The Sabbath

Chapter 77: My right hand, your left arm


Ronggui heard a small and dense gnawing sound from below.

Like a little mouse - he thought.

"Is it delicious?" Rong Gui asked the child.

"It's delicious! It's especially delicious!" Moisturized by the juice, the other party's throat was finally no longer so dry, and his voice became mellow.

"But, are you really not going to eat it?" the child asked in a low voice, "I only ate half of it, and there is still half of it."

"Don't eat, don't eat, you can tell by looking at my hands, I'm already mechanized, so I don't need to eat fruit." Ronggui said heartily: "Hurry up and eat the remaining half of the fruit."

"No, I don't know how long it will take to be rescued. I want to keep this half of the fruit and eat it slowly." The child refused.

Honor: =-=,,,

What should I do if I suddenly feel like facing Xiaomei? Are all scholars like this? As long as they are given a little condition, they can think more comprehensively than anyone else.

However, hearing the other party's words, Ronggui glanced at the remaining energy in his body with a guilty conscience:


A very, very dangerous number.

The warning bell that warned him about running out of energy was no longer ringing because of the electricity bill.

Ronggui was stunned.

However, he soon became optimistic again: In short, after spending so much time and electricity, he managed to deliver the fruit to the child, right? He ate the fruit and said that the fruit was delicious, didn't he

Also, he still has half a fruit left, and can wait until rescue... No

I don't know if it was because of the lack of electricity, Ronggui began to feel that he had lost control of his body. Forget about the rest, he kept thinking about the right hand that gave the fruit, probably because he focused all his attention on that right hand. At this moment, for Ronggui, who has gradually lost his senses. , the perception ability of the right hand has improved instead.

He felt a small hand beside his.

If there is something like nothing next to it, it is not grasped, but it is always next to it.

He felt the little hand trembling slightly.

It's the child's hand.

Is he afraid? Yes, he should be more afraid when he has a fever and is feeling very uncomfortable? It's just that he didn't show his fear.

Just like Xiaomei.

Ronggui thought of Xiaomei again.

Maybe smart people are like this

In the darkness, the corners of Ronggui's mouth curved, and then he said softly, "Excuse me, can you grab my hand? I... I'm a little scared... "

People like Xiaomei have strong self-esteem and cannot be directly pierced. He needs a little skill.

So, in turn, Ronggui began to ask the other party to hold his hand.

His performance was really good, and there was a faint trembling in his voice.

"Don't be afraid, someone will come to save us." The small hand that had been rubbing against his hand and had been shaking immediately grabbed his hand.

In the darkness, Ronggui smiled again.

"Please hold my hand well... This is a newly made hand, it is very beautiful, I like it very much... "

"Please hold my hand tightly and help me save him!" Next, Ronggui solemnly asked the child.

"I... will." Hearing the solemnity in his voice, the child's voice became solemn.

"That... is this hand really so precious?" Probably because he finally got to know Ronggui, probably because he ate food that he hadn't seen for a long time, or because the Ronggui hand in his hand gave him a sense of security, the child finally showed A little like a child.

He asked cautiously, with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Then Ronggui answered him: "It's very precious, this is what Xiaomei made for me, a very precious hand!"

"...We came out of our hometown, just two very tattered robots. They fell all the way. In order to change our bodies, Xiaomei took me to Erni City. There were no points. He has been a miner for a long time."

"Buried several times."

"His head was smashed."

"But we finally saved enough points, and then Xiaomei took me to Yedehan City?"

"Do you know Yedhan City? It's a place where you can buy a lot of good metal materials..."

Ronggui and the child told the story of himself and Xiaomei.

It was a very hard life, but his words were lively and full of hope.

Ronggui said this, and then saw that the power in his body was getting lower and lower, and in the end, only 1% remained.

Too bad... When it comes to Xiaomei... I'm going to say a lot...

I'm sorry...

But Xiaomei, you are so powerful, you must be able to find me, right

My body is still intact, only one hand is missing...

