The Sabbath

Chapter 80: Medical Dispute


There were graves all around, and two petite robots and a tall robot walked carefully among the tombs.

The only light came from the mushroom in the palm of the little robot in the middle.

The mushrooms were faintly glowing with fluorescent green light, and I usually thought it was nothing, but with the background of this cemetery...

It's kinda creepy.

However, this scene with the sound is not that kind of feeling at all—

"Xiaomei Xiaomei! When did you design this function for Rhubarb! I don't know why." Holding a small mushroom carefully in his hand, he asked Xiaomei in front of him.

Even though he has used his mechanical body for so long, Ronggui is still used to seeing things by light. He is not afraid of the dark, but he thinks that it is necessary to light the lights when it is dark.

And the only light he can light now is mushrooms.

"When I was remodeling Rhubarb, at that time, you were sitting next to me." Xiaomei answered him slowly.

Ronggui: =-= Although she is sitting next to her, what exactly did Xiaomei do? He, he is completely unclear~ If you give him the answer, he will not copy it - he is talking about someone like him!

"Then... Xiaomei Xiaomei! Why did you design this function? Do you want to transform Rhubarb into a robot?" Ronggui quickly asked the second question.

"Because I occasionally saw new traffic regulations in some areas on TV: four-wheeled vehicles are strictly prohibited." Xiaomei said calmly, avoiding a tombstone sideways.

Ronggui: So... let Rhubarb stand up and become a two-wheeler

Such rhubarb... is it a two-wheeled vehicle

Rong Gui thought about it and looked back at Rhubarb: Although the workmanship is exquisite, Xiaomei is not a person who can put a lot of effort into appearance. Rhubarb's two front wheels are still hanging out brightly! Just standing and walking is regarded as a two-wheeled vehicle? Is it that simple

Ronggui deeply doubts whether Xiaomei's solution to this problem can be recognized.

"Where did you see this new traffic regulation?" As expected of Xiaomei, she would watch the new traffic regulations when watching TV, unlike him, who would only watch series like "Axe Romance".

Speaking of this game, he always felt a pity. When he left, the hero Dwarf was preparing to leave the city~ It was still very early for the finale, and he was destined to not be able to watch the finale before leaving.

Xiaomei paused for a while, then said slowly, "I saw it in 'Treasure Axe'..."

Ronggui: 囧! ! !

Quickly going through the plot of "The Axe" in his mind, Rong Gui shook his head firmly: "Xiaomei, I'm also watching "The Axe", I have memorized every line in it! Where is the mention? Have you passed this new rule?"

"As mentioned in episode 136, when the hero said he was going to Pulton, the other dwarves asked him to prepare two-wheeled transportation, because the new traffic regulations there stipulated that." Xiaomei paused for a moment: "I checked it, and there really is this traffic rule there."

"The screenwriter didn't fabricate false traffic rules, but wrote the real traffic rules changes into the play, which I think is very good." At the end, Xiaomei said seriously.

Xiaomei, who is still so serious at this time... What should I do if she looks so cute

Holding his mouth with one hand, Ronggui secretly laughed.

Then the big event he soon discovered made him let go again: "One hundred and thirty-six episodes? Didn't we only air one hundred and thirty-five episodes when we left? Where did you see one hundred and thirty-six episodes? Six episodes?"

"After we left, Mary sent it by email, and it was sent to our two mailboxes." It was probably sent just before they left the Yedhan area. Otherwise, when they left Yedhan, they would no longer be able to Received messages from people there.

"Ah! Why didn't you say it earlier! I want to see it too!" shouting, Ronggui immediately jumped to Xiaomei with the mushroom and walked side by side with him.

Behind the two of them, Da Huang remained silent, and the two huge rear wheels turned at a constant speed, crossing one grave after another.

Time passed in the conversation between Rong Gui and Xiaomei Shi Wu Wu, and they finally walked out of the huge tomb group and came to a...

"Wood?" Ronggui was stunned after seeing the scene in front of the two of them after the tomb group.

As long as he wakes up from this strange era, he hasn't seen a real green tree for as long.

However, at this moment, what they saw in front of them was a dense forest with tree trunks! There are big green leaves! And twigs and vines!

These plants are growing so well that Ronggui can even see drops of water dripping down on their plump and generous leaves!

They grow densely, almost connected into a piece.

It's like preventing something from breaking in - I don't know why, after seeing this dense forest, the first thought that came to Ronggui's mind was this.

But what else could break in? Isn't it the out-of-towners who are eager to enter the city

Ronggui scratched his head.

When he looked around again, he realized that he and Xiaomei were not the only ones who were stopped, and two other groups were stopped in front of the dense forest.

The two groups of people seemed to be in a hurry. One group was more crowded. The man in the middle was carrying a man with a cloak on his back. The man himself and the people around him were very anxious. ran in across a tomb all the way;

There are only two people in the other group. Although the number is small, they are more conspicuous than the group next door. There is no other reason: these two people came in together with a car!

