The Sabbath

Chapter 76: fruit


Nothing could be seen, it was darkness.

The body can't move, it doesn't hurt, but it just can't move, it should be because the stone on the body is too heavy.

That's what it feels like to be buried alive - Rong Gui thought.

After a while, Ronggui felt another vibration around him, and the soil under his head sank a little further, and the whole person was almost upside down and planted in the soil, but it was probably because the sand in other places around him had also loosened. Because of this, Ronggui felt as if his hands could move.

Although only the right hand can move, but at this time, it is comfort for him to be able to regain a little ability to control his own body.

Then Ronggui continued to call Xiaomei - he wasn't just calling out verbally, they had an internal line inside and could call each other directly.

Not asking for help, Ronggui is now worried about the situation on Xiaomei's side, and he has become like this, what about Xiaomei

How is Xiaomei over there

Ronggui was very anxious.

Especially after discovering that the internal line that was normally connected when turned on has now turned into an obscure electric sound, all kinds of ominous premonitions came in his mind, and the more Ronggui thought about it, the more scared he became.

There is no other way, Ronggui can only maintain the state of being crushed in the mud and stone, softly calling Xiaomei's name.

One after another.

Still unable to hear Xiaomei's reply, Ronggui became more and more flustered.

"Xiaomei, did you hear it? Answer when you hear it!" Ronggui raised his voice when the panic reached its peak.

However, there is still a sound of electricity on the opposite side.

Just when Ronggui's heart was empty and the hole in his heart was getting bigger and bigger, he suddenly heard that familiar cold voice.

"I'm here, stop calling, save electricity." The words from the other end were concise and to the point, as always Xiaomei's style.

Ronggui is ecstatic! ! !

"Xiaomei Xiaomei, you finally replied to me! I haven't been able to hear your reply, which scared me to death! I almost thought you were smashed!!!" As soon as the alarm contacted, Ronggui immediately buried it in his heart. The words came out.

Xiaomei: …

Across the invisible radio waves, Ronggui seemed to see Xiaomei's expression.

Thinking of Xiaomei's usual expression of six o'clock, Ronggui actually smiled.

"... What about you? Was it smashed?" After a moment's pause, Xiaomei asked immediately.

"No, no, shouldn't it? Because I don't feel it~" Ronggui's tone became relaxed again once he contacted Xiaomei.

"I was walking outside to see if anyone needed help. I saw Da Huang and said hello to him, and then, right after that."

"As soon as BIU heard it, he just watched himself fall down."

"I'm head down and feet up now, I feel like a radish!"

He was even in the mood to make fun of himself.

"..." Xiaomei was silent again.

"Xiaomei, what the hell is going on?" Finally, Ronggui asked something constructive.

"Preliminary speculation should be the earthquake caused by gravitational imbalance during the star-making process. The probability of occurrence is extremely low, but the possibility of secondary earthquakes cannot be ruled out. The best way is to stay in place and wait for rescue." Xiaomei calmly said.

"Now stop talking, don't do anything, turn on the power saving mode and save unnecessary energy waste."

"You have a locator in your body. Before I determine your exact location, make sure that at least 30 percent of the battery remains in your body."

After saying this, Xiaomei turned off the communication channel between the two.

Even the internal lines are very energy-intensive.

The glorious world is silent again.

Silent and dark.

But this time, he wasn't so nervous.

Because he just contacted Xiaomei~

Xiaomei's voice sounds very calm, it seems to be fine~

By the way, Xiaomei also let herself save electricity and waited until he determined his position → This is Xiaomei's "wait for me to save you"~

After thinking about this clearly, Ronggui felt a little bit happy in his heart.

Whatever Xiaomei said was right, he thought about it, and prepared to turn on the power saving mode as Xiaomei said.

In this mode, he can't speak ← Xiaomei said that most of his energy is wasted on too much talking function every day.

Although Ronggui doesn't quite believe it, it is true that he consumes power faster than Xiaomei.

It stands to reason that Xiaomei does much more work than him, but Xiaomei's daily power consumption is similar to his. The difference is probably that what he said is N times that of Xiaomei.

Ronggui, who had long acquiesced in his own words, decided to shut up obediently and turn on the power-saving mode.

However, at this time—

Ronggui heard the cry.

It was a suppressed, extremely small cry.

If he is now a human body, he must not hear;

Even the mechanical body, if it is not in such an absolutely quiet place, he must not be able to hear it.

The sound was too low.

It's so quiet here, and the mechanical cochlea that Xiaomei installed for him to receive sound waves is really good.

