The Sabbath

Chapter 75: Xiaomei


According to Ronggui's habit, before leaving, he "clicked" a photo as usual.

Going back to Da Huang and looking for Xiao Hei to print out the photo, Rong Gui beautifully hung the new photo on the car.

By the way, due to Ronggui's strong request for a machine that can print photos, Xiaomei thought about it and added this function to Xiaohei. Now Xiaohei has a radio on her chest and a printer on her back. To spit out the printed photos, Ronggui also used scissors to cut a knife on the back of Xiaohei's lace blouse.

Xiao Hei put on crotch pants.


"I saw the Sea of Light with Xiaomei." Picking up a pen, Ronggui added a note to the back of the photo, and finally wrote the date.

This photo will hang on Rhubarb for a few days until Ronggui finds a new photo to replace it, and then it can be received by Ronggui in the family album.

Looking at the vast expanse of white that looked like an overexposed and discarded photo, Xiaomei didn't say a word.

For Ronggui's hobby that he likes to leave memorials everywhere, he is used to watching silently.

For Xiaomei, this matter is that he went outside to repair a gravimeter, and took Ronggui to see what he wanted to see.

For Ronggui, the impact of this incident seems to be particularly great—

"That... I'm a little embarrassed to say that, I haven't been on a plane yet~ But I have seen photos taken by others from the plane. The photos on the plane look dense and full of buildings! The photos at night are full of lights. , it's almost connected!"

"At that time, I felt that people are really amazing, and they can transform the earth into this."

"But now it seems that people are more powerful than I thought. Not only can they transform planets, but they can also create their own without planets!"

"It turns out that we are doing such a great thing now! Make stars!"

"You also know that I can't study well, but I look more beautiful. I originally thought that I would be able to build people's spiritual life. I never thought that I would still participate in the construction of material life one day."

"Maybe it will be like this once in a lifetime, I have to work hard!" ← After a long detour, Ronggui finally came to his conclusion.

Xiaomei: …

So, the next day, Ronggui took the initiative to report that he wanted to work overtime.

Xiaomei: …

In order to show his determination, he said that he can do anything, but he is really clumsy, and the more important things are not to think about him. If you need to run errands and you are not afraid of breaking things, you can let yourself do it.

Being so self-aware...

Xiaomei & civil servants: …

Although I don't know how this man suddenly wanted to increase his work, the civil servants were very happy with his request.

The other DJ is actually quite good. He never spells wrong words and works actively. Unfortunately, for some reason, his motivation is not enough... After only a few days of interviews, many people said, "This guy is so annoying talking next to him. Don't let him come."

That DJ has been beaten to the point of doubting life.

Now that Ronggui took the initiative to apply, they were eager for him to come.

There is no need to work overtime, as long as you are willing to take care of outside work during working hours, go outside to experience life, and then chat with the staff.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Said seriously, Ronggui also gave a strange military salute.

Of course, he, an alien military official, could not understand it, but through his voice, they understood his sincerity and determination very well, and they were a little relieved.

So in the following days, Ronggui has two more hours of external interview activities every day.

In fact, he didn't let him go to many places. Like the Sea of Light that Xiaomei took him to last time, it is a place that most people can't go to. In fact, it is to let him go around the work camp, combine what he has seen and heard with the progress of the project. Let's talk about it, and then the staff who are urgently transferred will talk and chat to make everyone feel more relaxed at work.

After all, for today's people, making a star is actually a chore, and it is a job that everyone is not very happy to take on.

All in all, this is a job that honors and is very good at.

He is the best at talking to people!

Also good at encouraging others~

For example, the job he received that day was to interview in Group C of the engineering team.

The leader of Group C is said to be a very important person. He is tall and works well. He is really good at life, but he is not very active in doing things.

nonsense! His wife was about to have a baby, and he was called three times on the way home. Now this is the fourth time. No one can be happy, right

Affected by his mood, the work mood of the whole C group is not high.

When it was found that one of the team members had written a letter and wanted Ronggui to broadcast more, the civil servants thought this was a breakthrough. After Ronggui asked to work overtime, they sent him over.

Ronggui chatted with this group for two hours... No, it was a two-hour interview.

"You were temporarily recruited? Me too!"

"At first I thought I was going to be sent to fight! I usually fight, and fighting is absolutely impossible~"

"How many points did you get in the initial test? I bet it's not as low as me. I have the lowest score in the entire camp. It is said that no one can beat me so far!"

"I was a little excited when I knew that we were recruited to make stars! I've never seen a star before! I really wanted to see it with my own eyes."

"Then, Xiaomei took me there when we were repairing things."

"It's not a fake public service! We made a report and it was approved." Ronggui also explained carefully.

"Have you seen what it looks like outside?"

"It's a sea of light!"

"It's very dazzling, we're like a ship in a sea of light, and then what we're building is the parts on the hull."

"At that time, I thought that humans are really amazing!"

"I think it's such an honor to be able to participate in the star-making event!"

"I really want to do something more."

"No, I applied for overtime the next day."

"The work I'm doing now is the work that is assigned to me in lieu of overtime."

"When you go back, maybe all your sons are born. It is said that those who participate in the star-making activities can keep their names. Why don't you think of a name for your son during this time? Then leave your son's name here?"

"Or simply name the child New Star City, it must be a unique name, at least no one has called it before!"

