The Sabbath

Chapter 92: Hanarens


Since Ronggui had to send Da Huang to send Hana's father "back" later, Xiaomei went out by herself.

Ronggui was a little worried, and at first insisted that Xiaomei let Da Huang take him there first, and then go back by himself, but Xiaomei decisively refused.

He called an ambulance by the side of the road.

Uh... That's right, there's no rule that you can only take an ambulance if you're missing an arm and a broken leg~

Ronggui finally felt relieved when he saw the yellow-green car flashing red sirens whizzing away.

"Guest, what kind of medicine do you want to take? I'll take you to the most suitable store~" As soon as he got in the car, the ambulance driver began to introduce it with experience. : The ambulance driver is such a beauty!

Even though his movements are full of the feeling of a small trader, and his tone is full of the oily feeling of an old driver, the ambulance driver has a beautiful face, his skin is delicate and unique to the Sicilian people, and his eyebrows and eyes are full of style.

It's a pity that Xiaomei's style was thrown into the water.

Sitting upright in the back seat, Xiaomei said straight: "Go to the library."

Then he fell silent.

At first glance, this kind of customer is the kind of iron rooster that can't get in oil and salt - there is no way, the ambulance driver has to touch his nose and drive.

However, he still turned on the radio, and advertisements for various medicines were generally broadcast, becoming the only sound in the car.

This time, Xiaomei didn't say anything else. For him, he was used to listening to the radio and watching TV. With Ronggui by his side, it was like having a 24/7 radio, letting all kinds of small advertisements be heard in his ears. While chattering, Xiaomei sat upright, staring straight ahead.

Because he is too quiet, not only quiet, but also motionless for a long time. In fact, he is often like this. If Ronggui usually begs him to do that, when there is nothing to do, Xiaomei can maintain a movement and stay still for a day, he will think Some things, or, nothing.

To be honest, people who stay still for too long... are also very scary to look at!

At this moment, the old driver in the ambulance undoubtedly faced this deadly fear!

Looking in the rear mirror, he kept observing Xiaomei, the car had been driving for more than half an hour, and during this half hour, he swore that the guest behind him really didn't move!

The cloak covering the body and face didn't even tremble, how suspicious this guest looks!

Shouldn't it be... the undead

But when he came in, he clearly said a word, those undead people can't speak.

and many more-

Has it evolved to a talking undead

In the earliest days, they would just burrow out of the tomb. After a while, they could walk. After a while, they began to instinctively walk into the city with the last feeling. Now you can flexibly climb over the city wall and run into the city. From the very first appearance, people will find that they are undead, and now they have successfully mixed among the crowd. Only by looking closely can you find something wrong with them...

It is said that an incident where the undead attacked the living finally happened a while ago!

The one who was attacked was a patient who came from out of town to buy medicine. He accidentally attacked the undead because he was too scared. As a result, the undead, who was almost unresponsive to the outside world, actually counterattacked him. It is said that the man is still lying in the pharmacy!

Fortunately, he was attacked in Ciciro City. If he changed other places, how could there be so many good medicines that could be used for him in time~


It seems that only in the city of Cicero can people be attacked like this

One mess after another ran through his mind, and the ambulance driver's mind went blank.

As ambulance drivers, this profession allows them to run around in and out of the city, on the streets and alleys. Since they have to sell pharmacies to customers, they naturally have frequent exchanges with those pharmacies, so when it comes to news about Cicero The most well-informed group of people who know the most various gossip, the ambulance driver can undoubtedly be in the front, even if not the first, there are second and third.

The ambulance driver is getting more and more frightened by the gossip he heard a few days ago.

He quickly raised the protective net between the front row and the back row.

Usually, for the convenience of sales, he would easily not fall for this thing, but now he can't care about it at all!

Fortunately, the life-saving library is just ahead.

Parking the car in front of the main entrance of the library, the ambulance driver was about to step on the accelerator and run away. At this moment, the guest knocked on the window glass next to him with his hand.

"I haven't paid yet." Listen carefully, this person's voice is also very suspicious! Metal texture, icy, with a flat and rigid tone, basically no ups and downs…

Omg! This man is immortal!

