The Sabbath

Chapter 59: Decent Agui and Xiaomei


The day when Xiaomei left, there was a lot of attention. When she learned that Xiaomei was actually admitted to the third-level craftsman qualification certificate, the whole blacksmith shop was a sensation! All the craftsmen ran over to watch Xiaomei, and even the craftsmen from the iron shop next door ran over.

The dwarves were even happier when they learned that their portrait was hanging in the Qualification Examination Center.

The boss of the blacksmith shop simply gave all the employees a half-day leave. They decided to go to the test center collectively after seeing Xiaomei off. What are they doing? Of course, to appreciate the way my portrait is hung in the hall of the test center~

What a bunch of weirdos—Xiaomei thought silently.

When I mentioned the dwarves before, the first thing that came to his mind was the short figure of the other party, plus the smelly, tough and explosive temper. Their bodies were always dirty, dirty and smelly, and their clothes were always one style.

What's more, it's their superb skills.

In fact, that's probably what most people think of when they think of dwarves.

However, after actually living and working with the dwarves for a period of time, he realized that the dwarves are far from the fixed image and fixed character that he had imagined before: their height is indeed not high, but they are not the big and three thick, male dwarfs They are very concerned about their muscle lines. Female dwarves can be described as petite and exquisite. Although they are indeed stronger than ordinary people, this is determined by their general aesthetics. They like muscles.

And the character... actually they are calm and patient.

Yes, to be an excellent craftsman, how can the character be simply described as hot? Able to endure harsh working conditions, decades of boring work... The stamina of dwarves is extraordinary.

Their clothes are really not too clean. They work all the year round, and they can't be clean. In fact, the clothes that Ronggui made for him have become very dirty during this period of time. Although they are washed every day, there is always something on them that cannot be washed off. After all, they deal with metal, fire, and soil every day... The stains caused by these things are extremely stubborn. As for the smell, they really don't smell. Although they can't smell the smell, these dwarves change their clothes every day. I even changed two sets, and made an appointment to take a bath together after get off work... How can such a frequency of cleaning stink

Don't ask Xiaomei how she knew it, she paints the dwarves every day, and he knows all the details about their bodies, clothes, and so on!

Dwarves are a united, prudent, refined, and lively nation—this is what Xiaomei explained to herself about the newly entered dwarves during this period of time.

"Prepare the clothes for the report tomorrow~" The workshop owner finally smiled and said to Xiaomei, they still paid great attention to the clothes.

With the farewell of all the craftsmen, Xiaomei left the workshop.

And as soon as he walked out of the workshop, he saw Ronggui, sitting on the rhubarb, Ronggui was waiting in the old place.

When Da Huang dutifully drove in the direction of home, Ronggui mysteriously dragged a large box from the back seat.

"Clang clang ~ clang ~ guess what this is?" Rong Gui pretended to be mysterious.

Xiaomei→_→: I have seen it, the front of the box you are using is translucent...

There was no problem with the box at all. Ronggui, who thought that Xiaomei would definitely not be able to guess it, finally couldn't hold back. It didn't take long for him to take the initiative to shake out the burden: "It's a new set of clothes and new gloves!"

"Mary and the others sent it together. Since dwarf girls don't make clothes for people easily, they only sent me the materials, and the sewing is still done by me."

"The design is also from them. The position of the needle is drawn with a paintbrush, so, although I sewed it... but... it looks better than the previous ones, right?" Rarely hesitated for a while, Rong Gui Then he carefully opened the lid of the box, revealing a neat new set of clothes below.

It is true that, as Ronggui said, this suit is indeed much better than the ones he made before. It is no wonder that the material this time is really good. In order not to let Ronggui waste the material, Reya and the others are also heartbroken. Sewing by hand, they draw all the positions that should be cut on the material, and point out the places that need to be stitched with a pen. As a family of natural craftsmen, they probably haven't done such a trivial work. Just made a DIY novice bag for Ronggui!

Not only is there such a fool's novice bag, but there are also four masters next to him to give pointers. No matter how handicapped Ronggui is, it is a waste of materials~

Reya & Mary & Lily & Kiki: =-=

Well, in fact, Ronggui still messed up a little bit of the material. Under the condition of hand-in-hand teaching, he still sewed wrong several times, and there were several small holes in the corners of the clothes, which were left by tossing and removing the stitches.

