The Sabbath

Chapter 71: Familiar voices and emergency orders!


Rhubarb gallops down the road.

It was dark all around.

Against the pure black background, a little bit of light inside the car is particularly eye-catching.

It was a faint green fluorescent light. If you look closely, you can see that the light source comes from the mushrooms in several flower pots placed above the driver's platform in the car.

Although the green light was weak, it persisted, as if it was the only light left in the world.

The surroundings were quiet, except for the sound of Rhubarb's wheels rubbing against the ground as he galloped.

Until a long sigh broke the silence from inside the car.


"I used to think when I was walking on a dark road every day, when would I be able to see the light."

"I didn't expect to go back to the dark road, but I feel so nostalgic."

The first sound of the speaker's sigh felt a bit strange, with a little metallic texture, and some noises that vibrated and resonated, making people feel that it was the sound of a mechanical voice.

However, when he continued to talk, the mechanical feeling before disappeared instantly, and the voice was brisk, with a bit of an itchy rhythm, which made people think that it was just an illusion before.

Special, but not unpleasant.

It can even be described as nice.

"It's dark, and it feels like there's only me and Xiaomei left in the world." Speaking of this, the voice even brought a little joy.

"Although the big city is not bad, but occasionally in a world with only two people is not bad~"

After saying this, the speaker turned to look at the only companion who was sitting beside him.

The speaker is Ronggui, and the only companion beside him is naturally Xiaomei.

If there must be a person sitting next to Ronggui, that person must be Xiaomei. Thinking this way... It seems that there is nothing wrong

The robot with a pair of water-like eyes glanced at him, and then continued to lower his head and sew his hat.

He is sewing hats.

That's right, sew hats.

"The body is so well designed, and the face looks good in a robot."


"It's actually bald!!!"

"The most terrible thing, what material did you use, Xiaomei, you can't even draw a head shape with dyes!!!!"

"I can't stand it!"

After howling wildly on Rhubarb for a while, Ronggui began to rummage through the dwarves' love gifts for a suitable cloth head, and he was going to make a new hat for the two of them.

It's a pity that his craftsmanship is really bad, and he can't watch it without the guidance of Lily and others.


After cutting two pieces of cloth, he had to ask Xiaomei for help.

So the hat sewer became Xiaomei, while Ronggui thought about using the broken cloth head waste.

After thinking about it, he decided to make two pants.


In the love package, there are only two pieces of cloth that are suitable for making hats except for the ones that were damaged by Ronggui - the green ones.

The piece of cloth that Ronggui had broken was red.

So, according to Xiaomei's ability to do things without fail, the two of them are destined to wear green hats in the future, and... maybe wear red pants.

Honor: =-=,

Da Huang drove the car steadily, and the two owners of the car sat in the driver's seat and the passenger seat respectively, doing needlework.

It didn't take long for Xiaomei to make two hats, still a wide-brimmed hat - Xiaomei's, and a baseball cap - Ronggui's.

Shui Se's eyes squinted in Ronggui's direction: Ronggui is still clumsy over there sewing trousers. When the material on his body was not good, he was often poked with needles when he was doing handicrafts. Now, After all the materials on his body were upgraded, when the needle pierced him again, the needle bent.

Xiaomei: I remember they only had ten needles on them.


So, he stretched out his finger and poked Ronggui, and Ronggui immediately handed over the needlework in his hand to Xiaomei, and Xiaomei began to run the needle again.

Master Mei is Master Mei, and he is not bad at sewing trousers.

It didn't take long for Ronggui's two trousers to take shape under his hands.

However, Rongguo was not very satisfied: "Oh, Xiaomei, the style you are sewing now is for women!"

"There must be a slit in the front of a man's underwear, that... for JJ!" After a long time, Ronggui could only say the word.

Then Xiaomei sent him away with one sentence:

"Do you have JJ?"

Just this sentence, Ronggui looked down, and then said nothing.

Yeah... they're robots now, or robots that don't even have JJ, so... are they still men? Maybe you can even go to the women's toilet in the future, right

With her mouth open, she looked ahead, what Ronggui was thinking about, no matter how great Xiaomei's skills were.

Just when Ronggui appeared in a row, the two women's underwear in Xiaomei's hand came out. One per person, there is still fabric left.

