The Sabbath

Chapter 65: Exchange gifts


"Today Jack rented our rhubarb and asked him where he was going, but he didn't say anything, but guess what?" The phone in the body was on, Xiaomei was doing her work in the studio, and the voice on the other end of Ronggui It keeps coming from the opposite side.

He heard Ronggui and others greeting, heard other people's replies, heard the jingle on the side of the road...

A very alive world.

In this lively world, the most lively thing is still honor and honor.

"Hey hey~ Jack asked Da Huang and I to drive directly to his yard. Then, he took out a lot of cloth heads from the house, sat next to Da Huang, and pinched a needle, he actually started sewing, clothes, clothes, It's gone!"

Although Ronggui's voice is flat, but his tone is ups and downs, giving people a feeling of cadence. At first glance, it will make people feel a little strange, but it will never make people think of a robot.

Along with Ronggui's description, Xiaomei's mind suddenly came up with a strange scene of a dwarf, a big man, a big man, and a strong man embroidering in the yard.

Once this scene appeared, the image that existed in his mind before was quickly erased:

Jack was the main hammer in the blacksmithing room where he worked before. At that time, whenever Xiaomei saw Jack, he was shirtless, his muscles bulging, and he held a heavy hammer that was taller than himself. , look like you hit the iron hard.

A standard dwarven artisan working diagram.

And now-

Under Rong Gui's description, the picture was wiped clean and quickly changed into an embroidered picture of a dwarf and a strong man.

Xiaomei: …

"...Hasn't he been chasing Lily recently? I heard that Lily seems to be a little tempted, but she hasn't agreed to him for a while, knowing that our rhubarb's clothes are all made by four dwarf girls. , He specifically asked me which pieces of Rhubarb were written by Lily, and I told him, no, he actually rented Rhubarb for a day to imitate Rhubarb's chair covers."

The rhubarb chair cover was made by Lily.

"I feel... Jack's craftsmanship is better than Lily's." Ronggui deliberately lowered his voice and said to Xiaomei.

Xiaomei: …

Judging the handicraft works of the four female dwarves with the eyes of a master craftsman, Reya is the best, followed by Kiki, then Mary, and finally Lily. If you add all the members of the handicraft team, If you add Ronggui, the bottom is Ronggui.

If Xiaomei, the invisible non-staff member of the Handicraft Interest Group, is also added, it must be Xiaomei who has reached the top.

Speaking of this invisible non-staff, since knowing that Xiaomei is a third-level craftsman, the dwarves' admiration for Xiaomei is endless, and they can only look up, although the master is very down-to-earth and always patronizes his own business, although the master once I have painted a portrait of myself, but Xiaomei's attitude has always been high and cold, and with the bonus of the third-level craftsman's halo, the four female dwarves have always been respectful and awe-inspiring towards Xiaomei, and it is rare to guard a third-level craftsman. , but because I was nervous and afraid, I dared not ask at all, what should I do at such a time

The eyes of the four female dwarves all fell on Ronggui.


Got an idea!

So, starting that day, Ronggui suddenly found himself becoming more "stupid".

In fact, the manual teaching of the female dwarves has been upgraded.

Everyone brought out their own skills to teach Ronggui, Ronggui... How can Ronggui learn it!

Everyone said "you're welcome", "just take it back and do it".

Anyone with the soles of their feet knows that without the hands of the four female dwarves teaching, after Ronggui returns home, he will only rely on his own words...

It is absolutely impossible to complete the work!

But Ronggui can act like a spoiled child—by Reya & Kiki & Mary & Lily.


This kind of learning and learning is obviously his own problem. As long as a pitiful look looks at him, he unconsciously wants to complete the skills for him...

I really want it!

This is the common voice of the four female dwarves after being recruited countless times.

So, they deliberately let Ronggui go home to find Master Mei to release the pitiful eyes.

The work they teach Ronggui is difficult for them to do by themselves, or even impossible to complete. If you go back with such an assignment, if Ronggui wants to complete it, you can only ask Master Mei~

When Master Mei helped Ronggui with his homework, he also solved their problems by the way.

There is no need for Ronggui to remember every step. On the second day, the female dwarves only need to carefully study the works completed by the master (for Rong Agui) under the leadership of Reya and Qiqi. Research and research several times, and you will understand.

Therefore, although there is such an intermediary as Rong Gui, who is short in IQ and skills, the communication between Master Mei and the four female dwarfs is still very pleasant.

Ronggui: =o=

In the days to come, although no one has clearly pointed it out, in fact, the members of the interest group have silently added one—Master Xiaomei.

Of course, if you count the male dwarfs who follow the trend of imitation every time the group launches a new product, there will be more members of this interest group!

For example: Jack.

Long before Lily changed her face under Ronggui's guidance, Jack fell in love with Lily at first sight, and sent materials to Xiaomei all day long without saying hello to Tianchao Ronggui.