It's a lot better than before though - the girls are getting back on their feet very quickly.

Xiaomei let him compare the clothes on her body. After comparing the last clothes, a pair of white gloves appeared at the bottom of the box.

Not knowing what was going on, Xiaomei saw the gloves at a glance.

Then Ronggui carefully took out the gloves from the bottom of the box and handed them to Xiaomei:

"Reya said that in their place, not everyone can wear white gloves, only those who have obtained the second-level craftsman's qualification certificate or above can wear them, remember? The examiner's assistant who gave us the certificate that day wore white gloves. Oh, at that time, I felt that it looked different from other people, it was very particular, so there is such a thing... If Reya didn't say it, I still don't know... "

"Actually, when I saw that person's gloves the other day, I thought about making them for you, but I did it right by mistake."

"Xiaomei, congratulations! The clothes were given by Reya and the others, but this glove was given by me. The sewing is not very good. Please take care of me~" The robotic finger touched his face lightly, Rong Gui smiled He sent the gloves to Xiaomei again.

Silently took the gloves, Xiaomei sat quietly with the gloves in her hands, speechless all the way.

For those who often need to do manual work, a pair of gloves is necessary.

When he saw the glove on the man's hand that day, he reflexively glanced at it. It's really just a glance.

Unexpectedly, Ronggui saw it.

Not only saw it, but also helped him prepare a pair of similar gloves as a gift.

have to say-

In the long years, this glove was really the first "gift he wanted".

The robotic fingers clenched the gloves tightly, and the light was sprinkled on Xiaomei's face. I don't know if it was because of the gentle color of the light. At this moment, his expression looked very gentle.

This evening, Ronggui left the bodies of the two people alone, and gave Xiaomei's mechanical body a good scrub.

Using precious mountain lard mixed with essential oils, Ronggui wiped Xiaomei's body from head to toe with a new handkerchief dipped in oil, until the surface of Xiaomei's worn metal body was softly glowing. Guang, if the two of them had noses, they could probably smell a dark fragrance, so Ronggui stopped.

"No, I'm about to run out of power." Throwing the thing on the ground, Ronggui hurriedly went to the corner to find the charger.

When he plugged in the plug and started charging, he found that the shiny Xiaomei was standing on top of his head with a handkerchief in her left hand and a jar in her right.

The handkerchief ← is the handkerchief he just used to wipe Xiaomei’s body; the jar ← is the jar for storing the precious mountain lard.

Ronggui tilted his head in confusion.

Xiaomei squatted down and smeared a large lump of mountain lard on his face.

"Hey! Xiaomei, I don't need to take a bath~ I wipe it with a dry cloth every day~"

"Oh! Even if you have to apply oil, don't apply so much!"

"This is mountain lard with flower essential oil! It's very expensive! We have to save it for the body~"

Being pressed and rubbing his body, Ronggui is not honest, he twists left and right, and he feels distressed enough.

However, Xiaomei ignored him, just continued to apply oil according to him, the oil rubbed into the gaps on the surface of the body, brought out the dirt hidden inside, and filled the slight damaged dents on the surface.

"My current monthly salary is 40,000 points, a can of mountain lard is 1,000 points, and a bottle of flower essential oil is 2,000 points. I can buy a lot." She was so upset by Ronggui that she said a word.

"You don't have to go to work in the future, I'll just go to work alone." He continued.

Now Ronggui's regular source of customers is Mary and other four dwarf girls. It's not wrong, but Mary and the others do not use the car every day. At this time, Ronggui will pick up the work at the gate of the city. 's live.

In many cases, guests get on the bus regardless of the location, only to find out that it is a particularly far place after reporting the location. Da Huang knows the location of the road. Sometimes, they do not know the location reported by the guests at all. Under the guidance of the guests, it was easy to reach the location, but Da Huang failed to navigate because of the distance. There was no car around, and they could not go home at all.

When she was pulling the bellows in the workshop, Xiaomei received several calls from honorable people for help.

