The Sabbath

Chapter 86: a family of three


That's what happened when they just arrived in the city of Cicero, over the densely packed tombs, didn't they enter a forest? That is, not long after they entered the woods, Ronggui found a zombie crawling out of the grave! When they fled in a hurry, a little girl sat on top of Rhubarb. In the end, they relied on the little girl to guide the way to the audit point at the gate of the city.

Their initial popularization of the zombie situation in Cicero was done by this little girl.

Looking at the familiar little girl in the photo, Ronggui was stunned.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of something falling from outside.

It's not loud, but it's noticeable enough in a quiet environment.

Only then did Rong Gui remember where he and Xiaomei were now, and the courage that emerged before cowardly went back again, and he saw Xiaomei moving.

Following Xiaomei, the two little robots left the little girl's room and walked forward.

The hallway was dark, and there was a room in front of it that had the door open, and the light came through the door.

The sound they had heard before was also coming from this room.

Xiaomei stood at the door of the room, hiding her body behind Xiaomei as much as possible, Ronggui knocked her head out, and then—

He saw an incredible scene:

The glasses zombie I saw before stood stiffly on the workbench full of various test-tube instruments, with blue-black fingers holding a test tube, and the other hand was not very flexible trying to ignite the alcohol stove...

This is the scene above the workbench, and under the workbench, the little girl they had seen before was huddled there, covering her ears with her hands, and the little girl's face was full of fear.

Frightened and hopeless, but also with a trace of confusion.

Shrinking among the piles of herbs under the workbench, Ronggui saw water stains on the little girl's face.

The little girl also noticed the arrival of Ronggui and Xiaomei.

Stiffly raising his head slowly, Ronggui saw that the little girl's eyes suddenly widened, and her small shoulders shook violently.

The emotion represented by this action and expression is…


Probably because there was someone who was more afraid than herself, Ronggui suddenly became less afraid. Why was she afraid of herself? Didn't she see herself and Xiaomei

With his head tilted, Ronggui once again clasped on Xiaomei's shoulder. In order to see the little girl's expression more clearly, he also stood on tiptoe a little...

Then, he saw the little girl looking at him with more and more fear.

The two thin lips trembled and opened and closed silently.

Due to his poor grasp of the local language, Ronggui did not respond to what the other party was saying for a while.

Until the little girl's lips trembled again, she recited what she just said in a very low voice.


Although her voice was really small, Ronggui was the voice of a robot after all, and sensitively captured the voice the little girl just made, Ronggui was stunned.

Could it be that she or Xiaomei has someone who looks like her mother


Thinking strangely in his heart, Rong Gui suddenly realized that the little girl's eyes were not facing him. She passed Xiaomei and herself behind Xiaomei, and her eyes stayed in the direction behind her.

and many more-

If the person she was looking at wasn't herself and Xiaomei, then the person she just said was not herself...

The thought flashed through his mind like lightning and flint, Ronggui slowly turned his head, and then—

He saw a female zombie clinging to his back!

When did she stand behind her

no sound at all...


Ronggui just wanted to faint immediately! However, after experiencing the last incident of automatic shutdown due to excessive tension, Xiaomei helped him re-debug the system. This time, he tried to faint, but couldn't.

Ronggui shivered nervously as he leaned on Xiaomei, not daring to move at all!

The female zombie stood at the door for a while. Because he was too scared, Ronggui didn't dare to look up at the other party's face. He didn't know if the other party had stood enough. .

Walking barefoot on the carpet, her movements were unusually slow, no wonder she was silent and silent.

Ronggui watched her walk to the room diagonally opposite, where the door was originally closed, but now not only is it open, but the light inside is also lit.

If Ronggui has a sense of smell, he can still smell the food with the music inside.

Then, the glasses zombie who was still fiddling with the test tube also stopped and put everything back in place. He stiffly moved out of the studio. Slowly, he walked to the room diagonally opposite.

Just after he left, Ronggui rushed into the room and rushed to the side of the little girl near the workbench.

"This... what's going on here?" Rong Gui asked eagerly in a low voice.

