The Sabbath

Chapter 63: Rhubarb's new clothes


The next day, Ronggui received Mary's appointment call as always, so after sending Xiaomei to work, Ronggui immediately drove to Mary's house.

Today seems to be Mary's delivery day. When Ronggui arrived, Mary had already moved everything out in advance. Boxes of mushrooms were neatly stacked together, just as tall as Mary.

"Good morning, Mary, it's been a long wait!" Ronggui greeted Mary happily.

Ronggui has been in a particularly good mood since yesterday, but unfortunately he can't say it: only a third-level craftsman can wear gloves, even if Xiaomei gave him to wear them, but this kind of words still can't be said, what can't be said. , Ronggui's mouth has always been tightly closed.

Can't say, he had no choice but to be overjoyed.

Fortunately, he looked happy every day, and all kinds of happy behaviors did not attract the attention of others.

"It didn't take long." Kuku greeted Ronggui, and Mary patted Rhubarb's ass familiarly: "Good morning, Rhubarb!"

As soon as she patted it, Da Huang's trunk door slowly bounced open.

Mary began to move the goods.

"Wait! I'll move!" Growing up with the education that "boys need to help girls", Ronggui quickly jumped out of the car and came to move the goods.

"No, I'm stronger than you and work faster than you." Mary said immediately.

Looking at Mary, who could carry three boxes at a time, and at himself, who was struggling to move one box, Ronggui was silent for a while.

Carrying the box with difficulty, he finally carried the box to Rhubarb's warehouse.

Fortunately, Xiaomei thought about the lack of strength of two people early in the morning. In the warehouse of Rhubarb, he also added an automatic unloading handle, which is a bit like a shelf. Ronggui only needs to deliver the goods that need to be moved to Rhubarb's warehouse. Next to the butt, press the button, and the manipulator inside will automatically come out and move the goods in.

"As expected of Master Mei, this design is awesome!" I already know this function very well, but every time I see it, Mary still praises it with admiration.

Even if she is not engaged in metal smelting or crafting, as a dwarf, Mary admires people who are gifted in this area from the very beginning.

In her opinion, a person like Master Mei who completely uses his instruments to assist his life is a rare and precious master.

For example, in this case of moving things, although they have a lot of strength, it is not difficult for them to move the goods, but how to move the goods elegantly and beautifully, for example, when carrying the goods to the warehouse, it is inevitable that they will bend over because Showing your bottoms is too inelegant, too unsightly!

Many girls have to choose to wear pants when moving goods.

But they do not, like, like, wear, pants, children.

The manipulator in the rhubarb warehouse perfectly solves this problem.

Master Mei's invention is amazing!


Mary glanced at the honorable robot next to her.

Although this invention is not for the poor female dwarf who will reveal her bottoms when carrying goods, but for this slightly worn male robot.

There are a lot of waybills every day. Ronggui’s strength is too small, and it almost fell apart several times (← actually it really fell apart). It didn’t take long for Master Mei to install an auxiliary loading and unloading device on the car, and wait until the rhubarb After a complete refit, the device was upgraded to a more usable manipulator.

Speaking of rhubarb.

Mary's eyes immediately looked at it: it was still a yellow car, and there was still a sign with pregnant women hanging in front of it, but the current rhubarb was completely different from the previous rhubarb.

With a new look inside and out, Master Mei almost completely converted the rhubarb into a brand new car.

But it's still rhubarb.

Instead of replacing him with a new car, the two robots kept Rhubarb's system intact.

"Mary, get in the car." Mary was stunned when suddenly there was a call from Ronggui from the front. In response, Mary quickly got into the car from the left door.

As soon as she got in the car, she saw a small photo frame hanging in front of the driver's seat next to the radio named Xiao Hei.

Inside is a neatly inlaid...


Ahem, yes, it's the kind of speeding ticket you imagine.

It's okay to have a ticket on the car, but this is a ticket embedded in a handmade photo frame~

"This is the first time that our rhubarb received a ticket for speeding~ I have to put it away and remember it." Ronggui replied when he first saw this ticket and asked in surprise.

"The photo frame was made by Xiaomei~" Ronggui's expression at that time... Obviously there was no expression, but he always felt very flat.

Let the third-level craftsman make the photo frame! He even hung the speeding ticket received by the car in a photo frame to show off!

Poor! ! !

But it's strange, it seems that after that time, whether it was her or Reya, they all started to call this car "Rhubarb".

What a weird thing to do.

"Even if Rhubarb can speed, don't drive too fast." Sitting in the chair she used to sit on, Mary habitually warned.