Ronggui can only say that he is lost, he doesn't know the exact location, his brain is really not enough, the imaging system is not very good, the night vision after dark is very poor, and he can't tell a landmark. Fortunately, Xiaomei had installed a capture system on Rhubarb beforehand. That is Xiaomei. In this case, she can use the photos captured by Rhubarb and the energy consumption in Rhubarb to determine their current possible position, and finally navigate them back a little bit manually.

It's good to get lost. Ronggui encountered robberies when he got lost.

Thinking that he finally saw a living person who could ask for directions, Ronggui happily drove over to ask someone for directions, and then...

was robbed.

That time, Rong Gui's head was beaten even more crooked, and Da Huang was also pryed with a stick. It took Xiaomei half a night just to repair Da Huang.

And Ronggui's face couldn't come back until he found new materials to replace it.

After that, Xiaomei wouldn't let him run long distances, but all the jobs that Rong Gui could receive were long distances. Even if Xiaomei didn't let him, he still ran secretly. After all, the main source of income for the family at that time was the money that Da Huang earned from his sports car every day. .

After finding out, Xiaomei didn't say anything, just exchanged part of the points in the pass for money. Every time Ronggui went out, he would put some money on Rhubarb.

Or five dollars, or ten dollars. In short, if someone else robs someone, they won't be angry.

When rubbing Ronggui's big head with a larger angle, Xiaomei's hand paused, and then said those words.

Ronggui did not speak for a long time.

It wasn't until Xiaomei cleaned the last small gap of his crawler that he rolled around on the ground and whispered:

"Then... Isn't that just a leisurely meal?"

"You can drive me to and from get off work every day." Although Yi is close, it still takes 15 minutes to drive, which is just a suitable distance for driving.

"But... it's still a leisurely meal..." Ronggui continued to roll.

The two were deadlocked in silence for a while, and finally Xiaomei said, "Then only take Mary's work, don't take the rest."

"Other jobs have income and expenses that are not proportional," he added.

This time, Ronggui did not object.

Early the next morning, Ronggui woke up on time as always.

Xiaomei rarely "sleeps in" next to her.

Putting all the new clothes and gloves next to him, Ronggui quickly pushed Xiaomei to wake him up: "Get up! Xiaomei! I'm going to report to the new company!"

In fact, it is a new workshop. The workshop sounds a bit unrefined. Ronggui changed the word "company" by himself. From his countryman's point of view: the company is the collective name of the fashionable place to work~

After being shaken by him for a long time, Xiaomei sat up expressionlessly: "The new workplace is only fifteen minutes away from here, we can go out an hour later than usual."

"Ah!? I forgot about this..." Ronggui was stunned.

The job for the senior craftsman qualification certificate is good - with a sigh, Ronggui pushed Xiaomei to the ground again and patted him:

"Xiaomei, just go to sleep, I'll massage our bodies~"

Humming the song, Ronggui happily went to play with the bodies of the two.

But Xiaomei didn't fall asleep in the end: not long after Ronggui pushed him down, the surrounding workshops started to go to work one after another, the bells clacked, and the chaotic signals were received everywhere in her mind. Shut down, Xiaomei simply got up and went to massage her body with Ronggui.

Then, at the strong request of Ronggui, Xiaomei let Ronggui help her dress up. Although she was clumsy, Ronggui did have talent in dressing up people. , Xiaomei was stunned by the spirit of his tossing, even if it was broken, it seemed that there was a kind of precipitation of vicissitudes.

It was the first time that Xiaomei was sent to work at a new location, and Ronggui also took care of himself. In the end, the two decent robots went to work together.

"Oh? You don't take the road on the left today?" When he went out, the uncle of the landlord who was sweeping the floor outside was still stunned for a moment.

"Well, Xiaomei has changed jobs~ We will take the road on the right in the future!" Ronggui said happily.

The road on the left leads to the major ironsmithing workshops. People want to buy raw materials, raw ore, and generally go in that direction.

The road on the right leads to various custom-made shops, which are also the main workplaces of the craftsmen.

Looking at the buttocks of the two little robots, the dwarf man was stunned for a while, and then he continued to sweep the floor with a smile.