The Sabbath

Chapter 58: new target


After the two little robots walked out of the door, the examiner's assistant who had been waiting there immediately greeted them with a smile.

This is also a dwarf. Like most of his clan, his shoulders are also thick, and he is not tall but very strong. However, unlike other clan, he wears gloves, and his clothing is layered. many.

Generally speaking, it gives people a kind of "dressed well" feeling.

"You're amazing! I've been painting for more than 40 years, and I think I've done a good job, but I'm still worse than you." When the certificate was awarded to Xiaomei, he did not hesitate to praise him.

Xiaomei: …

In the various processes of the road to immortality, he painted every day. Adding up the whole time, the whole painting time was not 300 years but also 200 years. If you use years to calculate, this time will be even longer. , After painting for so long, being commented by a person who has been painting for more than 40 years is only a little worse than herself, Xiaomei can't feel the feeling of being praised at all.

So he could only be expressionless.

I have to say, if everyone has shortcomings, then His Majesty's shortcomings are artistic cells.

"Ah~ thank you~ Xiaomei draws very carefully. I paint every day when I get home, and I also draw on the way from get off work. He draws cutely!" Seeing that Xiaomei was silent, Ronggui immediately answered for him.

This pick, then abruptly picked up a hobby for Xiaomei.

"Hehehehe, painting is a good hobby, especially for craftsmen. Although the imagination of the human brain is infinite, it cannot be too detached from reality. After all, a craftsman is also a kind of artist, and if you want to be an artist, it is better to have a richer relationship. I actually participate in a painting club and go to sketch regularly. How, Xiaomei, are you interested in joining us? How about participating?" He also sent an invitation to Xiaomei.

"You're right! But..." First, he strongly agreed with the other party's point of view, then Ronggui lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "Is it expensive to join the painting club? I've spent almost all of my family's savings for exams..."

Ronggui's frank attitude made the dwarf craftsman stunned for a moment, and he smiled immediately: "You don't have to worry about this, this painting club is for third-level craftsmen, free of charge, you don't need to bring your own paper and brushes, the club will prepare. "

"Uh... so good?" With such good conditions, Ronggui hesitated.

There's no such thing as a free dinner—he'd been told countless times since he was a kid.

"Actually, you can think of this as a kind of industry association." Finding that Ronggui really didn't understand, the dwarf simply said bluntly: "On the one hand, it is really painting, and on the other hand, it is to connect feelings. After all, everyone is a peer, and in the future There are often opportunities for collaboration.”

"So it is." Nodding, Ronggui glanced at Xiaomei: "Then... Then we will participate?"

Xiaomei was still dead as before.

That's not objection.

After getting along for a long time, Ronggui has already summed up a set of methods for judging Xiaomei's psychological activities. Seeing that Xiaomei did not express her opinion, he asked the dwarf craftsman for the method of joining the club.

The dwarf craftsman seemed to be in a very happy mood. After copying the event location to Ronggui, he gave them some pointers:

"Besides—why should a third-level craftsman worry about not having enough money? We'd better look for a job. In fact, the two most high-end workshops in Ye Dehan, Getri and Yi, are hiring third-level craftsmen. They have good pay, and they have a big store with a lot of room for growth.”

"In fact, the reason why they recruited third-level craftsmen is because the previous third-level craftsmen were poached by higher-level places because they were too good."

The third-level craftsmen seemed to have their own small ways before. The dwarf craftsman said it well, and he also talked about the unreasonable employment conditions in many shops.

These situations may be common to experienced craftsmen, but for Ronggui and Xiaomei, who have just arrived, it is something they will never find out about for a while.

Ronggui nodded while urging Xiaomei to write down all these quickly (he couldn't remember... ).

Seeing Ronggui's flustered appearance, the dwarf craftsman became even more kind: "Don't be so nervous, I just tell you what I know, after all, Xiaomei has been admitted to the third-level craftsman qualification certificate today, Ye Ye The first stop for the stores in Durham City is our examination center. Those posted outside the recruitment notices are not important positions, and the salary is not high. For important positions, they come directly to us to ask for it. data."

"The news that Xiaomei has been admitted to the third-level craftsman qualification certificate will definitely spread within half a day. By then, the mailboxes attached to your pass will definitely be jammed, and the phone will be..."

"By the way, if you don't want to be harassed too much by the phone, you need to set up the call filtering system on the pass."

Really useful advice!

