The Sabbath

Chapter 96: panic


Xiaomei searched all the shops in that alley through the map.

In fact, the so-called "all stores" is very simple - there is only one drug store in that alley.

It belongs to the pharmacy of the current president of the Cicero City Pharmacist Association. It can be said that in the entire Cicero City, apart from the most famous store of Hana's father, this pharmacy is the most famous.

And he actually went to this pharmacy - this is the first store they went to to buy strong nutrition solution, because the queue was too long and it was impossible to make a reservation, so they went out after asking.

The reason why they didn't recognize them immediately was because they passed through another section of the alley at that time.

It sells a wide variety of medicines, and also sells herbal medicines to pharmacists. It can be said to be an authoritative drugstore in the city.

A middle-aged face instantly appeared in Xiaomei's mind: a thin face with no wrinkles, a rosy and lustrous face, and a gentle and gentle appearance, but her eyebrows were extra thick, and the eyes under the eyebrows were extraordinarily bright. The sharpness, coupled with the snow-white silver hair, made this person's age seem a bit of a mystery.

If it was Ronggui, he would probably have to match the appearance with "handsome", "temperament"... and so on, but when he came to Xiaomei, he would only grasp the appearance of the other party.

This is exactly what the president of the Pharmacist Association looks like.

Of course, Xiaomei had never met the other party. When he and Ronggui went to the store, as ordinary customers, the other party would not come out to receive them. The reason why he knew the other party's appearance was thanks to Xiaomei who went to the library every day these days. experience.

Almost all the books in the library are the works of pharmacists in the city, including those of past pharmacists who have passed away, as well as the works of modern pharmacists who are still alive. Most of the writings are just plain pharmacist research, and some pharmacists will attach photos or portraits to the book.

The book by the pharmacist happened to have a picture of him on it.

Xiaomei even knew that person's name, and that person's name was Horsen Linde.

"Here! Dad is here! This is Mrs. Zorah's house! It's the grandma who cooks delicious meals for me every day! Agui Xiaomei and I have been living here recently~" It was Hana who broke Xiaomei's thinking Cheerful little voice.

Da Huang stopped in response, Xiaomei locked Da Huang, and Rong Gui and Hana helped Mr. Hana, who had returned to a sluggish state, down.

Just as Ronggui was groping for the key with one hand, the door was already opened from the inside.

It's Mrs. Zola.

Hearing the sound of Da Huang parking, she came to pick them up from the house with an umbrella.

"Come in." Sideways let Ronggui and the others pass by. Mrs. Zora stood at the door and looked around slowly, then gently closed the door again.

It is customary in the house to have dinner ready.

Hana was still the only person who ate, and the little girl ate her food with a gulp while telling the old woman about the rumors she heard from Dongchun today.

"Eat slowly" and "Don't shake your feet when you eat" While listening carefully to what Hana said, Mrs. Zorah habitually corrected the little guy's bad behavior.

As she spoke, Hana tried to correct her words.

After all, Ronggui had secretly told her: "Have you found that Mrs. Zora's usual posture is particularly good-looking?"

"It looks like it's been practiced!"

"I went to a training class to correct bad posture, and the teachers there were not as good-looking as Mrs. Zora's posture."

"In order to look better in the future, you can study hard!"

Hana agreed with what Ronggui said.

Besides, the dining table—yes, since Hana eats here twice a day, Mrs. Zora simply put a round table in the living room, which is a bit old, but the carving is very delicate and gorgeous. The original wooden dining table looks like good wood and good craftsmanship! Still sinking!

The reason why we know the weight of the table is because Mrs. Zorah asked Ronggui and Xiaomei to move it out of the warehouse.

They are now sitting at the table together. Although there is only one person eating, everyone else is still sitting there. Even Dad Hana, who came for the first time today, got a seat.

Hana secretly looked at the people at the table while eating: Needless to say, Mrs. Zorah's demeanor is very elegant! But Agui's is not bad! Even the posture of tilting her head makes people feel very cute; and Xiaomei...

Hana blinked. Obviously, Agui and Agui have the same type of body, but Xiaomei and Agui are completely different. Their every move is equally pleasing to the eye. However, Agui gives people the feeling of being smart, and Xiaomei... How to say What~ Hana feels that Xiaomei's posture is particularly elegant, which is completely different from Mrs. Zorah's elegance, giving a powerful sense of high pressure.

Everyone on the table looks so good-looking, which makes Hana, who is used to being lively at home, can't help but want to regulate her posture.

"Fortunately, the big man and your mother have rested in peace, otherwise, I really don't know what will happen next—" Listening to Hana's words, Rong Gui added another point, and Mrs. Zora quickly settled the matter. Clear. They have gone through a lot of things together, and now there are many things that they no longer bully her, and Mrs. Zora also knows about Hana's family.

Even, knowing these things, she actually treats Hana better.

Frowning her brows, her expression became more serious: "I always feel that this matter is not over so soon, maybe they will come over to check at night."

Turning her head, she looked in the direction of Ronggui and Xiaomei: "We still have to hide Hana's father and hide it underground."

Ronggui has always believed in a woman's sixth sense, so after Hana finished eating, they went to the backyard under the leadership of Mrs. Zorah.

Mrs. Zolla's herb garden is really big. They only later learned that Mrs. Zolla had bought the entire alley. Because she couldn't take care of it, many houses had not been demolished in time.

