The Sabbath

Chapter 87: One is like father and one is like mother


Ronggui turned his head in surprise, he really didn't guess.

On the other hand, Xiaomei's reaction was much calmer. The metal face of the blue-eyed little robot was reflected on the car window, making it extraordinarily quiet. So to say that his current expression is as expressionless as ever, it would be better to say that he had expected something.

The two little feet hovered carefully so as not to touch the lace-covered carpet in the car, the little girl looked down at her dirty shoes, and after a while said, " came to my store...are you looking to buy something? I was introduced here, right? My family is like this... Usually, guests from outside will not patronize, so I can barely survive by relying on the introduction of the old man and selling some of the leftover potions made by my father. "

"What kind of medicine are you going to buy? If it doesn't exceed the expiration date, I can sell it to you at a low price. If it exceeds the expiration date... I will keep it and sell it to others."

Honorable Mention: …

Selling expired medicines at such a young age... Isn't it good

However, such a young girl has no father, no mother, and no welfare institution. How can she live without selling expired medicines

The same orphan experience made Ronggui suddenly feel sympathy for the little girl in front of him.

His sympathy was fully revealed on his face, and seeing that Ronggui would not continue to ask, Xiaomei suddenly said:

"We need strong nutrient solution, do you have it here?"

With a very business-like attitude, Xiaomei's tone of voice is no different from that in the previous two stores, and it has not changed because the current owner is a little loli.

Then the little girl stretched out the back of her hand and wiped away her tears, took out a tattered little book from the front pocket of her clothes, carefully turned over several pages, and finally said to Xiaomei like a little adult: "Yes, But it's overdue."

"It's okay if it's expired. How much do you usually sell it for? I'll buy it at the original price." Xiaomei's voice was calm, but in Ronggui's ears, it was a dreadful word!

As expected of a man who has passed the qualification certificate and can get a high salary... Robot.

Ronggui's mind was simple, and he only thought about it when he heard Xiaomei's words, but the little girl behind was obviously more flexible than him.

After hearing Xiaomei's words, the little girl's head immediately lifted up.

"What are you going to do with expired medicines? Is it possible... "

"You are a pharmacist, can you copy?"

Ronggui: = mouth =! ! !

It can still be so? !

Ronggui's head turned to Xiaomei: Xiaomei's expression was always the same... expressionless.

"Theoretically, as long as there is a finished product, it can be copied." Xiaomei explained a little to Ronggui.

As expected of Xiaomei - Ronggui nodded immediately.

It’s the best thing to be able to do it yourself~ Ronggui didn’t think too much about leaving the city early, he just thought: the pharmacist in this city can make an elixir to make a medical accident at the level of zombie siege... Cough, Although the initiator's daughter is in the car, this doesn't change the fact, plus I just heard about expired drugs... Rong Gui always feels that the current pharmacy is too unreliable. Compared with the pharmacists outside, he still feels Xiaomei is reliable~

Along the way, I never saw anything that stumped Xiaomei, and Ronggui was easily persuaded by Xiaomei's explanation. However, the little girl in the back was much more attentive than him. The little girl sniffed and her big eyes locked on the back of Xiaomei's head. The little girl continued to ask:

"The medicine in our city of Xixiluo is not ordinary medicinal materials. The medicinal materials here are completely made of plants. An ordinary pill looks simple, but the production process in the middle uses hundreds of secret methods. One ingredient is extracted from different medicinal materials using different heats... The time is different, and the efficacy of the medicine is completely different. The reason why our medicine in Cicero City is hard to find is because our medicine cannot be copied at all! The machinery outside There is absolutely no way to crack through ingredients!"

"Ordinary medicines are difficult to make, let alone strong nutrient solution! Strong nutrient solution requires very high skills and experience of pharmacists. There are no more than four pharmacists who can make strong nutrient solution in the whole city. My father is the best. awesome!"

Even in this situation, pride could easily be heard in the little girl's tone.

She is proud of her dad!

