The Sabbath

Chapter 64: A new way to make money


Under the double moisturization of the nutrient solution and the boar essential oil ointment, Xiaomei's body has become so tender that it makes people feel that he can open his eyes at any time.

In the words of Ronggui, it is "collagen all over the face"!

Even though he used to be woken up by himself every day (← self-proclaimed), when facing Xiaomei, Ronggui still felt that he was at risk of being blinded at any time.

This is only half of the face. Ronggui can only see the upper half of Xiaomei's face because of the mouth-nose device.

"Xiaomei, your eyebrows are so well-shaped, you don't have a single stray hair, so you don't need to fix them at all! They're flat and straight, obliquely upward, and there is a particularly neat hook at the end of your eyebrows... It's really gentle and cool!" Wrapping his thumb with a piece of cotton cloth, Ronggui carefully wiped Xiaomei's face. While wiping, he praised again and again.

"In the past few days, I have also asked a craftsman to make a special eyebrow trimmer. It seems that I can't use it."

He took out an exquisite knife from the pocket on his chest, and Ronggui said a little regretfully.

Xiaomei: …

"Who made my eyebrows look good? I don't need to trim my eyebrows at all, hahahahahaha!" His eyes fell on his eyebrows, and Ronggui smiled proudly.

Xiaomei: … +…

"I can't help it. When you grow up, I will shave your feet after they grow. Who told me that I don't have any foot hairs?" Ronggui put away the eyebrow trimmer again.

Xiaomei... Xiaomei couldn't help but know what to say.

Not paying attention to the change in Xiaomei's mentality at all, Ronggui just stretched out his fingers, dipped in water and continued to slide on Xiaomei's face.

"Xiaomei's eye sockets are a little deep, she looks a little mysterious and a little melancholy..."

"Xiaomei's nose is so straight, like a blade~"

"Xiaomei, you have a mole on your left ear, I thought it was a pierced ear!"

That's all for Ronggui's work. The key is that he also commented while working. He commented wherever his fingers moved. What kind of mole is on his ear - Xiaomei herself doesn't know!

And he still commented on every scrub!

Just comment every time you scrub, and the lines of each comment are different! ! !

This poor-speaking guy obviously doesn't have much fresh vocabulary in his stomach, but when it comes to describing a person's appearance, various descriptions emerge one after another. The limited vocabulary in his stomach is probably all about the words that describe a person's appearance! ! !

In this way, every time she was forced to listen to Rong Gui's evaluation of her appearance, Xiaomei's own mind became clearer day by day.

I had almost forgotten what I looked like before! ! !

Kneeling beside her and rubbing Ronggui's feet, Xiaomei's face remained motionless, but her heart felt... It was a bit strange.

However, Ronggui did not give him a chance to think on his own, and continued to chat with him:

"Think carefully, Xiaomei, you look like a standard foreigner~ Hehe, I'm a little ashamed to say, I really haven't seen foreign friends in real life before." Gui should have finished commenting, but who knows he still has something to say.

"It's no wonder that foreigners' faces are so photogenic, your facial features are deep, and you have your own shadow!" Rong Gui said, stroking Xiaomei's cheeks.

Then, his eyes finally fell on Xiaomei's eyes.

"Speaking of foreigners, Xiaomei, what color are your eyes?" Staring at Xiaomei's long brown eyelashes, Ronggui tilted his head.

On the opposite side, Xiaomei continued to squeeze her face expressionlessly.

Ronggui thought that this was just Xiaomei's habit of being too lazy to answer, but Xiaomei really forgot what color her eyes were.

In any previous experience, no one has spared no effort in complimenting his appearance, and he has never considered himself any special in appearance.

It's the public face - this is Xiaomei's long-standing self-knowledge.

He seldom looks in the mirror, and looking in the mirror is often for the purpose of correcting his clothes, just to make sure that there is no rudeness in his appearance, he does not need to pay too much attention to his appearance; and later, someone will be specially responsible for dressing him...

What color are his eyes? He really forgot.

He was not impressed with his appearance.

If you think about it carefully, apart from working in front of a mirror or screen every day, the person most people face at least in their lives is themselves, right

It seems to be forgivable that the memory is not deep.

