The Sabbath

Chapter 60: Xiaomei has a new brother


Seeing that Xiaomei was already standing in front of the store, he was about to leave—there was an appointment from Mary today, and it was quite early, so he had to hurry over there.

"Bye bye Xiaomei~" Sitting on Rhubarb, Ronggui waved at Xiaomei from the car window.

Xiaomei didn't wave her hand, but she watched Ronggui leave.

It wasn't until Rhubarb's butt disappeared at the alley that Xiaomei turned around.

Rhubarb needs to be strengthened—he thought to himself.

Then he went into the store to report.

As one of the two largest custom-made workshops in Yedehan City, the storefront of the wing is different from the blacksmith shop outside: the main building of "wing" is white, which is the biggest difference in itself - in the underground world, All white items are expensive, and the ability to use all-white building materials to build the storefront is evident in the financial resources of the wing itself.

In addition to the color, the architectural style of the storefront of "Wing" is also different from other storefronts. Although the dwarf stores have their own characteristics, the architectural style is actually very unified. However, the architectural style of the wing is obviously different from other stores. Some are short, thick and stocky, and the building lines of the wings are simple and agile, and they are also designed with high ceilings, which look bright and elegant.

There is no text written on the main building, not even the name of the store. There is only a stone-carved wing on the highest position of the roof, which is the signboard logo of "Wing".

There were a lot of people outside the store, there were many dwarves, and there were more outsiders, but no one approached. On the contrary, there were many people taking pictures outside.

As one of the landmarks of Yedhan City, the "wing" itself is a well-known tourist attraction in the city.

Gathering together the best craftsmen in the whole city, the items sold in this shop are also the most expensive, and ordinary people can't easily buy them.

A tattered yellow car suddenly stopped at the gate of "Wing". It was a little bit noticeable at first, and a little more tattered robot came down. I thought it was just a tourist who didn't know much about the market. Probably took a photo and left, but who knows, the little robot actually walked into the store.

Wing's silver-white metal gate is an automatic gate with a pair of white wings carved on it. When the little robot walks past, the gate opens automatically. When he enters, the gate closes, and the wings on the door also close immediately, making it a perfect side again. LOGO.

This scene was only seen by the tourists at the gate at the time. The tourists were still talking about it for a while. However, the traffic here was very large. The old tourists left quickly, and the new tourists came again. Soon, no one knew about it. The little robot who just entered.

Unlike the old-school Gertries, Wing is a shop that advertises a new faction, and everything from the architectural style to the items it sells is different from the traditional style.

After entering the door, Xiaomei quickly followed the only road in the room to the hall. The hall was like a display place, where samples of various products sold by the wing were displayed. The products sold here were originally exquisite, with deliberately matching. Lighting, the whole hall feels very luxurious, and all the high-end products are sold!

There are already several guests inside, and each guest is accompanied by a dwarf in uniform, who should be a staff member in the store.

Their voices were not loud, and they could vaguely hear that they were introducing products.

No one paid attention to Xiaomei, and Xiaomei was not in a hurry. When he saw a chair in front of him, he walked over, stood on tiptoe, Xiaomei rubbed her butt up, and then pushed her toes hard, and sat up firmly.

But this way, his feet are a little dangling.

Without moving her legs, she put one hand on the back of the chair, Xiaomei raised her head and looked up: the roof of the hall is actually hollow! A large area of stained glass is used for the arch in the middle. The glass in the middle also has the shape of wings. When the light comes in from the outside, through the glass, the shape of the wings is just played at the place where the light falls.

It's a somewhat nondescript place to imitate the superstructure - by Xiaomei at the moment.

Different from every other customer who first came here and sighed at the exquisiteness of the shop, Xiaomei felt that the design here was extremely strange. She had imitated half of it but did not grasp the essence of it. In short—

It's awkward.

Xiaomei then moved her gaze to the surroundings of the hall. In the east, he saw a small road, and there were many rooms behind it. I wondered if that was where the craftsmen worked.