Ronggui once again expressed his and Xiaomei's gratitude to the dwarf craftsman.

Seeing that it was almost time, Rong Gui was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something:

"That... those paintings that Xiaomei drew... can we take them?"

"Uh... It stands to reason that it cannot be taken away. After all, this is also considered as the material fee for the exam. You don't have to worry about the person on the portrait will worry about the portrait rights or something, but we are very happy that our portrait will be hung on the qualification certificate. The center, after all, this is the process of witnessing the rising of a master!" The examiner smiled, comforting Ronggui.

I... I'm not worried about Mary and the others~ They have long said that they don't mind the spread of their portraits at all. On the contrary, they feel that the more people who see it, the more honorable it is! I, I, I am worried about Xiaomei!

Several of the pictures of Xiaomei are almost naked!

The little robot is in a hurry, and the panic in my heart seems to overflow through the mechanical shell~

The dwarf examiner smiled understandingly again: "If there is really something that must be changed... I can apply to it for a period of time, and you can make changes on the spot."

Ronggui breathed a sigh of relief.

Once again, he thanked the other party with great gratitude, and when the other party's application came down, he immediately took Xiaomei into the exhibition hall in a hurry.

Then, in front of several dwarf masters, Rong Gui climbed up and down, and used a pen to manually add a piece of clothing to all the exposed parts of Xiaomei's portrait.

Such poor painting skills are added to such a beautiful picture...

The expressions of all the dwarves at the scene became like this →=mouth=

Fortunately, Xiaomei doesn't mind.

Standing by the wall, Xiaomei quietly watched Ronggui "destroy" the fruits of her labor.

After Ronggui "destroyed", he put away the paintbrush that Ronggui handed over, and the two little robots left the test center together.

They walked unrestrainedly, leaving the examiners behind them stunned.

"Fortunately, we kept the most beautiful two." Sitting back on Rhubarb again, Ronggui said to Xiaomei proudly.

The most beautiful two: one is Ronggui← is the original image of Ronggui restored by 3D bone restoration;

This picture was requested by Xiaomei, because he thought this picture was fake and basically did not match the real thing.

(Ronggui: Cut!)

The second picture is of Xiaomei: she gave Xiaomei a particularly beautiful pose, and surrounded by a big bouquet of flowers from Kiki, Ronggui put the robot herself into Xiaomei's arms, and then asked Xiaomei to paint with this theme .

The portrait was so beautiful that Ronggui simply asked Xiaomei to make a frame and hung the picture in the bedroom of the two of them.

"Look back and put the qualification certificate in a frame and hang it in our house~" Rong Gui said after reading and looking at the third-level craftsman qualification certificate that Xiaomei had obtained.

Xiaomei didn't say a word.

As for what Ronggui did, as long as there were no issues of principle, Xiaomei hardly expressed her opinion.

If there are materials, it doesn't take much time to make a picture frame. If you have the time to argue with him, it is better to make something.

This is Xiaomei-style indulgence.

In fact, he really didn't condone Ronggui on purpose, it was because he fulfilled Ronggui's request with little effort, and it didn't take much time~

To put it bluntly, he's just too capable, dry, and arrogant.


That night, after Xiaomei set all the contact channels on the two-person pass to only receive calls from acquaintances, she made a photo frame and embedded her third-level craftsman qualification certificate into it.

After the things were handed over to Ronggui, he was fine.

In the end, Ronggui sent him to watch TV.

Holding the photo frame around the house, he found several places and was not satisfied. Ronggui finally chose to hang the photo frame with the qualification certificate in the most eye-catching place in the living room, which is in the middle of the wall as soon as you enter the door!

At that time, Rongfu's three good students' certificates were all hung on the wall of the orphanage director's office as soon as he entered the door. Is there any wood? !

He also wanted to work hard to get an award and put the certificate or trophy in the dean's office, but unfortunately—

Thinking of the past, Ronggui's hand on the nail paused, and it was this pause that he knocked his finger flat.

In the end, Xiaomei hung the photo frame.

So in the next time, it became Ronggui watching TV, and Xiaomei repaired Ronggui's damaged finger.

"I'm sorry, I'm so stupid." Sitting on the floor, Ronggui turned off the TV and watched Xiaomei fix her fingers.

For Ronggui: Xiaomei looks better than TV when she makes things.

Xiaomei first removed Ronggui's forehand from her wrist, and then took out the smallest tool from the toolbox. I saw that he used a very small metal stick to poke a few places on the mechanical palm. All the knuckles snapped down.

