The Sabbath

Chapter 68: done


Xiaomei, who didn't realize what she said until she finished speaking, suddenly raised her head, only to see Ronggui smiling at him: "I knew you would like it."

"You must use this pair of sapphires on your new body~" Ronggui helped him make up his mind.

Xiaomei... Xiaomei nodded.

"Get off the bus." Only then did he realize that Da Huang had already arrived at his destination, and the two of them had been talking downstairs for a long time, scratching their heads, and Rong Gui said to Xiao Mei next to him.

Xiaomei nodded again, opened the doors on their respective sides, and the two little robots got out of the car together.

"There are a lot of things today." Rong Gui said, "Take it slowly!"

Rhubarb transported a piece of the goods inside, and the two of them worked together to move it down little by little.

Just as they were about to go up the stairs, the uncle of the landlord just pushed the door and came out.

"What about moving things?" Uncle Dwarf raised his eyebrows when he saw the huge box in their hands.

Xiaomei immediately raised her head to look at him—

Be a little wary, be a little wary.

"Master Harlan, good evening!" Ronggui greeted the old dwarf carelessly.

"Well, good." The uncle nodded, and then his eyes were fixed on the big box in the hands of the two people: "It's quite heavy, give it to me, I'll carry it for you."

"Ah?! No, no, no, sir, you are quite old..." Ronggui quickly refused.

However, before he could finish his refusal, the old dwarf had already passed, and when he slumped under the box, when he stood up again, he had already carried the huge box on his back.

The hands of the two little robots were empty.

They were shorter than the dwarf uncle.


"Go, let's go, do you have any other luggage? You go to see the car alone, and go up alone with me." Holding the huge box full of metal materials steadily, the old dwarf also helped the two arrange work .

Seeing that the old man is indeed stronger than the two young people on his side, Ronggui had to accept the other party's kindness.

"Then Xiaomei, go up with Uncle Harun, and I'll go watch Rhubarb." Ronggui quickly completed the secondary distribution between the two.

Without waiting for Xiaomei to respond, he went back to Da Huang's side.

Just like that, after going over and over again, the old dwarf helped them carry everything into the house by himself.

"It's the material for the body." As a dwarf, the old dwarf could see at a glance what was inside: "You two did a good job, and you got pretty good things."

Xiaomei's eyes turned to the old dwarf again.

However, Ronggui looked at him and smiled again: "Yes, this is the material for the two of us to make new bodies, all made by Xiaomei! In order to make the bodies for us, Xiaomei also took the third-level craftsman qualification certificate. !"

Ronggui said it proudly.

Although he just encountered a bad thing because of the job he was applying for the third-level qualification certificate, he did not avoid it because of this.

"However, I prepared the ore for making Xiaomei's eyes in the future. It's very beautiful~" After talking about Xiaomei's preparations, Ronggui couldn't hold back and said his own.

The old dwarf nodded: "Really capable."

After he finished speaking, he waved to Xiaomei: "Follow me."

Xiaomei didn't move, Ronggui pushed him. Seeing that Xiaomei followed the uncle to the uncle's house, he followed by himself.

This is the first time they have come to the landlord's room. There are many things in the room but not messy. Various handmade metal cabinets fill the room.

The cabinets should be made by the old dwarves themselves. Most of the dwarves have a pair of skillful hands. They can buy all kinds of exquisite handmade products in the market, but they seldom consume in the market themselves. They prefer to do it by themselves. thing.

Going a little further inside, I saw the furnishings in the room a little more clearly. When I saw the roof, Ronggui said "ah":

I saw that in the center of the old dwarf's room, to be precise, the center of the roof, a few swirls of fresh green leaked from top to bottom.

It's an apple seedling! ! !

Ronggui suddenly thought of it.

He and Xiaomei planted the "apple" seeds under the floor of their room. After waiting for a long time, they didn't see any germination. They were not discouraged at all. Ronggui still poured a little water on it every day. When the bud came, who would have known that it had already sprung up, but instead of rising upward, it was upside down, stubbornly opening a small gap on the ceiling below the floor, and budding in the dwarf uncle's house? !