"It's really difficult, but it's not completely inoperable." Facing the little girl's question, Xiaomei obviously didn't want to explain much. She turned her head, and the sky-like blue eyes reflected on the little girl's face for the first time. He asked calmly, "Just tell me if you can sell it, and how much it will cost."

Unlike Ronggui, who can hardly feel like a robot, Xiaomei's appearance is almost the same as Ronggui. However, he feels cold and mechanical, and there is almost no evidence that he is a living person.

When Xiaomei stared at her coldly, the little girl instinctively shrank.

Ronggui saw her clenching her little fist, as if she was giving herself a boost, and then the little guy raised his head again and bravely looked directly at Xiaomei:

"I don't want money, the medicine can be given to you for free, but as a price, you have to teach me how to make strong nutrient solution!"

Like the sky, water-like eyes stared blankly at the little girl.

At this moment, Ronggui next to him couldn't help but get nervous.

Until Xiaomei said again: "Yes."

So, Ronggui and the little girl breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

With such a guarantee, the relationship between Ronggui and the little girl suddenly became much closer. Kneeling on the co-pilot seat, two robotic arms hugged the seat, Ronggui simply turned his body completely and chatted with the little girl.

"Why do you want to learn how to make strong nutrient solution with Xiaomei? Don't you?" Rong Gui regretted a little after saying this.

Oops... This child is so young, maybe she hasn't started learning yet~ and her father has passed away, maybe he died suddenly, maybe he didn't have time to teach before he died!

Really, which pot can't be opened and mentioned - Rong Gui scolded himself in his heart.

However, the little girl did not seem to be hit. On the contrary, because Xiaomei agreed to her request, as if she had put down a burden in her heart, her expression looked much more relaxed than before:

"In Cicero City, basically every store has a pharmacy. Although the production methods of many medicines are public, the details are different, so the medicines of each store are very different, and there are many unique secret medicines. This is the Family secret recipes, in order to pass on these ancestral recipes, every child starts to play in the studio at home from the time they can walk.”

"Our first toy was the test tube, which is the most commonly used container for pharmaceuticals."

Reciting the traditions of her own city, the little girl's expression looked a little nostalgic. However, when she said about herself—

"I have one too, but..."

The little girl who was still narrating in a sophisticated manner suddenly froze. Rong Gui saw two big teardrops appearing in the girl's eyes again. His eyes were flat, and the next second, the little guy actually cried.

"I'm so strong, I'm breaking the test tube!"

Ronggui: ... uh, this sounds... very painful! But is this kind of thing necessary to cry so sadly

Although sympathetic, Ronggui was a little puzzled.

Then, he didn't understand what the little girl said next:

"Did you see my mother just now? My mother is very beautiful. Back then, my mother was the most beautiful woman in Cicero."


"My father... just looks... very ordinary, but my father studies well."

Ronggui: ?

"When I was my age, my grandfather passed away. My father not only inherited the family business, but also doubled the size of the shop."

"Dad is the best pharmacist in Cicero!"

Ronggui: ? ?

The question marks jumped out one by one, and Ronggui felt that he couldn't keep up with the little guy's thoughts at all.


"A good-looking mother married a smart father. Everyone said at the time that a mother and father's child must be smart and beautiful. But—"

The little girl's tears stopped, and in the next second, more tears poured out, and she was about to collapse!

"But my face looks like my father, but my brain looks like my mother!!!"

Honor: =-=

"My mother's only advantage is that she looks good. In fact, she can't do anything, and she can't do housework well. Do you think the tablecloth in my kitchen looks good?"

"Yes... it's pretty..." Ronggui added in his heart, still very girlish.

"It's all made by Dad," the little girl cried.

Honorable Mention: …

"Look at my father's clothes, they look delicate and good? After being buried in the ground for so long, other people's clothes are rotten, but my parents' clothes are still in good condition."

Ronggui: "It's quite sturdy and looks fashionable..."

He said this, but he already had a terrible premonition in his heart, and then the next second, as expected—

"The clothes were also cut by my father. Dad's clothes, my mother's skirts, and my clothes, Xiao Nini's panties, were all sewn by my father." The little girl continued to wipe her tears.