Although many people in the city are not afraid of those undead people, he is one of the few people who are afraid of these people~

A hand in white gloves handed it over from the car window, revealing a pass, and in a panic, he touched the other party's pass with his own pass. Immediately rolled up the window and ran away.

Since then, there is probably another legend of "the undead ride in an ambulance" in the city of Cicero.


The initiator of the misunderstanding, Xiaomei, held her own pass and was stunned for a rare moment: the driver only charged him one point.

Are the fares so cheap here

He was stunned for a while, he didn't think much, looked up at the tall building in front of him—in the city of Cicero, where wood materials are commonly used, this tall building with a rare tile and stone structure is the library.

Water droplets fell from the sky.

It's raining again.

There are too many plants in this city, and the frequency of automatic water spraying in the city is naturally higher than in other cities. If divided by climate type, it should be a rainy city, right? The climate is hot and humid all year round… Of course, parts of the city can be dry for growing herbs…

Xiaomei thought, and took out an umbrella from under her cloak.

He made the umbrella himself, but Ronggui asked him to do it.

The material of his body is not afraid of water, and the umbrella is meaningless to him, but Ronggui has a certain reason: "The umbrella is not afraid of getting wet, but also prevents the clothes on the body from getting wet. ".

After all, in this city, it is very difficult to dry clothes once they have been washed.

By the way, the dryer at Mrs. Zola's is broken, and I have to go back and fix it. After all, Ronggui is a guy who has to wash his clothes every two days.

There's nothing wrong with this, it's better to live with someone who loves cleanliness than to live with a dirty, sloppy ghost...

Not aware of the slight change in her current thinking, Xiaomei held an umbrella and walked up the steps at a constant speed.

Pushing open the heavy library door, he put away his umbrella and saw that there was a place for umbrellas beside him. There was an umbrella there. He stared at the umbrella for a while, and Xiaomei also put the umbrella on it.

The roof of the library is unusually high, and the corridor is unusually wide. There is no one in it. When Xiaomei walks, there is only an echo of his footsteps in the entire corridor.

However, the lights in the corridor are all full, and none of the light bulbs are extinguished, which should be the result of special maintenance.

From this point of view, there should still be someone here.

The floor is also very clean.

Walking all the way, observing the surroundings without a trace, Xiaomei finally finished the long walk of the corridor and came to the place where the library officially stores the books.

It's a huge room, five stories high! There are neat reading tables and chairs in the middle, and books on five floors are all around!

There are dense bookshelves on each floor, with more dense books on it! There are stairs on both sides to go upstairs. In addition, there are also sky stairs in the middle of each floor. People can easily go from the bookshelves on the fourth floor to the fifth floor, or directly take the sky stairs from the bookshelves on the fifth floor to the third floor. building…

In Xiaomei's memory, this is not the largest library he has ever seen, but it is undoubtedly the most unique library!

As someone who has the habit of reading, Xiaomei is rarely startled.

Immediately, he started looking for the reception desk.

He found the librarian in the corner of the hall on the first floor. It was an old man in traditional Sicilian clothing. He looked very old, with a pair of huge glasses on the bridge of his nose and a book in his hand. The old man is reading.

Hearing Xiaomei's footsteps, the old man was stunned for a while, until Xiaomei walked in front of him to explain his purpose, then he put down the book in his hand, turned on the computer that had not been used for a long time, and waited for the time to turn on the computer. The old man hesitated for a while, and said softly. Xiaomei said:

"A living person?"


The uncle pushed his glasses and whispered again: "I mean you are alive?"

Xiaomei: =-=

"My current body is made of machinery, strictly speaking..." Xiaomei was about to continue, when the uncle interrupted him.

"The machine is good, I know, you are alive."

It’s probably been a long time since the machine was turned on. The machine in front of the uncle was really slow enough to start up. Finally, the management interface finally appeared. The uncle logged in Xiaomei’s passport in it, and then said to him easily:

"Okay, then you can go in and read books. Books are not borrowed, you can only read them here. There is no place you can't go in. You can just find them yourself."

The uncle said, and handed the pass and a library map to Xiaomei. Just when Xiaomei had just collected the pass and was about to go inside, the uncle stopped him again:

"That... Now there are fewer and fewer people willing to come to the library to read books, and there are fewer living people, so... "

The voice was lowered again, and the uncle said all the words:

"People who are not living people may appear to be a little more."