He was so attentive, so attentive that Lily couldn't help reminding Ronggui: "Look at Xiaomei (← Xiaomei was still Xiaomei at that time, and she has not yet succeeded in becoming Master Mei), that guy Jack gives Xiaomei things all day long. , I don't know what the hell is going on, he doesn't look like a good person, be careful to be pryed from the corner, don't talk about girlfriend now, even boyfriend is not safe."

Ronggui who knows this well: Huh? ?

I have to say, "Treasure Axe" is misleading! Teach the girls bad!

However, when Lily met Jack in the car and greeted Ronggui, in order to prevent this kind of "Paula sending cloth to Ye Lin" (← similar to the Ye Dehan saying that the weasel greets the chicken for the New Year), she is the strongest among the female dwarves. One of them, she took the initiative to block Ronggui every time, and sneered and blocked Jack back.

Honorable Mention: …

Jack... Jack thought his strategy was working, so he was more attentive.

After all, he is still a mature person with Ronggui, knowing that Ronggui learns what he does every day from the four female dwarves, especially, as the worst craftsman among the four female dwarves, Lily is very sympathetic to the craftsmanship Ronggui, who is worse than himself, often sits next to him and patiently tutors him. After Lily is the female dwarf who teaches Ronggui the most work, he will borrow things from Ronggui from time to time to learn.

What the dwarves do best reflects their true inner liking!

Lily taught Ronggui to make things, especially lace and lace...

So over time, Jack became a young man with little lace trims all over his body.

 ̄▽ ̄

Probably for this reason, Lily finally looked directly at him, to be precise, at the lace on his body.

The guy's aesthetic isn't bad - that's what Lily said at first.

Then it progressed to looking straight at Jack, the female dwarf was not stupid, and after thinking about it, she finally understood that Jack's previous actions were for her own sake.

Male dwarves have too few opportunities to meet female dwarves, and they often chase after female dwarves as soon as they see them. This hunting and aggressive pursuit may appeal to some female dwarves, but most female dwarves do not use them, so Their success rate is very low, and when they got to Ronggui's place, sitting in Ronggui's car, Lily could see Jack every day, although it was only a few minutes, but the uninterrupted meeting gave them a complete understanding of each other. Understand, such a long and obscure pursuit... finally touched Lily's heart.

Since then, Jack's fighting spirit has become more and more high!

Not only did he prepare his own clothes according to Lily's preferences, and he saw Rhubarb's new clothes, he also decided to dress up his own car in the same way!

"You say, if I use Lily's favorite seat cover to make other decorations on the car, will Lily agree to... that... will I agree to sit in my car?" Jack asked shyly while threading the needle quickly. Ronggui, who is reporting gossip to Xiaomei.

Honorable Mention: …

Ronggui sympathetically looked at Jack's car parked next to the equally delicate rhubarb, which was still majestic and majestic - an all-black, particularly tall and handsome off-road truck.

On the ground, Jack's ready-made, lace-filled, pink new clothes have been placed on the ground one by one, and they are all ready to be put on.

"She will definitely like it." Rong Gui said loudly that she would like your heart.

In this way, while chatting with Jack and Xiaomei, under Ronggui's gaze, Jack's car was redecorated!

Rhubarb has an extra sissy companion!

Rhubarb: →_→

"Thank you, Agui, I will ask Lily to go out for a ride tonight. If it is successful, you must come to our wedding when we get married!"

"Sure, I will let Xiaomei wrap a big red envelope for you." Ronggui immediately answered cheerfully.

This sentence has no other meaning. It really means to ask Xiaomei to wrap a big red envelope. He doesn't know how to wrap a red envelope at all~

The dwarves also meant to give gold gifts. Jack quickly understood what Ronggui meant. He walked into the room with a smile, took out a wooden box after a while, opened it, and revealed the contents—

"Agui, this is what you said you wanted to…"

Jack was halfway through speaking when suddenly—

He was attacked by Ronggui!

Ronggui quickly gagged his mouth, and Ronggui gestured at him with a serious "shh" gesture with his other hand.

Jack nodded tremblingly, and Ronggui released the hand covering his mouth.

"Xiaomei, I want to call Lily here, hang up your phone first!" Ronggui said to Xiaomei first, and after that, he hung up the phone immediately, and squatted down to Jack with a twinkle in his eyes. around.

"Can you talk?" Jack asked cautiously.

As a male dwarf who was also preparing for romance without the knowledge of his future wife, he instantly understood Ronggui's intentions.

Even in his heart, he was still regretting his carelessness.

"It's safe!" Ronggui immediately nodded at him.

With a sigh of relief, Jack reopened the box. in the box-

A pair of exceptionally beautiful blue gems!

Staring at the beautiful gems in the box with his eyes fixed (← although he really couldn't turn), Ronggui didn't say a word.