It seems that 80% of the patients on their side are in the car.

Upon seeing this, Ronggui was once again thankful for Xiaomei's prior arrangement. If it wasn't for Xiaomei's modification of rhubarb in advance, they now estimated that they would either bury rhubarb underground, or they would have to carry rhubarb in like them. Rhubarb is so heavy, he and Xiaomei are here. Small arms and calves, whether it can move rhubarb or not, let's talk about it~

Fortunately, their rhubarb can stand and walk on their own!

Just when Ronggui turned around and looked at Rhubarb proudly, the first group of people had already rushed to the depths of the jungle with the patient behind their backs, while the second group of people saw that they could not continue to carry the car, so they opened the carriage, A stretcher was temporarily assembled, lifted at both ends, and the two abandoned the car and left.

"Let's go in too." At this moment, Xiaomei's voice came from the side.

"Oh! Good..." Rong Gui responded in a hurry, following Xiaomei, he walked carefully into the dense forest.

As he walked, he looked back worriedly:

He was a little worried about rhubarb.

After all, there are many trees here, and the road is not easy to walk.

Fortunately, the rhubarb is not as big as other cars. Even for dwarves, it is quite a big car. Compared with other cars on the road, the rhubarb is still petite. tall~

Looking at Rhubarb deftly turning his tires among the trees, wearing flowers and willows, he still looked a little graceful.

Covering his mouth and secretly laughing, Ronggui finally felt relieved.

But it seemed too early for him to be relieved. Just when Ronggui was about to withdraw his gaze and stop looking at Da Huang, he suddenly saw an incredible sight:

He saw a hand suddenly stick out from the grave in the distance!

The hand stretched out first, then pressed down sharply, grabbed the ground fiercely, and with a push, Ronggui watched in stunned silence as a man climbed out of the grave!

and many more-

Can that be considered a person

The rotten potholes on the face, and the black traces of drying on the body, that, that, that, that, that... That is simply a legendary zombie!

Ronggui was stunned.

But he couldn't bear to be stunned, because soon, other tombs also stretched out their hands one after another, and one after another zombies scrambled out of the tombs!

They seemed to have a clear goal. After coming out of the tomb, they didn't go anywhere, and resolutely surrounded them in the direction of the woods.

And in the woods…

He and Xiaomei are in the woods! ! ! ! !

"Damn it!" With a loud cry, Ronggui decisively took Xiaomei's hand in front of him, and yelled at the back: "Rhubarb, run!"

He hurriedly ran forward.

Since he never looked back, he didn't know what was going on behind him. In short, when he ran for a while and felt that he could rest, he found that there were quiet trees in front of him and behind him, no one and no one. Zombies.

He didn't feel relieved just by looking at it with his mechanical eyes. Ronggui also used the scanner to detect the surroundings once, and he was relieved to make sure that there were really no other creatures around.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asked Xiaomei, but this time, Xiaomei quietly didn't answer him.

It seems that Xiaomei doesn't know either.

On the contrary, a clear and small voice suddenly came from the air:

"The graves outside are all undead, and they climb out of the graves every once in a while. You just caught up with the time they came out."

Ronggui was startled by the sudden sound, and hurriedly turned his head in the direction of the sound. Only then did he realize that a little girl was sitting on Da Huang's shoulder at some point.

Dressed in tatters and with short hair, if it wasn't for Ronggui's meticulous attention to details of people, he wouldn't necessarily have recognized it as a girl.

"Who are you? When did you keep up with us?" Ronggui immediately alerted.

"I followed you when you were going around in the woods. I said, how many times are you going to go around in the woods? I'll take you out? Let me hitch a ride as a guide, okay?" Calf, the girl asked condescendingly on Rhubarb's shoulders.

"..." Ronggui looked at Xiaomei, but did not refuse in the end.

Pointing out the shortest way into the city to Ronggui, the girl continued to sit on the shoulders of Rhubarb leisurely and chatted with Ronggui:

"The so-called immortal people, as the name suggests, are people who can never die. Just like those in the graves outside, they have been buried in the ground, but they can still climb out. Even if their consciousness is gone, they still live as always."

"The reason..."

"It's because of a drug called the Elixir."

"One of the greatest inventions in the city of Cicero, the elixir, was indeed said back then, but in fact... it was only after the first batch of people who took the medicine died that everyone discovered the after-effects of this medicine."

"It's not an elixir, it's more like an elixir."

"The dead will always crawl out, and the living will be scared to death, but they can't be killed. There is no way for their descendants to bury all the dead outside the city of Cicero."

"It's good now, everyone don't have to worry about the dead running back home, they all ran to Cicero City."

Speaking of which, the girl sighed.

Ronggui continued to be stunned: "This... Could it be a medical dispute caused by a medical accident?"

"You're right to say that."

Then, Ronggui was speechless.