"Don't be afraid to see them. They are very quiet. They never eat or drink in the library. After reading the book, they know to put the book back in its original place. In fact, they are good readers."

"Hey, if you're afraid, go back as soon as possible..."

The uncle's words finally turned into a long sigh.

Glancing at each other, Xiaomei turned around, and following the direction indicated by the map, he stepped up and walked straight to the top floor of the library.

There is only one General Pharmacopoeia in the entire city of Cicero. In this city, this Pharmacopoeia is a treasure-level existence. Everything else can be destroyed. Only the Pharmacopoeia in this library will not be destroyed. I want to find out. The real complete recipe for the immortality medicine that Dad Na made back then is only here.

Of course, for Xiaomei, inquiring about the prescription of the immortality medicine is not the main purpose of his visit: wanting to understand Hana's father's last wish is a wish of honor and honor, for Xiaomei, the more important reason for him to come here is to add more Knowledge about herbal medicine.

His brain is the most complete library in the world. He can memorize all the books he has read. It is his innate ability. In his later experience, he is completely mechanized and immortalized in virtual form. , his brain is connected with all the libraries in this world, all the records that can be "informatized" in this world are all stored in his brain, there is no knowledge in this world that he does not know.

That is, some records that disappeared before he started to connect to the system, the books, culture in those places... disappeared long before he could store it, and his system naturally lost related records.

It is true that other places also have common knowledge about herbal medicines, so Xiaomei can name many herbal medicines and their effects. However, Ciciro City has to be said to be one of the top cities in terms of research in this area.

After a long period of development, the city has developed a unique herbal civilization, and in many respects, they have something that no other city can replace.

And he is now in the central library of the city of Cicero, the gathering place of civilization and culture that has disappeared in history.

Two and a half months later, this place will disappear, this unique library, and the research of the ancient Sicilian people in it will also be destroyed, and it will completely disappear in the long river of human civilization.

There is a strange feeling, but also a certain feeling.

Xiaomei walked one floor after another.

It's quiet here, a sea of books.

Occasionally cross the steps and look to the librarian below, only to see the old man reading a book with a peaceful face, the happiness that reading brings him is obvious, holding a book in his hand is like holding the whole world, the old man is quietly immersed in his own world inside.

Xiaomei looked away. Now, he finally climbed to the fifth floor. The center of the entire fifth floor was a huge shelf. On the shelf was a thick book, the legendary Cicero Pharmacopoeia.

All the books displayed on the bookshelves around are related to pharmacopoeia. In order to create this prescription, how many experiments did the pharmacists do, and why are the theoretical basis... In short, it is a thesis.

Xiaomei stood in front of the shelf displaying the Pharmacopoeia.

He is too short, and the shelf automatically adjusts down a little according to his height.

After staring at the cover of the Pharmacopoeia for a while, Xiaomei opened the book.

He directly searched the catalog for the records of the undead medicine.

The entire catalogue of the Pharmacopoeia is made up of drug names one after another, arranged in chronological order when they were created. On the penultimate record, Xiaomei saw the line "Elixir".

He paused slightly, then followed the instructions on the catalog and turned straight to the designated location.

Page 2438.

The recipe that records Hana's father's greatest glory as a pharmacist and his greatest failure is on this page.

On that page, the words "Elixir" were printed upright in a flower body.

Xiaomei paused again.

There was a reason for his pause, because when he actually saw the way the legendary medicine name was written, he finally realized that something was wrong.

This is the true meaning of the drug name!

In Common, "not old" and "not dead" are pronounced exactly the same, and written very similarly, with only one letter different.

In fact, this letter will naturally lead to a slight difference in the pronunciation of the whole word. Unfortunately, the difference is too small. Most people do not pronounce the difference when they read the word.

In addition, because of the zombies in the mouths of Ronggui, the records about this medicine that Xiaomei found in the existing records were actually written as "immortal medicine".

Only when Hana mentions the phrase, the dharma is a little different than the others.

A scene of lightning and flint that happened this morning generally flashed in his mind:

"Do you have a prescription for immortality at home?" Xiaomei asked quietly in the darkness.