Ronggui heard the dull cry from the layers of soil.

"Who is it? Is anyone there?" Ronggui asked boldly, carefully discerning the direction of the crying.

Since he couldn't move his head, he could only listen to voice debates now. According to his preliminary judgment, the voice came from the lower right side of him.

It should be a more unlucky person than himself - Ronggui still thought so for a second, but soon, when he heard the response from below, his mind was instantly blank.

"I, I hurt..." Ronggui heard a weak voice, not an adult's voice, but a childish, hoarse voice.

The victim buried under him turned out to be a small child! Ronggui was stunned.

His heart tightened, and Ronggui immediately said softly to the other party: "Will it hurt? It's a good thing that it will hurt. Now my whole body is suppressed, and I can't even feel the pain."

"Where do you hurt?" Ronggui asked.

There was no answer for a long time, waiting in the dark, and finally, after a long time, the child spoke up again.

"I... I don't know... where the pain is..." The voice was hoarse, but it was still a childish voice.

This is not a good phenomenon ← Ronggui immediately thought.

The other party is a child. It is understandable that he encounters such a disaster, is injured, and suddenly falls into chaos, but it will not work like this.

Although he is generally a person with no common sense, in addition to singing and dressing up, Ronggui also has common sense in another place: growing up in an orphanage, he was taken care of by older brothers and sisters when he was young, and when he was older, he was taken care of by older brothers and sisters. Asking to take care of younger brothers and sisters, Ronggui really has common sense when it comes to taking care of children.

He knows how to communicate with children and how to deal with emergencies.

As a result, his voice became softer.

"You don't speak in a hurry, try to swallow a few mouthfuls, then close your eyes and feel it, think about your arms, think about your chest, think about your back, then go down and feel your legs..."

The voice slowed down as much as possible, and he guided the child's pain with his voice.

His voice was originally pleasant, but after deliberately softening it, it became more pleasing. He didn't know whether the child still had the ability to persevere, or whether the child did what he said, but he couldn't move at all. Next, he can only do this.

He said it three times.

When he was about to repeat it for the fourth time, he heard the child's response again.

"Head... the head hurts... the back... also hurts..."

"I'm so cold..."

Ronggui heard the child say this.

Ronggui checked the thermometer in his body. The number displayed on the instrument was not too low. It should not be cold here, but the child said it was cold. In this case, he was either injured and lost too much blood, or he had a fever. .

Neither situation is good!

As a child growing up in an orphanage, Ronggui knows a lot of ways to treat fever. Although it is not good to bandage the wound, he can do it. However, under this situation, he can't move himself. What should I do? Help a child buried deeper than him

There is no good solution in his mind, and Ronggui's mind is blank.

He didn't know what to do next.

At this moment, the child suddenly spoke to him:

"I… know your voice, you… you're the… announcer of the radio station."

It is good to be willing to speak! To be able to speak means he is awake, and to speak logically means he is awake.

Before there was no better way, there was only one way to use it - at this moment, a thought flashed through Ronggui's mind like a flash of lightning.

He decided to chat with the child.

A person is buried alive in the soil, with physical pain and loneliness. Fright can also scare people to death, but two people are different. Even if they are not buried together at all, just hearing the sound is comforting.

At least, when he heard Xiaomei's voice in the panic just now, he really felt that he had been saved.

After calming down, Ronggui glanced at his energy storage: 60%.

It is more than double the 30% that Xiaomei said.

Xiaomei, I'm sorry, I can't listen to you. I've turned on the power saving mode.

Saying sorry to Xiaomei, Ronggui continued to chat with the strange little boy who was also trapped below.

"Do you recognize my voice?" As long as Rong Gui thought about it, others would never hear the slightest flaw in his voice.

Today is no exception.

His voice sounded great, completely unreminiscent of the predicament he was in right now.

"Um...I...I've heard you...your broadcast..." the boy replied in a hoarse voice.

"There are... two... announcers. You... are the announcer who often... misses..."

"..." Ronggui was a little speechless.

"Hey... don't mention other people's sore feet as soon as you come up! Those broadcast drafts are really difficult! I don't believe you can read them all correctly." It was like chatting with friends of the same age, Ronggui's tone was completely absent It means to coax children.

Then, he heard the child laugh hoarsely.

"I… can read it all correctly."

"I was in... 7th place in... the whole... camp... exam... "

"..." Ronggui paused longer: "So you are still a scholar."

"But my friend is number one." There was nothing to say on his side, Ronggui shamelessly showed off with Xiaomei stinky.

"..." There was another long silence below. Just when Ronggui was worried that the other party had passed out, the other party finally spoke again: "Really?"

