The Sabbath

Chapter 66: Anger and friendship


Then, it was the second day.

"When you get off work today, don't wait for me outside, just come in and carry things together." When she jumped off Rhubarb, she raised her head and Xiaomei said to Ronggui.

"Okay~" The tools in Xiaomei's studio are more advanced, maybe they can carve the two blue stones better - Rong Gui thought so.

"Xiaomei, goodbye." Rong Gui waved vigorously at Xiaomei outside the car door.

Xiaomei still didn't reply, but she also raised her hand and waved.

Then he walked slowly towards the "wing" across the road.

After watching him walk to the gate of Yi, Rong Gui drove away with Da Huang.

When Ronggui left, Xiaomei looked back at them again, and he didn't enter until Da Huang's car butt disappeared at the alley.

This time when he entered the door, he would never be ignored again.

The dwarf waiters who were cleaning the display racks and floors in the hall greeted him one after another, but Xiaomei didn't answer, but just walked with her head down. However, many masters have this kind of high and cold style, and the dwarf waiters not only did not care, but even whispered after he left.

"Master Mei is really a careful person. Although he is indifferent, he is a good person."

"Yeah, look at him, he completely avoided the floor we just scrubbed, and went to the dirty side~" another companion immediately agreed.

No one is a fool. They are polite on the surface but actually rude, and seemingly indifferent but actually cherish the fruits of other people's labor. Everyone can feel it.


What is the real situation

Her Majesty Xiaomei, who was indifferent to the world, obviously would not have lowered her head to notice whether the floor on the ground had been cleaned in such a place.

When he was still doing hygiene at home, Ronggui warned him loudly every time: Don't step on the floor you just wiped! Don't step! No, do, step on!

Ronggui has heard a lot of shouting and shouting, and now he even looks down before walking.

It is also a forced reflex.


Then, he went to his own No. 4 studio.

The door of the studio is automatic and can automatically recognize the entrant image to release the entrant. At present, the images of Xiaomei and four assistants have been entered in this office, and others cannot enter.

Of course, the manager of the workshop can probably come in, but only with the key.

Xiaomei brushed her body into the studio smoothly.

The four assistants have already arrived. If they were in other studios, they would probably have one serving tea, one holding a towel, one preparing to carry shoes and jackets, and one ready to help the master carry bags at any time.

However, Xiaomei is a robot.


All the diligence can't be offered. The only bag on Xiaomei's body is a satchel. At this moment, she is still straddled upright and obliquely, never leaving her body.

"Good morning, Master Mei!!!" There was no other way, the assistants had to arrive earlier, and then the greetings were louder and more sincere to express their respect for the master.

Without returning the same greeting, Xiaomei just nodded.

It was a movement so subtle that it was almost impossible to see it carefully, but the four dwarves were already very happy.

After all, Master Mei is the legendary super-cold master who is so cold that he doesn't respond to anyone!

Nodding her head, Xiaomei moved on, seeing that he was about to enter the door, at this moment—

Labuji stopped him suddenly.

Do you remember Rabbi? It was the one who first rejected Xiaomei and Agui when they were looking for a job, because Xiaomei did not have a qualification certificate, and later, when Xiaomei first came to the wing, she was not very respectful to him, and was finally assigned by the manager to Xiaomei as an assistant. Craftsman.

Haven't remembered yet

The dwarf who pulled the bellows for a month, everyone remembered this time.

That's right, it's him. Although Xiaomei doesn't need him to continue pulling the bellows now, he has realized something during the month of pulling the bellows and thinks it's a good way to reduce his impetuousness. After he doesn't need to pull the bellows, he is still He didn't give up the bellows, the bellows he once hated to death was brought into his workshop by him. Every day, he came an hour earlier than others, and came to pull the bellows!

So, in the whole studio, the first person to arrive every day is Labuji.

"Master, that..." Grabbing his head, Labuji's face was a little hesitant, and he looked at Xiaomei to see that he was about to enter the door without saying anything for a long time, and then he said everything he wanted to say in one breath: "Master, I am here today. It was earlier than usual because I felt a little impetuous in my heart last night, so I came here two hours earlier to pull the bellows, and I saw the manager and a guest come out of your studio!"

Xiaomei stopped.

Being stared at by Xiaomei's cold eyes, Labuji shuddered, but he still finished what he wanted to say: "That guest... looks very good-looking, his body is made of machinery, and the whole body can be seen from top to bottom. Your handwriting, however, is so perfect, it is more perfect than all your previous works, I thought you were there, it was a private order made by you and your guests in secret, so I didn’t dare to show up, but…”

But he just saw Xiaomei coming in from the outside, and the inference that he thought Xiaomei had been inside was completely invalid.

