The Sabbath

Chapter 90: first meal


It's right that Hana hugged Ronggui before going to bed at night, but she rolled and rolled in the middle, and rolled to Xiaomei's side in the middle of the night.

So, when Ronggui woke up the next day, what he saw was Xiaomei, who was holding the little girl's arms expressionlessly.

"Pfft!" Rong Gui was delighted.

"That is to say, it is the body of a robot now. If it is still my previous body, my sleeping position is even worse than that of Hana~ The little girl hasn't woken up yet, so don't move and let her sleep for a while." Crawling out of the quilt, Ronggui also stuffed Xiaomei with a quilt corner.

Then he went to open the window. Except for the window facing their bed, he opened all other windows. Although the robot does not produce exhaust gas, the habit of being a human is too stubborn. Growing up in a crowded orphanage house, Ronggui was used to opening the window first thing in the morning.

Ronggui suddenly paused when he opened the window of the terrace.

Turning his head, he said to Xiaomei, "You sleep a little longer, I'll go to work first~"

Xiaomei: …

Well, in Xiaomei's heart, she has already replaced the word "work" in Ronggui's words with "destruction".

But this time he really guessed wrong.

Ronggui really didn't go down to sabotage... ah! No, it is work.

Humming a little tune, he opened the glass door of the terrace, and Ronggui happily followed the simple small stairs outside. He quickly came to the small piece of land that the landlady allowed them to use. Yesterday, he ran outside for a whole day. God, there is no time to tidy up the land at all. They simply put the flowerpots where the ground beans and apple seedlings are planted here. By the way, there are also the flowers that Qiqi sent him.

He stretched out his fingers and hooked the new leaves of the apple seedling with fresh dew. Ronggui touched a small mushroom nearby, and then he looked at the wooden fence next to him.

What separates their small piece of land from the landlord's other land is a tall wooden fence, which is custom-made from long wooden boards, and the gaps are covered with vines. The other three sides of the house are such fences. The fences are very high, and the vines on them are extremely lush. They isolate the land under Ronggui's feet into a separate small yard. The height of normal people cannot be seen when standing in the yard. When it comes to the situation next door, let alone Ronggui, who is only one meter tall now.

But he still saw the situation next door, when he had just opened the window upstairs.

He saw the man again.

When I opened the window yesterday, I found people working below.

When he first saw each other yesterday, Ronggui felt a little scared, but after having close contact with the landlady yesterday, he suddenly felt that many things might just be scaring him, so when Ronggui found out about the other party When he happened to be working next door downstairs today, he just wanted to come down and say hello.

But—Ronggui looked at the high fence, the fence was too high...

Also, should we prepare a present for the meeting

After thinking about it, Ronggui saw the flower pot next to it. The flower pot made by Xiaomei was very strong, and there was absolutely no problem in stepping on it. Then, Ronggui saw the potted flower that Qiqi gave him. This is a small blue-purple flower. It is very easy to care for, and it can bloom all the time as long as it is watered enough, fertilized occasionally and exposed to light. At this moment, the potted flower is on the Seven flowers the size of Ronggui's fist opened.

Turning upside down a flower pot with ground beans, pouring out all the ground beans and rolling them on the ground next to him, Ronggui then carefully picked the best blooming flower.

Then, he pushed the flower pot beside the fence, jumped on it and tried it, but found that the height was still not enough, he had to empty another flower pot, put it on top of another layer, cooperate with the tiptoes, this time , the height is enough.

Clinging on the top of the fence, Ronggui trembled and saw the man next door who was working hard.

"Hey! Good morning~ I'm Ronggui who moved in yesterday, and Xiaomei also moved in with me. We're going to live here for about three months, that..."

"This is a welcome gift!" With difficulty, he raised his hand holding the flower high, and Ronggui handed the flower over with great difficulty. Who knows—

Probably because the method of stacking the flowerpots just now was wrong, the flowerpots under his feet suddenly swayed, his body was tilted, and with a "click" sound, Ronggui's head disappeared from the top of the fence.

