The Sabbath

Chapter 81: There are also cities with three months of life expectancy


After walking for a while, Ronggui didn't feel anything at all. The little girl above suddenly looked into the distance with a pergola in hand, and then she spoke again:

"Here, thank you for your ride, I'm leaving~"

After speaking, she jumped up, Rong Gui watched the little girl jump between the branches like a monkey twice, and her figure disappeared immediately.

Ronggui's head, who had maintained "stunned.jpg" from beginning to end, turned as the other party disappeared, and then, he saw an open space between the trees in front of him.

There is a small house vaguely over the open space, and there is a long queue in front of it.


so many people!

Or carrying the patient number, or carrying the patient number, even the patient and his family, lined up in a long line! Not only that, from time to time there are people carrying sick numbers from the nearby jungle to join the team.

"Let's hurry up and line up!" Ronggui said immediately.

He took the lead in running over, and Xiaomei and Da Huang also quickened their pace slightly.

They were firmly attached to the end of the line.

When Agui and Xiaomei stood still, the bracket in front of Rhubarb stretched out again, and the rear wheels gradually slid in the direction of the chassis. With a "bang", Rhubarb landed on all four wheels again.

"Get in the car." Xiaomei said flatly.

Ronggui quickly opened the door and got into the car.

So, when others could only either carry the sick number or carry the sick number on their backs, and anxiously queued outside, the two of them sat comfortably on the rhubarb, queuing while charging~

If they can, they can even watch TV and listen to the radio.

In fact, Ronggui has already opened Xiaohei.

“…Welcome to the beautiful city of Cicero, which is rich in various precious medicinal materials, proprietary Chinese medicines, and pharmacists…”

"You can buy all kinds of medicines here, with a wide range of items: sunscreens, hair tonics, breast enhancement pills, diet pills, childbirth pills... There is always a suitable one for you... "

Next is the endless advertising time. After listening to it for a while, Ronggui decisively closed Xiaohei.

Xiao Hei was as quiet as a chicken again.

After a lot of people came behind them, they sat on Da Huang and opened the car window a little, and Rong Gui openly listened to the gossip in the car—

Most of the people in the team looked very anxious, with gloomy brows, and every now and then the sick patient who was brought over let out a moan of pain...

It's not like a city entry audit office, but more like a hospital registration office.

Ronggui came to a conclusion.

What happened next was more like what would happen in a hospital.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's line up a little bit ahead! Our Jamie broke a hand, and we need to hurry into the city to buy bone raw materials!!!" Accompanied by a hoarse cry, a patient Families want to jump in.

People directly ask for the person at the front of the line.

The cry was tragic, and Ronggui was full of sympathy.


He heard a more mournful cry, from the begged.

"I also beg you not to embarrass me! My Tommy's heart has been broken in half, and now I need to hurry in and get a booster!"

Yes, it's worse than the helper.

The helper seemed to want to give it a try, but the result looked back: the family members who were distraught, the sick patients they brought over were even worse, lying on a stretcher, their faces pale, and they all looked like they were dying. Poor look soon...

Tears still hung in their eyes, wiped away their tears, and the family members who wanted to cut in the queue finally queued up honestly.

Honorable Mention: …

But if there is a problem, there will be someone who will solve it.

It didn't take long for Ronggui to see someone come out of the cabin.

The people who came out are really beautiful!

Tall and slender body, smooth and delicate skin, after walking in the underground city for so long, this is the third time Ronggui has seen someone who made his eyes shine!

Of course, the first time was Xiaomei, the second time was himself, ahem...

When Ronggui guessed the identity of the beauty, Ronggui saw the beauty smiling and walked directly to the family of the patient who just tried to cut the queue.

After moving his eyes to Da Huang's car butt, Rong Gui saw the other party walk over and opened the suitcase, revealing the various medicines inside:

"It's because of a broken hand that I need to buy bone-creating agent~ It's so pitiful~ But looking at the current queue length, how can I say that it will take another hour to wait for your turn, even if you can get a suitable bone-creating agent immediately after entering, it's a bit It's too late~"

"It just so happens that I have medicines here that are suitable for your current situation."

"Powerful tranquilizer." He took out a test tube from the suitcase and showed it in front of the patient's family with a swipe.

"It can instantly make the patient fall into a strong state of sedation, the cells in the patient's body will be sedated at the same time, the current various bad states will be completely stopped, and the effect of the drug can last for two hours, enough for you to line up, and then go in to find the right doctor, how? ?"

His voice was really seductive, and with that goblin-like appearance, the patient's family members still had tears in their eyes, but they said "yes" in a daze.

After paying a huge price, Ronggui saw that the other party handed him the test tube with a smile.

The patient's family carefully fed the precious medicine to the sick patient to drink it. Then, the patient who drank the medicine instantly turned pale and rolled his eyes, turning into a pitiful person who was just as short-lived as the previous patient.

"This, this?" The patient's family was a little dumbfounded.

"This is one of the effects of the potion. It's a powerful sedative. It's a matter of course that you will fall into a coma when you drink it, and you can't even call it a sequelae."

"An La An La~ Isn't this also good? At least the people behind will be embarrassed to jump in the queue when they see his appearance~"

The man smiled and waved, put away the suitcase, and started walking back.

The Ronggui little robot, who was clinging to the window and driving out, was a little dumbfounded: such a beautiful woman turned out to be... a small street vendor selling unknown drugs on the side of the road

This is... this is...

Probably because Ronggui's sight was too explicit, the other party actually looked in Ronggui's direction.

Not only looked over, but also walked over.

