s face value is really sufficient. She wears Ronggui underwear and has her own aura, which abruptly supports the whole picture. obsolete.

Xiaomei: ... I feel like I'm about to be broken.

In short, under the command of Rong Gui, the boring work of drawing portraits became extremely lively. Every day was in full swing, and the task of 3,000 portraits was quickly completed.

In fact, they also overdid it.

Excluding those given to others, they finally sorted out 3,685 portraits.

All the pictures are placed in the self-made picture clips by Ronggui, arranged from top to bottom in chronological order, every 30 pictures are contained in a book, and a total of 123 large picture clips are installed!

On the weekend when the task was completed, Ronggui immediately took Xiaomei to the research center to hand in her homework.

The trunk was filled with big picture clips, Xiaomei sat in the co-pilot where Ronggui sat before, Ronggui sat in the driver's seat, and then...

Rhubarb drove the car steadily.

Hmm~ it's perfect.

When Da Huang was driving, Rong Gui was humming a song by the side, while Xiao Mei sat silently, with no idle hands. Didn't they receive a lot of materials recently? He is now making a finger from these materials.

In addition to this one, between work and painting, he has completed the production of the palm and the other four fingers. After completing the last finger on the road today, he can press the new hand to Ronggui that night. up.

Passing through the jingling streets and alleys, Da Huang, carrying the two masters, stopped firmly in front of the test center.

With most of the clips in their own little trailer, it seems like there isn't enough space...

Ronggui and Xiaomei moved some by hand.

Even so, their strength was too small, and they went back and forth three times before moving all the portfolios to the examiner.

When they brought the last batch of picture clips over, they happened to meet the masked dwarf who took the exam on the same day as Xiaomei.

Obviously, he also came to "hand in the homework".

With a burden like a hill on his back, he carried all the paintings by himself.

This strength is really strong - Rong Guixin said.

Then, both candidates and their assignments are placed in front of the examiner.

This time, the examiner did not let Ronggui go out.

Taking out the paintings of the two people, he immediately called his assistants to come over. The assistants placed the paintings of the two people on the workbench of a machine. It was a very strange machine. There was a painting on it. There was a box just the size of a drawing paper, and there was a rail-like track next to it. After the machine was started, the drawings were actually fixed and moved forward through the track.

The track moved behind the wall of the room, and after a while, the first picture suddenly appeared on the top of the wall behind the examiner! And then the second one! The third...

"Wow!" Rong Gui was amazed.

It turned out to be a slide projector? No... Unlike slideshows, these paintings are actually hung up. Could it be called an automatic painting machine

A must in the gallery - Rong Gui thought silently.

The examinee next door drew exactly 3,000 pictures. Xiaomei’s picture was a little more. It took a while to hang them all up. When all the pictures were hung on the wall, the scene was really spectacular.

It's no wonder that this room is so big and so high, it may be specially used for hanging pictures - Ronggui continued to think.

When Ronggui looked up at the drawing paper on the wall, the examiner also turned around and did not move with his hands behind his back, apparently appreciating the paintings.

When the last painting was finished, he turned around at the same time.

Then said:

"You didn't, and then, you passed."

This sentence was said to two candidates at the same time. The first half was addressed to the dwarf candidate next to Xiaomei, and the second half was addressed to Xiaomei.

"It's not fair! There isn't much difference in the quality of the two of us' paintings. Could it be because he painted more than me that he passed? The stipulation is clearly 3,000 paintings—" The examinee next door immediately retorted: "Or say, Is there a female dwarf in his portrait who passed by?"

Seeing that he was about to say a lot of protest, the dwarf examiner immediately stretched out his hand in his direction and pressed it down.

"Don't be impatient." After speaking, the dwarf examiner made a backward movement with the same hand, probably because the assistant next to him did something, and the wall originally covered with paintings suddenly turned black, and then—

Two huge pictures that almost filled the wall suddenly appeared side by side on the black wall.

On the left is the picture of the dwarf candidate, and on the right is the picture of Xiaomei.

Ronggui remembered this one: the protagonist of the picture is him, and the picture is an ugly and tattered little robot, which is the first portrait Xiaomei painted!


"This is the first picture you two drew, arranged by date. Next, all the pictures of the two of you will appear on the wall." The old dwarf said.

Then, as he said, the portraits drawn by the two candidates began to be broadcast on the wall in turn.

As the dwarf examinee protested, the two were about the same level of painting. Although Xiaomei painted well, since the dwarf examinee dared to apply for the third-level craftsman's exam, he really had his own set of skills. It's very realistic, the only difference is probably the content.

The dwarf candidates didn't look for too many models, and they turned over and over again, but the postures still changed;

And Xiaomei is much richer here. The model at the beginning was a ragged little robot, and then it became a variety of female dwarves, then male dwarves... Then there are dwarf old people, children... In the end, there is actually a skeleton picture... In the end, there is a beauty who can take your breath away just by looking at half of her face.

Rong Gui looked at it with relish: Look~ I'm really amazing, obviously using such a bad shell, and then just relying on the adjustment of the posture, the texture of the body has been improved by more than one level, otherwise it is also me, why the first One is so ugly, and when it comes to the last one, it looks so cute

And my own mummified corpse... No, my body, in the end, looked a lot stronger than the first one.

Lily's abdominal muscles are already pretty good, and the last portrait of the navel dress is really pretty~

Mary finally took off the mask. It turns out that Mary is a baby face. What happened to the baby face? It's cute too~

And Kiki... Jack...

Who is Jack? Jack is Xiaomei's colleague and the main hammer of their workshop. He is a very powerful dwarf man, probably because he is so powerful. Among the portraits Xiaomei painted for her colleagues, he has the most portraits, and he and She is also keen on posing, and Xiaomei draws various scenes over and over. This is not true, Lily actually likes him a little...

While looking at the picture, I think of the life of each person in the portrait, the more Ronggui thinks about it, the happier he is.

As a layman, all he can see is this "lively".

As an expert, the dwarf candidates in front of him saw the doorway.

"..." After reading the last picture in silence, he turned and left the room.

Only Ronggui and the examiner were left in the room.

Until the last slide disappeared on the wall, the black wall faded away, revealing the wall full of paintings again, Xiaomei remained silent.

"Looks like you understand why you passed." Looking at Xiaomei, the dwarf examiner smiled.

Without making a sound or nodding, Xiaomei's eyes still fell on the drawing paper on the wall.

"In the beginning, the pictures of the two of you really didn't have any difference." Without disturbing him, the examiner said his own words.

"Very accurate and realistic... This is what the two of you have in common, and it is also a necessary condition for being a craftsman."

"And starting from the tenth, the pictures of the two of you began to be different."

"Your drawings have emotions, and by expressing this emotion through drawings, your paintings are fundamentally different from other people's."

"Even if you let that candidate draw the same person as you, your drawings will be different."

"If it is a first-level craftsman, a second-level craftsman, the candidate's painting will definitely pass, and when it is a third-level craftsman, the content of the exam is not only accurate, but also given these two words."

"Giving one's feelings to the tools made by oneself is a necessary quality for those who pass the exam. It is precisely because of this reason that he failed, and you passed."

"Congratulations, you can collect your craftsman qualification certificate after you go out." After saying this, the examiner left.