The Sabbath

Chapter 74: tower


At first glance, the outside world is white.

like a white sea.

Endless, no end in sight.

If you keep staring outside, it seems that time has been deliberately slowed down.

However, looking at it, Ronggui saw other scenes in a sea of blazing white light. Probably because the imager has adapted to the huge difference in light perception indoors and outdoors. After a period of automatic adjustment, Ronggui saw more "scenery":

It turned out that the sea of light outside was not blazing white, and the colors of those lights were layered.

Not only is the color layered, but this "sea" is not so calm.

Ronggui saw the "waves".

A huge orb of light exploded at some point in front of him to the left.

I couldn't hear the sound, very slowly, Ronggui saw that there was nothing there, and then it suddenly swelled, and the swelled higher and higher, like a budding flower, blooming—

A huge flower blooms in the sea of light.

The petals of the flower are layered on top of each other, and all are flames!

It was a very dreamy scene. With his head firmly against the glass, two small flames bloomed in his eyes made of black ore.

Those flowers are blooming so fast and decaying faster.

Soon, when the huge, fiery flower "bloomed" to its fullest, Ronggui saw those "petals" falling.

They fell down like lava and flowed into the sea of light below. The huge "sea surface" fluctuated slightly, and then calmed down again.

Not even a single "splash" splashed.

It wasn't just that "flower", Ronggui saw many more spectacular blooms.

The biggest bloom was so spectacular that it finally stirred up the waves.

The originally calm ocean of light suddenly set off a huge wave, and the huge waves woven by the light rushed towards them. For a moment, Rong Gui thought that the gravitational device that he and Xiaomei were riding would definitely be involved and overturned. , who knew that such a huge "wave" was still extinguished before reaching their location.

The sea looks calm like this, but in fact the waves are rippling in Ronggui's eyes.

After a long time, he reluctantly left from the window.

"It's... so beautiful!" Turning his head, he said to Xiaomei.

As an ordinary person with no common sense in this regard, all Ronggui saw was the excitement.

"What is that?" After watching the excitement, he remembered this question.

"It's just an explosion." Then, professional Xiaomei told the truth.

Ronggui: 囧!

"Outside is the belt of eternal light. The reason why it's all light is because there's been an explosion outside."

"The bands of light that you think are calm and sea-like outside are Alpha rays, the brightest rays in the universe."

"It is also the most powerful form of explosion known so far."

While continuing to drive the gravimeter forward, Xiaomei said calmly.

"Well, aren't we at the explosion site?" Rong Gui was taken aback, turned his head to look at the glass again, and the seemingly peaceful Guanghai outside instantly turned into a beast of a flood, as if it would engulf them at any time.

"No, in fact, we are at least three galaxies away from the explosion site. Those explosions have already happened, but the light and rays generated by the explosion have only penetrated here for you to see." Xiaomei said.

"After Yuris' prophecy, all the planets in the entire universe exploded, and the remnants after the explosion continued to explode. The light generated during the explosion penetrated the entire universe, and the entire world became a sea of light, which is now you. The eternal light that I saw has been brought."

Ronggui... Ronggui's mouth opened, he no longer knew what to say.

When he looked out of the glass again, what he saw in his eyes was no longer the boundless sea of light, but—

Boundless loneliness.

Living in a universe with exploding stars everywhere

It wasn't one or two explosions that didn't matter to you, but all the planets exploded

The honor is simply unimaginable.

But in fact he lives in such a world now.

Xiaomei glanced at Ronggui:

If Ronggui was so excited when he first saw the Sea of Light, then how depressed he is now after hearing Xiaomei's truth-telling

Looking at the fireworks from a distance is completely different from finding out that you may be living on the fireworks that are about to explode. The feeling of depression on the petite Zhengtai robot is so strong that Xiaomei is aware of it.

Not knowing how Ronggui's depression at this time came, nor how to eliminate it, Xiaomei could only change the subject: "The broken gravimeter is in front of us, we should pass."

"Well, alright." Still a little lethargic, but Ronggui dutifully picked up Xiaomei's toolbox.

He didn't forget that he came here as Xiaomei's assistant this time.

Ronggui originally thought that the broken gravimeter should be a machine about the size of the one they were riding now. It turned out that the size of the other party was much larger than theirs!

Their gravitometers were parked at the ports on top of each other's rounded heads, like an extra ear on a giant sphere.

The two sides immediately opened their respective access doors, and then, Ronggui followed Xiaomei and walked towards the opposite gravimeter.

The location where they landed was directly in the repair warehouse inside the instrument. The large originals that support the operation of the instrument are all here. As soon as they saw Xiaomei and Ronggui, several staff members in tooling hurriedly surrounded them.