With a few more pokes, the knuckles were divided into smaller parts, and then he picked out the flattened part from the inside, clamped it with pliers made of stone, and then took out something that looked like a spray gun and sprayed it. The flattened finger instantly turned into water. With a swipe of the finger, it fell into the mold prepared by Xiaomei in advance. It first cooled into a piece of metal, then quickly shaped before cooling, and finally became the shape of a metal knuckle.

Xiaomei works fast and well! Not a single mistake!

Ronggui always felt that he didn't even blink an eye, and Xiaomei's side was often finished.

"Come and try it." Look, the finished Xiaomei called to him with her reassembled palm.

Ronggui leaned over, and it didn't take long for his right hand to appear again.

After appreciating his fingers that seemed to have never shrunk for a while, Ronggui turned to look at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei is holding a mechanical hand in her hand, looks like... in a daze

Ronggui recognized the manipulator.

That is the manipulator that Xiaomei has been working on. Even when he is busy with painting every day, he has not given up on making it.

On the way to hand over paintings today, he is still making the last finger~

By the way, it looks like it's about to be completed, why didn't Xiaomei continue to work tonight

Ronggui was feeling strange when suddenly, the next second—

He saw that Xiaomei actually started to disassemble the mechanical hand!

Destruction is always easier than rebuilding, and it didn't take long for Xiaomei to re-melt the hand into several metal bars of different colors.

It was the material that the male dwarves gave him took shape.

"What's the matter?" Ronggui couldn't understand the meaning of all this, so he could only ask dumbly at the end.

Xiaomei didn't say a word, just continued to organize the toolbox.

What the dwarf examiner said when he commented on the painting today, to be honest, he was a little ignorant.

Until he just noticed Ronggui's hand.

One is the hand he made for Ronggui a long time ago, which was just smashed;

The other is just the hands that he made one after another after getting some materials in the past few days;

Obviously they are all hands, the model he imagined is the same, and no changes have been made. It stands to reason that there should be no difference between the two hands except for the different materials.


He could see the difference in both hands.

There is a difference between the hand I made at the beginning and the hand I am making now, and there are differences between the fingers of the hand I am making now!

From the very beginning, he used whatever material he had, and only considered whether the material was suitable or not. Now, he is thinking more about Ronggui's common habits when using this hand, and even...

He also subconsciously chose the color

In the process of painting, Ronggui mentioned several times that he wanted his fingers to be whiter, so the final fingers were made of silver-white metal, while the previous fingers were of other colors.

Is this what the examiner was talking about as a gift of affection

Xiaomei was startled.

Seeing Ronggui's concerned face, he finally said lightly, "I will do better in the future."

It's an unfamiliar feeling.

He was puzzled, but did not reject it.

He didn't mind letting this feeling stick to him until he figured it out completely.

If the controller can help him make this feeling more thorough, then he will make the controller as his current goal.

This evening, Xiaomei rarely did anything, but watched TV with Ronggui all night.

Sleep and recharge, and Ronggui will send him to work the next day.

Due to the settings on the pass in advance, they did not receive any harassment until Xiaomei worked in the workshop for a morning, when it was about to rest time—

The visitor is here.

The recruiters for "Getrie" and "Wing" arrived at the same time, sitting by the bellows in the workshop, where Xiaomei received these two big men.

At least, for the dwarves of Ye Dehan, these two recruiters who are also top craftsmen are rare bigwigs!

Sure enough, they arrived immediately after learning about the birth of a new third-level craftsman. The two masters threw an olive branch to Xiaomei at the same time.

After comparing the conditions offered by the two companies, Xiaomei finally chose "Wing" as her future owner.

"Why? Our conditions are obviously the same..." The master of "Gertri" was a little puzzled about Xiaomei's choice.

yeah why

Some people seem to have said that the ideal job is "more money, less work, and closeness to home".

When the salary is the same and things are similar, then the selection criteria are only close to home.

Wing was much closer to their rental house than Gerrit.

Who said this standard? While pulling the bellows, Xiaomei thought.

Then, a glorious face appeared in his mind.

After a short pause, Xiaomei continued to pull the bellows.

After finishing the remaining days in the workshop where she was currently working, and confirming that they had found a replacement, Xiaomei went to work at "Wing".

The monthly salary of 40,000 points is the highest paid job in Ye Dehan.