A line of words immediately appeared in his mind, that is: The manager brought a guest into Master Xiaomei's personal workshop while Master Xiaomei was away!

This is a big deal!

He decisively reported to Xiaomei.

Xiaomei immediately rushed into her studio, and the four assistants hurried to follow. Without Xiaomei's permission, they did not dare to follow the studio rashly, but the door was not closed, and the situation inside was clear at a glance.

A blanket lay on the ground, and what had been covered by cloth in front of Master Xiaomei's workbench was empty.

"Master..." Labuji's voice trembled a little: "That's... that's..."

"That's the body I made for Ronggui. It was basically completed yesterday, and there is still one last test left. I have already informed him to come and collect it today." Xiaomei's voice was as flat as always, but there was something different.

Nothing is the same.

Centered on the short and worn-out mechanical body of Master Fang Mei, the entire studio was instantly enveloped by an almost black low pressure.

"What!?" With a simple sentence, the assistants understood all his meaning in their minds.

Who is Ronggui? As the subordinates of Master Xiaomei, it is impossible for them not to know. Even, in order to get close, Labuji has to get to Ronggui's phone number. From time to time, he will inform him if he needs to work overtime and whether he is going to be late. of.

Although Master Mei is indifferent, as long as he has seen the picture of him and Rong Gui getting along together, no one will feel that this is a kind of ruthless indifference.

The two little robots are in a good relationship.

Their bodies are more tattered than each other, especially the honor. Judging from the second-level craftsman working in the wing, his body is really the same as that of a third-level craftsman's male/female? Friends' identities do not match.

Until they heard what Master Mei just said.

Ah... So that's the case, I haven't changed my body, is it just for today

Make the most perfect body, give you the best, all for today

Including becoming a third-level craftsman

After watching a lot of TV series, Ye Dehan's dwarves are very good at brain supplements, almost no matter whether they are male or female.

Everyone immediately completed a romantic love story.


Led by Labuji, the four dwarf assistants were all angry.

They each rushed to their own workshops. The four dwarves held a big axe in their hands and carried several axe behind their backs.

While loudly telling the dwarves outside what happened in the studio, they rushed to the manager's office with the door tightly closed. One of the assistants), they actually slammed the big axe down and smashed the door with force.

It is said that the items made by dwarven artisans are extremely strong.

The shields they make can withstand countless injuries and tools, and ordinary weapons cannot be easily broken.

Except for the great axe crafted by the dwarven artisans.

The four big axes were swung down hard!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

First four, then—

bang bang bang bang bang-

Luotai made the first shallow mark in the center of the gate, then Labuji's axe followed closely, and then the other two assistants.

Almost every dwarf can use an axe, let alone craftsmen, their hands are the most stable.

As long as one person in front makes a mark, the axe of the others will fall on that spot without bias. There are four dwarves and four axe, but they drop the axe precisely and in an orderly rhythm, one axe after another. , it's like a person who is tirelessly fast with an axe!

More and more dwarves ran out of the studio next to them. They first probed their brains, and then gathered around to listen. Labuji swung the axe in strict accordance with the frequency of his companions, while repeating what happened in his studio over and over again.

"At four o'clock in the morning this morning, the manager came out with a guest. The guest used a body that Master Mei gave to his partner. Without permission, the manager brought a guest into our work without permission. room, entered Master Mei’s workshop, and even took away Master Mei’s personal belongings…”

Not a person with a sharp mouth, Labuji could only narrate what he saw in as much detail as possible, narrating it over and over again, and there were more and more dwarves around.

Gradually, the masters who kept their heads in the studio all the year round also came out.

Take out the craftsman's private works without the craftsman's permission? Also sold to customers? !

Labuji doesn't need to say too much, he just needs to say these two points.

For dwarves, especially for dwarven craftsmen, this is completely intolerable!

"What? Did you do such an immoral thing?!!!" A loud voice suddenly came from the side, and all the dwarves looked over. At this time, they found that the person who made the sound was none other than Lie from Studio No. 1. Grandmaster.

As the most virtuous and respected master in the workshop, Master Lie couldn't hide it if he wanted to come, but today's movement actually led him out. Not only did he lead it out, but he even made a sound.