They are the maintenance personnel who originally worked on this gravimeter. Any large machine will be equipped with not only drivers but also maintenance personnel when it goes out on a mission. The fault this time is rather strange. The remote guidance was useless. Seeing that she was about to give up the instrument and prepare to go back, Xiaomei arrived at this time.

There are three large-scale gravitometers in this star-making activity. This large-scale instrument called "Star Maker" has undertaken the heaviest task in this star-making activity. In case there is a major problem with one of the gravitometers , the progress of the project will definitely be greatly affected!

The "Star Maker" is a new type of high-end instrument distributed from the upper tower. The reason why it can't be repaired is because this type of gravitational instrument is not common at present. I saw Xiaomei alone... Well, I also brought one When the assistant appeared, to be honest, the staff on the gravimeter still didn't quite believe in Xiaomei's ability to work.

However, without telling them more, Xiaomei took Ronggui directly to the middle of the line group that needed maintenance.

The place to put the line group is not good, it is crowded and dark, and it is very narrow. There is no place to climb, and the maintenance personnel can only use a rope to hang in the air to repair the line.

Xiaomei hung and repaired for six hours, and Ronggui hung with him for six hours there.

Seeing that Xiaomei was getting more and more dirty at work, Rong Gui squeezed a small handkerchief in his hand and wanted to wipe it for him, but he was afraid of disturbing him.

On the one hand, I feel that "Xiaomei who works hard is really handsome", but on the other hand, Ronggui feels more distressed.

Xiaomei from their family~ It's really hard to make money for the family.

The previous depression has completely disappeared, and it has turned into pity for Xiaomei.

There was only Xiaomei in his eyes, and Rong Gui was afraid that the parts on Xiaomei's body would accidentally fall off.

This is a habit formed when they used the previous body, but their new body is obviously of good quality. Until Xiaomei put away the tools and announced the completion, none of their parts fell off.

Pulling on the rope, someone immediately pulled them up from below.

Without Xiaomei telling them, the staff of the operation center had already discovered that the gravimeter had been repaired.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She quickly thanked Xiaomei, and the people in work clothes left and returned to work.

The gravimeter, which had been quiet because it stopped working, re-emerged with a slight roar, indicating that it had started working again.

As the hero of all this, Xiaomei, no one cares.

When Ronggui was still standing in the corridor, Xiaomei had already started to recheck her toolbox and made sure that all the tools were in the place where they should be placed. He said to Ronggui, "Let's go."

"This, this is gone?" Ronggui still didn't react.

"Well, I'll leave after repairing." Xiaomei didn't think there was anything wrong with it. On the contrary, he also thought that the staff on this gravimeter were good.

Talk less, do more - the way these people show is still very much in line with Xiaomei's work philosophy.

Seeing that Ronggui was still a bit stunned, Xiaomei seemed to be casual: "You, don't you want to see how they made stars?"

Ronggui:! ! ! !

"Think about it! I really want to see it!" Ronggui immediately hugged Xiaomei's arm!

Let him hold it, Xiaomei dragged Ronggui away from the "Star Maker", walked through the connecting port, and they returned to their gravitational instrument, Xiaomei then drove the small gravitational instrument they were riding away some distance .

Deliberately parked the glass window facing the "star maker" in the distance, Xiaomei motioned for Ronggui to go there to prepare.

"As early as the establishment of the Aion Tower, Yuris proposed the word star-making."

"The Aion is not a place where humans can live for a long time. The population is bound to increase. To develop in the future, there must be an environment comparable to the planet."

"When the external environment does not allow it, humans should create conditions by themselves."

"Just like building a car, a building, the planet should be built."

"This activity is called star-making."

"And after so many years of research and application, today's star-making technology has been very developed."

Standing beside Ronggui, Xiaomei explained slowly, as if confirming what he said, Ronggui saw that the StarMaker in the distance started to move.

It moved.

It's very, very slow, and if it weren't for the mechanical imager, it's barely noticeable.

It's spinning and moving.

The whole body is silver and white, and even with the mechanical eyes, Ronggui can't see that it is turning. However, Ronggui saw the stardust, and they gathered together like a belt, surrounding the building. Asterisk.

At first it was just scattered stardust, then more and more, and more and more "belts", until finally, the star maker was almost surrounded by stardust.

That stardust comes from the universe, there are stardust, there are also large and small meteorites or other forms of solids.

They are densely shrouded around the Star Maker, and Ronggui can no longer see the Star Maker covered by them!

This process is still not over, the StarMaker is still spinning, attracting more stardust around it, and gradually, it looks like a small planet!

"Wow!" Rong Gui exclaimed.

"The gravitometer uses its own gravity to attract stardust that can be used as a constituent of new planets in the universe. When it attracts enough mass, the gravitometer will attract them around and dump them near the star core." Seconds, Xiaomei's explanation still sounds very high.

"The so-called gravimeter can actually be regarded as a large excavator and earth-moving machine." In the next second, Xiaomei returned to her old appearance.

