The Sabbath

Chapter 70: Goodbye, Yedhan City and friends!


Ronggui woke up in a light.

Reflexively sitting up, he suddenly felt as if something was different.

What he saw was something familiar to him. He was in the living room of his rental house with Xiaomei, but there seemed to be some differences.

It seems to be clearer, the colors don't seem to be the ones I remembered, and then... a lot of things don't look the same as before.

Ronggui looked down at the floor reflexively, and saw the familiar handmade carpet under him, and then he saw the palm of his hand caught in the middle of the long hair of the carpet.

This hand is so beautiful!

This was the first thought in Ronggui's mind. After a few seconds, he saw that hand was grabbing like his own head, and then he realized that it was his hand.

Ah... By the way, he was preparing to change his body before going to bed! Now... This is the body changed!

The memory before the shutdown was instantly returned to the cage, and Ronggui suddenly realized.

Then he grunted to his feet.

Just such a simple action, he was absolutely unable to do it before.

As a ragged robot with three heads, his joints are relatively simple, and complex movements are completely impossible. When he wakes up every morning, Ronggui feels that he is acting like an old man.

The feeling of jumping up surprised him and filled him with nostalgia at the same time.

But he wasn't in a hurry to explore his new body, he had more important things to do.

"Xiaomei! Xiaomei!" Ronggui shouted Xiaomei's name.

His voice was also different from before, with a hoarse metallic texture and a slight echo from the resonance in the metal tube. It was still a standard mechanical sound, but it was fundamentally different from the sound produced by the simple sound generator before. The texture is much better, and the range of sound coverage is greatly improved.

When everyone has the same sound conditions, different speech rates, subtle changes in each sound... All kinds of conditions are combined together, and the final sound effect will be completely different.

Ronggui is a person who can control the rhythm of the voice by nature.

He knows what a good sound is and how to make a better sound.

The voice he called out to Xiaomei was very nice.

Simple two syllables, he called it very nicely.

But the one who was called did not answer him.


Ronggui continued to call Xiaomei's name, stood up, and turned his head. When he turned his head, he immediately noticed the sofa behind him.

Xiaomei was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, with her back against the sofa, her head slightly tilted.

Appears to be asleep.

Stop calling, Ronggui immediately ran over.

With a new body, he ran extremely fast, and he ran over in just a few steps.

"Xiaomei." Running in front of Xiaomei, Rong Gui squatted down and put his hands on Xiaomei's shoulders lightly.

He didn't feel like he had used a lot of power, but—

Just as his palm touched Xiaomei's body, half of Xiaomei's body suddenly collapsed.

His mind was blank, and Ronggui was stunned.

At a loss, he wanted to support the other half of Xiaomei's body that had not collapsed. Who knows, just this touch, the half of her body that had not collapsed also began to shatter.

In the end, Ronggui could only see Xiaomei turned into a large metal block and fell to the floor.

Some larger pieces were preserved, and the most intact one was probably Xiaomei's right hand. When panicking, Ronggui suddenly noticed that Xiaomei's intact hand was holding the other half at the moment.

It was tattered, and there were traces of repairs many times. It was his hand - Ronggui recognized it at a glance.

He froze.

Only then did he realize that there was another piece of metal next to the place where Xiaomei was sitting. Thinking about it carefully, it was vaguely the last place he sat before shutting down...

"Xiaomei..." I don't know what the situation is now. Ronggui only knows that he has broken Xiaomei. In a hurry, this clumsy guy can only choose to pout his butt and stretch out his hands together. Large metal fragments are picked out.

At this moment, a young voice with a strong metallic texture suddenly sounded behind him.

"I am here."

The voice is very unfamiliar, but the cold feeling is very familiar to Ronggui.

Grabbing two large pieces of metal, Ronggui turned back in panic, and then—

I saw a robot with eyes like a sky and a river.

"Xiaomei!" Rong Gui smiled.

Instantly, at ease.

Xiaomei was not damaged by him!

Xiaomei has a new body!

Xiaomei, who has a shotgun for a cannon, is so pretty!


"Emma! Xiaomei, why are you bald?!!!" After An Xin, Ronggui immediately noticed the details.

"You're bald too." The cool boy metal voice replied to him.