The flowerpot was misplaced, and Ronggui fell into the yard over there. Fortunately, he is a robot, and this level of impact can't break him.

Unyielding, Ronggui hurriedly put the flowerpot back on top, and when he climbed up again, he saw the blue-purple flowers falling on the black ground, and the man next door standing in front of the flower.

The man was wearing very thick clothes with a sun hat on his head, covering his entire body tightly. Ronggui couldn't see his face at all, but he could only see that the other party was a burly man.

"That, the flower is a gift! I'm sorry it fell, I can't reach it, that... that... Please pick it up by yourself... ah!"

With a loud cry and the sound of the porcelain colliding, Ronggui fell down again.

This time he couldn't rush to stack the pots again and climb up again: the pots cracked.

Ronggui was a little dumbfounded.

However, you have to finish what you have to say, otherwise it would be rude~

So, Ronggui said two more words to the opposite side, probably to explain the situation on his side: the flower pot used as a ladder was broken, so he couldn't show up again, shaking hands was more an interview, but fortunately The gift has been sent, please don't dislike it...

Ronggui said long-windedly.

Just as the little robot was talking over there, the tall and burly masked man he could not see next door, on the other side of the fence, slowly bent down, stretched out his gloved hand, and picked it up. of blue-purple flowers that fell to the ground.

Holding the flower, the man stood there for a long, long time.

After talking for a long time, there was no sound from the other side, and I don't know if the other party accepted my greeting... But it's normal not to accept it. After all... I'm a strange person no matter how you look at it~

Thinking of his experience of falling just after showing up twice, Ronggui almost wanted to cover his face.

Sighing, seeing the cracks on the flower pots on the ground, Ronggui's mood was even lower, and then he saw the ground beans that he had thrown on the ground indiscriminately...

Well, I really can't do anything well, like saying hello to someone who may be a neighbor, and I have tossed so many things...

With a sigh, Rong Gui was about to start picking up "mushrooms" when a pair of mechanical feet suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xiaomei did not know when to come down.

Sure enough, it was sabotage—Xiaomei didn't speak, but the sky-like eyes said so.

Blocking the two mushrooms in front of his eyes, Rong Gui's shoulders collapsed, and the entire robot slumped.

"Why... don't you sleep for a while? Time... It's still early..." The little robot whispered, burying his head between his legs.

"You opened the window before you went downstairs, the sound is so loud, how could I not hear it?" Xiaomei's icy voice was above Ronggui's head at first. During the process of saying this, his voice became louder and louder. Nearly, when Ronggui showed one eye from between his legs, sure enough, he saw that Xiaomei had squatted down and started sorting out the beans scattered on the ground.

Without any other reproach, Xiaomei went straight to work.

Holding a small shovel in her hand, Xiaomei loosened the soil first, and then planted the ground beans into it one by one. Seeing that Ronggui kept sticking around behind his butt because he didn't know what to do, Xiaomei calmly said: "Go and pour out the ground beans from the other pots, like these."

Saying that, he pointed with the shovel in his hand to the ground beans that Ronggui had poured out indiscriminately before.

After receiving the order, Ronggui, who had a job to do, seemed to be relieved, and he immediately ran to the side to carry the flowerpot.

Xiaomei worked fast and well. Before long, there were rows of ground beans on the empty ground. The apple seedlings were placed in the corners, and the purple flowers that Qiqi sent were blooming next to the apple seedlings.

"Look at this work, Xiaomei, you are a serious child from the countryside~" Rong Guiqing, who was once again shocked by Xiaomei's ability, couldn't help but sigh.

"Country Child" Xiaomei: …

In fact, he just watched others do it, plus flipping the book.

Not going to explain too much to Ronggui, Xiaomei quickly went over to see the broken flowerpot.

The soil here is not suitable for firing pots, these are just cracked pots that can be repaired until they buy new replacement containers.

After thinking about it, Xiaomei found some metal wire and weaved it around the cracked flower pot, and a new flower pot was born.

