The Sabbath

Chapter 78: a feather


Ronggui woke up in Xiaomei's arms.

As the battery was fully charged, the internal components resumed operation, the imaging lens re-adjusted the focus, and a small spot of light suddenly emerged from the dark black eyes, and Ronggui woke up with an "ah" sound.

He saw Xiaomei at a glance.

Xiaomei's eyes are like blue sky, like flowing water, the most precious color in this underground city without blue sky and green water.

Ronggui's eyes lit up when he saw Xiaomei.

"Good morning~ Xiaomei!" Ronggui greeted Xiaomei energetically, just like he did every morning.

"Good morning." Xiaomei also replied to him routinely.

Ronggui made fun of Xiaomei.

The surroundings were bright, reminding him of the early morning in the small room they rented in Yedhan City.

There, every morning, when the lights come up, the surroundings are so bright.


Suddenly, thunderous applause came from the surroundings.

Ronggui tilted his head in the direction of the applause. Only then did he realize that there were a lot of people around him at some time. Those people were whistling and clapping their hands. Their work clothes were dirty and torn, like a group of people from the soil Mud monkeys dug out.

Ronggui looked around, and his eyes returned to himself and Xiaomei. Only then did she realize that her lower body was lying on the ground, and her upper body was lying in Xiaomei's arms, while Xiaomei knelt down on one knee and wrapped her right arm around her back.

good posture.

Honor: =mouth=

In the next second, Xiaomei also finished looking around. She pushed Ronggui with her right arm as if nothing had happened, and made Ronggui sit up straight. Xiaomei stood up, and Ronggui quickly jumped up.

"Heroes! You guys are finally awake!" A dirty "mud monkey" walked over immediately, bent down, and grabbed Ronggui's shoulders.

No way, Ronggui is too short.

Ronggui looked at Xiaomei for help, only to find that Xiaomei was also surrounded, and another group of "mud monkeys" surrounded Xiaomei, and everyone said thanks.

They said one sentence after another, following the content of their words, the memories before the "coma" appeared in his mind little by little, and Ronggui finally remembered what happened before.

"That child!" Ronggui immediately thought of the child who was buried deeper than himself.

"Don't worry, he has been rescued. Following your hand, we found him." Someone replied immediately, Rong Gui looked up and found that it was the beast-eared civil servant.

Then he looked at his right hand: the telescopic rod was still there, his wrist had been retracted, but the wire had been cut, and his right hand was gone.

My heart was empty, but thinking that the child was saved, Ronggui's heart felt a little better.

"How do you feel about your body? Because your body is very delicate, we are afraid that it will be damaged, so we will transport you back intact." At this moment, another person interrupted Ronggui's thoughts and talked with him. speak.

Hearing the word "untouched", Ronggui was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought of his posture when he woke up. if it is like this-

"Did Xiaomei find me?" He immediately thought of this question.

"That's right! It was Mr. Mei who found you! The moment he found you, he was out of power, and you were out of power. We were afraid that rashly separating you would create a bad image for your mechanical body, so we simply left you intact. Move back."

"At first, I was worried that I didn't know how to charge you guys! Fortunately, your chargers are still in their usual positions, so I just charged them up..." Ronggui couldn't hear the next words anymore, and he stood on tiptoe after crossing the crowd. His toes looked in Xiaomei's direction, and then he finally saw Xiaomei.

Xiaomei just turned sideways, and he saw Xiaomei's empty left arm.

Ronggui was stunned.

Parting the crowd, Ronggui walked over to Xiaomei, although she didn't know why Xiaomei's left arm was missing, but...

The instinctive feeling of honor must be related to oneself.

He hugged Xiaomei: "Thank you, Xiaomei, I knew you would find me."

"But… "

"I'm sorry... your left arm..."

Xiaomei, who was originally expressionless and numb in the crowd... Let Ronggui hug her, his head tilted slightly, and he said calmly: "It's none of your business, I took off my arm myself."

"However, if it wasn't for coming to find me, you could have stayed motionless like me and waited for rescue..."

It was obviously in a room with a lot of people, but when the two little robots stood together, the aura on them called "two-person world" was too strong. For a time, everyone felt that they were superfluous.

So, they winked at each other, and they sneaked out.

At this moment, the two little robots inside don't need others to celebrate for them, they just need each other.

At that moment, almost everyone had such a sentence in their minds.

They woke up quite early, after all, they were robots, and they automatically turned on as long as they were fully charged. During this time, the rescue team has completed the rescue work very quickly, and everyone has been dug out.

Due to timely rescue and superb medical technology, no one was killed in the accident, but many people needed to replace body parts.

Yes, in this case, in the era of honor and honor, it is actually a serious injury, but here, just replace the body parts and it will be a small problem.

"The entire camp, plus Mr. Mei, has three third-level craftsmen. Next, if possible, can Mr. Mei be entrusted to make some mechanical parts for the injured?" The beast-eared civil servant came again. Once he brought a new task.

"Of course, the cost is offset by points, which is double the average price outside."