Without answering him immediately, the little girl climbed up from under the workbench, stretched out the back of her hand to wipe the wet tears on her cheeks, and whispered stubbornly:

"It's no big deal, my father and mother, who have been dead for more than a year, are back home again... That's it."

Sitting stiffly at the dining table, Ronggui looked at the scene ahead in horror.

The quaint wooden dining table is also decorated with candlesticks and a small pot of green plants. In addition, there is a table full of meals. Although the amount is not large, it is steaming hot and looks…

It's hard to eat!

That dish that looked like a salad seemed to have more than just salad dressing in it, and the black stuff in it, no matter how you looked at it... it looked like it came out of a zombie's wound... pus!

Ronggui's eyes tremblingly moved to the hostess at the end of the dining table... The wound on her neck was on.

There was an obvious scar there. The flesh was opened, and the black jam-like mucus slowly dripped from it, flowing through the tattered clothes of the female zombie, and continued to flow down.

Not daring to look again, Ronggui forced himself to move his gaze to the food on the table again.

At this glance, he saw another thick soup that was still bubbling...

Hello! There seems to be something similar to potato nuggets tumbling in the thick soup, which looks delicious, but... What are the black bugs struggling next to the potato nuggets

Ronggui was sure that he was not mistaken. Because of his poor study, his eyes have always been very good. He, he also saw the claws of the insect moving! ! !

Holding Xiaomei's hand tightly, and arching her butt in Xiaomei's direction, Ronggui felt that his entire robot was very bad!

They are now in the room diagonally opposite, because the little girl said: If you don't hurry up, the mother will come to rush.

Because of these words, although Ronggui was reluctant, he still followed the little girl.

After coming here, I found out that this is a kitchen and dining room. Under normal circumstances, this should be a very warm kitchen and dining room. The kitchen is large and the furniture in the dining room is beautiful.

If there were no two zombies sitting rigidly at the two ends of the table.

The two zombies—the female zombie and the glasses zombie before, sat at each end of the dining table, with empty plates in front of them, but there was nothing inside. They didn't eat either, just stared stiffly at the little girl sitting in the middle of the dining table.

If it was in the past, maybe this could be called "loving gaze", but when the owner of the sight has now become a zombie, the feeling of being stared at by this gaze...

Ronggui looked at the little girl opposite him sympathetically.

Yes, he and Xiaomei are now sitting opposite the little girl, sitting in a chair with Xiaomei, Ronggui has to be next to Xiaomei to feel a little more secure.

However, he felt that he was not completely useless. For example, because he was too scared, he kept moving in the direction of Xiaomei, moving and moving, and he basically sat on Xiaomei's lap. In this way, he heroically helped Xiaomei to block all the horrible things!

"Xiao, Xiaomei, it's fine for me to be afraid alone, you, don't be afraid!" While afraid, Ronggui could spare time to appease Xiaomei, he felt that he had become a little more courageous.

Xiaomei who was blocked by him: =-=

In the next time, Ronggui watched the little girl eat in horror, picking out the inappropriate things in the meal between meals, picking them out, and then continuing to eat.

Until she has almost eaten, put the knife and fork on the empty plate.


The glasses zombie was still sitting on the seat, while the female zombie on the other end stood up and walked over slowly. She started to collect the dishes.

And just when she was passing her because she was collecting the dishes, Ronggui saw a fat black bug burrowing out of the wound on her neck and landed on the table with a "click". The bug was hard-shelled, with its back to the ground. After struggling for a long time, after finally turning over, the bug quickly crawled away.

Carefully avoiding the bug, Ronggui watched the female zombie carry a pile of dishes to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

The kitchen is open so he can see each other's every move.

Her movements of cleaning the dishes are also slow and rigid. The dishes were easily cleaned by her, but in the process of placing them, the pus from the female zombies dripped again, and occasionally a worm or two fell, and the original clean dishes were Dirty again.

She seemed to notice the dirt on the dishes, but she didn't know where they came from, so she could only get the dishes back and continue washing.

In the kitchen, the sound of running water has been ringing for a long time.