Ronggui quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he and the other party continued to chat on this topic.

Time passed in the long chat between the two of them.

The energy in Ronggui's body is also being consumed little by little.

Finally, the remaining energy level in his body was 36% - not far from what Xiaomei told him that he must maintain a safe energy level before finding him.

Ronggui looked at the time: fifteen hours have passed.

When he saw this number, he was still a little unbelievable: just chatting for a while, how much time has passed by

However, the timepiece that Xiaomei had placed in his body could not go wrong.

It feels like a short time has passed when the actual time has passed long - which is good for them.

They managed to overcome the most likely panic problem of waiting time for rescue after a disaster.


"I'm... so hungry... thirsty..." However, even if it doesn't feel like time has passed, other problems caused by time don't make a difference.

The boy's voice was getting more and more hoarse.

Even though it has basically become the home of Ronggui's speech, the child hardly needs to speak, but with the passage of time and the loss of physical strength, another problem is placed in front of them again after being trapped in death.


Just as there is not much energy left in the Ronggui robot, the child is getting hungry.

However, he is a robot, and he doesn't usually have to eat, so how can he have food on his body!

Crazy in his heart, Ronggui suddenly froze.

and many more-

Not to mention, he really has food on him!

Ronggui immediately thought of the red fruit that others threw to him before it fell!

At that time, he used to put the fruit in the right pocket, pocket! ! ! right! ! !

"Wait a minute!" Said to the child, Ronggui immediately began to move with difficulty.

With his right hand, he stretched out the surrounding soil a little bit, and he moved his hand towards his body with difficulty.

It seemed like a simple action, but it was extremely difficult to do. Ronggui just moved his hand from his side to his side. It took him half an hour for a distance of less than fifteen centimeters, and then—

All of a sudden, the charge in his body was only 29%.

Less than 30%!

The energy warning red light in Ronggui's body turned on.

After realizing that Ronggui had not stopped moving, the alarm in his body still sounded.

"That's... what... sound?" Below, the child's voice hoarse again.

"Uh... My stomach is screaming, and I'm hungry too." After thinking about it, Rong Gui replied to the other party.

As he spoke, his fingers continued to struggle along the lines of the clothes, and finally, he touched the pocket on the right side.

"Heh... are you... hungry too?" The child laughed.

"Well, I'm very hungry, but I can bear it." Ronggui said to him.

"However, I want to tell you good news next, you don't have to starve, I found a fruit!" Ronggui loudly announced the good news when his fingers touched the fruit in his pocket.

"Ah? But... but... you can't come... " The child was stunned.

"Who said I couldn't come? Wait." Seeing the energy line in his body getting lower and lower, Ronggui was anxious, but his tone was not obvious at all. When he found the fruit, he had already made the next one. Decide.

He wants to send this precious fruit to that child.

How to send it? Use the hands that Xiaomei made for him that can stretch!

The longest distance was three meters—he remembered what Xiaomei had said.

He can only pray now that the child is no more than three meters away from him.

"From now on, you have to continue talking to me, so that I know your location, I can find you, and hand you the fruit." Ronggui said to the child.

"Really?" The precocious child froze.

Then, he really said a word every once in a while and guided Ronggui over.

In the dark and heavy soil and gravel, Ronggui held the fruit in his right hand and moved forward cautiously.

The energy in Ronggui's body is also dropping by 1%, 1%... .

When his fingers extended beyond the next door, the extension tube in the robotic arm began to stretch out;

After his fingers scrambled over the one-meter distance the extension tube could cover, the wire inside the extension tube appeared.

The current situation is equivalent to his right palm has been separated from the body and is only connected by a metal extension cable. According to the current situation, his right hand must not be recovered.

It's a pity that Xiaomei's new right hand, Ronggui, is a little distressed.

I feel sorry for Xiaomei's hard work, but I don't feel sorry for myself.

He is only a hand on this side, and the child below may be a life.

He wanted to give the fruit to the child.

He didn't think about failure, just with a strong idea of handing over the fruit, in the dark and congested underground, Ronggui moved his fingers little by little.

Tension and anxiety, the tension is: the extension cord of his arm is about to stretch to the limit; the anxiety is that the child's voice is getting weaker and weaker...

Then, at this moment, he heard a hesitant voice below:

"That... is that your hand?"

"I... see the fruit..."

"What a big fruit!"

At that moment, Ronggui's mind was blank, and huge joy swept over him, and then—

He felt his hand being held lightly by a small hand.

Not just the fruit, the other party took his hand together.