Xiaomei was working when he said this.

Rhubarb's car window was broken, and he had to re-install the window. In addition, the rhubarb was sturdy after being pressed for so long, and the body was a little deflated. He also had to knock the rhubarb's shell flat from the inside.

Besides, the lace curtains in Rhubarb were also a little snagged, Xiaomei took out Ronggui's sewing box, and at the end, she also repaired the curtains for Rhubarb. It was really badly damaged and could not be repaired, Xiaomei...

Xiaomei embroidered a flower on it.

Beast Ear Civil Servant: …

Not like a hero who saved 86 lives in a disaster, Xiaomei at this moment seems to be the most ordinary person, busy and busy, doing the most ordinary work.

It doesn't matter if he only has one arm, he's still doing fine.

On the contrary, Ronggui was doing honestly beside him, doing nothing.

In Xiaomei's words: Sitting still is the greatest help.

Ronggui was not angry either, he smiled and watched Xiaomei work, and talked to him from time to time. When the beast-eared civil servant came, he would be responsible for accompanying the guests.

In the first days, the beast-eared civil servant would probably have to complain about Xiaomei again, and he hated that he had found such a useless partner, but after this disaster, he no longer thought so.

"Thank you for not using battery saver, not shutting down."

"Your voice has saved many people, including me." He sincerely thanked Ronggui.

Ronggui grabbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.

After finishing her work, Xiaomei accepted the new job offered by the beast-ear civil servant, and then went to Da Huang to get her own toolbox. The beast-ear civil servant finished the errand and was ready to say goodbye.

"Your singing is really nice, and I hope you will become an excellent singer in the future."

"Family of miners."

With a wave of his hand, the beast-eared civil servant left.

Leaving Ronggui, his expression was very tangled.

"?" Climbing down from Rhubarb with the toolbox, Xiaomei tilted her head in confusion.

"Ah~ I really want to be a singer, yes, but..."

"I don't want to debut with the stage name of the miner's family!!!!!!!"

Holding his head, Ronggui said frantically.

"Why do you have to come up with a stage name that is very long, very artistic, very difficult to write, very uncommon, and makes people feel very shocking at first sight!"

"..." Xiaomei looked at him: "And then, because it's too difficult to write and too uncommon, half of the people don't know your name, and the other half mispronounce your name?"

Honorable Mention: …

As expected of Xiaomei, she always hits the mark with one sentence.

After the accident, Xiaomei saved a total of 86 people, all of which were dug up in the process of searching for Ronggui. His rescue was more timely than the rescue team. The victims who were dug up at the beginning joined the rescue work soon after sobering up, thus saving more people;

And because there were even more people saved by Ronggui, he turned on the player switch inadvertently during the fall, so all his sounds during the process of being buried were recorded. When Ronggui encouraged the child, he had no intention of encourages all the victims who heard the broadcast and were also buried.

These are all information that Ronggui obtained bit by bit from the mouths of others.

By the way, Ronggui's right hand is back.

It was sent back the next day, along with a stronger piece of wire.

The right hand forms a fist, as if holding something, it is a very firm movement.

Before the electricity ran out, he should have given his right hand to the child for safekeeping, and now his right hand can only be found from the child.

Although it has long been confirmed that the child has been rescued, Ronggui asked one more question when his right hand was returned:

"Is that kid okay? Is there anything wrong with his body? Can I go see him?"

"He's fine, he's fine, he's fine, he's even better than before. But..." The person who sent him back answered Ronggui's first half question, and finally hesitated: "It's impossible to see him, he has been transferred Go to the big hospital on the upper floor."

The man pointed his finger up.

Ronggui didn't understand it very well, but the man didn't intend to explain more. After saying goodbye to them simply, the man left quickly.

And Xiaomei has already picked up Ronggui's right hand and started to study, and invited Ronggui to come and sit, he is going to put Ronggui's hand on first.

"Better than before? What do you mean? And... the big hospital on the upper floor?" Ronggui was still wondering, laying his arms flat on the table.

"What's wrong with Joshua? By the way, Xiaomei, that kid's name is Joshua. I heard what he said before the shutdown."

While wondering, Ronggui still did not forget to chat with Xiaomei.

Without saying a word, Xiaomei just buried herself in her work.

He always worked fast and well. It didn't take long for Ronggui's system to prompt that the new hardware was successfully installed. After re-commissioning the system, Ronggui quickly regained control of his right hand.

After regaining control over his right hand, the first thing Ronggui did was to stretch out the palm of his right hand.


A piece of pure white feather suddenly slipped from his palm.

It was really a very beautiful, pure white feather, with fine down and some sweaty curls.

Ronggui was stunned.

"This is… "

"It should be awakening." At this moment, Xiaomei suddenly spoke.

"The hidden genes in the body have awakened, and along with the high fever, wings are born on the back, and the bloodline of the original blood has been restored."

"Although this situation is rare, it is not never happened. There are very few people born underground who can awaken their bloodlines between the age of 10 and 14. From this moment, they can get rid of their underground identity and be sent away quickly. Upstairs."