"Master Harlan, isn't the ceiling leaking in your house?" Ronggui immediately thought of his diligent watering every day.

The uncle waved his hand at him calmly, then raised his arm to signal him to look up. There were two seedlings on the ceiling. Like a sponge, the two seedlings settled firmly on the ceiling.

After pointing out the country, the uncle picked up a watering can from the top of the metal cabinet next to him (← it seems to be homemade), the nozzle of the watering can is very long. Holding the watering can, the spout is aimed at the root of the seedling. The uncle pressed the watering can twice, and the seedling was watered again.

After pouring the top and bottom every day, the small "apple" seedlings are full every day~

"It's good to be able to see a little green every day." Putting down the watering can, the uncle said.

Ronggui: 囧!

Xiaomei: =-=

Then the uncle started rummaging in a large cabinet.

After searching for a long time, he finally found a huge wooden box at the bottom of the box. Take the box out and open it, the contents inside almost blinded Ronggui's electronic eyes!

There are dozens of gems neatly stacked inside! colorful! It looks so precious and valuable! ! !

"Xiaomei's eyes are specially prepared, what about yours? I don't know if I have all the materials, but I only have these in stock. Pick one as a gift." Holding a box full of gems , Uncle said to Ronggui.

His attitude was very casual, as if he was sending out only very ordinary things.

But actually—

Even if you don't know the goods, you can see the preciousness of the things in the box! ! !

"Hurry and pick, pick whatever you want." After saying that, the uncle handed the box to them again.

Ronggui and Xiaomei looked at each other.

Seeing that Ronggui hadn't reached out his hand, the uncle finally stopped waiting for him. The box in his hand turned around and turned to Xiaomei: "If he doesn't pick, you can help him pick a pair."

The uncle lowered his head slightly, Xiaomei raised his head slightly, and their eyes collided.

Quietly looking at the old man for a moment, Xiaomei stretched out her hand.

Reaching out his hand, he picked out the two most corner gems from the box, a pair of jet-black gems, which were also the two most inconspicuous gems in the box.

"Thank you." After taking the stone, Xiaomei also thanked the old man.

"I actually chose the black one..." Looking at the dark black stone in the hands of the little robot, the old dwarf paused, then looked at Ronggui for a while: "How is it, do you like it..."

The question stopped abruptly in the middle of the question, obviously it was just a robot, but the feeling of Ronggui now can only be described as "happy in appearance"!

"I like black eyes the most! Black eyes are the prettiest, and I don't want any other color except eyes of this color!" There was no need for anyone to ask any questions, and Ronggui said his thoughts in one go.

"Just like it, and..."

"I like black too~" The dwarf master smiled and sent them out.

"From now on, watering once a day is enough, and I'll spray the rest from below." Before closing the door, he pointed back, pointing to the small "apple" seedlings on the ceiling.

"You..." The old man seemed to want to say something, but after a pause, he finally just waved his hand: "Come on."

He sent away the two little robots.

Skillfully climbing the stairs with a "little stick", Ronggui and Xiaomei quickly entered his room. The room was full of materials. Ronggui looked a little dazed. Behind him, Xiaomei gently closed the door .

Then, he put the wooden box that he had been holding tightly on the floor in the middle of the floor, and finally placed the two newly obtained black gems on top of the wooden box.

"This is all we have in our family." Rong Gui said softly: "Of course, there is also the rhubarb outside."

Xiaomei: …

Rhubarb: =-=

"A few months ago, we were thinking about how long it would take to save enough of these things! I didn't expect it to be so fast..." Looking around, Ronggui sighed with emotion, and then he rolled up his sleeves.

"Then... let's get to work, shall we?"

Looking at him, Xiaomei nodded.

So, Ronggui immediately took out the drawing paper that had been prepared in advance.

