The Sabbath

Chapter 85: The situation of the third store


"This is the delivery card for the two of you, please keep it properly." Holding one side of the card in each hand, the store manager handed over the delivery card with a smile.

I have to say, the people in Cicero are really good looking~ The store manager is also a handsome uncle!

Ronggui stared blankly at the man in front of him, but Xiaomei didn't think so much, he took the delivery card with one hand.

"However, it doesn't matter if you don't keep it properly. The corresponding information has been entered in the passports of the two of you. With this record, the two of you can live here for as long as eight months." The store manager continued to smile.

"Our city of Cicero is the city of pharmacists with the longest history. We advocate the use of drugs to restore bodily functions, rather than blindly using mechanical substitutes. The two... Although they use metal bodies now, since they came to buy powerful nutrient solution, I think It's just that the original body is still recovering, right?" The other party used a more euphemistic saying: "If you can use your own body, it's better to use your own body."

"The human body is the most exquisite creation in the world! It's a miracle that no machine can match!" The store manager sighed with emotion as he stretched out his hands.

Xiaomei: …

Seeing Xiaomei's expressionless face from beginning to end, the store manager took a step back: "Ciciro City is very big, with four distinct seasons, and almost all kinds of herbs that exist in the tower are planted, the two of you can take this place as a place to be. A botanical garden, visit everywhere, the city center has the largest library in Ciciro City and the fifth-ranked library in the tower, and now the library is open to everyone in the city to read, and guests who like to read can go there."

"By the way, you might also see just like that in the library... undead, many of them like the library. Oh! Please don't be afraid, those guests are very quiet, besides being a little stubborn, they are also temperamental. Very good, doesn't attack people and doesn't bring you other constants, don't worry."

After saying this, the store manager smiled slightly, bowed, and turned to entertain other guests.

Honor: =-=

Xiaomei: …

Staring at the back of the store manager, Xiaomei retracted her gaze, put away the delivery card, and said, "Let's go to the third store to see."

Ronggui followed without objection.

And when they left the store, they were greeted by raindrops falling from the sky.

Extending his hand to catch a few drops of rain, Ronggui said in surprise, "Is it raining?"

Is it still raining in the dungeon

This is his subtext.

Hearing his subtext, Xiaomei replied: "The city is full of herbs, and artificial watering is definitely not enough. So..."

So, is this a big watering can set in the sky

A picture of a huge watering can watering appeared in his mind, and Ronggui felt relieved. Then, he took off his cloak and covered himself and Xiaomei's head with the cloak, and the two little robots stepped on it. With a splash of water, he ran from the door of the store to Rhubarb.

While driving on the road, there was the sound of raindrops everywhere. Pedestrians who were still walking slowly by the roadside avoided the shops on the roadside one after another... This kind of ordinary rain shelter scene that I only saw in the world in my previous life, I see it now. When he got up, it made Ronggui feel extra cordial.

It was obviously a very ordinary scene, but it was the first time I saw it in this world. Leaning quietly in front of the glass window, Rong Gui's heart that was a little flustered when he suddenly saw a zombie was strangely calmed down.

Next, when he saw a few zombies in the rain, the emotion that rose in his heart was no longer fear, but curiosity.

The mud on their bodies was gradually washed away by the rain, and the dirt on their clothes became less obvious under the cover of water stains, moisturizing their pale and stiff faces...

Although their pace is very slow, the rain is not heavy, isn't it

They look like returnees walking leisurely in the rain, washing away the traces left by running around outside, slowly and intently wanting to go home...

She leaned against the window and looked at the zombies outside. The expression on Rong Gui's face changed. He couldn't think of how many thoughts he had just turned over in his head. Xiaomei glanced at him, locked the window, and confirmed Ronggui. After the window could not be rolled down easily, Xiaomei continued to drive Da Huang forward.

Passing through a few winding alleys, there was only one zombie left beside them.

It was a shaggy zombie with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. His cheeks were thin and sunken, and he looked unsmiling.

Like a rigid civil servant ← Ronggui thought.