It's your future office.

Xiaomei was looking over there when a sudden voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello customer~ What would you like to buy?" A dwarf in a clerk's uniform stood opposite him.

Turning her head, Xiaomei looked at each other, and then—

"Why is it you again? Did you come to Yiyi to find a job this time?" The moment she saw Xiaomei's face, the eyebrows on the opposite side immediately stood up.

Xiaomei clearly used the imager to see the subtle changes in his expression.

With a slight tilt of her head, Xiaomei pinpointed the opponent's facial features, and then began to collect a large number of face records in her mind - no way, he has been around for too long, and he has seen too many people, he will remember Each person, and therefore the face data recorded in their minds, is quite huge.

However, no amount of information could be difficult for Xiaomei. He quickly found the man's face in the records.

Yebala, the craftsman in charge of the interview, cranky, fingers...

The scene of meeting the other party quickly appeared in Xiaomei's mind. He quickly recalled the time and place when he met the other party, what the other party was wearing at that time, what he said, and what the other party was doing at that time...

Even, if he wanted to, he could even describe the details of the fingers being made in the other's hands at the time.

This is an innate good memory, not an additional skill that comes with later mechanization.

"Hello." Thinking of Ronggui's advice to him to be polite on the first day of work, and to say hello to people, he said hello to him first.

"What is good? This is not a place where you can apply for a job! Second-level craftsmen can't find any good jobs here. For example, I managed to apply for the position here two days ago and succeeded, but because of the above three The master craftsman suddenly resigned, I can only come out to be a salesperson!" The dwarf said hurriedly in a desperately low voice.

"Actually, I—" Looking at him, Xiaomei decided to make her intentions clearer. Who knew that the other party was impatient and interrupted him by speaking again.

"What are you! Hurry back! I don't have time to entertain you. Master Ma Lin in Studio No. 3 is making a pair of wings. It is rare to allow others to go in and watch it. I am eager to go back and watch!"

Xiaomei: …

The verbal communication with the other party obviously failed. Xiaomei simply took out a piece of metal paper from her satchel.

The irritable male dwarf was stunned.

When he was leading the way in front of him, he kept turning his head and looking at the little robot that was silently following him, the male dwarf felt that the world was fantastic.

When he brought the little robot to see the manager, the manager held the little robot's hand enthusiastically and said, "Welcome Master Mei to take the time to take office", he had no idea what to say.

And when the manager said to him at a later time, "I will work hard under Master Mei in the future", he was completely numb.

It was only then that he found out that the future leader who came to work in place of Master Ye Ni, who had just resigned, was the long-awaited future leader... It turned out to be the little robot who was dismissed for the interview by himself and yelled at by himself just now.

In order to welcome the arrival of the new master, although he knew that the other party would not take office immediately, the manager made preparations early and completely redecorated Master Ye Ni's studio.

Master Yenni is a woman, and she asked her to paint the entire office pink, while Master Mei is a man. Before figuring out the other party's color preference, he just conservatively painted the walls white again. I heard that the master is short. , and then specially customized a very short workbench.

For other items, only the necessary items are prepared, and everything will be supplemented after the master arrives.

"There is no need to change, everything remains as it is." Unexpectedly, the new master has a good temper, and there is no random and willful request, but he has completely accepted the arrangement of the workshop!

"Just put a TV on the workbench." The master finally made only one additional request.

There is only one request, or such a simple request, the manager promises to do it right away.

At that time, he had the newly bought TV set in his office moved.

Because the TV was too big, he also had people drill a hole in the wall opposite the workbench, and finally hung the TV upright on the wall.

After thinking about it, he even added a pair of speakers to the TV.

This way the master can work and enjoy the movie theater treatment in the studio.

The manager thought carefully.

The manager is very caring, the master is very satisfied, the male dwarf is very…

very tired.