"Well, I know, you get motion sickness~" Rong Gui said immediately. After speaking, he also turned on the switch of Xiao Hei next to him, and a soothing music reverberated in the car.

Mary leaned back comfortably on the back of the chair.

"I didn't realize it just now, you seem to be very happy today, why, did something good happen?" Although she was indifferent to strangers, Mary was still willing to chat for a few days with people she knew.

Obviously, Ronggui was classified by her in the scope of "familiar people".

It was precisely because of her familiarity that she quickly noticed that Ronggui was very excited today.

"Hehe~ Xiaomei gave me a gift yesterday, the contents of the gift are kept secret, but I'm so happy!" Rong Gui whispered a little proudly and a little mysteriously.

Every day is forced a mouthful of dog food - by Mary

Touching her own mouth, the corners of Mary's mouth couldn't hold back after all, and turned up slightly.


"By the way, Mary, where are you going today? You are about to reach a fork in the road. You have to give me the address quickly." scratching his head, Ronggui turned back and asked his little friend: " Luckily you get motion sickness, Da Huang drives slowly..."

Let the dog food come more ferocious!

Thinking to herself, Mary raised her eyebrows, and then slowly reported an address.

There is no need for Ronggui to enter the address. When Mary reported the address, Da Huang had already taken the initiative to convert the voice into text and entered the address into the navigation system.

Turning to the left accurately, Rhubarb has already started to move towards the destination.

And Ronggui was just dumbfounded, until Da Huang stopped at a familiar location, and when he saw his rental house, he was surprised: "Wait—isn't this my and Xiaomei's home? Mary, you... Today Could it be that the delivery object is me… my landlord can’t be?”

Mary: …

She seemed to understand how Master Mei felt every day.

After a moment of silence, Mary immediately jumped out of the car and slapped Rhubarb's butt off, and she began to unload the cargo.

"It's not your landlord, the consignee is you. Today's goods are ordered by Master Mei. Come and sign for it!"

Worried that it would be inconvenient for Ronggui to move and unload goods, he invented and designed a manipulator or something;

I was worried that Ronggui would encounter robbery, so I upgraded rhubarb or something;

I was worried that Ronggui had no work to pick up, so I helped order something or something;

I was worried that his job would be bad, so I went to them to buy something or something...

I'm eating dog food every day, and I feel like I'm going to become a bark!

Touching her stomach, Mary sighed softly again.

On the other hand, Ronggui didn't seem to wake up yet. There was no other way, so she simply helped Ronggui move the goods to his door.

"Come, you sign here." Seeing that Ronggui was a little stiff, she simply put a pen in Ronggui's hand, instructed him what to do one by one, and received the receipt signed by Ronggui. This time it was her turn to pay.

"This is today's fare." He took out his pass, installed it on the device and tapped it, and the pass on Ronggui's side immediately prompted that he had received the fare.

"How about this?" Rong Gui immediately waved his hand.

Mary rolled her eyes and said, "Why not? You pay for mushrooms, and I'll find someone to deliver them. You happen to be the delivery person, and I'll pay you. Is there a problem?"

"It seems... there seems to be no problem..." Ronggui said blankly.

"That's it~"

Then, without waiting for Ronggui to think thoroughly, he soon received a call from Lily for an appointment. Hearing that it was Lily's call, Mary got into the car again without saying a word, and the two went to Lily's house to pick up the goods together.

As a result, this time, the delivery address is still Ronggui's house, and the recipient is still Ronggui.

So, when he received the appointment call from Reya and Qiqi halfway through, Ronggui simply asked them if the consignee was himself.

Getting a positive answer, he simply took a detour to pick up the other two girls and their goods, and then sent them to his and Xiaomei's rental house together.

"Our body needs nutrient solution to maintain it. Xiaomei probably wants to make a new nutrient solution." After thinking for a long time, Ronggui found such an explanation for Xiaomei's arrangement.

Mary & Lily & Reya & Kiki: Ghosts believe.

Thinking so in their hearts, however, the four female dwarves still accepted Ronggui's explanation with a smile on the surface, and handed over the fare to Ronggui. If you pay the delivery fee, not to mention you are taking care of our business~ In short, you can take it."

The four shipping charges quickly arrived in Ronggui's pass, and there was no way to refuse. Ronggui thought of thanking the four friends for taking care of his business in other ways. After thinking about it, everyone was fine in the afternoon anyway, so Ronggui simply suggested To play outside the city temporarily, the four female dwarves readily agreed.