"Xiaoji really needs to come out and explain." He said, suddenly took out a big axe from behind, separated the crowd and walked to the four dwarves who were banging the door in front of the door, the old dwarf handed out the axe: "This one The door is made by me, ordinary axe can't be broken easily, you use this one, this is the axe I made."

"One axe is not enough, go to my room and get a few more." After handing over the axe, the old dwarf raised his neck behind him, and his assistants immediately ran back to their studio, and they hugged after a while. More axes out.

They held too many, and it was more than enough for the four dwarves such as Labuji to hold two.

I don't know who was the first to grab an axe from Master Lie's several dwarf assistants. With a "bang", after Labuji dropped the axe, he also swung an axe when he saw a needle in it.

The dwarves seemed to be born with the ability to work together. Not only did his insertion not affect the movements of the dwarves behind him, on the contrary, the people behind him quickly connected, and the number of dwarves who smashed the door together became five.

Then, the sixth, the seventh...

The dwarves began to fight for Master Lie's axe. There were too many people to smash the door in one place, so they smashed it separately.

The dwarf who grabbed the axe slammed into the door with sweat, while the dwarf who didn't grab the axe stood by and cheered. How should we describe that scene

For a time, it seemed that all the dwarves were caught in an extremely violent and angry mood. The door in front was the outlet of their anger, the business of smashing the door, the voice of shouting, all the voices were intertwined, the voice was terrible, Even the guests outside the wing could hear the terrifying smashing sound inside, and the ground trembled slightly, as if telling the people outside: Look, something very terrifying is happening inside.

It is in this situation that honor comes.

Lily and the other four female dwarves were also beside him.

Didn't Xiaomei let him come in and wait today? The four female dwarves were very curious and wanted to ask if they could come along. They didn't ask to go to Xiaomei's studio, they just went in with Ronggui to have a look.

After all, Wing is a famous old shop, and it is also a famous high-spending place, and the four female dwarves also want to come and see it.

Who knows—

The hall was empty, and everyone: whether it was the dwarf waiter who was still serving in the hall, or the customers who were shopping, all were gone.

Crossing the uninhabited hall, the five friends walked towards the place where the sound was loudest.

Then they saw a group of dwarves slamming on the door angrily.

Then, they figured out why it happened:

The robot doll made by Master Mei was secretly sold by the manager.

The four female dwarves who had already known about this situation from Ronggui's side understood it instantly.

He took out the big axe he carried with him from behind, and the four female dwarves resolutely joined the crowd who smashed the door!

And honorable—

Looking at the crowd of dwarves who fell into a frenzy ahead, Rong Gui suddenly turned his head back, turned around, and walked back.

This is his first "wing" to work with Xiaomei.

It stands to reason that he does not know where Xiaomei is.


As if something was guiding him, Ronggui, who has always loved getting lost, not only did not get lost this time, on the contrary, he did not take an extra wrong path. He walked precisely to the door of Studio No. 4. He walked in and crossed the four. In the cubicle of an assistant, he passed a group of sundries and stood at the door of Xiaomei's workshop.

Ronggui saw Xiaomei.

What is Xiaomei doing when the whole workshop is in crazy chaos

He was actually doing something again.

Ronggui walked over crunchingly.

His fingertips lightly rested on Xiaomei's workbench, Ronggui probed to look over, and he realized that Xiaomei was holding a hand.

One knuckle left to finish, and another hand lying quietly on the workbench, already finished.

As if she had already sensed the arrival of Ronggui, Xiaomei calmly said to Ronggui as she clamped the last part: "The finished body has been taken away, and the remaining materials are not as good as the previous one, you may need to wait a little longer. For a while, and for a while."

At this moment, Ronggui suddenly became angry.

He grabbed Xiaomei's hand and put it on the workbench, Ronggui hugged Xiaomei from the chair, put him on the ground, held his hand, and Ronggui dragged Xiaomei to the outside quickly!

He dragged Xiaomei directly to the center of the whirlpool of things - in front of the door of the manager's office.

Just after Ronggui left, things have become even more uncontrollable. Jack did not know when he had come, and he was wielding a heavy hammer. He did not come alone. He also brought a large group of dwarf brothers, also holding heavy hands. hammer.

And several female dwarves such as Mary and Lily stood on the shoulders of a group of male dwarves, holding heavy weapons that were completely incompatible with their height. When Ronggui arrived, Lily just slashed with an axe.