In the haze, Ronggui warned the child again: "I'm probably about to run out of electricity, you must take good care of my hands!"

Hearing the other party's affirmative answer, he was relieved.

Then, his consciousness became even more hazy.

And then-

"Shall I sing you a song?" Rong Gui suddenly said.

"When I was in the orphanage, there was a church nearby. At that time, I would go to the choir to sing every week, and after singing, they would give me bread...

The pastor of the church is a foreign old man. I don't understand the meaning of the songs he taught me, but they are really nice. "

"Let me sing it to you? It's just right, until a few days... It should be almost cooked, right?"

Ronggui murmured.

His consciousness has become a little awake.

Yet every syllable of that song was so clear in his mind.

Then he started singing.

With just one syllable, it amazes those who hear it!

At first, it was just a low voice, a very simple syllable. However, Ronggui's voice is very clean. Although it has a metallic feel, he skillfully incorporated this metallic texture into the song, which made his voice sound unique. charm!

Then, his voice began to rise slowly.

The mellow metallic voice was light and light, chanted from his mouth, and then drilled into the darkness, into the gap between stones, between sand and sand particles, into all the glory The place that your body could not reach, finally entered the ear of the child underground.

The dark space is full of oppression, everything is compressed.

Ronggui's voice was also compressed, but Ronggui's voice was not afraid of this suffocation, and even, because of this environment, his voice became more suitable for other people's eardrums, like a face-to-face live singing.

Ronggui sang in a language that others could not understand. As he said, he himself did not understand what he was singing.

But he remembered the scene when he heard the song for the first time.

Blue sky, white clouds, white doves sliding across the sky—

The edge of the cloud is golden, and the shadow of the cross on the top of the church is black on the ground. The old priest in the religious costume smiled and handed him an apple.

At that time, Ronggui was just sent back by the family that adopted him for the second time, sad? Fear? Confused

Maybe a little bit of remorse

The little child was helpless, and at that moment, he unconsciously broke into that remote chapel.

After listening to the choir there singing for an afternoon, the old pastor found him, and instead of driving him away, he handed him a red apple, and then he nibbled on the fruit and continued to listen to the song.

until falling asleep.

Then Rongfu and the others came over.

Rongfu was carrying him, the little girl's back was thin, but it was extremely warm...

A feeling of redemption.

This is the feeling that rises in Ronggui's heart every time he sings this song.

My heart is full of this feeling, and then, when he sings, he can also convey this feeling very well.

Still buried deep in the ground, the boy whose body was aching, hot and cold was the first to be redeemed by the emotion conveyed by the song.

In the darkness, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked straight up.

Through the endless black sand and mud, he seemed to see something incredible.

Holding the robotic palm in his hand tightly, the boy whispered, "My name is Joshua, can you... can you tell me your name?"

Just as he was trembling and waiting for Ronggui's reply—

The singing stopped abruptly.

The energy in Ronggui's body was exhausted.

"The miner's family! That person is the miner's family!" In the darkness, someone suddenly shouted in excitement.

"What? What miners' family? Isn't that person number 31557?" another asked in a cracked voice.

"He's No. 31557... But he is also a miner's family member! He's a miner's family member!" The person who started talking said, stretched out the back of his jet-black hand and wiped the hot tears from his cheeks.

This person is naturally the DJ of Ani City who once had an "unseen relationship" with Ronggui in Ani City.

If anyone could see in the dark at this time, he would see the young man's red eyes and wet tears on his face.

Erni City DJ is not the only person in this small house buried under the soil, there are eight or nine people around him, and everyone has tears on their faces.

This is probably the other thing they have in common besides being dirty and starving.

Xiaomei was right: this earthquake was indeed caused by the imbalance of forces in the star-making movement. The accident happened so suddenly, most people were affected by the earthquake, not one or two people were buried under the soil, but a large number of people.

The situation of the DJ in Erni City was slightly better. He was reading a boring broadcast script in the room about the accident. After the earthquake happened, he immediately passed out in the process of sinking.

He woke up with someone calling.

