The Sabbath

Chapter 72: take office


Sitting on Rhubarb, Xiaomei looked out the window calmly.

The glass in front has a thick film, so it is impossible to see the inside from the outside. Although other glass does not have this function, the dwarfs have carefully made small curtains for other windows—lace, pink.

Ronggui looked through the front compartment, then left the passenger seat, opened a small slit in the curtains, and looked in another direction.

There were a lot of vehicles parked around, there was no order, and everyone stopped casually. Some people are on the phone, some people are out of the car to chat, and more people are like them, sitting in the car and not getting off.

Rong Gui thought for a while, and quickly rummaged through the package given by the female dwarf behind to find two sets of clothes. He carried the clothes and walked back to the passenger seat.

"Let's put on clothes first?" Rong Gui said, handing one of the clothes to Xiaomei.

Glancing at her brand-new metal body, Xiaomei did not object.

The new body is too beautiful, I am afraid that people will covet my beauty~← Thinking so, Ronggui put on the bottom of his trousers, and then put on his trousers;

The new body material is a good material in the dungeon, and it is easy to be decomposed by people. This is what Xiaomei thought. She put on her shirt cautiously, and fastened the buttons.

"Very good, we must now be the most popular male dwarves among female dwarves in Dwarf City." After the two of them were dressed, Ronggui glanced at Xiaomei next door and was delighted.

Dwarves' clothing has its own characteristics, whether it is color, style, or even the intricate embroidery on the edge of the clothes, it looks like a traditional clothing somewhere.

One word: national style!

However, in order to facilitate workmanship and ironing, the dwarves' clothes were slightly exposed, and their mechanical arms were exposed. After thinking about it, Ronggui rummaged through the bag again, and pulled out two large cloaks. Ronggui gave them to the two of them. draped.

The two cloaks are also ethnic style. They are both bright solid colors with complicated embroidery. The embroidery patterns are exactly the same, but the background color is different, and the colors used for the embroidery patterns are different. Staring at Xiaomei for a while, Ronggui put the dark blue one. I gave it to Xiaomei, and I wore yellow.

"Xiaomei's eyes are blue, and her temperament is very quiet. It is suitable to wear blue. My personality is cheerful, and yellow is the most suitable for me~" As he said, Ronggui tied a cloak to Xiaomei.

Strange to say, it is normal for Ronggui to be clumsy, but when it comes to dressing up, he becomes dexterous. For example, the cloaks they are wearing now. Dwarves wear cloaks to keep out the wind. The styles of cloaks that have been worn for hundreds of years have not developed too much. It's not pretty, but Ronggui is very good at dressing up~ He first put on a cloak for Xiaomei using the traditional method. After wearing it, he took a look: The original petite and exquisite robot became a stump dwarf melon!

Can't stand it!

So he began to adjust, and saw that he took the cloak apart again. The cloak that was originally tied from the shoulders was brought up to the head, and he used a large shawl to wrap around a circle. A very exotic and mysterious Mei Mei appeared. .

Of course, Xiaomei herself didn't feel that this method was any different from the previous ones. If he insisted on commenting, it was probably because Ronggui's method was stronger and would not loosen easily. It was much better than the traditional method of dwarves. .

Expressionless, he accepted the honorable way.

"Not bad~ Not bad~" Satisfiedly glanced at Xiaomei who was dressed up beautifully but not too outrageously beautiful, Ronggui nodded in satisfaction, and then began to tie his cloak in the same way.

Not long after, the beautiful Agui also appeared!

"Hehe, my cloak and rhubarb are a couple's color~" Ronggui said proudly.

Xiaomei: …


Well, actually, the pattern on Xiaomei's dark blue cloak is yellow, and the same pattern on Ronggui's yellow cloak is dark blue. The cloaks on these two people are the real couples.

The painstaking efforts of the female dwarves were completely in vain without being understood by the parties themselves.

It was also an emergency dispatch order. Others were anxious to make phone calls, and there was a lot of discussion. It was the only one who dressed slowly like Rong Gui and the others.

Just when they finished dressing up and Rong Gui was wondering if he should get out of the car to take a look, suddenly, Xiao Hei... No! It's the radio DJ of Erni City, and he's talking again!

"The following is the time for answering the questions. Please return to the car and answer every question on the answer sheet truthfully based on your ability and experience. The degree and content of the answers to these questions will directly determine the tasks you receive in the emergency transfer order."

"Hey?" Before Ronggui could react, the scene outside was different.

The people who were still chatting outside the car immediately got back into the car, and a group of people suddenly appeared from the corner, and they stuffed a piece of paper into each car as they walked.

Not long after, the glass of rhubarb was also knocked, and Ronggui fell down the window. After asking how many people there were, the people inside handed them two pages of paper.

It is said to be paper, but in fact it should be a metal product, similar to an ultra-thin tablet computer. There is a circular depression on the upper left. Ronggui feels that the area of the depression seems to be the size of a passport...

He looked to the side, and sure enough, Xiaomei had already deducted her pass.

Button it up and then leave, the originally black answer sheet suddenly turned white.