This is also another difference between craftsmen of different levels: they use different materials and make the same item. Of course, it refers to items that can be made by craftsmen of different levels. It’s not good that all the materials can’t be finished; when the second-level craftsman finishes, there are no materials left, which is just right; and when the third-level craftsman is here, after they finish, the materials are not only used up, but also saved. Not a lot.

There was a long red cloth strip left in Xiaomei's hand. Seeing that Xiaomei seemed to be putting away the cloth strip, Ronggui suddenly had an idea:

"Xiaomei, don't put it away, didn't you keep the red metal piece? It's very fashionable to embroider it on a cloth strip and then fix it on a wide-brimmed hat!"

He spoke quickly.

When the remains of the two people's old bodies were transferred, Ronggui glanced at Xiaomei picking up a red metal piece from the remains. Thinking carefully, it should be the one on the left side of Xiaomei's head that looked like a small red flower.

When he asked Xiaomei, Xiaomei paused for a while, and then said blankly: "This piece of metal is still intact, keep it as a spare."


She is obviously reluctant to give up her old body like herself and wants to keep a souvenir, but she says she wants to keep it for later use, Xiaomei is really awkward~

However, being considerate is like honor, and naturally I won't ask more things~

He happily took out a few old metal pieces from the new storage bin, and he handed the metal pieces to Xiaomei: "I took this from our old body, and I can't tell who it is, you give it to me. Put it on the hat~ Just like a rivet decoration, such a baseball cap is worth a little more fashion at once!"

After staring at him for a moment, Xiaomei finally took the metal fragments sent by Ronggui.

In the end, there was a red strip of cloth on Xiaomei's hat, and there was a piece of safflower-like metal on the cloth strip, which looked very... ladylike and gentle; on Ronggui's hat, there were many rivet-like metal fragments. It's street hip-hop.

She put on her new hat happily, then turned to look at Xiaomei - Ronggui noticed that after Xiaomei put on the hat, she really moved the position of Xiaohonghua to the left side of her head.

Ronggui covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

There was nothing on the road, Xiao Hei couldn't receive any radio waves, and Da Hei, the new TV they got from the old dwarf, couldn't get any signal.

Xiaomei and Da Huang competed silently one by one, and the only sound device in the car was Ronggui.


One person can support the audience, Ronggui and Xiaomei chatted:

Didn't you just decorate your hat with the remains of an old body? He started talking about the old bodies of two people.

"Xiaomei, I suddenly thought of a potentially serious problem." Rong Guite said to Xiaomei seriously, "Didn't all the apples grown in our family end up on the ceiling of Uncle Harun's house?"

"Say, our bodies... ahem, apart from a lot of fragments, aren't there some relatively complete parts? For example, Xiaomei's half of your face or something, in case our bodies leak from the ceiling, Xiaomei, half of your face, one of my toes, what are you going to do?"

Will the uncle be frightened

Ronggui thought sadly.

Xiaomei is still calm... doing handicrafts.

There are a lot of materials at hand, and he seems to be used to doing things. Even if there is nothing, he can find something to do for himself.

"I also wrote a note and put it in. If our bodies leak from the ceiling, ask him to re-seal it." Xiaomei said calmly while doing handicrafts.

"I also kept the stone, paint, sealant and nails for the ceiling."

Honorable Mention: …

Xiaomei works, he can rest assured.

"Also, our bodies shattered after we left. It really sounds like the feeling that the soul leaves and the body immediately dies..." Surrounding the bodies of the two people, Rong Gui appeared in a row: "Xiao Mei, you didn't say that we Our body is about to reach its limit? Could it be that we are just waiting for that moment? When our soul leaves, our body is finally liberated and dispersed?"

Thinking about it like this, it feels really romantic~

Glancing at him, Xiaomei said flatly: "Actually, it's just fixing the most critical part of the body on the head. If you want to take out the chip, you will definitely touch that key position. Our bodies are very worn out."

Honor: =-=

He affirmed again that Xiaomei is definitely a romantic killer.

There is now an extra screen on Rhubarb's body: the road map is on the screen.

When Da Huang's system was connected to Xiaomei's pass, the route map was immediately planned and displayed on the screen, which was the road leading to Ciciro City.

After deciding to go to Ciciro City, Xiaomei immediately sent an application on the computer. After the application was approved, the route to Ciciro appeared in their pass.

It is said that there are many roads here, each of which leads to a different place, and without the correct route map, people will definitely get lost.