Honorable Mention: …

It's not that I despise backhoes and earthmovers, it's just that…

But this statement is really easy to understand. With Xiaomei's explanation, Ronggui finally understands what the star-making movement is.

The Star Maker that had absorbed enough stardust began to leave, and Xiaomei adjusted the window to keep up. Then, following behind the Star Maker, a larger "sphere" suddenly appeared in front of Rong Gui!

The densely packed large meteorites floated within a circular boundary, and Ronggui almost thought that there was a larger Star Maker inside absorbing these meteorites and dust! However, he soon discovered that it was not. In addition to the Star Maker they followed, there were two other Star Makers moving over with stardust.

The original Star Maker was already big enough, but in front of this "ball", they turned out to be petite and cute.

Ronggui saw that the stardust outside the Star Makers suddenly drifted away, and the stars and meteorites were involved in the frequency of the sphere's rotation. Because of its large size, the sphere with more stardust did not seem to have much. It was bigger, but the Star Maker "lost weight" successfully, smooth and smooth, and returned again.

Ronggui suddenly realized: Ah! That's the new planet they're making!

And what Xiaomei said next confirmed his guess:

"There is a star core in there, an artificially created planetary core, which is very attractive enough to collect the incoming stardust, compress and compress it continuously, and after a certain period of gestation, it will become a new planet. "

"Of course, the formation of the planet is very complicated, and other auxiliary means are needed, but as the temporary staff transferred by the emergency requisition order, we are exposed to simple transportation work."

Xiaomei said lightly.

Along with his voice, Ronggui's hands clawed at the glass window again, and he took a serious look at the small planet in the process of forming.

As the angle changed, he saw more.

In addition to the small planet that was forming, he also saw another sphere below, and then changed the angle and saw another one.

He saw a lot of huge spheres like planets, not suspended in the universe, and surrounded by soil boulders, they were fixed together in a string!

"Then, what is that..." Ronggui murmured.

Then, he heard Xiaomei's voice again:

"That's the tower body."

"The original tower body can no longer meet people's living needs. On the basis of the original, human beings have created many star cities. These star cities are connected to each other, wrapped in thick stardust, and intertwined and intertwined under the tower of eternal day. It's where people live now."

"Every sphere you see is a star city. Stardust and meteorites in the universe are adsorbed on the tower. Below that, each star city is connected by pipes. The pipes are roads, and we pass through those Road, from one star city to another star city."

It was rare for Xiaomei to say such long words in one breath, and it was rare for Ronggui to understand.

Listening to his words, Ronggui seemed to see the formation process of artificial star cities under the tower, and then groups of people settled there and lived...

He thought of Xiaomei's hometown Messetal, his hometown "Siping Town" here, Ani City, and finally Yedehan City, where Mary and the others lived...

"This world can..." Staring at the Yongguang Belt outside, Rong Gui was stunned, and then sighed: "It's really amazing!"

"The people here are better."

"There is no planet, and you can still make your own planet."

"If every city is a planet, Xiaomei, the places we've been to before are actually equivalent to interstellar travel!"

"Rhubarb is also equivalent to a spaceship!"

"If I become a famous singer in the whole tower in the future, it will only be a temporary famous singer in the whole tower."

"When I reach the right place, in a universe where everyone can live normally, when the star cities spread out and become planets again, I will become a well-known singer in the universe!"

"Oh! Next, I have to work hard!" Ronggui clenched his fists.

"Thank you, Xiaomei, for taking me to such a beautiful place to see such a powerful thing!" Drinking water did not forget the well digger, turned to look at Xiaomei, and Rong Gui smiled at Xiaomei.

Seeing Ronggui's smile, Xiaomei was stunned.

Is this a beautiful place

Obviously just a hopeless place, isn't it

And... something awesome? Do you mean this tower

Shouldn't this tower be just a sad cage

Driving in the long belt of eternal light, I can't see a trace of hope for the future, just floating like this...

Looking away from Ronggui's smile, Xiaomei looked at the eternal sea of light outside the glass window.

Unlike Ronggui, he never thought it was anything to look at.

It was just that Ronggui wanted to see it, so he brought him here. From the beginning to the end, Xiaomei didn't give any more attention to the sea of light.

until now—

"I thought it looked a little lonely outside, but now I don't feel it anymore. How long can we stay here, Xiaomei?" Ronggui held Xiaomei.

" hour and five minutes." Even though she was thinking about things, Xiaomei's answer was still accurate.

"Ah~ time is running out, let's watch the sea together in the next time?" With Xiao Mei by his side, Rong Gui generously divided half of the glass window for Xiao Mei.

So in the next time, the two little robots really watched the "sea" together for 40 minutes.

Until the alarm clock set in advance by Xiaomei rang, prompting the two to return home immediately.