It was the paper left over from Xiaomei's previous portraits, he kept saving it, just thinking of making suggestions when Xiaomei designed the bodies of the two.

Leaning forward almost lying on the floor, holding a paintbrush in his right hand, the Ronggui trailer began to be designed.

"We must make a better body than the one that was taken away!"

"The best materials are used! Be more beautiful, taller, and stronger!"

"Two more abdominal muscles!"

As he spoke, Ronggui waved his dream design on the drawing paper.

Xiaomei squinted at the drawing paper under her feet: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Rong Gui, who was still immersed in all kinds of wonderful mechanical bodies in his mind, woke up instantly, and looked at his "masterpiece" just now - a children's sketch with a big head and a small body, and the proportions were completely out of proportion.

Dreams are plump, reality is skinny.

The imagination in his head is useless no matter how perfect he is... he is clumsy~

Ronggui decisively shook his head.

Xiaomei: …

After flipping through the list of materials, Xiaomei calculated it, and he told the truth: "If we only use the materials of the highest level, we can only put together a robot figure with a height of 2 meters and 10 meters."

Ronggui was stunned.

"I don't want to play basketball yet..." He was stunned, and then heard another key word in it: "And, can it only be one?"

"No, Xiaomei and I want to change bodies together." Shaking his head, he quickly crossed out the "higher" requirement in his plan.

Xiaomei added and subtracted calculations by the side, while Ronggui pretended not to understand.

In the end, the two decided to make two bodies with the highest quality materials.

Each body is one meter long, just reaching the average height of a male dwarf in Yedehan City.

"Although I think Jack is handsome, I still don't want to be so strong..." Ronggui said in a tangled manner, looking at the two figures that Xiaomei outlined on the picture with only torso and limbs and a body like a dwarf male.

"Then, the characteristic of being strong is replaced by weapons." Xiaomei immediately came up with an alternative.

"Oh oh! Reloading the robot? This is cool!" Ronggui was immediately excited when he thought of the cartoon he saw when he was a child.

The two human figures on the blueprint became slender and slender again.

"The eyes should be bigger! Our blue and black stones are big~" Ronggui continued to give his ideas.

The eyes of the humanoid on the design were adjusted by Xiaomei and enlarged.

"Add some abdominal muscles~ Although I am small, I don't have enough abdominal muscles to get eight pieces, at least get four pieces!"

In this way, Xiaomei sat on the ground and drew the design drawings. While he was drawing, Ronggui was watching, not only watching, but also making suggestions. Xiaomei revised it according to his ideas, and it took several hours to smear and smear, and the exploded diagram of the two people's future bodies was refined on a thick stack of blueprints.

Then, Xiaomei started work again.

He did it from the feet of honor and honor.

When he picked up the first material, Ronggui leaned beside him and started babbling:

"My second toe is as long as my toe~ Xiaomei, yours too!"

So, Xiaomei's hand holding the material paused for a while, and then moved flexibly again, and he made a toe as long as the toe.

The body that was made before was the one that was stolen... Xiao Mei paused, he ignored the details of the toes of the body.

When he continued to prepare to insert a concealed pulley on the sole of his foot, Ronggui shouted to stop:

"Wait a minute - what are you going to do, Xiaomei?"

"Why should such a beautiful foot have a pulley! Don't! Don't want this function~"

"Neither your own!"

So, Xiaomei could only give up the idea of using the made pulleys on herself.

However, the finished pulley was not wasted after all. Xiaohei was lifted up from Rhubarb downstairs, and Ronggui asked Xiaomei to put the pulley under Xiaohei's body.

"Leave a rope, and you can take Xiao Hei for a walk in the future." Saying that, Rong Gui happily patted Xiao Hei who was wearing a small lace blouse.

Well, it seems that Ronggui does not appreciate the convenient design of the soleplate.


Xiaomei glanced at Xiaohei who was dragged around by Ronggui because of the pulley installed, and he lowered his head silently.