"It works better than any points. This is a green and fast channel." Xiaomei said flatly.

"..." Ronggui looked up at the sky: "You mean... Joshua went to Sky City?"

Xiaomei nodded: "It should be sent to the isolation layer first. After testing, it is proved that he does not carry bad bacteria from the ground, so he can go up directly."

"Not bad." With a long breath, Rong Gui smiled: "I was a little worried before, but now it seems that he should be able to live well."

"Thank you, Xiaomei!" He opened and closed his palms, debugged it several times, and made sure that his hands were back to normal again. Ronggui left happily. He was going to put away the feathers and start helping Xiaomei!

And Xiaomei-

Staring at Ronggui's back, he was silent for a long time.

He knew a little more than he told Ronggui.

The name Joshua is not a rare name.

However, Joshua he knew was never the only one.

Warden Joshua.

The man who controls the entire prison institution in Sky City.

Obviously living in Sky City, but he likes black clothes.

Not only did he have black on his clothes, he also used the color to cover all the places where his power went.

In the place under his control, even Sky City is dark.

The endless black cage, the prison sentence that can drive the most ferocious prisoners crazy, was created by him.

No one knows why he used it this way, other than rumors that he had a similar experience as a child.

Only those who have experienced it themselves know how terrible the punishment was—

This Joshua... is that Joshua

In all history, only he and that Joshua have come to the same position every time.

Xiaomei thought about it again.

Then began to pack up the tools.

He still has a lot to do and doesn't have time to think about other things.

The feather was finally found by Ronggui to find a thin thread to tie it to the stem and hang it on Rhubarb. After two days of shaking in front of Xiaomei, Ronggui found a new decoration, and the feather was precious by Ronggui. And the heavy one was put away.

Xiaomei's eyes were also replaced with new decorations.

The new Star City has begun to operate smoothly, the wounds of Sakar City have been repaired, and everyone has received a satisfactory amount of points.

This emergency call is completed.

The names of all those who participated in the emergency recruitment will be branded on the land of Nova City. Of course, they will not be asked to run over to inscribe them, but to leave their signatures in advance, and then the relevant departments will naturally be responsible for handling the matter.

The names of Ronggui and Xiaomei are linked together, just like the names they left in new places before: "Agui and Xiaomei, on a certain day in a certain year" can continue to appear in new places~

It's a new star city that no one has ever set foot on!

After pulling Xiaomei to write the autograph, Ronggui was overjoyed.

It's just that God is also supporting his and Xiaomei's hobbies, is there any

Leaving the traces of their past in Xinxing City, Ronggui and Xiaomei are about to embark on the road to their original destination again.

However, this time, they didn't just leave something to Nova City.

Nova City also gave them a gift.

While they were doing the final finishing work, the animal-eared civil servant came over with a large box.

When you open it up, you can see that there is a delicate and unusual arm inside!

Left arm!

Holding the box, Ronggui looked up at the animal-ear civil servant in surprise.

"This is an arm made from Nova City's special metal minerals."

"In order to save people, Mr. Mei lost his original robotic arm during this event. We have always been sorry. No, we worked overtime for several days. Finally, before you left, the materials were prepared. In the camp The other two third-level craftsmen worked for another night, and finally completed the production of this arm together."

"It's also our thanks."

Hearing this sentence, both Rong Gui and Xiaomei were stunned.

Ronggui woke up a little faster, he quickly became happy, and urged Xiaomei to try out the new arm.

At his urging, Xiaomei slowly put on a new arm.

Aside from the color difference, the new arms are almost identical to the original ones and look great!

"Wow! It's golden! Xiaomei, you look very rich!" Ronggui commented on the side: "This is called the golden left arm!"

Xiaomei: …

"Is it okay to use?" the animal ear civil servant asked eagerly.

"Okay." Xiaomei shook her arm and said calmly.

Then, the beast-eared civil servant laughed.

"That's good."

"Thank you for your contribution to the construction of Nova City! Goodbye! I hope you don't have to receive an emergency requisition order in the next journey!" Said, the animal ear civil servant also blinked narrowly, revealing a "I also know that we Very disgusting" expression, waved his hand, he turned and left.

Behind him, the two little robots stood side by side for a long time, until the other's figure disappeared in the corner, Ronggui turned his head, and saw that Xiaomei was looking down at her new right arm.

"Even if Xiaomei is very good, it's not bad to occasionally use things made by others, right?"

Xiaomei glanced at him.

Opening the car door with her new left hand, Xiaomei said calmly, "Get in the car."

"Oh yeah~ Target! Ciciro City! Go forward—" Ronggui shouted.

After following the long out-of-camp convoy, Ronggui and Xiaomei hit the road again.

The author has something to say: After pulling Xiaomei to write the autograph, Ronggui was very happy.

It's just that God is also supporting his and Xiaomei's hobbies, is there any

Xiaomei: …I don’t have such a hobby.

And the readers in the brain hole area are really amazing~

I actually guessed the warden~