The Sabbath

Chapter 79: Rhubarb, stand tall!


"In the end, I still didn't get in touch with the DJ in Erni City." Rhubarb had already driven to the fork, Ronggui looked back a little reluctantly, and then turned over: "However, if you meet the second time, you can The third time we meet, there will always be a chance to meet in the future.”

"And, you don't necessarily need to meet~" Ronggui has his own set of definitions for fate.

It is fate to meet, but it is also wonderful to communicate indirectly through radio waves and other means.

Without looking at him, Xiaomei sat in the driver's seat and did her job seriously.

The route planning map to Cicero City has all been entered into the navigation of Da Huang. Next, Da Huang only needs to drive automatically. The two small robots are just habitually sitting in the driver's seat with the widest view, watching the scenery and working at the same time.

Of course, watching the scenery is for Ronggui. For Xiaomei, it is called "seeing the road conditions".

Xiaomei is now sewing a schoolbag. After the last accident, Xiaomei decided to make an external portable energy supply for the two of them.

In the words of Ronggui, it is a charging treasure~

Xiaomei originally planned to put the prepared "external portable energy supply device" directly on the backs of the two mechanical bodies. As soon as she said it, Ronggui strongly resisted.

"Like a turtle shell", "You can't lie down even when you sleep"...

It's just too ugly anyway.

So, in the end, Xiaomei decided to make a backpack for this portable energy dispenser and carry it every day, right

Ronggui did not resist this decision, Xiaomei was responsible for making the backpack, and Ronggui was responsible for the decorations on it.

Since Ronggui's handwork is learned from the dwarf girls, the favorite decorations of the dwarf girls are all kinds of hand-woven flowers and hand-woven mushrooms. In this way, the decorations that Ronggui finally weave are various Small flowers and small mushrooms.

At the same time, the backpack Xiaomei was in charge of making had been completed, and she quickly brought the backpack over for final processing. In the end, one of the two backpacks was filled with flowers and the other was filled with mushrooms.

Ronggui is very friendly and asks Xiaomei to choose first.

Xiaomei chose the small flower among them.

So, in addition to the couple's shirts, the two little robots carried couple's backpacks.

Ronggui is very satisfied, Xiaomei is very calm.

While they were doing all this, it was still dark all around.

For a dungeon where light sources are scarce, this is the norm here. At first, Ronggui would feel unaccustomed to it. By now, he has become very accustomed to doing things in the dark.

Xiaomei was sitting next to him anyway, which made him feel safe.

And Xiaomei... Ronggui turned to look at Xiaomei secretly: Although Xiaomei has been very accustomed to darkness from the beginning, Ronggui always felt that Xiaomei now seems to be really accustomed to darkness.

It's hard to say how he saw it, but Ronggui had this feeling in his heart.

There are very few vehicles going to Cicero, but not one at all. Although there are no street lights on the road, and everyone is used to not driving lights, there seems to be some special equipment on the vehicle that can detect nearby vehicles, so there is no Oolong crash incident. occur.

All the cars to Cicero were in a hurry, Ronggui thought of... an ambulance

It almost didn't sound that special siren.

In this case, the speed of Ronggui and Xiaomei is very ordinary. They rest twice a day, once on the side of the road, pure rest; once at a rest stop, which is a bit like the highways in the world before Ronggui. As long as a certain distance is reached, there will be a rest stop on it. For people to sleep, eat and recharge.

For Ronggui and Xiaomei, they don't really need the first two, but the last one is very necessary.

Besides, they are not short of points now.

At first, Ronggui thought that they only need to let Rhubarb charge, and the two can charge and rest on Rhubarb, but Xiaomei said "sufficient budget", Ronggui happily took Xiaomei to the hotel.

For Ronggui, it is also a good travel experience to be able to "sleep" all the way through all the hotels along the road~

He also wrote a diary seriously, evaluating the room size, price, softness of pillows, frequency of changing sheets, etc. in each hotel.

He wrote all these on the disk, and finally entrusted Xiaomei to help him save it.

Worrying about not having enough brain capacity - lo and behold, what a ready-made reason

Simply irrefutable.

Xiaomei helped him put away the diary with a "=-=" expression.

When the number of hotels that have been tasted reaches 24, Xiao Hei, who has been silent for a long time in the car, finally speaks:

"Hint: You have entered the territory of Cicero City."

"Oh oh~" Ronggui immediately stuck his head out of the car window.

He wanted Xiaomei to stop the car: just walked to the dividing line, take a picture and leave a memory!

Who knows, without waiting for him to say, the car stopped immediately.

"Xiaomei, you are too good!" Ronggui immediately praised, no~ The driver is Rhubarb, so should he praise Rhubarb

Rong Gui excitedly unbuckled his seat belt and prepared to get out of the car.

The door opened smoothly.

Ronggui jumped out of the car and waited until he finally saw the scene in front of him...

He immediately jumped back and jumped back to Rhubarb.

"Oh my God!!!!!!" Undecided, Ronggui hugged Xiaomei's left arm tightly: "Xiao, Xiaomei, it's actually, actually..."

"A grave!!!!"