If he is using a human body now, this is probably the way he is holding his breath.

The two of them stared at the sapphire in the box for a long time. After a long time, Ronggui finally made a sound.

"gorgeous… "

"Isn't it? Didn't you ask me to help you pay attention to the blue ore like "the sky in Sky City, like the flowing water there"? After searching for a long time, I managed to receive a similar piece of ore. After smelting for several days, it finally came out this morning. I think it is beautiful and beautiful, but I don't know if it has the effect you want... If it doesn't work, I will continue Looking for..." Jack whispered.

"Thank you! That's it!" He excitedly hugged the male dwarf's shoulder, and Rong Gui hammered his shoulder.

This is the standard gesture of intimacy between Ye Dehan male dwarves.

Hehe smiled, Jack also put his arms around Ronggui's shoulders and gave him a light hammer.


One of the two was holding a box with blue gems, and the other looked at the car next to him wearing new lace-trimmed clothes, and smirked together.

"Lily will definitely like it." Ronggui said to Jack when they parted.

"Thank you, Master Xiaomei will also like it." After thanking Ronggui, Jack also said to Ronggui.

Xiaomei is preparing new bodies for the two of them, which is the main reason for them to come to Ye Dehan, and also the main reason for them to make money every day. Ronggui did not hide some of his good friends.

While being moved, everyone also sent their blessings.

Knowing that Ronggui wanted to find a blue stone to give to Xiaomei, and give Xiaomei's new body as eyes, Jack immediately took over the job - as the main hammer of the blacksmith, Jack is the most likely to come into contact with Of all kinds of ores, it is inevitable that some of them meet the requirements of honor.

Besides, if Jack can't find it, relatives at home are likely to find it~

Although Jack is only the main hammer of a small blacksmith shop, it is said that his family is a fairly large blacksmith shop, and his relatives are all over Yedehan's shops, all big and small, all of them are main hammers!

Jack is the hammer N generation!

Stuffing the small box into the storage compartment in front of his chest, Ronggui instantly felt his chest full.

Uh... so full, the barn door was propped open.

He had no choice but to hammer his chest hard.

After finally slamming the door shut, he looked sadly at the slightly deflated chest that he had smashed, thinking: I probably really need to change my body.

Then he quickly became happy: Xiaomei was already helping the two of them prepare their bodies, and it sounded like a tall body. Although Xiaomei was determined not to take pictures for him to see, Ronggui thought that it would be fine!

They're about to have new, sturdy new bodies!

Ronggui is very happy.

When Xiaomei showed her new body in front of him, after the surprise, he said "PIU" and took out the box from his chest.

The blue stone that looks very fragrant and very similar to Xiaomei's original eyes...

Xiaomei will be very surprised, right

Although no matter how surprised he is, his face will always be that paralyzed face.

But it doesn't matter, I know in my heart that he is happy~

Saying goodbye to Jack, Ronggui drove Rhubarb directly to Xiaomei's work place.

And at the same time-

Xiaomei also finished sculpting the last black eyeball, and inserted the eyeball into the eye socket of the body in front of her, and a complete human figure faced him.

It was an incomparably perfect human form, with a perfect face, perfect limbs... everything was beautiful.

But the most beautiful thing is his eyes.

Black, like a black hole, and like a star, faintly opposite to people.

Standing quietly on the chair and looking at the human figure in front of her, Xiaomei tilted her head slightly: I always feel... the person in front of her seems a little familiar.

The human figure in front of him was made according to Ronggui's original appearance, to be precise, he made it according to the restored appearance of Ronggui's whole body.

He did stay at home every day to massage Ronggui's body with oil.

However, the familiar eyes that made him feel familiar at this moment did not seem to come from the familiar eyes that he came into contact with every day and from Rong Guiyuan's own body, but—

Face after face appeared in my mind, and suddenly—

The face in his memory was frozen and stopped on a face he was most familiar with and most unfamiliar with.

It was the only singer's face he had ever admired. For a long time, because he liked the other person's singing more, he actually didn't pay too much attention to the other person's appearance.

However, he was an unforgettable person after all.

Even if he didn't pay attention, the other party's face was still lost in the depths of his memory, along with other people's information.

In front of him, the mechanical body he built based on Ronggui's prototype was somewhat similar to the singer.

This thought was just a flash, and Xiaomei immediately stopped thinking about it.

Covering the figure with a drape, he climbed off his chair, left the office, locked the door, and went out.

When it was time to get off work, Ronggui must have been waiting for him at the door.

The final test has not yet been done. At this time tomorrow, Ronggui will be able to use his new body, right

he thinks.

On that day, each with the surprise of tomorrow, the two little robots rarely communicated a little.

As always, she massaged her body, loosened the soil for the apple seedlings, and occasionally glanced at each other, Xiaomei quickly turned her head, and Ronggui giggled.