Rubbing his eyes in the haze, he woke up. After listening for a long time, he realized that the person was not calling his name, but a person named "Xiaomei".

The voice came from the radio chip on his body—the little chip that was added to his pass, and everyone who was recruited had it.

The voice was very familiar. It was another anchor in the camp, the one who has been in the limelight recently. Although he was a little jealous of his peers, the DJ of Ani City also admitted that the other party's voice was really nice.

After being in a coma for too long, his mind was dizzy, and thanks to the other party's constant calls, he was forcibly woken up.

There is more than one person who has the same experience with the DJ in Erni City.

A considerable number of people fell into a coma after the earthquake, and it was Ronggui's voice that woke them up, and the conversation between him and Xiaomei reassured everyone.

The voice is number 31557, and many people are quite familiar with his voice.

He probably didn't turn off the broadcast equipment, which allowed the sound to reach everyone's radio chips.

Fortunately, he was not closed. At this time, many people were buried alone, buried under the cold sand and stone, and the voice of Ronggui was the best consolation for them.

They heard that Ronggui and Xiaomei reported that they were safe, that Ronggui had found another victim, and that Ronggui had been trying his best to chat with the victim.

At that moment, the victim who was rescued by Ronggui's voice was not the only one Ronggui spoke.

At that moment, all those who fell into the trap alone took Ronggui's voice as a life-saving straw.

What Ronggui said to the child seemed to be to them.

They heard that Ronggui found the fruit, heard Ronggui handing out the fruit with difficulty, and when they heard the sound of the child eating the fruit, everyone's mouth was sweet, as if they had eaten the fruit sent by Ronggui themselves. Precious fruit.

Finally, they heard the song that made everyone's heart tremble—

At that moment, everyone who listened to the radio felt redeemed by the song.

Anxiety, pain, tension, fear... all negative emotions were suppressed.

Hearing that the singing stopped abruptly, everyone burst into tears.

There is only one exception.


Unlike most people, Xiaomei turned off the radio chip on the pass.

He is also a robot, and as he and Rong Gui said, he also wants to save energy.

The intercom program of the two people was disrupted by interference during the earthquake. In order to repair this channel, he spent a full 9% of the energy.

For the budget-conscious Xiaomei, this is a huge number.

Immediately afterwards, he used 15% of the energy to climb out of the pit—without telling Ronggui, he was also trapped in the soil, and the buried position was not shallow. He carefully surveyed himself with sound waves. The surrounding situation, Xiaomei rubbed herself out little by little.

The little robot that came out was missing a left arm.

His left arm was trapped under a huge steel bar. If he stayed in place, he could keep his arm, but he needed to get out now, so he took the initiative to remove it.

Just after he left, another small collapse occurred where he was standing.

Seeing that the place where she was originally trapped became completely unrecognizable again, Xiaomei knew that the arm he left there should not be recovered.

He turned around quickly.

He wants to locate Ronggui as soon as possible while Ronggui still has electricity, and dig out that clumsy guy.

Before the earthquake, his location was in the warehouse, and he was familiar with every corner of the warehouse. Even after the collapse, Xiaomei could still locate the warehouse with an accuracy rate of about 85%. He knew where various items were stored.

Also know the tools you need the most right now.

Xiaomei found a spherical excavator.

In the following time, Xiaomei began to use the excavator to dig people.

When looking for the excavator, he found several unconscious people. Caught them out, patted one of them awake, and Xiaomei got on the excavator.

He abruptly used an excavator to carve a path out of the warehouse.

It is true that Ronggui has a locator in his body, but the corresponding identification instrument is on Rhubarb. In order to find Ronggui, he must first find Rhubarb.

Fortunately, the rhubarb won't run around, it stayed in its original position, but after the ground movement, its position was deeper than usual.

Rhubarb was buried deep underground.

It was a lot farther than expected, but Xiaomei finally found rhubarb.

Of course, in the process of looking for rhubarb, he dug up a lot of people.