By the way, Ronggui learned later that Xiao Nini was referring to the doll on the little girl's bed.

Honorable Mention: …

This kind of model in which one person can do everything, and the other person can't do anything but beautiful, how... a little familiar

Rong Gui couldn't help looking in Xiaomei's direction, and then—

With a bang, it met Xiaomei's eyes.

I... In addition to being pretty... I can sing! With a weak look, Ronggui said pitifully (with his eyes).


Xiaomei resolutely turned her head back.

"In short, I look like a normal-looking father, but my mind is like... a mindless mother, I can't learn everything my father taught me, and I want to use my appearance to deceive a person who is as capable as my father to become a son-in-law and inherit the family business. , looking at... I can't do it..." Thinking of the sad thing, the little girl cried more and more sadly, so that the snot fell on the dirty shoes that she was holding tightly in her hands.

Although the shoes are dirty, the stitches are delicate, and there are small flowers embroidered on them. These shoes... should also be the work of the girl's father, right

The face of the zombie with glasses flashed across his mind again, and that face gradually overlapped with the face of the middle-aged man in the photo of the little girl's room.

After disappearing the stiff blue face, it gradually turned into the face of a man who was a little serious but faintly gentle.

And that female zombie... think about it, she's really pretty~

Suddenly his heart softened, and Rong Gui handed a small handkerchief to the little girl.

"Don't cry~ There are tears and snot on your face, it's not good-looking~"

"Don't worry, our family is also like this... I can't do anything, but Xiaomei is very good! He will definitely be able to make strong nutrients, you have to study hard! In case... In case you are really as stupid as me If you really can't learn it, then there's me~"

"I dress people up the most~ It is said that a beautiful person depends on the foundation for three points, and dress-up for seven points. I will go back and teach you how to maintain and dress up. In the future, you will be able to turn a smart boyfriend back to help based on your looks. Mile!"

As a clumsy person who can do everything, no one can understand the pain of "being unable to learn from life and death" better than Rong Gui.

He didn't say to the little girl "you must be fine", "you can definitely learn it"... He directly helped the little girl figure out another way to go.

Do what he thinks, he is now planning how to dress up the little girl.

Listening to the various methods introduced by Ronggui, the little girl held the handkerchief in her hand, tears and snot on her face, but her eyes looked at Ronggui with moist eyes, and she was completely attracted by Ronggui.

This kind of honor made the little guy obviously relieved.

However, the beauty method in Ronggui's mouth is too complicated, far beyond the understanding of a little girl, she can't understand it.

However, the incomprehension did not prevent her from continuing to listen with her head tilted.

Seeing that the little guy just listened to himself, the snot on his face... was about to dry up on his face, so Ronggui had to stretch out his hand, grab the handkerchief he just handed to the little girl, and carefully put it on her face rub it up.

Forcefully sprayed the snot into the handkerchief that Ronggui was covering in front of her nose, and when Ronggui took the handkerchief away, the little guy blew through his nostrils: it was through.


Staring at Ronggui with bright eyes, and then looking at Xiaomei who was calm from beginning to end, the little girl suddenly spoke:

"You two, just like my parents!"

Honorable Mention: …

Xiaomei: =-=

After that, the little guy was happy again.

"Go back! Go back! I'll get you the last batch of strong nutrient solution Dad made from the warehouse right away."

Holding a heavy handkerchief full of snot and tears in his hand, Ronggui was a little speechless.

But what about this? The little guy is happy.

He tilted his head and put the handkerchief on Xiaohei's head. Ronggui decided to go back to wash the handkerchief and continue to use it. It is not only the handkerchief that needs to be cleaned, but the little girl also has a lot of things to wash~

Xiaomei's next job is to decipher the strong nutrient solution left by the little girl's father. In this regard, he naturally can't help, but if he can't help, he can't be idle~

During this time, he will help the little girl to change the house.

Thinking of the slightly dirty tablecloths in the kitchen, the dishes and bowls that were cleaned but then covered with green slime and black bugs... Ronggui silently calculated his future workload.