Ronggui was stunned, and hurriedly went to the place where the mirror is usually placed to look in the mirror. When he looked in the mirror, in an instant...

The sky is broken!

"Only the hair made of metal wire has no other function and is easy to hook. I plan to find a better material and then make it." Xiaomei explained the two people's big bald heads.

Strong enough to be used as a rope, or even a weapon, or a higher-end material that can absorb dark matter and become a moving energy-producing wire ← This is Xiaomei's hair plan.

He doesn't intend to have hair at all until he finds hair-making materials that meet his requirements.

Ronggui... Ronggui is a little desperate...

Dear, in addition to being used as a rope, weapon or even a generator, the most important function of hair is beauty!

The right hairstyle can completely save a person's appearance!

Grabbing his hands in the air, he saw that Xiaomei had no intention of changing the plan at all, Ronggui... Ronggui could only pick out the small hat that he was wearing on his old body from the scraps and put it on reluctantly.

In the process, he saw those two hands again.

Two worn-out metal palms, with interlaced fingers, as if holding hands gently, just lay quietly among a pool of metal scraps.

Imagining that after he shut down, a dilapidated little robot sat beside him and gently held his palm with his hand, his heart suddenly became extremely soft.

Ronggui pursed his lips, and Ronggui no longer complained.

Even the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"After dismantling the most critical part of the brain, the body fell apart." Mistaking Rong Gui to study the metal fragments in front of her, Xiaomei came over and explained: "The use limit of the materials of those two bodies is almost reached."

"..." Hearing these words, Ronggui did not speak.

The joy just now weakened a little, Rong Gui squatted down, and the metal palm touched the metal scrap in front of him.

Against the background of the brand-new mechanical hand, the metal debris under the palm looks even more broken.

Like garbage waiting to be collected.

With a gentle movement, some metal pieces that were barely connected with invisible screws gradually spread out.

No wonder it is.

Their original bodies were originally made from materials that were available at hand. Due to the harsh environment, they were damaged along the way, relying on Xiaomei to "pick up junk" all the way, and they barely repaired the broken body.

In the end, it was difficult for them to even get a complete piece of metal, so Xiaomei used invisible screws to meticulously spliced the pieces of metal into a slightly larger area.

"It's hard work." Rong Gui said softly as his eyes slid over piece after piece of metal fragments.

He seemed to say it to the metal shards in front of him, but also to Xiaomei behind him.

Then they started to prepare before leaving.

As a good tenant, or a good tenant with a good relationship with the landlord, the most important thing for them now is to restore the room to its original state.

Uh... The original is pretty bad, and it can be restored a little better than the original.

In addition to the high-quality materials used in the body making, the compensation received from "Wings" also included a lot of ordinary materials. In addition to the materials they had received from the male dwarf before, they had quite a lot of materials on hand.

If conditions permit, Ronggui decided to renovate the room.

The first was the hole behind the TV in the back room. Rong Gui made a suggestion, and Xiaomei was in charge of the production. They designed the hole as a small window. This way, with a window in the back room, it would not look so depressing.

Next is the floor of the living room outside.

This is a big project. After all, they not only hid their bodies under the floor before, but also used the original hole in the floor as a natural large flower pot, and planted apples in it!

Today, the apple seeds that Ronggui planted in those days have grown out of two seedlings: one apple seedling has long since broken through the ceiling downstairs and settled in the old dwarf's room; the other is placed in a flowerpot, It was given to them by the old dwarves, so that their "little garden on the floor" was no longer necessary.

Fortunately, they have Xiaomei.

Master Xiaomei can not only make very precise robot figures, but also make metal floors!

When Xiaomei selected materials to make a new floor, Ronggui went to tidy up the original things on the floor.

The new body is much stronger, he can easily push the sofa away by himself, and then... It was the two piles of metal scraps that used to be him and Xiaomei in front of the sofa.

Even with a new body, Ronggui is still clumsy. When he tried to pack up all the debris, he broke a lot of debris into powder. When the wind blew, the powder was scattered in every corner of the room, and some even more It fell under the floor through the gap between the floors and could no longer be separated from this room.

As if they didn't want to leave here.

Ronggui was stunned.

"Just bury it here." Looking at the sluggish Rong Gui, Xiaomei suddenly said.

So, they seriously put all the remains of their old bodies under the floor.