There should be a beautiful and dexterous wife in his family, um... He doesn't know whether she is pretty or not, but the dexterity should be true. Ronggui noticed that the clothes on that person were obviously hand-sewn, with fine stitches and very strong stitches. The areas that are prone to wear and tear are also patched with a few pieces of cloth, which look like ornaments, beautiful and practical.

Ronggui saw that person walking forward slowly and walked to the middle of a group of zombies...

and many more! Zombies? !

It was only then that Ronggui noticed that they had unknowingly drove to the end of the alley, and there was a large group of zombies gathered there for some reason! A full twelve zombies have already gathered there, just standing there, pressing a group of black, it looks very strange!

The strange mosaic effect brought by the rain just now was wiped away, and Ronggui posted Xiaomei again with a "click".

"Xiaomei! How did we get here? Why are there so many zombies here?!" Ronggui looked around, only to find that the surrounding shops were almost empty, not even a light box sign. It's also shabby, and you can see that no one lives there!

"This is the third store." Xiaomei said calmly, letting Ronggui hold him and sway back and forth.

Ronggui: 囧!

The fantasy of "wearing clothes hand-sewn by his wife", "returning home after washing away the traces of exhaustion"... all disappeared, and Ronggui's heart was once again left with the fear of zombie siege.

The painting style of the third store is different from the other two!

Although the store is equally large, even bigger, and the open-air lounge next to it is more luxurious, however—

There are more zombie brothers sitting in the more luxurious open-air lounge, okay? ! !

This is not like the previous lounge, where there was only a zombie brother who accidentally got in, but a table full of zombies!

Ronggui's mouth is wide open!

"What's wrong with this place? Why are there so many zombies?" There were no pedestrians around, Rhubarb just stopped by the roadside abruptly, Ronggui suddenly felt that he and Xiaomei were very eye-catching!

I always feel that sooner or later I will be noticed by the zombie brother. What should I do? !

Just when Ronggui was shaking like a sieve, Xiaomei let her body and Ronggui tremble at the same frequency, but her eyes stayed on the glasses zombie earlier.

He saw the zombie slowly squeeze out the same kind outside, walked straight to the door, slowly took out a key from his trouser pocket, and then slowly pointed the key to the keyhole.

With a "click", the door opened.

Like a normal home, he opened the door, walked in, and closed the door again.

The sound of the door closing was so loud that Ronggui, who had been burying his head between Xiaomei's legs, also heard it. He quickly propped up one arm and raised his head. Ronggui just saw a closed door.

Then, the lights in the house turned on one by one, and it was conceivable that the zombie knew how to turn on the lights.

"Let's go in and have a look." Just when Ronggui was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do, Xiaomei said again.

After speaking, Xiaomei opened the door and got out of the car!

He didn't dare to stay on Da Huang by himself. Rong Gui gritted his teeth and quickly unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. He followed Xiao Mei nervously. Rong Gui watched as he and the group of zombies were getting closer and closer. the closer...

He can already see the pores on the other person's face!

When he was nervous to a certain extent, Ronggui's mind went blank, but instead he calmed down.

Unconsciously, he began to imitate the walking style of the zombie he had seen before. In this regard, he seemed to be born with talent.

So, when Xiaomei's arm suddenly lost the weight of Ronggui's pulling, she couldn't help turning her head to look at it, and what she saw was Ronggui like a zombie.

Expression, posture, speed... All of them are exactly the same as the zombies around. If it wasn't for knowing that Ronggui's current body is a robot, he could not become a zombie no matter what, Xiaomei really thought that Ronggui had become a zombie.

Xiaomei: …

Ronggui: let go of the face.jpg

Zombie Gui's imitation was so successful that all the zombies around him regarded him as a companion, so the attention of all the zombies around focused on Xiaomei.

Their heads all moved slowly to where Xiaomei was, and their stiff gazes also turned, and even, they gradually approached Xiaomei's direction...

With an expressionless face, Xiaomei continued to walk towards the door.

A large group of zombies stalked behind him, and Xiaomei arrived at the door.

This is a typical shop door. Normally, it would open with a slight push, but now the door is closed. Xiaomei pushed it: it could not be pushed.