Reopening the suitcase with a smile, the beauty said to Rong Gui, "Sir, I also have medicines that are very suitable for you here~"

Ronggui was taken aback when he was blocked.

Could it be that this beauty is really a master? Just one look at yourself and you know you need a strong nutrient solution


He saw the other party flip through the suitcase neatly, and found a small and simple medicine bottle and shook it in front of Rong Gui. There was a medicine name on the outside of the medicine bottle. "A line of words.

Honorable Mention: …

"You seem to be having trouble with your hair~ This is a small problem, you don't even need to enter the city, you can just buy it from me, how about it?"

The other party asked with a smile.

Honor: =-=

"You only have trouble with your hair!" Which pot can't be lifted without opening it, even if the other party is a beauty, Ronggui didn't intend to give him face, so he resolutely rolled up the car window.

"Huh? How do you know that I have trouble with hair? I was really troubled in this regard, and now my hair is completely relying on this magical bottle of hair tonic in my hand~" The other party was not angry, but lifted his hair, While showing off his hair, he continued to sell the hair tonic in his hand.

In the end, let alone, three or four people really listened to his words, bought hair tonic from him, and left.

Ronggui was a little speechless.

The team moved forward slowly. Although it was really slow, it was indeed moving forward a little bit.

During this period, the beauty came out to do business several times, and many people rejected him, but more people still bought some medicines from him.

"Maybe he is the staff member in the house who is responsible for reviewing the entry of people into the city. It's no wonder that the team can go fast after coming out again and again." Rong Gui whispered to Xiaomei.

Just as it was about to be their turn, a scream suddenly came from the far end of the line.

Yes, Ronggui and the others are now very high in the team, and behind them is a long team.

The distance is a little far, and Ronggui can't see clearly, but fortunately there is the Mediterranean Sea on top of Rhubarb's head... No, it's a skylight. After climbing out of the skylight, Ronggui saw what happened there:

A zombie walked out of the forest without knowing when, and even if he came out, he actually went to line up. The person in front of him was also unlucky. He was a little anxious because of the long line, but he felt behind him. The man kept rubbing against himself, not only rubbing, but also dripping saliva on his neck.

He was also a real man, and he decided to turn around to ask for an explanation. Then, when he turned around, he was confronted by the elder sister of the zombie who was dripping blood on his neck...

Rao is a real man who can't stand the shock of such a close contact, and he shouted loudly.

The beauty of the cabin was dispatched again. This time, there were several other people who were dispatched with him. They came out wearing thick clothes. They decisively tied up the zombies and dragged her back to the small forest.

The honor of witnessing it all:…

Turning his head, he saw Xiaomei with a blank expression on the roof of the car.

At some point, Xiaomei also climbed onto the car window and watched the fun with him.

"Everyone, be careful, as long as you don't get bitten by them, it won't be a big deal." The beauty peddler who came to sell drugs before smiled and said to everyone in the team.

"Is it bitten?" Someone in the team asked loudly.

The beauty hawker turned to look at him with a smile.

"Then amputate immediately. We will provide you with the best wound medicine in Cicero City, as well as the list of the best prosthetic makers in Yedhan City or Pullen City."

There was an instant uproar in the team.

"The Elixir was originally invented on the principle of using drugs to activate all cells in the body and keep them at their peak again."

"The original purpose is the same as the name of the medicine, just to maintain youth." Standing beside Ronggui, Xiaomei suddenly said.

"However, the drug has mutated after it was made. People who take the drug can indeed maintain their youth, but after their death, later generations found that the buried ancestors came back."

"There is no heartbeat, the blood is no longer warm, the movement is a little slower, the brain no longer thinks... And yet, they come back."

"The same thing happened to five people who had taken the elixir, and people realized that the elixir is not just an elixir, it has become an elixir of death."

"It is useless to burn, to assassinate again, and even to dismember... These people have become undead, and because the pharmacists of Cicero have learned this prescription, the angry family members have all the residents of Cicero as defendants. court."

"The result of Sky City's ruling is to let the family members bury the bodies of their dead relatives in the periphery of Ciciro City, and the zombies will besiege the city. Everyone in Ciciro City will not be allowed to leave the city until the antidote to the elixir is researched."

"The above is the conclusion I just made after connecting to the network of the staff in the wooden house." Xiaomei said expressionlessly.

This is much more detailed than what Loli just said, as expected of Xiaomei - looking at Xiaomei with her mouth open, Ronggui nodded again and again.


Things should not be so simple.

As early as when they were still in Ye Dehan, when Xiaomei searched for "a city that sells high-quality strong nutrient solution", the first search result was Ciciro City.

In Xiaomei's memory, there is no underground city named "Ciciro" at all.

The only explanation for this situation is that when he arrived at Sky City and began to study the history of the city, the city of Cicero no longer existed.

Later, he searched again in the books of his memory reserve, and finally saw the description of "Cicero City" in a travel journal.

It read: "He bought a very good stomach medicine in Cicero on a certain day of a certain year, but when he went back a few months later, the whole city of Cicero would cease to exist."

The time when the city of Cicero disappeared was not recorded, but the time when the man bought the medicine was recorded.

That time is three months away from today.

Within this time frame, the city of Cicero should still be safe, and in three months... Something must have happened in the city of Cicero, enough to erase the entire history of the city's existence.

Before that, he has to find and get the powerful nutrient solution and leave with Ronggui.

The sky-like blue eyes reflected the crowd in front of her. She turned her head and reflected a noble robot who was still watching the excitement. She lowered her head, and Xiaomei left the window again and jumped to her seat.

It was their turn to enter the city.

After handing the pass to the auditor and confirming that the information was correct, Da Huang drove the two to Ciciro City.