"No, it's not the elixir of death, it's the elixir of life." The little girl corrected it stubbornly, then shook her head: "No, all my father's notes have been destroyed..."

By the way, the hint is actually very obvious. Although the name of the medicine in Hana's mouth is very similar to the name of the medicine in other people's mouths, it is not a medicine.

But what's the difference? Whether it is immortal or immortal, the result of both is the same.

Turning her head slightly, Xiaomei opened the piece of paper with the name of the medicine on it and saw the complete record of the "elixir".

Written at the front is a detailed list of ingredients: what kinds of medicinal materials were used, how many years were these medicinal materials used, what extraction method was used, and how long was the extraction time…

Very detailed.

A total of five pages were recorded!

Compared with the analysis of the composition of the surrounding paper, which is no longer than three pages, there is no doubt that the "elixir" is more difficult than other drugs in terms of production difficulty and research difficulty.

Not on purpose, Xiaomei memorized the entire contents of the five pages.

Then, he saw a passage from the pharmacist on the sixth page:

"The original intention of inventing this drug... is for my beautiful wife, and I want her to stay young and happy forever."

It is completely different from the sentimental feelings of "healing the disease and saving people" written at the end of other drugs. The creator of "Elixir" frankly stated that the original intention of his medicine was just to keep his wife young.

Xiaomei knows this.

If the drug is really successful, this testimonial will probably be full of romance.

But the drug failed.

Hana's dad was pulled to stand trial, and the court sentenced him to death.

And Hana's mother, as the reason Hana's father created this "evil drug", is also considered an "evil woman".

On the way to torture, Hana's father was attacked by a patient, and Hana's mother died under the attack of a patient's anger in order to protect her husband.

Xiaomei thought of the wound on the neck of the female zombie—

The sad scene didn't stop the execution, and Hana's dad ended up being executed anyway.

But Hana doesn't know all this.

As a minor, the law protected her growing up, and she was told her parents had died in a car accident.

The little girl really thought so. When Ronggui asked her, the little girl answered like this.

And then the days when Hana's parents kept coming home...

Sounds logical, nothing out of the ordinary, but—

Why do you care so much about the name of the drug

After staring at the name of the medicine for a while, Xiaomei's eyes slid to the last page, the only place where the name of the creator of the medicine was printed.

"Gobney Hanalens"

A haze flashed in the sky-like blue eyes in an instant. Although Xiaomei's face did not change, there was a huge wave in his heart at this moment.

He thought he might know why the city would be extinct in two and a half months.

It is this "Hanalens"!

Since all the information has been destroyed, Xiaomei naturally does not know the reason for the destruction of Ciciro City, but—

But he knew Hanarens!

For committing the world's top crime - massacre, Hanarens was imprisoned in Joshua's black prison for 300 years, and was sentenced to capital punishment after serving his sentence!

If the place where Hanarens committed crimes is this city of Cicero, then—

Xiaomei dialed the phone.

He dialed Ronggui's number.

The phone was connected not long after, and Ronggui's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiaomei~ What, have you been to the library yet? It's starting to rain here, how about you? But fortunately you brought an umbrella, so you're not afraid of the rain..."

As always, Ronggui said a lot.

Calmly, Xiaomei waited for Ronggui to finish her sentence, and then asked his own question: "You, help me ask Hana, are there many people named Hanarens in this city?"

Then he heard Ronggui go to ask Hana, the little girl's tender voice was not far away, it was not loud, but Xiaomei could hear it clearly through the microphone.

He heard Rong Gui ask: "Hana, Xiaomei asks you, are there many people with the surname Hanarens in Cicero City?"

"Strange, why did he ask you this?" This was Ronggui who didn't understand the situation.

"Ha! Because Hana's surname is Hanarens!" The little girl did not dislike it, and answered Ronggui's question very cheerfully.

"Dad said that our family's surname is unique in the whole city! So whoever calls us Hana! But Hana is a girl, so it will be cute to write..."

The rest... Xiaomei doesn't need to listen anymore.

Listening to Ronggui repeating Hana's words, Xiaomei calmly said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Standing in front of the bookshelf with the pharmacopoeia, Xiaomei looked out the window.

Outside the dark window, the rain was getting heavier.