The zombies in the back are getting closer and closer to him. Rong Gui, who pretends to be a zombie, is the closest to him. He stretches out his hands behind him. Rong Gui uses his body to block the hands of the zombies in the back. However, even so, Xiaomei can still feel it. To the rear layer of tightening pressure...

Unscrewed a finger to expose the wire below, Xiaomei slowly stuffed the wire into the keyhole.

I don't know what he was doing inside. Not long after, there was a crisp "click" sound from the keyhole again, and the door opened.

Grabbing Ronggui behind her, Xiaomei flashed through the door.

When he entered the door, he immediately closed the door, and there was a muffled sound of "dong", "dong" and "dong" on the door panel. It was the sound of the zombies suddenly losing their support and smashing their bodies on the door panel.

Xiaomei carefully locked the door again, looking back at Ronggui, who was still stiff, he frowned slightly: "It's alright, don't continue acting."

He said it twice, and Ronggui suddenly softened as if he had lifted some kind of magic spell.

The petite robot immediately grabbed Xiaomei's arm again. Softly, he whispered, "Scare, frighten me to death~"

Obviously, you were more scary just now - without saying a word, Xiaomei said in her heart.

Turning around, the two little robots looked inside the house.

Like the two shops I have visited before, the decoration style of this shop is also simple and exquisite, and the wooden floor of the house is made of good material. However, unlike the other two shops, the wooden floor here has obviously not been waxed for a long time. Looks a bit shabby.

There is a thick carpet by the door, the pattern is gorgeous and delicate, the only incongruity is the water stain on it.

Thinking of the "people" who had just entered, Ronggui shivered.

However, he immediately noticed his and Xiaomei's feet: they were dripping with water.

So, although he felt a little nervous, he still pulled Xiaomei and rubbed the feet of the two of them in the corner of the carpet.

Then it continued to go in.

They walked in, following the direction of the lights on the ceiling.

Although it is brightly lit from the outside, in fact, when you walk inside, you will find that many light bulbs are broken, and every few steps, one light bulb above your head is dimmed.

This is obviously not the case for stores that are open.

If it is a store under normal business conditions, the floor should be clean, the plants in the store are green and very spiritual, and the light bulbs should be checked every day, and there will be no broken light bulbs.

However, if this store is not open... it doesn't seem right. Ronggui may not have noticed when he patronized the disguised zombies, but Xiaomei can see it clearly: the light box outside that says the products sold in the store is on.

Although it was completely blocked by zombies, it was indeed lit, and the recruitment information was written on it.

Walking in front, Xiaomei looked expressionless, but in fact, his vigilance has been raised to the highest level.

On the left was a hall, and he turned into it.

Like the other two stores, this is a reception hall with counters and round tables. Under normal circumstances, this should be a hall that can receive 100 guests at the same time, but now...

The hall was silent, only the chandelier in the middle of the ceiling was on, and all the other lights were turned off.

The computers in the counter were all black, and there were no customers and no waiters.

After glancing around, Xiaomei immediately left the door and moved on.

He went up the stairs.

The second floor of the previous two stores was a work area, and only a few major customers could enter, and there were banners with "guests stop".

The second floor here is open.

With a trembling figure hanging from her body, Xiaomei slowly climbed upstairs.

Just before they went in, the lights on the second floor were also on. If you guessed correctly, the zombie should have gone up to the second floor - Xiaomei thought.

Then he was standing on the carpet on the second floor.

There was a closed room at the entrance of the stairs, Xiaomei stretched out her hand, turned the doorknob gently, and the door opened—

Pink walls, beige rugs, lace-studded sheets, and puppets lying on the bed... There is no doubt that this is a little girl's room.

A photo was placed on the white desk. Xiaomei instantly zoomed in on the camera. The focal length of the imager was positioned on the photo. The family of three in the photo was smiling. They looked extremely happy.

The man in the photo is the zombie who just entered the door with the key, and the little girl in the photo is—

"This... isn't that the little girl we met when we entered the city?"

Ronggui cried out in a low voice.