Xiaomei stared blankly ahead. After a while, he slowly unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, and jumped down.

It should have fallen lightly, but unfortunately Ronggui refused to let him go. There was no way, Xiaomei could only jump down with Ronggui's weight.

Two footprints fell heavily on the ground, and Xiaomei landed firmly on the ground.

Taking off her left wrist, she didn't know what Xiaomei pressed, and a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from Xiaomei's left wrist. High power flashlight!

"Why don't I have this function?" The body was still trembling on Xiaomei's body, but Ronggui's mouth was already talking to Xiaomei neatly.

"This is the function of the arm they sent over." Xiaomei explained flatly.

"No wonder..." Ronggui muttered.

However, probably because Xiaomei was by his side, or because of the reason she had just had a conversation with Xiaomei, Ronggui was finally less afraid.

With a "click", he jumped off Xiaomei, but still held Xiaomei's hand tightly. Ronggui carefully observed the surroundings under the light of the flashlight.

The scene he had just caught a glimpse of was not wrong, indeed, it was indeed a grave.

Densely packed, the tomb blocks all the road ahead!

No wonder Rhubarb stopped suddenly!

There is no way to go here!

"This... what's going on?" Holding Xiaomei's hand, Ronggui couldn't help crying out.

Xiaomei didn't answer him.

The light of the flashlight shines from one tomb after another, and one can see one by one tombstone, and the tombstone has a name, which should be the name of the deceased.

This is not left by someone who has the same hobby as Ronggui. It seems that it is a real grave.

Countless tombs blocked the road leading to the city of Cicero. It looked like a strong block, as if something bad would happen if you went in...

"Aren't these the tombs of those who were put to death in Cicero City?" Thinking of doctors, Ronggui immediately thought of disputes between doctors and patients, and of medical troubles. After further spreading, he came to a conclusion that he seemed very possible conclusions.

It's not impossible - thinking this way in her heart, Xiaomei didn't speak, she just walked a few steps into the tomb.

From a distance, these tombs seem to be very densely packed. After entering, I found that there was still some distance between the tombs.

However, even so, it still doesn't look like you can drive in.

However, the arrow on Da Huang's navigation screen pointed directly behind the grave.

Ronggui also found this problem: "Is it impossible to drive here? Is there a parking lot outside? Can someone take care of Rhubarb? If not... We can't leave Rhubarb here?"

"Could it be that we dig a hole in the ground and bury the rhubarb in it? Ah-I see, these graves on the ground are not all for cars, right? This is actually a parking lot? Are the names of the car owners written on the tombstones?"

Ronggui diverged even more powerfully.

This... Actually, it's not entirely impossible - following Rong Gui's train of thought, she couldn't help but think for a while, Xiaomei pursed her lips, and she was too close to say the words.

Turning off the flashlight, Xiaomei walked back to Da Huang again.

Xiaomei first got back on Rhubarb and fiddled around for a while, and then got off Rhubarb neatly. Xiaomei closed the door and took down a lot of things and handed them to Ronggui.

"?" Rong Gui, who was full of question marks, took a look and found that the things he took down were all the gadgets he usually hung on the car as decorations.

Holding something, Ronggui walked behind Xiaomei.

He saw Xiaomei patted off Rhubarb's butt, and then got into the trunk. The trunk was wide enough, and Ronggui could see exactly what Xiaomei was doing inside this time: he found that Xiaomei just went in to rearrange the luggage in the trunk and reinforced them again.

Rhubarb's rear compartment has always had a lot of fixing belts on the wall. Since the road conditions are basically good, Dahuang drives stably. Ronggui has never used them. He has never thought about why Xiaomei left so many fixing belts there. He wanted to come, it was just because Xiaomei had always been cautious and meticulous.

But now, he saw Xiaomei securing everything in the car with a strap.

Ronggui was stunned.

While he was stunned, Xiaomei had already finished packing her luggage in the trunk and climbed out of it.

After taking care of the door, Xiaomei finally locked the rear compartment of Rhubarb for the last time.


Ronggui saw Xiaomei retreating to his side, under Xiaomei's expressionless gaze, and Ronggui's dumbfounded question mark.


Rhubarb actually...

Stand up! ! !

The two rear wheels moved backward until they reached the position of the rear compartment, supporting the ground; at the same time, the position of Rhubarb's chassis suddenly opened, and a bracket with rollers suddenly slipped out slowly from inside, supporting Rhubarb's upper body. In Ronggui's stunned mouth, Rhubarb stood up completely!

Rhubarb, stand tall!

At that moment, there was only this idea in Ronggui's mind!

"Okay, let's move on." Xiaomei's calm voice sounded in his ear, followed by the slight footsteps unique to the little robot.

Xiaomei has turned and walked towards the grave.

Not long after he stepped out, Ronggui was surprised to find that Rhubarb also moved, the two thick rear wheels turned like legs, Rhubarb followed Xiaomei... gone? !

The wheels are just high enough to go over the tombs, and Rhubarb nimbly shuttles between the tombs, like a giant robot, moving forward steadily.

Does this work too

This is amazing!

His eyes were full of amazement, and Ronggui hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Xiaomei and Dahuang.