Where did Ronggui do interviews before? In the era he lived in, all journalists were professionals, and ordinary people couldn't be the ones they wanted to be. Besides, Ronggui's academic performance was not good.

What he said was also very simple.

It is estimated that another person will come to persuade, and it is probably the same thing.

But his tone is sincere, the rhythm is well grasped, and the most important thing is that the voice is good~

When people hear a good voice, they will always listen to it subconsciously. This way, they will listen to what they usually can't listen to. This way, it is convenient for the next conversation.

Once the other party is willing to speak, the next thing will be easy to handle. The person who speaks is no longer just honor and honor. The person being interviewed also has a lot to say. Let’s talk about what they were recruited to do and complain. , and then think about the future.

Over time, "Two hours of interview time in the afternoon of 31557" has become a very popular broadcast.

No. 31557 ← is the honor, this is the code name of his work in the camp.

He not only interviews, but also occasionally reads some particularly lyrical manuscripts for everyone.

Those manuscripts are very well written! Very infectious and inspiring!

No. 31557 not only has a good voice, but also has a special literary talent - gradually, the fans of Ronggui in the camp think so.

And actually-

"Xiaomei, a lot of people liked the manuscript you wrote yesterday! They all said that Xiaomei, you are very literary, and the manuscript is very well written, especially infectious, and inspiring!" Move it to Xiaomei.

Where does he write what articles

In the past, he was unable to complete the fill-in-the-blank multiple-choice questions in the Chinese paper. After so many years, he basically never did the following composition questions.

The speed of making rolls is too slow.


When the civil servants asked him to write some articles to express his feelings, Ronggui was very worried.

Then when he looked up, he saw Xiaomei.

By the way, what is he worried about? He has Xiaomei~

As a result, Xiaomei lived a day where she buried herself in writing essays at night.

"Xiaomei, continue to practice, I will sing in the future, and you will write me the lyrics!" Standing on the side watching Xiaomei write an article, Ronggui made a unilateral agreement.

Xiaomei with more and more tasks: …

In this way, in the intense work of everyone, the star-making activity has gradually come to an end.

According to the latest notice from civil servants, they can finish their work here and continue their journey in less than a week.

Ronggui's work has been a lot easier recently. Since everyone's work has entered the finishing touches, he no longer has to send so many notices, and he doesn't have to go out every day to "run the field".

But at this time, he was not idle. When there was no broadcast, he came out of his cubicle to help.

Of course, he still carries the portable broadcasting equipment that was given to him. If a new manuscript comes in, he will just read it according to the time.

After working as a broadcaster for so long, Ronggui is quite used to the job.

During this time, Ronggui has been running around outside, and he is also very winking to help. He only picks up the work that he can really help, and does not touch the work that will cause trouble. The act of meddling around in order to help is acquiesced.

Then, on this day, Ronggui came out of the cubicle with his full set of broadcaster equipment.

"Xiaomei, I'm going outside to help~" He also greeted Xiaomei.

Nodding to him, Xiaomei continued to lower her head to do things.

When the project is about to end, other departments may be idle. Only the warehouse management department will not be idle. On the contrary, they are often busier than usual. All the materials distributed before must be returned. They have to do various statistics, Also responsible for repairs, in short, very busy.

No longer disturbing Xiaomei, Ronggui wandered around the warehouse, seeing that everyone here was busy, he watched for a while, and after finding that there was nothing he could do to help him, he went for a walk. went outside.

"Agui, take a fruit and eat it!" Some of the warehouse staff who came and went recognized him and threw him a fruit.

Even if it can be seen from the exposed skin of Ronggui that his body is partially mechanized, maybe the covered part is not mechanized

Because Agui's popularity is good, maybe it's also because Xiaomei has a "high position" in the warehouse. In short, everyone is willing to leave a copy for Ronggui whenever there is something good.

Of course, in this kind of place, such as minerals and so on, no one dares to buy such really good things, but some food and drink, you can leave some, especially food, when you go out to work, on the side of the road Occasionally there are fruit trees, and everyone can leave the picked fruit to improve their meals.

In his spare time, Ronggui has received many such gifts.

He saves it all, even if he and Xiaomei can't eat it, they can keep it~ After they leave here, they can squeeze it into juice for their bodies to eat~

Ronggui is also very careful.

"Thank you!" Rong Gui said to the other party with a smile as he quickly caught the fruit.

The other party waved his hand, and then continued to carry the things and left.

Putting the fruit in his pocket, Ronggui continued to walk forward, and when he passed Rhubarb, he also greeted Rhubarb.

Then, he planned to continue walking forward.

The accident happened at this moment—

Ronggui felt that he saw a burst of strong light, and he didn't even feel the trembling of the ground. The next second, it was black again, and he fell.

If you ask Ronggui, under what circumstances would he think that the robot's body is better than his original body, it is probably a situation now.

The body Xiaomei made for him was so strong that he couldn't even fall into a coma, so he was sober all the way to see himself suddenly fall from the collapsed ground, and was quickly covered by sand, gravel and soil.

I can't even close my eyes to escape, Xiaomei didn't make eyelids!

Ronggui just watched as more and more soil covered the surface of his eyeballs. When the imager was completely covered, his eyes were finally dark.

"Xiaomei..." Being crushed in the cold soil, Ronggui habitually called Xiaomei's name.

But this time, Xiaomei didn't answer him.