In the same way, put these people in a safe place, pat them to wake up, Xiaomei will leave the rest to the person who wakes up, and he will continue to look for Ronggui himself.

The energy in that idiot's body is estimated to be running out.

All he could do was pray that the guy was actually using the power saver mode obediently.

Thinking blankly, Xiaomei saw Rhubarb.

This car, which Xiaomei had refitted with high-grade materials, is now very sturdy. Even with countless sand and stones on its back, its stature is still tall and straight.

Only the left window is broken.

Difficulty jumping out of the spherical excavator, Xiaomei climbed along the car window into the body of Rhubarb.

At this time, it had been fifteen hours and thirty-two minutes since the last time he and Ronggui spoke.

If Ronggui uses the power saving mode, his current remaining power should be about 45%, and if it is not used, then there should be 36% remaining.

still within safe limits.

The locator in Ronggui's body is very energy-consuming, and mobilization requires 20% of the energy. The reason why he told Ronggui that he must keep 30% of the energy is because he is worried that he will not be distracted and waste too much energy.

Turning on the screen on Rhubarb, Xiaomei watched the open screen go black—

The locator is broken.

Calculating the energy consumption in Ronggui's body in her heart, Xiaomei began to repair the instrument calmly.

When the energy in his heart was still 28%, the screen finally turned on.

The locator has been repaired.


"The equipment on the other side has insufficient energy and has been shut down."

What awaited him was the news that the locator in Ronggui's body had been turned off.

After all, an idiot is an idiot, and that guy still consumes the energy in his body beyond the safe range.

By this time, their intercom function was also unavailable.

Sitting on Da Huang, Xiao Mei was stunned.

Then, very quickly, he moved again.

"I was walking outside to see if anyone needed help. I saw Da Huang and said hello to him, and then, right after that."

"As soon as BIU heard it, he just watched himself fall down."

In the last conversation, he remembered every word that Rong Gui said, and he also accurately found useful information in the big nonsense.

Rhubarb has a video recording function! Before, it was just to prevent someone from stealing a car. Now it seems that this function should have captured the scene of Ronggui sinking!

Immediately thinking of this in her heart, Xiaomei quickly called up the video record on Da Huang.

Fortunately, Rhubarb is not Ronggui, and the chain did not fall off at the critical moment.

Xiaomei saw the complete picture of the robot with big black eyes falling.

There was still a smile on Ronggui's face. He didn't seem to realize what was going on. He fell ignorantly.

Xiaomei remembered where Ronggui fell.

He climbed back from Rhubarb to the spherical excavator outside. At this time, the power in his body was still 36%.

At this time, there were more and more people outside, and the official search and rescue personnel arrived. All kinds of excavators came to rescue the buried victims.

Those excavators have life signal recognition equipment, mainly for non-mechanical life. According to the rescue principle, the rescue team will take the lead in rescuing identifiable victims.

This naturally does not include the honor of using a mechanical body.

In the middle of a group of large machines, Xiaomei digs expressionlessly.

In the process, he dug up three more people.

Every time I hope that person is honorable, every time, that person is not honorable.

Immediately, someone shouted and came over and carried away the victims who had been dug up.

Xiaomei continued to dig.

The energy in his body is getting less and less.

Only 5% left.

At this moment, an indescribable feeling suddenly appeared in his body.

With a wave in her head, Xiaomei suddenly jumped out of the excavator.

Reaching out his hand to claw the top piece of masonry on the ground where the excavator was working before, he felt a foot.

The color and texture of his feet are exactly the same as his right hand, which is—


Xiaomei immediately squatted down and continued to dig.

He was digging desperately, and his movements were so fast that it didn't look like the usual calm little robot.

Finally, he dug out Ronggui, who was buried upside down.

Letting the little robot with black eyes and no consciousness lay on her only right arm, Xiaomei looked at him quietly.

Then, maintaining this movement, Xiaomei remained motionless.

The energy in the body was finally consumed to 0%, and Xiaomei also shut down.

The two little robots cuddled still, like a group of harmonious statues.