Except for himself, he remembers the looks of many people, and if necessary, he can recall the exact appearance of each of them from the database of memory in his mind. However, "remembering" is not the same as "paying attention". I have paid attention to anyone's appearance, let alone the eyes.

Do not…

Not necessarily, he remembers a person's eyes.

He remembered the singer's blue eyes.

Ice blue, crystal clear, like some kind of gem.

In that era, there were a lot of people with blue eyes, and quite a few people replaced their eyeballs with blue in order to chasing stars.

However, it seems that blue eyes were very popular in Sky City even earlier, and the reason seems to be-

Xiaomei was thinking, when suddenly Ronggui's loud voice came from the front:

"Xiaomei, you rolled your eyes!" With two fingers, he gently poked the left and right eyelids of Xiaomei's body, Ronggui he, he he he he rolled Xiaomei's (body) eyelids up.

The quiet and beautiful young man instantly turned into a strange look of rolling his eyes.

Xiaomei: =-=

"Hey hey, don't worry, I used the least amount of strength." Rong Gui whispered immediately, carefully holding the eyelids of the beautiful boy, Rong Gui raised his head and looked down.

Robot Xiaomei looked at Ronggui blankly while massaging Ronggui's calf.

The beautiful boy Xiaomei was silent and rolled her eyes at him.

Ronggui: I always feel that only at this moment can he finally equate the two Xiaomei.

After all, he didn't dare to let Xiaomei's eyes be exposed in the air for too long, and Ronggui was about to let go of his fingers.

Who knows, at this time-

The whites of his eyes under his fingers suddenly turned up to a pair of blue pupils.

It was so sudden that Ronggui was taken aback.

He then flipped to the floor with two fingers raised.

I don't know if I was so frightened, lying on the floor, Ronggui didn't get up for a long time, and finally Xiaomei put down Ronggui's calf, walked to him, and served him condescendingly.

"?" Xiaomei tilted her head slightly and didn't speak, but Ronggui always felt that he saw a big question mark on his head.

Thinking of Xiaomei with the question mark above her head, Ronggui suddenly became happy.

"?" Xiaomei's head tilted a little further, she stretched out her hand, Xiaomei handed it to him, Ronggui stretched out her claws, and Xiaomei pulled him up.

"Xiaomei, your eyes are blue, the same blue as the sky, the same blue as the water, really..."

"So beautiful!"

Rong Gui sighed heavily.

"I wasn't frightened by your suddenly rolled eyes just now, but by your beauty." Raising a finger, Rong Gui emphatically explained.

Xiaomei: …

So, tonight, the song that Rong Gui sang at home became a lyric: "Xiaomei has a pair of beautiful blue eyes~water-like blue eyes~"

As soon as I listen to it, it is my own lyrics, which is not very good.

The key has not yet been adjusted!

Xiaomei... Xiaomei is very, very used to it.

With the endless supply of nutrient solution, plus the lard oil of various flowers and essential oils, changing different essential oils every day according to the skin condition, persevering massage and skin care, Xiaomei has become the same as a normal body. .

Ronggui even started to do muscle training for Xiaomei's body.

Goal: At least four pack abs! (Although Xiaomei thinks she doesn't need it at all)

In short, regarding Xiaomei's body, Rong Gui said that all progress is under control.

However, Ronggui's own body's recovery was far behind schedule.

In the end, the new nutrient solution only made his superficial skin slightly hydrated, and the massage only made his joints barely able to flex and stretch. The mountain lard added with various essential oils made his complexion a little less dull...

It seems that it can only be so.

"If you want your body to fully return to its original state, you need to buy strong nutrient solution and pour it into your body and the freezer at the same time." After flipping through the information, Xiaomei said.

"... um... that's going to be expensive, right?" Rong Gui's hand massaging his body stopped for a while: "It seems that we have to use the current mechanical body for a while."

"According to the current monthly income and monthly consumption level, it takes thirty-four months to accumulate." After a quick conversion in her heart, Xiaomei replied rationally: "But—"

"You shouldn't have to use this mechanical body for too long."