"Let's continue to do handicrafts today!" Reya added a suggestion all the time, so Ronggui took everyone home to get the necessary items, and then took the female dwarves to a special cloth shop for female dwarves, accompanied by The four dwarf girls bought a lot of lace fabrics (← also bought some themselves), and the five of them happily went out to play outside the city under the leadership of Rhubarb.

Temporarily added work means pain, and temporarily added entertainment is pure pleasure.

Stopping the rhubarb next to it and looking for a mushroom field with a good view, the five members of the handicraft interest group started handicraft activities again.

She made enough skirts and bags, she really didn't know what to do, and then, at this moment, Reya suddenly saw rhubarb parked aside.

"Rhubarb has already used all his new body, why don't we make something for Rhubarb?" Reya said.

"You can't just make things for male dwarves, but Da Huang is not a male dwarf, we can give them whatever we want!" Qiqi answered quickly.

"Good idea!" Mary and Lily agreed together.

"Huh?" ← This is Ronggui who is completely absent.

As a result, the theme of the temporary organization of handmade interest group activities has become rhubarb!

"I make chair covers! I have long seen that the current chair covers are not pleasing to the eye, they are too simple!" This is Lily.

"I make foot pads. Rhubarb has no foot pads now. Although the floor is neatly inlaid, it still needs to be decorated. It is decoration and protection." Reya smiled.

The two major handmade items for the interior decoration of the car were all taken care of, and when there was no work to be found for a while, Mary looked into Rhubarb and said after a while: "Then I'll make a cover for Xiaohei, and by the way, I will control it. Make a lace wrap around the table."

"Then I'll get some fragrance for the car and make a big garland by the way~" In the end, Kiki contracted the soft package project.

Looking at the four excited female dwarves, Ronggui could only laugh, while Da Huang...

Rhubarb seemed to be shocked by the tiger's body.

What is given to Xiaomei is for the opposite sex. The four female dwarves can only give instructions to Ronggui and let Ronggui do it, but when they arrive at Da Huang, the four female dwarves have no worries and can no longer allow Ronggui to interfere (waste of materials) .

"Go and make things for Master Mei, just leave the rhubarb to us!" Wan Yan declined Rong Gui's request for help, and the four female dwarves began to work hard.

As a result, Rhubarb's new clothes were completely designed and manufactured according to the preferences of the female dwarves.

It didn't take long for the "tiger body" of rhubarb to be no longer a "tiger body". One after another pink seat covers were put on the chairs, and one after another handmade carpets with floral patterns were spread on the floor of the car. , the fragrant essential oil balls are embedded in all hidden corners of the car, and Xiao Hei also put on new clothes studded with lace...

After dressing, Rhubarb's "tiger body" instantly became a "beautiful body".


Ronggui: "Don't say it, pink and yellow are a bit harmonious together."

As a young man who is determined to become a superstar, Ronggui has a very high acceptance in fashion.

He has seen all kinds of exaggerated costumes, and it is not uncommon for boys to wear skirts with makeup. Now, in his opinion, Da Huang's lace is still... quite gentle~

"It's pretty good, I'll show Xiaomei when I go back." Rong Gui thanked his friends for the new clothes they gave to Rhubarb with a smile.

The affirmed dwarves were also very happy.

After picking a lot of flowers and putting them on the rhubarb, the five members of the handicraft interest group went home happily.

Sitting on the rhubarb who turned into a sissy in the blink of an eye.

Rhubarb: =-=

I am so happy to receive the praise from Ronggui. The female dwarves drove out a snow-white and lacy car cover for Da Huang on the road!

Kola is booming!

That night, Rhubarb parked in the parking lot of the blacksmith gathering area with great manners. A snow-white car hood with lace wrapped around his body, symbolizing how much this car was loved by the female dwarves~

Ronggui smiled and showed Xiaomei the new clothes that Rhubarb got, and the topic naturally turned to the four delivery incidents in the morning. Regarding this incident, Xiaomei said blankly: "I need to make new nutrient solution, find someone else to buy it. , In the case of buying the same item, our side is a pure expense, and if you find four of them, they will definitely find you to deliver, and you can earn four delivery fees. Considering the cost, you can save points. "

I see! As expected of Xiaomei! Ronggui also applauded Xiaomei.

Then, this evening, I received too many fresh mushrooms, rye, flowers, and wild pig oil. Xiaomei spent the whole night making a lot of high-purity nutrient solutions, and Ronggui also prepared several large jars of wild pig essential oil.

Under the moisturizing of high-purity nutrient solution and boar essential oil ointment, the bodies of the two people looked more energetic.