Start up - Rong Gui thought.

So he quickly buckled up his pass and brushed it.

His answer sheet also lit up, and along with Xiao Hei's "start answering the question", the answer sheet showed densely packed questions.

Xiaomei began to answer questions, and Ronggui...

It's been discontinued.

As soon as it came up, it was a question that Ronggui couldn't even read the title, and Ronggui's mind was blank for a moment.

On the other hand, Xiaomei has already started to answer the question. The lines of small characters are denser than the title. If you look closely, there are all kinds of formulas! The light column formula is not enough, but Xiaomei still draws pictures! Circles, triangles, and digital markers for instructions, Rong Guiguang can see: this question must be super difficult!

He could only read the second question, but—

Ronggui's head became even more dizzy.

After Ronggui finished reading the three questions on the first page, Xiaomei had already completed the three questions, and the two of them turned the page together.

The situation did not improve after turning the page, Ronggui continued to hand in blank papers, while Xiaomei continued to answer the questions quickly.

Time passed by like that.

From beginning to end, Ronggui only answered the last two questions on the last page.

Specialty: Sings nicely.

He originally wrote about being beautiful, but after thinking about his current honor, he also thought that the content of the answer was directly linked to the task. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that being beautiful would not get any reliable task!

So, Ronggui quickly crossed out the half-written "beautiful".

Ronggui, who looked desperate, finally handed in with Xiaomei at the same time.

Then, as expected, Xiaomei got the highest score in the game, while Ronggui was the lowest score in the game.


Sakar City's public officials had a slightly subtle expression when they found out that the highest and lowest scorers were actually sitting in a car.

Xiaomei looked blankly at the civil servants who came over, while Ronggui's expression was a little nervous.

For the relationship between the two people, without their explanation, the family account on the two-person pass is already very telling.

The only answer that Ronggui filled in on the entire answer sheet helped explain the problem: singing well and looking beautiful (the latter is crossed out).

A little goblin who confuses the master with her youthful beauty ← Although several civil servants at the scene did not say a word, a common answer emerged in their minds at the same time.

Note: Xiaomei's information on the pass includes the Level 3 Certificate of Craftsman Qualification Certificate, which is generally obtained by people with considerable qualifications. In other words, to put it bluntly: it is the uncle and the aunt.

Judging by their height and clothes, the civil servants have already regarded Ronggui and Xiaomei as dwarves.

"Mr. Mei, your knowledge reserve is quite rich. In this mission, you will be given a very important job."

"The specific work cannot be said here, and you will naturally find out later when you move to a more suitable place for conversation."

The person who was talking to Xiaomei was a male civil servant with animal ears. He was very tall and had a determined face. Just looking at him made people feel very reliable.

Nodding, Xiaomei didn't ask much about her work.

Thankfully, she nodded to Xiaomei, and the civil servant immediately turned to Ronggui.

It stands to reason that the winner of the worst score in the game, this kind of person does not need him to be responsible for the assignment at all, but seeing that this person is in front of him, it is also a matter of hand to assign it by the way.

The tasks that can be claimed by the lowest score winner in the audience are not important tasks, so the civil servants simply asked him face-to-face:

"There are still some vacancies in the logistics team. Are you good at cooking? The kitchen needs a few new people to help prepare meals for the new staff..."

Ronggui opened his mouth.

He hadn't answered yet, but Xiaomei spoke one step ahead of him: "It's not suitable, he can't cook, even the simplest ingredients."

"..." Ronggui scratched his head: This is the truth. When making nutrient solution for two people's bodies, he always clumsily ruined the ingredients, and often threw away the most nutritious parts. Later, Xiaomei refused to let him. He did.

"My family's meals are all made by Xiaomei." Rong Gui told the truth.

"How about helping to transport supplies by car?" The animal ear civil servant thought for a while, and then thought of a new non-technical type of work.

"He can't drive." Xiaomei refused again.

"Yes~ Our rhubarb was specially remodeled by Xiaomei. Every time we go out, Rhubarb drives by himself..." Rong Gui pointed to the little yellow car under him, indicating that it was his own rhubarb.

government employee:…

Several civil servants look at me, I look at you, and finally: "Then wash and mend the clothes..."

This time, Xiaomei took out her gloves directly: "This is something he sewed."

"That... Our family's main sewing work is basically done by Xiaomei..." Qianqian, Ronggui added in a low voice.

After he finished speaking, he quickly grabbed the gloves from Xiaomei's hand and hid them.

"..." Several civil servants had nothing to say.

You deserve to have such a useless wife! You are used to it!

At this moment, several public servants no longer sympathized with Xiaomei.

In the end, it was the beast-eared civil servant who helped Ronggui find a job that he was capable of and that Xiaomei did not refuse.

"Go to the radio station to be a broadcaster. We hired a person a while ago to issue an emergency order notice. After the mission starts, there will be more notifications. We do need another broadcaster."

Hey? ! DJ? !

Work with the DJ in Erni City? !

Hearing this, Ronggui's eyes lit up.