When Xiaomei finished all the work, it was only eight o'clock, and when the two little robots climbed up the stairs again, Hana just woke up rubbing her eyes.

"It's so fragrant... I smell the delicious food." The little girl woke up from the smell of the food.

Ronggui was stunned for a while, and then he realized:

"Ah! Will the landlady still cook for us? Whether it is or not, hurry down?"

Hana nodded vigorously.

When Xiaomei was packing the tools that she was going to take away today, Ronggui was helping Hana with her braids. It was a bit clumsy in other respects, but when it came to stinky places, Ronggui was always able to do a good job.

Although the braids made by Ronggui are rough, they can't stand the fashionable style~

In addition, the clothes that the landlady gave to Hana are really meticulous and the stitches are gorgeous. The little girl Hana, who was not amazing at first, has become a lot more cute~

"Very good~" The little girl made a circle in front of his eyes, and Ronggui gave Hana an "ok" gesture with satisfaction.

Although I can't understand this gesture, it doesn't prevent Hana from understanding the possible meaning of this gesture~ So she made the same gesture towards Ronggui!

While the two of them were beside her, Xiaomei not only packed her own things, but also tidied up the bedding. When Ronggui's side was done, the three of them went downstairs together.

In the living room on the first floor, the old woman was already sitting on the rocking chair. She was still knitting, but there was an extra pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose. The black ones were sunglasses.

Ronggui was stunned for a long time, and then he thought that the sunglasses should be to cover the white eyes, right

And yesterday, the place where the red shrimp rice was placed was indeed filled with food.

There are also two bowls, but this time there is only one tableware in it.

Today's meal still looked horrific: green gooey, slightly burnt-looking black stuff floating on the surface...

However, the only girl among the three who could smell the smell was her eyes lit up:

"It smells so good!"

"Let's eat it, the little girl can eat it, so I'll prepare two bowls for you." The old woman said lightly before the knitting motion stopped.

It was said that the big stomach king didn't care, hehe laughed twice, and Hana immediately went to eat next to Miao Yuanji.

While Hana was eating, Xiaomei had automatically gone to the place where Ronggui found other problems yesterday to repair the doors and windows, and Ronggui... had nothing to do, so he decided to chat with the old lady.

"... Mrs. Zora (note: the last name of the landlady), when I went to work in the field this morning, I saw a gentleman working next door~ Is he also a tenant here? Or your relative?" Rong When Gui asked this sentence, he didn't think much about it, he just asked after thinking about it.

The old woman's fingers deftly made coils, and she said slowly, "He is not a tenant, nor my relative, just an employee."

"I'm getting old and my eyes are inconvenient. I always need someone to help me with the herbal work outside."

"What's the matter, did he get in your way?"

When he asked this sentence, although the old man's face didn't move a single point, Ronggui felt a creepy feeling again, was it an illusion? Uh... must be just an illusion, right

Quickly shaking his shoulders, Rong Gui replied: "No, I just said hello, because I saw him the day before yesterday, and I thought that the other person might live here, and it would be impolite not to say hello to people who will meet often in the future. ~”

"But I didn't have anything good, so I gave him a flower."

Holding his head, Ronggui laughed.

The creepy feeling before disappeared suddenly, the old man on the rocking chair continued to knit the wool slowly, she said softly: "He is a person who can't speak, but his personality is very gentle, don't care if he doesn't answer you, he also has his inconveniences. place… "

"Oh~ I won't mind."

After chatting a few more words with the old man, the little girl finally finished her meal, and Xiaomei also dealt with the problem of the door shaft.

Ronggui wanted to wash the dishes, but the old woman refused.

"There is also red shrimp rice in the evening." Before Rong Gui and the others went out, the old woman just said this reservedly. Then, before Ronggui and the others responded, she left with two empty bowls.

Does this mean... welcome Hana back to dinner

Stunned, Ronggui and Hana looked at each other.

"It's getting late." Finally, Xiaomei interrupted them.