Until the little girl suddenly called out:

"Dad, mom, it's time for you to go back."

The sound was like a spell. The female zombie who was still washing dishes suddenly dropped the plate in her hand, letting the water from the faucet flow, and she walked towards the restaurant.

The glasses zombie who was sitting at the dining table also stood up, and together with the female zombie, they walked downstairs stiffly.

The little girl's tears flowed again.

After rushing to the kitchen to turn off the tap, she ran away in the direction of the two zombies.

Quickly looking at Xiaomei, Ronggui also chased after him.

"What are you doing?" he asked the little girl walking in front of him as he descended the stairs.

"Send them back." Wiping away her tears, the little girl answered him: "You have to go back earlier. The later the time is, the more people will be on the road. Many people will be scared when they see zombies, and they will beat them..."

"Anyway, the sooner the better." Having said that, she had already walked to the first floor and sat at the entrance to put on her shoes. The little girl thought about it and took two umbrellas.

While she was putting on her shoes, two zombies were standing at the entrance waiting for her. If you didn't look at their appearance, they looked just like normal parents...

Ronggui was stunned.

He glanced at Xiaomei hesitantly. He whispered something to Xiaomei, and Xiaomei did not object. After that, he took a few steps forward and said to the little girl who was about to open the door:

"We... have a car, you've seen it before, do you want to drive... to take you there?"

Turning her head, the little girl was stunned.

Biting her lip, the little girl finally nodded.

When she looked at her parents in front of her again, she had a smile on her face: "Dad, Mom, let's go back by car today."

The two zombies didn't react at all. They didn't know whether they understood or didn't understand what the little girl said.

In the next time, the glasses zombies opened the way, and they went out.

The zombies outside seemed to be more numerous. Facing the same kind who came out, they didn't react and just continued to block the door.

Occasionally, a few zombies wanted to surround him, and the little girl jumped out and pushed the opponent away bravely.

I don't know how this small body has such great power.

And, this little girl is really very courageous.

Rong Gui and Xiaomei sat in the passenger seat and driver seat of Da Huang respectively, while the little girl led her parents to get into the car through the side door.

"Thank you, I will help you clean the car when you come back." After placing the two tattered zombies, the little girl whispered to Rong Gui in front of her.

Glancing back in the rear mirror, Rong Gui twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not speak in the end.

With the car, it was very fast, and the exit of the city was not blocked. They quickly left the city of Cicero, came out of the audit point, and then returned to the woods.

Watching the little girl carefully lead out the two zombies from behind, Rong Gui thought about it, he didn't go up to help, and he didn't get out of the car.

"We two are waiting for you here." He only said one word to the little girl.

Nodding, the little girl walked towards the jungle with two zombies, and their figures slowly disappeared.

While waiting in the car, Ronggui saw many zombies coming out of the city one after another.

How can I say that scene...

It really makes people feel weird, but Ronggui is not as nervous as when he saw the zombies before.

They waited for a while before waiting for the little girl again.

Covered with wet mud, the little girl didn't look much better than a zombie.

Facing the clean rhubarb, the little girl hesitated before getting in the car, and Ronggui pulled out a fancy blanket from the back and gave it to her:

"Wear this! I made it up!"

The little girl hesitated for a while, but finally did not reject the blanket, she wrapped her whole body in the blanket, her pale cheeks were finally rosy, she carefully took off the dirty shoes, held them in her arms, she slowly crawled Got into the car.

After she was seated, she whispered, "Thank you."

In order to make her feel more at ease, Ronggui also opened Xiao Hei.

Then Xiao Hei began to play various advertisements.

Although the advertisement was not good, the girl's heart gradually calmed down a lot. After a while, Ronggui heard the girl take the initiative to speak to them:

"Just now... two people are my parents, as you can see, they are now... undead."

"They come home every day, and there is nothing I can do to stop them. They... took the elixir while they were alive."

"as well as… "

The girl was silent for a moment, her fingers gripping the blanket tightly, her heart seemed to be in a fierce struggle, and finally, she finally made a certain decision, and spoke softly again:

"My father is the pharmacist who invented the elixir."