Mixed with the original sand and soil, their remains were carried in little by little. Finally, Xiaomei's newly made floor was laid on top and sealed, and they once slept in this room forever.

Looking at Ronggui who was still reluctantly stroking the floor with her fingers, her blue eyes the color of the sky glanced in his direction, and Xiaomei picked up the carving knife again.

He found the metal floor that placed them directly above their bodies. In the lower left corner of the floor, he lightly engraved his and Ronggui's names.

Just like what Ronggui asked him to do every time before.

When he showed Rong Gui the small print on the floor, Rong Gui, who was still sad, was stunned.

"Good job, Mei."

First he was stunned for a moment, then Ronggui smiled.

It was just a small move, and Xiaomei made Ronggui happy again.

On the brand-new floor, the carpet that Ronggui and the dwarf girls learned to weave, the whole room looks very presentable.

In Ronggui's words, "the next tenant can move in at any time".

Flower pots, benches, small tables and chairs, inlaid with the certificate of Xiaomei's third-level craftsman, portraits of Sleeping Beauty Nangui and Sleeping Beauty Mei... They have a lot more things than before, and they managed to get everything in the room that belonged to them. After packing and sorting, there is a huge package in front of the two small robots.

Fortunately, Rong Gui had nothing to do with the four female dwarves and learned to make a lot of big blankets and quilts, otherwise these things would be really difficult to pack.

Fortunately, they have now changed into new bodies, and their strength is much stronger. They can easily carry two extra-large packages on their backs. Otherwise, they would be wasting a lot of time just to put their luggage.

After finishing everything, Rong Gui and Xiaomei carried the two huge packages on their backs.

Standing in the living room, which was empty because of the lack of many things, the two little robots finally looked around the place where they once lived.

"I'm leaving." Rong Gui sighed.

Xiaomei did not speak.

The wind blows into the room through the curtains, and in another two hours, the lights outside the window will gradually come on, Ye Dehan's "day" will come, and then a new day will begin.

At this moment, Ronggui suddenly spoke again.

"Xiaomei, don't hate dwarves."

"That day, Lily and the others...and what Labuji and the others didn't say...that should be the sentence."

"I'm sorry that something bad happened to you, but please don't hate us because of this."

"I saw that in their eyes."

Ronggui, who spoke in a somewhat unfamiliar voice and a rare serious tone... Xiaomei tilted her head, and soon she turned her head back.

"Not annoying." He only said these three words.

"Let's go?" Ronggui asked again.

"Yeah." Xiaomei replied softly.

Then, the two little robots with huge luggage locked the door, placed the key at the door of the old dwarf's room, and left quietly.

Then, they saw Rhubarb parked on the opposite side, and four huge round bags on the roof of Rhubarb's car.

It is bells and whistles, and with lace trims, it looks like the taste of female dwarfs.

Wearing four rhubarbs wrapped like this looks... like combing two pairs of buns!

Pfft - Ronggui laughed.

It was a farewell gift from the four dwarves to him.

There are also two large knives on the top of the car, which are a bit like kitchen knives. According to the craftsmanship, they should be gifts from the male dwarf.

Glancing at Xiaomei, Ronggui took apart the huge package in his hand, sorted it with the luggage on the roof, and finally sorted everything into the trunk of Rhubarb.

The female dwarves gave them all kinds of hand-woven items, including a lot of clothes. The female dwarves don't give them clothes easily, so...

"I think the clothes we received should have been sewn by Jack." Ronggui commented.

Xiaomei: …

Close the car door and connect the pass marked with the new city route map to Da Huang's system. Without their command, Da Huang immediately drove in the direction of the city gate.

Familiar streets and shops passed by them one by one, and the earliest sound of iron hammering in the city rang out in their ears, and they were quickly leaving the city.

Rhubarb ran quickly.

The mushroom fields full of mushrooms on both sides of the road are rapidly receding. Occasionally, you can see female dwarves working in the fields. There is no dungeon day and night, and people work day and night.

The brightly lit Yedehan City was behind the car, and they were getting farther and farther away.

The mushroom fields began to sparse, the number of vehicles on the road gradually decreased, and the lights on both sides of the road became less and less, until they disappeared completely.

When it was dark all around, they couldn't see Yedhan City at all.

Volume 3 Elixir