Ronggui raised his head with a bang.

"Xiaomei, what do you mean? Could it be that... you... "

"When you were working in the workshop, you surreptitiously saved all the leftovers for other things and finally saved enough?" Lowering his voice, Rong Gui finished this sentence like a thief, without a single punctuation.

Xiaomei: …

Ronggui: No way, Xiaomei's image of picking up rubbish and collecting materials for the two of them is too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"I bought the new materials in the workshop at a 30% discount. Didn't you find that the points in the family account of the passport are much lower?" She tilted her head and looked at Ronggui.

"I didn't find it! I'm very bad at math, and I'm dizzy when there are more than one zero and one behind the numbers!" Ronggui immediately excited. Quickly moved from the side to Xiaomei, Ronggui leaned against Xiaomei's thigh with a trailer:

"Xiaomei Xiaomei! What color material did you buy for us? Is the skin bronze? Are the eyes black? By the way, my eyes are black, yours must be blue! Do you have abdominal muscles? Yes! How much?"

Ronggui drowned Xiaomei with all kinds of questions.

"Silver white, no bronze color, or brass color? I can take it apart and redo it, but the eyes are black..." Ronggui's questions were so many and complicated that most people couldn't remember them, let alone answer them. That is Xiaomei, who entered the questions of Ronggui into her brain one by one, and was doing things in her hands, but it did not prevent her from answering a series of questions one by one in an orderly manner.

At the end, he answered one more question: "The internal organs are silver-white, and the storage chamber can be taken out and washed."

Although he probably doesn't realize it himself, these two parts are his rare innovative designs, and he feels very good about himself.

"Bronze color?" Rong Gui's mind instantly flashed a fierce picture of the eighteen bronze figures, and he shook his head decisively: "Silver white is better, just use silver white! And..."

"Why are the internal organs silvery-white? Why are there internal organs... Also... If the storage cavity is pulled out for cleaning, will it be a little scary... "

Master Mei whose innovative design is questioned:…

However, Ronggui is not the type to break the casserole and ask to the end, not to mention that he doesn't care what the inside of the robot's body looks like.

"Anyway, ordinary people can't see what the inside looks like. Xiaomei, you can toss as much as you like, but... you must remember your abdominal muscles!"

Thousands of warnings and ten thousand instructions, Ronggui's main focus has always been firmly locked on the abdominal muscles.

"However, Xiaomei, since you said it in such detail, wouldn't you have been secretly doing it for a long time without telling me? Wait - even the color of the eyeballs has been determined, so it's almost done, right?"

"My God! My God! Xiaomei, you just finished your body without saying a word? You're not going to give me a surprise, are you?" He couldn't help but put his whole body on Xiaomei.

It didn't take long.

Not silent.

I just said that you can find clues by checking the family account.

I haven't noticed for so long that you are just too bad at math.

Allowing Ronggui to hang on her body, dragging Ronggui to walk with difficulty, Xiaomei continued to do her own thing, generally answering Ronggui's questions in her heart.

Until the sound of "bang", Ronggui's head hit Xiaomei's face again.

"Xiaomei, you are so kind! I love you to death!"

After the collision, Ronggui jumped off Xiaomei: "In short, I have to work hard! At least one blue eye is good. I think at least one part of Xiaomei was bought by the points I earned!"

Waving a small iron fist in the air, Ronggui was full of pride and ambition.

Leave Xiaomei—

The sound of Ronggui's head hitting his head echoed in his brain for a long time.

Touching her face, Xiaomei raised her head to look at Ronggui in front of her, bowed her head and stood still for a full minute, then he started again and resumed his work.

After that day, Ronggui really worked harder. Not only did he work harder to solicit business, he also often called Xiaomei when she was at work.

"Xiaomei! Are you secretly making our bodies now? Remember abdominal muscles, you must have abdominal muscles!"

Not being an implicit person, what Ronggui first emphasized must be the main reason for his own phone call. After all, Xiaomei hung up the phone very quickly. If it was a little later, Xiaomei might just hang up.

This is speaking from experience.