Even if you get on the road to a certain city in some way, if the points are not enough, the traffic administration along the way will definitely find out, and then detain the stowaways.

However, as long as the points are enough, they will get a route map in their pass, and leave a map in their pass system together with the cities that have obtained pass qualifications in the past. In the future, they can freely travel to and from these cities. At the same time, in their pass Inside, the information of these cities will also be left.

Before their bodies were too worn out, Ronggui's body couldn't intuitively call up the map of the pass to view it. Now that the system has been upgraded, he still doesn't know how to use it, but the screen on Rhubarb's body has been familiar to him these days.

In Xiaomei's pass, the route map of three cities has now been drawn: the city of Oni, the city of Yedhan, and the city of Sisiro they are going to.

The three cities look like three spheres, and the road connecting them is like a long pipe.

Ronggui suddenly thought of peanuts.

The orphanage where he grew up grew some things in the backyard, including peanuts. When he was a child, Ronggui liked to pull peanuts the most. The part of the peanut on the ground is like an ordinary green plant. When you grab it and yank it, a bunch of peanuts are buried in the soil, and the peanuts just pulled out still have many roots.

The three cities looked like peanuts, and the surrounding pipes looked like roots on the surface of the peanuts.

However, unlike peanuts, these roots grow on the surface of one "peanut" and are connected to another "peanut".

The Tower of Eternal Day, which was completely unthinkable before, now finally has a little outline in his mind.

It's just a vague outline. If you want to look more closely, it is beyond the scope of Ronggui's imagination. What Xiaomei once said about "absorbing stardust from the outside", "the sexual process of a planet" and so on, is even more unimaginable by Ronggui.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, Ronggui finally gave up thinking.

As a small robot living in this giant tower, he is too small in this world. Just like the honorable human beings who once lived on the earth, he may spend his whole life, and he has no way to see the completeness of this world. face.

Ronggui thought so.

Who knows—

On the third day after this, a sudden accident gave him a chance to see a corner of the world.

"Emergency order! Sakar City is now issuing an emergency order to all human beings in the domain. As long as you are in the area covered by Sakar City, no matter if you are on your way, going to or leaving Sakar City, please give up your The plan is to go to the designated location to serve for three months." - Xiao Hei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly "speaked", and when he said such a strong word, Ronggui was stunned.

After a few seconds, he realized that this was the broadcast they had received temporarily.

When he heard the sound on the radio, Ronggui was stunned, then was overjoyed, and finally surprised.

The joy is: this voice is very familiar, Ronggui immediately recognized that it was the voice of the radio DJ who accompanied him for a long time in Erni City!

That radio DJ has also left the city of Erni! Is he working in that Sakar city now

It was the so-called emergency dispatch. At the moment when the broadcast was over, Rong Gui saw that the original road map on Da Huang disappeared instantly, and the next second, the road map that appeared on the screen had become a completely different road map. !

"Hint: about to be diverted, prompt: about to be diverted." As calm as rhubarb, he only "speaks" at critical moments, and now, it is talking.

"Diversion." Xiaomei replied to it immediately.

After receiving the owner's confirmation instruction, Da Huang immediately started driving according to the new route plan.

Ronggui was a little stunned.

"This... what's the matter with this? And... "

"That DJ is still suitable for playing songs and chatting with the audience with a cheerful voice. His voice is really not suitable for playing such a serious broadcast..."

While quickly connecting to the Internet to obtain relevant information about the broadcast, Xiaomei replied to Ronggui: "Emergency orders are very common."

"The Tower of Eternal Sun was originally the last base of human beings. Soldiers accounted for the total number of soldiers. For a long time, they have been carrying out militarized management. The people have been receiving various collective education since birth. Obedience and obligations are the responsibility of every citizen. An iron order that must be obeyed.”

"The emergency order is one of them."

"It's a obligatory task, anything that is delayed because of it will be forgiven, it's a compulsive task."

"It won't be a good task, but the reward will be good." Xiaomei said calmly.

Ronggui, who had never received any military education and had never even participated in military training, was speechless.

But seeing Xiaomei so calm, he also calmed down.

There is even a little hope.

In all kinds of small emotions, Ronggui and Xiaomei finally arrived at the designated place in the broadcast.

When they arrived, there were already many, many cars, some silent, some talking, and the meeting place was very lively.