Picking up Xiaomei's toolbox, Ronggui hurried out.

When I came to Hana's shop again, as always, there were still many zombies outside, protecting Hana between the two, Ronggui nervously squeezed from the group of zombies to the front door, and when he entered the door, he bumped into something. Thing, looked up, but found that he bumped into no one else, it was the female zombie.

Hana's mom—

If you look closely, Hana's father, the zombie with glasses, is standing beside him. If Xiaomei also rushed over like Ronggui, she probably just bumped into him.

It was only then that Ronggui thought that this time is just the time when the zombies "entered the city", and it was also the time for Hana's parents to "go home".

However, usually at this time, one of them should be in the studio and the other should be "working".

Ronggui looked at Hana, and the little girl's face was obviously a little confused.

There is confusion, there is sadness, and there is… fear.

Even the most beloved parents, seeing their rotting appearance, children of this age are still afraid.

Hana's tiny body trembled again.

After a while, Ronggui heard Hana speak:

"Dad, Mom, Agui and I went to his house to play. We ate there last night..."

"It's red shrimp rice."

"Dad said he would take me to eat, but he never found a place to sell red shrimp rice."

“The red shrimp rice is really delicious!”

Hana's voice was small at first, trembling slightly, however, as the content increased, the trembling in the little girl's voice gradually disappeared, just like a naughty child who forgot to tell her parents where she was going. She told everything she had done yesterday.

She is probably used to talking to her parents like this. It didn't take long for the fear in her voice to disappear. All that was left was the familiarity and casualness of talking to her parents. Happy.

"Mrs. Zola said that there is still red shrimp rice tonight, that... can I eat it again?"

Just like any child who reported to their parents where to go out, Hana raised her head abruptly when she spoke of the happy place, and met her parents' stiff, rotten faces.

Rong Gui watched the little girl's eyes tremble again, and sadness surfaced in her eyes again.

The two parents who had become zombies naturally couldn't speak. They didn't say a word. One went upstairs stiffly, and the other went to the next room.

Only then did Ronggui realize: just now... Are these two zombies waiting for children

There was no sign of Hana anywhere in the room, they couldn't help but come out, if they came back a little later, probably... they would leave the house and look for Hana outside, right

Dazed, Ronggui stood at the door for a long, long time.

Until Xiaomei pulled him up and walked towards the upstairs studio.

On this day, Xiaomei has been working with Hana's father who turned into a zombie. One of the two "people" uses them to constantly speculate on the ingredients of the powerful nutrient solution, while the other is constantly extracting something.

Seeing that Xiaomei was so brave, Ronggui also went out and cleaned up the housework with the female zombie.

Hana watched for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to join Ronggui, three people - a real person, a robot, a zombie... The same clumsy started to do housework.

They lived together during the day, and at about three o'clock in the afternoon, when the zombies were about to go back, Ronggui drove the rhubarb to send them back.

After finishing work at night, Ronggui packed the little girl back.

Although the sheets are already dry, Mrs. Zora has a horrible looking breakfast and dinner that tastes delicious~

The days passed so terribly, strangely and unusually for two weeks. During these two weeks, the little girl Hana was successfully fed by Mrs. Zora to gain two pounds, and she also learned the correct way to remove and wash the sheets. In addition, she and Ronggui also learned to tie pigtails!

She can do a lot of things for female zombies!

You can even take the initiative to lean over and try to pick up the cooking pot while your mother is cooking!

Although it was hard to eat, Hana finally cooked the first pot of rice in her life. The appearance is inherited from the mother, as always, it is ugly, and the taste... It is a pity that it is also the same unpalatable inherited from the mother.

However, the little girl was very happy. If it wasn't for Ronggui and the others who couldn't taste it, she would have put the spoon into Ronggui's mouth excitedly~

She also held up the spoon and reached out to her parents, but...

It was the stiff faces of his parents after they died.

Under the watchful eyes of the four, Hana ate her first cooked meal, and then—

The next day, the female zombie, Hana's mother, did not return.

After that day, she never came back.