The Sabbath

Chapter 83: Rent a small attic~


Driving all the way, Ronggui was excited to see that the scenery along the way changed from the unified store.

It’s still those small wooden houses, but the streets have become less tidy. The main reason is that the signs have become less uniform in style, and light box-style signs have become rare. Many shops use ordinary wooden signs that do not emit light, with simple and rude signs on them. I wrote about the medicines sold in the store, but there is no store name, and as the rhubarb continues to drive inward, more stores don't even need signboards.

Beyond the skylight, Ronggui even saw the second floor of a certain store drying clothes outside.

Although it is a robot's body, it can't feel the temperature of the outside world at all, but from the water droplets that often condense on the body, we know that the city of Cicero must be a humid and hot city. The most worrying thing in this kind of place is the problem of drying clothes~

As the alleys get smaller and the roads get narrower, it is conceivable that outsiders are less likely to visit such places. Ronggui saw the second floors of the houses on both sides of the road pulling between each other's windows. Out of the long ropes, some ropes are empty, but there are always some ropes hanging clothes, sheets and so on.

This thing is a clothesline - Ronggui immediately understood.

Rong Gui raised his head and curiously speculated on the local dress style from the clothes hanging outside. After a while, he passed under several flower pants, and was almost covered by the tickling water on the pants, so Rong Gui quickly closed it. skylight.

"It seems that this is a residential area, and it's still an old area." Shrinking his head, Rong Gui told Xiaomei next to him about his observations.

"It's best to live in an old residential area when you first arrive in a new city. Usually, the people who live in such places are the elderly, and the old people are generally good-natured."

"For example, Uncle Harlan." After thinking about it, Ronggui took the old landlord of Yedhan City as an example.

Looking up at the various underwear in midair, Xiaomei didn't say anything, she just rolled up all the windows on Rhubarb's body.

Ronggui shrugged as if he didn't like the underwear hanging outside.

Water droplets from various underwear and bed sheets hit Rhubarb's forehead, and then dripped from the glass. Xiaomei pressed the wiper to wipe off all the water droplets.

Walking and brushing all the way, finally, they walked to the last alley.

According to the guidance of the beauty staff, the place where they can rent a house is at the end of this alley.

However, as soon as he entered the alley, Ronggui felt something was wrong:

This alley is too dark.

There is not a single lamp. This kind of pure darkness can only be felt on the roads outside the city. If you enter the city, even in a remote place, there will be a street lamp or something, and it will not be so dark at all!

However, this alley is so dark. Fortunately, they have a night imaging system. Even in the dark, they can see something.

Raising his head, Ronggui "sees" the leaves and vines that cover the entire sky in the alley.

It turned out that the alley was completely covered by dense and lush plants.

There are fewer houses in this alley than the alleys I passed by before, and the gaps between each house are also large.

"Every house has a big yard." Sitting on Da Huang, Rong Gui whispered to Xiao Mei.

Although he explained it like this, he was a little scared after all. The specific expression was that his body couldn't help but move closer to Xiaomei. The closer he got, he almost crossed the gap between the two seats and sat directly on Xiaomei's driver's seat. up.

Xiaomei ignored him, just quietly, looking around from time to time, her movements were slow and meticulous. As Da Huang continued to drive deeper into the alley, his eyes finally landed on the last house at the end of the alley.

This three-story building, hidden among the densest vegetation, was the destination of their trip, the building corresponding to the address that the beauty staff had copied to them.

It is also the house they will be renting.

It looks shattered.

With black lights, it looks like a haunted house from a horror movie.

"Haha, I guess the rent won't be very high." With a dry laugh, Ronggui whispered again.

Then, he mustered up the courage to open the car door and jumped off Rhubarb.

Not long after he got out of the car, Xiaomei also got off the other side, feeling that Xiaomei and herself were standing side by side again, and Ronggui's heart became a little more at ease.