No way, he was the one who was called by the manager to move the TV, the one who was asked to make a hole in the wall by the manager was him, the one who was called to buy a stereo... or him.


It's so pathetic!

In addition to him, three other dwarf craftsmen were called by the manager. Except for the craftsmen who were taken away by Master Yenni, these three craftsmen were originally subordinates of Master Yenni, and the male dwarves were able to apply for success in order to fill the gaps. The blank of the dwarf that Master Yenni took away.

A third-level craftsman leads a team. The team members are all composed of second-level craftsmen. They work in groups. Each item is a project. This is the working mode of the wing.

In fact, the working mode of other craft workshops is basically the same, but it is not as luxurious as the level of the wing. In the wing, the team leader can only be a third-level craftsman, while in other workshops, a second-level craftsman can generally be As a team leader, even in some small workshops, as long as you have a first-class craftsman certificate, you can be a team leader.

The level of the workshop is different, the work received is different, and the level of the items made is also completely different.

Looking at Xiaomei sitting in front of the workbench, she swiped her pass on the console, the workbench was opened, and the qualification certification information belonging to the third-level craftsman in the pass also appeared, and a small piece was generated next to it. Small info box.

This is the final certification.

As the leader of this group, Xiaomei also owns the fourth studio, all the items in this studio belong to him, and his personal information is also read out to generate a small message box hanging on his workbench In the back, it is convenient for guests who come to the office to negotiate with him in the future. After all, the guests who come here to seek customized services are unusually interested in the qualification certificate of the craftsman.

Sitting comfortably in her new office chair, Xiaomei looked around, and finally settled on the four dwarf craftsmen in front of her.

The four dwarves were all very nervous. Although their expressions looked fierce, they were not expressions of anger, but expressions of nervousness and fear. After drawing so many portraits, Xiaomei could clearly distinguish the emotions represented by the subtle expressions of the dwarves.

They are waiting for him to assign tasks.

"You are in charge of the materials."

"You, in charge of the mold."

"You are in charge of shaping."

From left to right, he assigned tasks to the three dwarves in turn. Although the master's assignment method was a bit strange, the three craftsmen were relieved to get the job.

Then it was the turn of the last craftsman.

The one who was left just happened to be the male dwarf who led the way for Xiaomei before, the one who shouted at the beginning and finally installed the TV for him.

Looking at the expressionless Xiaomei, his heart raised in his throat, and then he heard the other person speak again:

"There's nothing else, go and pull the bellows."

Male dwarf: 囧! ! !

Sure enough, this is the fate of offending your immediate boss—

The male dwarf gave his life in tears.

Since there is no bellows in the studio, he took two hours to make a brand new bellows.


In any case, Xiaomei took office just like that, and there were four more younger brothers.

As the newly appointed third-level craftsmen, the workshop will not assign jobs to them immediately, but the craftsmen can claim them by themselves. The internal system has a task claim list, which lists all unnamed tasks. For example, to make a hand, a toe, etc., the task issuer will specify details, various parameters, and other requirements, and the craftsmen can claim them at will.

Of course, the craftsman here refers specifically to the third-level craftsman.

In the "wing", the second-level craftsmen are still doing the work that the apprentice assistants in other workshops do.

The new master has just arrived. In the case of not knowing the other party's specialties, the workshop adopts this method to quickly understand the categories that the new master is good at. In the future, if the corresponding customization request is encountered, it can be prioritized to that master; As a master, he can also use this method to complete the initial accumulation, accumulate certain successful cases, and also accumulate certain exhibits for his studio for the guests who come to interview in the future.

A good way to kill two birds with one stone~

After making a brand new right hand for herself in one afternoon to ensure that both hands can work smoothly, Xiaomei started her original accumulation work.

He checked all the custom tasks about "hand" in the task claim list. One after another finger parts and even palms were born from his hands. Xiaomei quickly added "good at finger parts" to the label defined by the studio. make" the label.