"Can I let him work with me? He often encounters words that he can't read." Xiaomei said coldly next to her.

government employee:…

Go go go! You are the best! Such a capable guy, it is estimated that ordinary tasks will not be difficult for you, you should do the work for two people!

"Okay." Not wanting to talk to these two anymore, the official quickly agreed to Xiaomei's request.

In this way, Ronggui's dream of "being a DJ on the radio" and "working with DJs in Anyi City" fell through the cracks, and he was assigned a set of DJ equipment. He was finally arranged in a small office in Xiaomei's office. in the corner.

It's barely a job.

And Xiaomei~

Since he got the highest score in the knowledge test, and at the same time there is a third-level craftsman qualification certificate in the pass, it can be said that he is the most valuable among the people who were transferred in this emergency order!

Such a valuable person is still a weak technical staff. The public servants of the emergency recruitment department in Sakar City thought about it and finally assigned him to the logistics department.

Responsible for managing the warehouse.


It didn't sound like much, and Ronggui suddenly thought of the image of the old man who looked at the warehouse, but he didn't know that this position was basically the safest and most powerful position for passers-by who were dispatched by emergency orders!

The points that are entered into the account every day are several times that of other people, and it is ten times that of honor.

Responsible for reviewing the list of items entering and leaving the warehouse. It is necessary to send someone to regularly check the inventory and maintain all the equipment in the warehouse. If the incoming items are damaged, they are also responsible for repairing...

This is really a thorough application of Xiaomei's various abilities - Rong Gui is speechless.

Now that he has put on dwarf clothes, he simply wears it thoroughly, so before getting out of the car, Rong Gui helped Xiaomei to stuff the axe and hammer into the axe and hammer sheath on the back waist, and Yihuhuahualao also brought it with him. One set, so when I got out of the car, two dwarves appeared in front of everyone!

Still a very gorgeous dwarf~

For outsiders, the impression of dwarves being irritable and aggressive has become very stubborn, so when they found out that the new boss was a dwarf, the others were really well behaved. Anyway, everyone was transferred by emergency orders. There's no need to look for something for a temporary assignment~

When no one disturbed, Xiaomei quickly grasped the work situation and started the warehouse management work smoothly. In his spare time, he also helped Rong Gui to build a small soundproof room, which is in the corner of the warehouse, not far from Xiaomei's desk.

It is transparent and the sound insulation effect is not bad. Ronggui can see clearly what is happening inside, and the sound from the outside cannot be transmitted. As for Ronggui, he wants to talk to him...

Don't forget, these two robots have a built-in directional call system, which can be used for a day and are free~

So, after Xiaomei took the time to make a small booth for herself, she took the broadcaster equipment given to him by the staff, and Ronggui sat in front of the small table, ready to work.

All kinds of external emergency orders are still handled by the DJ of the city of Oni who came first, and Ronggui is responsible for the internal broadcast of the personnel who have been assigned to the post. Although he and the DJ of the city of Oni are colleagues, but the two of them are not. Working together, they didn't have any means of internal communication, so the plan to recognize relatives had to be shelved.

When he entered the work compartment, Ronggui already had a piece of metal paper in his hand, and there were already small notices on it waiting for him to broadcast. Before the broadcast, Xiaomei also helped him to mark the words he did not know. This time Ronggui has more confidence.

So, sitting on the seat, debugging the microphone, sitting up straight, reading the first notice to be broadcast, Rong Gui began to read:

"The captain of Team A quickly went to the designated location to deliver the designated items to the warehouse. The specific work content has been sent to your pass, please check it immediately."

The soft and melodious metallic sound made a blunt command read a lot softer.

It turns out that my current job is point-to-point message notification~ Similar to when I and Xiaomei received a ticket on the highway, alas~

As expected, the tasks assigned to him are not like DJs in Ani City. They can face a lot of people, and maybe they can also have the scenery work of fans!

Kind of like a telemarketer.

But there's nothing wrong with this. I can just practice the new sounder I just put on. I have to burn the sound when I buy it home. The sounder is definitely no exception. I can just use these notifications to burn my throat~

When burning the machine, it is often necessary to use a tune with a very wide range. The high voice should float to the sky, and the low voice should try to dive to the bottom of the sea. The same method should be used for the sound generator, right

So, in the next time, when Ronggui starts to read the notice again, he will change his voice every time.

The voice is sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes powerful, sometimes ethereal, sometimes hoarse, sometimes crisp...

so that—

The staff member who was monitoring the work of the two announcers while working was stunned:

"With such a shortage of personnel, how many people did you find to play the announcement?"

Completely unaware of the misunderstanding caused by the staff in Sakar City, Ronggui was very happy with his work, and Xiaomei seemed to be doing well. The warehouse construction was completed in just one day, and the two finally returned to Rhubarb together. rest.

The author has something to say: Xiaomei, deserve it.

as well as

Burn-in is the process of rapidly aging the sound system of the speaker. Many people will play it for 24 hours or even longer after buying a new speaker. They call this process "burn-in". better.

I have cooked it, but I don't think the difference is too bad, maybe it's wooden ears