Ronggui carefully looked at this house, which might become their temporary residence in the future, and found that although it was very dilapidated, it was not the kind of dilapidated one that no one lived in.

Although the branches growing out of the wall are vigorous, it is obvious that they have been well taken care of.

There should be someone in there.

"There is someone inside." Xiaomei's calm voice sounded in his ear, and his words further proved Ronggui's guess.

"Switch the viewing mode and use the thermal imaging mode." Xiaomei continued.

Ronggui hurriedly switched the system as he said, so when he looked inside the wall again this time, he saw a faintly blurred green figure.

Ronggui reflexively made a swallowing action.

To be honest, this kind of "seeing" is more terrifying than not being able to see it!

Before he could get used to it, Xiaomei spoke again.

"The man came out."

Xiaomei's voice was not loud, flat and indifferent. In the dark and quiet environment, there was an indescribable strangeness.

Stimulated by Xiaomei's voice, Ronggui nervously saw the blurred green figure move from the second floor to the first floor, and then slowly moved in their direction, getting closer and closer.

"He's about to open the door." In the darkness, Xiaomei's emotionless voice sounded again.

The right hand "swipe" to grab Xiaomei's cloak, and Ronggui's tension reached the extreme.

To be honest, he wasn't so nervous at all, really... It's really that Xiaomei's voice is so suitable for dubbing horror movies! ! !

Then, just when the panic in Ronggui's heart reached its peak, he almost wanted to drag Xiaomei and escape back to Rhubarb—

"Squeak" sound.

The door opened.

The green shadow in his eyes was replaced by a black shadow, and Ronggui saw an old woman with a wrinkled face.

With a stern face, it was a thin old man.

The corners of her mouth pursed into a blade, and she looked down at them with white eyes.

and many more-

White eyes

With his mouth open, Ronggui could no longer bear the fear in his heart.

With a "click", he fainted with fright.

Next thing -

He doesn't know.

Xiaomei quickly grabbed Ronggui, who was about to fall to the ground, and lifted him up with one hand. Xiaomei stared blankly at the white-eyed old man.

"He, your companion, what's the matter?" It was the old man in the door who spoke first.

"The program is running incorrectly, emergency shutdown." Xiaomei answered succinctly.

"..." The old man was silent for a moment, then continued to speak: "What are you doing?"

"Someone gave us this address and said that we could rent a house here." Coldly, Xiaomei briefly introduced her reason for coming.

After finishing speaking, he also handed the note to the old man that the beauty staff had handed to him.

"Don't let me see, I have bad eyes and can't see clearly." The old man refused coldly.

Xiaomei then stuffed the note back into her cloak.

"How long do you want to rent?" After being quiet for a while, the old man asked again.

"Not more than three months." Xiaomei replied.

"… "

This time, the old man didn't ask any more questions, let the door open, she let Xiaomei come in, and after Xiaomei helped Ronggui enter, the old man closed the door tightly again.

So, when Ronggui "woke up" faintly on the socket, Xiaomei had already done everything, moved in all the luggage from Rhubarb, and started to organize things.

When Ronggui woke up, Xiaomei was sitting upright on her knees not far from him, laying out the bed sheets in an orderly manner.

"Ah..." He looked at the unfamiliar roof in confusion, Ronggui didn't wake up for a while.

As soon as Gulu sat up, he looked around blankly.

First, there are lights in the house.

Although there is not even a lampshade, there is indeed a lamp in the room, the bulb is orange, and the room is warm.

Ronggui looked at the lamp for a while, and then his eyes turned to the ceiling. Unlike the flat roof in the past, the roof now looks like two sides of a triangle, with a beam in the middle. If you look closely, it is still made of wood. .

Looking down, Ronggui immediately saw the window, the floor-to-ceiling window, and there was a vague platform outside...

"Here... where is it?" scratching his head, Rong Gui asked Xiaomei next to him.

Fortunately, Xiaomei was right next to her, otherwise Ronggui would have been panicked when he woke up and found himself in such an unfamiliar place.