I am a little fortunate in my heart that I am glad that I did not put the pulley on myself.

In this way, feet, calves, thighs... The two little robots have a lot of negotiation, and each body part takes shape little by little.

Fingers, palms, forearms, forearms… then shoulders.

Knowing all the data about the items she had made, the doll that Xiaomei had made was becoming more and more different from the doll he was making now.

I thought that it was the best mechanical body I had ever made, but now—

What is taking shape in his hands is undoubtedly better.

Because Ronggui is looking at it with excitement and anticipation.

The shabby little robot had no mouth on its face, but Xiaomei seemed to see the way his lips kept opening and closing.

Bowing her head, Xiaomei continued her work.

He is headed now.

Imagining the opening and closing of Ronggui's lips that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Xiaomei carefully crafted the lips. This time, the lips were no longer just decorations, he even made the mouth.

He also added an analyzer to it.

"In the future, you can know the various data of the items you taste through the analyzer, and the analyzer will report the taste of the contents to you in the form of a text report. The so-called text report form is bitter, spicy, sour... "

Embed the analyzer in the back end of the lips, Xiaomei explained.

He didn't finish his words, and in the next second, with a "bang", Ronggui hugged him again.

"Love you!" Ronggui said loudly, hugging his neck tightly.

Quietly stayed in Ronggui's creaking nest for a while, after Xiaomei was released, she immediately continued her work as if nothing had happened.

However, after quietly working for five minutes, he suddenly said:

"This function was just thought of, the previous body did not have it."

This is the first time Xiaomei has taken the initiative to mention the body that was taken away.

Ronggui was stunned for a while, then a trailer sat beside his lap, gossiping, and Ronggui began to ask him more questions: "What's the difference?"

Xiaomei told him the various differences in the form of data.

Ronggui naturally did not understand.

Xiaomei told him the difference that could be seen in the appearance.

For example: the previous toes considered the grip, in fact, the soles of the feet were wider, and the toes were more open.

(Ronggui: Oppose! Is that a monkey?)

For example: the previous foot soles had pulleys.

(Ronggui: Fortunately, I didn't do it! We are not skateboard teenagers!)

For example: only the mouth was made before, but the mouth can only be made out of the mouth, and the inside is a grinder, which can be used as a simple version of the ingredient extractor...

(Ronggui: What the hell!)

While working and recalling, Xiaomei finally stopped the movements in her hands, raised her head and said:

"Because your brain capacity is very small, there is no room for the brain capacity of that body."

"And that guest is a brain worker."

Xiaomei said, seeing that Ronggui was still confused, he continued to add: "That is to say, the brain capacity does not match, and in the future, he must wear an auxiliary brain with him."

"Either wear two heads at the same time, or attach an additional brain volume bar to the body."

Ronggui couldn't help but imagined, and then shuddered.

Looking at Xiaomei, who looked at him calmly, he suddenly had an epiphany:

"Xiaomei, are you gloating?"

Xiaomei... Xiaomei didn't say anything.

Ronggui secretly shook his shoulders with joy.

"and also… "

"What is a particularly small brain capacity? Can't we change the word?"

"... Then, the brain capacity is particularly delicate?" Xiaomei tilted her head.

"..." Rong Gui... Rong Gui punched Xiaomei.

In this way, the two little robots were talking while doing work. When the energy in the body was lower than the warning line and the warning started, Ronggui pulled a long charging board over, and then plugged the two people into it.

Then get on with the work.

In this way, Xiaomei worked endlessly for one day and two nights. With the second light rising, Xiaomei finally completed the production of two bodies.

The assembled mechanical body lay quietly on the ground, and Xiaomei patiently chiseled the last black gem in her hand. Xiaomei debugged for a while, and when she confirmed that there was no problem, he picked up the other three eyeballs that had been beside him for a while.

"Knock" and "Knock" twice.

Two blue eyeballs were embedded in his future robotic doll.


"Knock" and "Knock" again.

Ronggui's body is also completed.