If Xiaomei hadn't hung up, Ronggui would have said something else at this time. for example:

"Today, on the way to deliver the goods, I passed by the blacksmith shop where Xiaomei worked before! Everyone should take good care of Xiaomei!"

for example:

"There's another delivery note from Mary today, and it's still at our house. At first, I almost thought it was Xiaomei who bought something again, but it turned out that it was the uncle downstairs who bought the mushrooms."

"Or didn't we send a few mushrooms to the landlord last time? He ate well, and he also took care of Mary's business, and Mary took care of our family's business, really—


Attached is the long sigh of Ronggui.

In short, if Ronggui sees something, he will want to share it with Xiaomei. He always felt that Xiaomei was locked up in the workshop every day to work, although the salary was decent and high, but she was also lonely!

The four assistants don't talk to him very much, and face various body models every day, how boring Xiaomei must be!

So have to find some fun for him!

And calling to share what he saw and heard with Xiaomei was the most direct method that Ronggui could think of at the moment.

Xiaomei probably also thinks this method is good? The proof is that Xiaomei hangs up his phone less and less.

Sometimes, when Ronggui couldn't find anything interesting, the phone was quiet, but no one hung up.

Without Ronggui's loud voice, the background sounds on both ends of the phone were particularly clear.

Ronggui's side is the sound of hammering iron passing by shops, the clamor of pedestrians, the sound of rhubarb honking;

On Xiaomei's TV, the sound of "Axe Romance" was playing, the crisp sound of metal rubbing against metal, and the occasional sound of assistants coming in to report...

Sometimes, Ronggui and Xiaomei would even chase two episodes of "Axe Romance" across the phone.

That's such a subtle feeling!

Later, Rong Gui simply left the phone on and hung up.

If you have something to say, if you have nothing to say, just listen to the sound of the TV over Xiaomei, just like two people staying in the same room!

After several experiences of getting lost and being robbed outside the city, before his new body was ready, Ronggui also learned how to behave: he mainly began to pick up business in the city. Although the journey is not long and the money is not much, the rhubarb is beautiful! There are always female dwarves willing to sit and watch, which can be regarded as some harvest.

When he was shopping in the city, his mouth was not idle. When he saw any store, Ronggui would even give Xiaomei the name of the store!

In his opinion: Although Xiaomei works in the city, she works in the studio every day. In fact, she has no time to go out for a walk. She works for a long time and doesn't even know what shops are around. What a shame!

No, he has to take a look for Xiaomei and tell Xiaomei.

Because of this thought, Ronggui observed it very carefully. Not only did he report the name of the store, the decoration of the store, the dress style of the waiters, and the number of customers... He even read the words on the small notice board outside the store to Xiaomei.

"Recruit a first-class craftsman."

"400 points to acquire tertiary forging Talfa Metal 2G."

"Sell the Great Axe for 1600 points."

"" 600 points for sale of 3-level forged Talfa Metal 6G. "

"Stop." Suddenly one day, Xiaomei called for the first time to stop when Rong Guinian made a notice.

Uh - is there a guest coming, reminding yourself not to speak? Rong Gui obediently shut his mouth.

Xiaomei continued to speak:

"Now, go to Caldori at 23rd West, buy 6G Talfa Metals, then go to 678 South and sell to Catro."

Xiaomei gave instructions.

"Hey?" Not quite understanding what Xiaomei meant, Ronggui was stunned.

It's a pity that Da Huang has already recognized the instructions in Xiaomei's voice and moved quickly to No. 23 in the West District.

Dazedly bought 6G Talfa at this store, and was taken to another store by Da Huang in a daze. After seeing the signs of the two, Ronggui understood what Xiaomei meant.

Wonderful! This is really wonderful!

God knows that these two basically consistent notices, Ronggui, did not tell Xiaomei separately until several days later! Ronggui has long forgotten, but Xiaomei remembers, this... this, this, this... I can only say that Xiaomei is indeed Xiaomei!

I sold the 2G Talfa at this store for 400 points, and the remaining 4G was sold at another store for 500 points three days later. Ronggui earned 300 points!

In this way, the two little robots once again found a way to make money in the prosperous Ye Dehan!