It was with this axe that the gate made by Ye Dehan's top master was finally overwhelmed and burst open—


The shards of the door were scattered inward, all scattered on the large desk inside the door, and…

On the shivering manager huddled under the table.

When she noticed him, Lily jumped off Jack immediately, the rolled axe was inserted back into her back, and she rushed over to pick up the manager.

Then she saw Ronggui... and Xiaomei behind Ronggui.

"Agui, Master Mei, is that the person?" she said loudly to the two little robots.

Hearing this, the dwarves gave way one after another. Agui and Xiaomei immediately made way for the two of them to pass. Pulling Xiaomei, Ronggui walked firmly. His pace was not big, and his body was tattered. Unbearable, his face and body looked very funny.


At this moment, no one dared to laugh at him.

At this moment, Ronggui, who always loves to laugh and make trouble, looks terrifying.

Obviously it's just a robot, obviously it shouldn't have an expression, but at this moment, the aura on his body, every movement of his gestures, his walking speed... all imply: he is very angry.

When he walked to Mary, he let go of Xiaomei's hand.

"Thank you, everyone." Turning back, he first bowed slightly, and bowed to everyone behind him to express his gratitude, and then he turned his attention to the manager who was being carried by Mary: "I heard that Yi is Ye Dehan's top company, so Master Mei chose to work here, but now I have encountered this incident. In the next time, as the legal representative of Master Mei, I hope to discuss this matter with this gentleman. Have a good chat."

Then, he took Xiaomei to the manager's office full of grey stones.

Bending down to wipe the dusty seat behind the desk, Ronggui asked Xiaomei to sit first, and then stood beside Xiaomei himself.

Finally, he motioned Lily to put the manager down.

Lily understood, and immediately put down the manager. She put a little force and left her abduction. The manager, whose legs had already softened a long time ago, could only limply kneel across from Xiaomei and Agui.

"Where are our things now? Can we get them back?" Ronggui asked in the first sentence.

His voice was unhurried, steady, not like the usual him at all.

"I'm sorry... I can't get it back... The customer is the one above, he, he has already gone back... He controls a lot of the store's purchase channels... Me too... I can't help it... " Things will develop so quickly to this point. One step, the manager couldn't think of anything like this, but the incident had already happened, and almost all the dwarves in the store were here. He knew that he couldn't cover it up.

"The customer asked Master Mei to customize his body before, and Master Mei also delivered the work as scheduled. The customer was satisfied at first, who knows... Who knows... After using it for a few days, he began to be picky and wanted something better. He was dissatisfied with all the things the craftsmen made, and he said he would change the shop…”

"God knows what he said about changing the store is really changing, and he will bring it along with the purchase channel!!!"

"Then...then...I thought of Master Mei's office—" His voice came to an abrupt end.

He thought that he was able to break the sentence successfully, but Ronggui immediately noticed the slight change in his expression, and then followed decisively:

"Master Mei's office? You found the human figure in Master Mei's office?"

"How did you find out? You saw the human figure he was making when you entered Master Mei's office? Or..." Because he really didn't know what was going on, Ronggui deliberately dragged him for a long time without knowing it. tone.

Then, Ronggui's little friend and Master Mei's little assistant - Labuji quickly jumped up and assisted outside the door:

"Master Mei is very cautious, the dolls in the office are covered with things, and none of us have seen that doll! Every time the manager knocks on the door, the master has covered the dolls, it is impossible for him to see it! Even—he shouldn't even know that Geb is a human figure! We don't know!"

"Oh - is that so?" Rong Gui said, raising his chin slightly, and looking down at the embarrassed male dwarf on the ground even more condescendingly.

"That is, the manager of the wing can freely enter and exit the offices of the third-level craftsmen, and browse the items of the third-level craftsmen freely." Noticing that there were several white-bearded old dwarves at the scene, Ronggui instinctively noticed that a few should be It's Dana, and I don't know where he got his IQ at this time. He actually knows that the contradictions of the matter are led to the workshop and all the craftsmen, and he is still a third-level craftsman!

Level 3 Craftsman! That is the foundation of the wings!

At this moment, Ronggui's intelligence quotient exploded!

Xiaomei, who had been silent the whole time, couldn't help but raised her head and looked to the left.

It's still that honorable person, it's still that tattered little robot, but... it looks like something is different.

He just kept looking up at Ronggui for a long time, so long that he forgot to look back.

If it was normal, Ronggui would have looked down at him immediately, but at this moment, Ronggui couldn't care about this, a pair of mechanical eyes could still make a dazzling effect, he stared at the manager in front of him. , do not miss any of the other's subtle expressions.