"The courtyard wall you just shut down is inside." Extending her fingers to smooth the last uneven fold on the sheets, Xiaomei sat up straight and picked up the pillow from the side.

With his mouth open, Ronggui looked shocked.

Panic crawling to Xiaomei's side, Ronggui asked in a low voice, "This, this is the inside of the haunted house?"

"It's not a haunted house, it's an ordinary house." Xiaomei spread the pillow on it, and then started looking for a pillow towel.

"We, we just live in like this?" Xiaomei's answer made Ronggui even more nervous. With a "click", he put his body on Xiaomei's back~

"The rent is suitable, the room is suitable, why not rent it?" Glancing at Rong Gui's paws tightly hugging her arm, Xiaomei found the pillow cover, so he continued to put the pillow cover.

By the way, the pillow towel was made in Ye Dehan. Ronggui was taught how to make a pillow towel by the female dwarves. When the sewing was almost broken, Xiaomei finally helped to sew it successfully.

Xiaomei made a total of three pairs of pillow covers.

Although, he didn't understand why the two robots needed pillow covers.


"How long have you been renting?" Ronggui asked after a moment of surprise.

"Three months."

Is this already a fait accompli? Thinking that he would live in such a ghostly "haunted house" for three months, Ronggui was about to cry!

"This house looks shabby~" Unwilling to give up, Ronggui tried desperately to find a reason, and he tried to make the last resistance.

"It's a bit low rent, you said." After putting on one pillowcase, Xiaomei put on the second one.

"The yard here is so big, and the lush plants inside are so weird!"

"The yard is very spacious. The landlord said that we can use the terrace stairs to go down to a small piece of land below, which can be used to bury the freezer and plant apple seedlings and ground beans." Xiaomei started to move the quilt. When he moved the quilt, Ronggui hangs on him, mopping the floor with both feet, wherever Xiaomei goes, Ronggui hangs on him and follows him: "And—"

"The plants are flourishing because the landlord sells herbal plants."

How to do? Although Xiaomei's tone sounded the same as usual, but...

I always feel that he is very satisfied here!

Weirdly satisfying! ! ! !

Glory and embarrassment!

"But, the landlord is very weird! Her eyes are white! White!" Ronggui said in a hurry and a low voice.

Isn't this weird

This is the weirdest place ever! ! ! !

Xiaomei had already found the quilt and brought it over. She went back to the laid sheets, Xiaomei sat down on her knees again, and put the quilt on it, and then he answered Rong Gui calmly, "She has a serious white eye disease. "


"A variant of cataract, which is characterized by fogging of the cornea, a thick layer of albuginea that cannot be removed, and the patient's vision worsening until complete blindness."

"Ah..." Holding Xiaomei's neck, Ronggui was stunned: "Is that so."

The most feared problem has been scientifically explained, and Ronggui nodded his sympathy and understanding.

"The landlord said we could use a small area under the terrace stairs? Is it free? Can I go and have a look?"

The most feared thing in his heart was answered, and Ronggui suddenly regained his normal heart.

Peeling himself off Xiaomei, Ronggui began to look around curiously.

"..." Xiaomei... Xiaomei was a little speechless.

Fortunately, Ronggui just looked at it in private and noticed that there was indeed a terrace outside the house they rented, and there was a separate staircase leading downstairs on the terrace, Ronggui cheered softly.

Then he happily went back to the house, humming a little tune while packing with Xiaomei, he decided to go on an adventure with Xiaomei after finishing his work~

Xiaomei: …

Xiaomei is very, very used to it.

In this way, they also chose a place to stay in the city of Sicero.

Living in a "haunted house" in the old city, renting an entire floor for one-third of the market price. Although it is an attic, but for two petite robots. The attic is already very spacious.

In addition, they also have a freestanding staircase, and a small plot of land below the staircase.

Both Ronggui feel: The days between myself and Xiaomei are really getting better and better~