The sobbing of the other party really stopped for a moment.

And the audience in front of them heard the angry voices of the craftsmen again.

"Shit! No workshop can casually enter the craftsman's office! Whether it's the workshop or private things, if the craftsman does not let you see or touch, no one can see or touch!" The loudest was a man with the most hair The whitest old man with the whitest beard!

In fact, it is Uncle Lie.

The uncle was very excited and revealed an important theoretical support to Ronggui:

"The craftsman's private property is sacred and inviolable! The craftsman's private work in the workshop is justified!!!"

With this default rule, it is easy to handle. Without any worries, Ronggui immediately followed the topic decisively: "The request of the guests in the workshop is embarrassing, say it, everyone will definitely help you solve it, but you can't do it without With the permission of the craftsman, privately bring guests to see the craftsman's private works, and even, after the guest sees the item, you even sell the item directly to the guest without the permission of the craftsman!"

"This... this... there is really no way! Who asked him to find me at night, there is no time to turn around, I can only... can only... " The manager still cried, but Ronggui didn't plan to give him more Time to perform.

"And..." Ronggui stared at him again.

"Is it a sign that I can think of Master Mei's office immediately when a client finds me..."

"You actually checked the master's office privately in some way long ago, opened the cover, opened the cabinet, and saw all the masters' belongings?"

This time, Ronggui once again pushed the manager to the opposite of all the craftsmen on site.

This time, the manager couldn't say anything.

Next is negotiation time.

Items that have been taken are destined to not be recovered, and Ronggui quickly thought of asking for compensation.

Although the computing power is very poor, Ronggui will bargain.

The compensation promised by the manager will be multiplied tenfold. He needs materials, points, and various compensations.

In the end, he had to return Xiaomei's employment contract.

"I'm sorry, Xiaomei is guys..." Having received the best compensation he could get, Ronggui saw four of Xiaomei's subordinates.

After Xiaomei left, these assistants could only do errands again.

"It doesn't matter! I don't want to stay in this kind of place either!" The four assistants, led by Labuji, laughed boldly.

"You four are good! How are you doing with me?" At this moment, the dwarf uncle who just jumped out to speak to Ronggui's help, followed by a row of assistants, very big-name style: "I also did it here, I had long wanted to open a workshop by myself, but now that I think about it, maybe it's the right time..."

"But... your contract..." Having eaten the contract, Ronggui is sensitive to this aspect, so the last compensation request is to terminate Xiaomei's contract.

"Seeing how good you are, I'm also planning to find" The third-level craftsman's memory is not bad, and the uncle actually remembered the words that Ronggui only said once.

Ye Dehan didn't have the word lawyer, and Ronggui didn't know how to say the word here, so he said it in Chinese temporarily. Thanks to his superb acting skills, he was right when he said words that didn't exist.

"No need." Then they heard Lily's voice, and subconsciously looked in Lily's direction.

I saw—

Led by Lily, the four female dwarves punched and kicked the manager on the ground.

The manager was not dead, but was already lying flat.

"Send him to the doctor." Lily said casually, and immediately a male dwarf diligently carried the manager out of the ground.

"The person in charge of the workshop needs to be hospitalized for a long time. If the workshop is not operated for more than two months, it will be automatically disbanded." Reya smiled.

"During this time, uncle, you should prepare for the opening of the new store." Lily said proudly.

Everyone on site:…

"But... but... it's illegal..." It's okay to smash things. When he was negotiating a compensation agreement with the manager, Ronggui had already told him that everyone who damaged the workshop would not need compensation, but hitting someone...

As far as Ronggui knows, Ye Dehan still has a security guard.

"Don't worry." Reya immediately stretched out her hand and pressed down: "A male dwarf who beats someone is illegal, and it will definitely be dealt with strictly, and basically he will be imprisoned."

Ronggui groaned in his heart, and then—

"But female dwarfs who break the law are basically treated lightly. The lighter ones will be asked to find a boyfriend. If they are more serious... I'll marry a husband~" Reya said lightly: "So, as the heaviest striker this time, , Lily, who may be sentenced the most in the future, you—"

"Jack, will you marry me?" Lily yelled.

Jack was stunned, and after shouting, he actually... fainted, fainted in Lily's arms.

"By the way, we also ask for boyfriends~" Pulling the remaining two dwarves to her side, Reya announced in a soft voice.

In Ronggui's stunned, the scene instantly boiled!