However, the area that has been leveled for cultivation of herbal fields is already very large.

"Buy him here. The land here never uses chemical fertilizers or insecticides. The leaves of the herbs on it are huge, so the rain does not penetrate too much, and the soil will be more comfortable." The herb field full of large leaves and green plants, Mrs. Zola stopped and pointed to the medicine field in front: "You can dig wherever you want, but after digging, remember to fill in the herbs, so that even if they want to come over to check the medicine field Can't guess what, the leaves of this herb are very large and can easily cover up the traces of excavation."

Ronggui: This is the expert! ! !

In the dark night, two little robots were digging a hole in the medicine field. Hana held her father's hand tightly. When Ronggui and the others dug the hole, they put Hana's father in again.

The burial process is actually a bit scary.

From the beginning to the end, Hana's father didn't close his eyes, just stared straight at Hana, his mouth opened and opened, but he couldn't say anything.

Until the black dirt buried his head.

It was Hana who covered Dad's head with dirt.

When the little girl stood up again and took Ronggui's hand, she said in a very low voice, "Actually... I am most afraid of this."

"Every time I bury my father again, I am most afraid that my father will stare at me with his eyes open."

"Every time this happens, I feel so sad."

"It would be great if there was an antidote to the elixir."

"Although I miss Dad very much, I want him to rest in peace, and stop waking up from his slumber over and over again because of me and other things."

Hearing what the little girl said, Ronggui turned his head in surprise.

He and Hana were actually about the same height, and when he turned his head, he could just look directly at Hana.

Hana, who said such a sentence, had deep eyes and a calm face. At this moment, Hana didn't look like a child at all.

She looks more like a big kid.

Standing on tiptoe, Ronggui touched Hana's head.

The four of them returned to the big house under the guidance of Mrs. Zolla again. Coincidentally, just as Mrs. Zolla was carrying the dishes to wash, there was another knock on the door.

Signaling Ronggui and the others not to move, Mrs. Zorah put down the plate, took off the gloves for washing dishes, and went to open the door.

Soon, the conversation between Mrs. Zorah and the visitor came in from the door—

"What's up?"

"Hello ma'am, this is a temporary security check."

"Didn't you already come here once in the afternoon?"

"That's right, but... the inspection this afternoon was not thorough enough. Some people secretly brought their dead relatives back after the inspection, and then... "

"It just happened that ordinary people were attacked by the undead that their relatives turned into. The situation is really serious, so please forgive me, we have to check again..."

There were footsteps at the door, and it seemed that Mrs. Zora let them in.

There were eight people in total, seven men and one woman, none of them Chiru.

Seeing the three children in the room... uh... to be precise, a child and two robots, they were stunned, and then the leader asked Mrs. Zora: "These three are..."

"Tenant." Mrs. Zora answered their questions succinctly.

"Is that so..." The man nodded, then pulled out a big book from behind.

Just when he took out the pen and was about to say something, there was another violent braking sound outside the door.

In the deep alley with only one household, the sound of the brakes was really harsh. When everyone couldn't help but look out the door, the movements of the man's hands also stopped.

Then they saw Chirrut running in from the door, sweating profusely.

Seeing his colleagues who were already standing in the room, Chirrut nodded, then smiled: "It's you who are in charge of checking this piece today~"

The leader nodded: "Yes, it's you, aren't you in charge of the eastern region? Why did you come here?"

Chirrut smiled again, and he pointed to Ronggui and the others: "Isn't this my friend here?"

"They came from outside, the family is sick, and they are waiting for them to buy medicine and go back~ Didn't I hear that the city is going to be closed tonight? Anyone who registers their name on the book—" Chirrut said, pointing to Pointing to the booklet in the man's hand: "It is regarded as the current population in the city, and you will not be able to leave until the closure order ends~"

As if joking, Chirrut said an important message!

If Ronggui was still confused about the question of "who is sick in his family" at the beginning, then he has fully understood it now: the so-called "patient is waiting for medicine at home" is just an excuse, and Chilu knows the news Immediately after that, I ran over and tipped them off!

But he was still a step too late, his colleagues had already arrived, and they had already started to register their names, Chirrut could only make up a reason for them to see if things could be reversed—

Xiaomei's eyes immediately aimed at the booklet in the opponent's hand, and Ronggui...

Ronggui glanced at Xiaomei.

"You are a little out of order..." The person holding the booklet frowned and said unhappily.

Chirrut kept laughing: "Isn't this a friend~ and his parents are also very kind to me, I plan to save enough points to play with them in the future~"

The place where the people of Cicero can accumulate points to go must be a higher-level city - seemingly unintentional, Chirrut gave those people another hint.

The man finally waved his hand: "Let's go to the house to check first, shall we?"

He said to Mrs. Zora, Mrs. Zora nodded, and he walked upstairs with the remaining seven people.

After they left, Chirrut immediately pulled Xiaomei and Ronggui to the corner, connecting Hana and Mrs. Zorah, and quickly and quietly said his intentions:

"... What I said just now is the truth! After the main city above knew what happened in Cicero, it has already placed a city closure order on Cicero! Before the antidote was invented, we... We might just I'll never go out again!"

"We... Hana and Mrs. Zolla... We are all locals, our names are always on the books, we can't run away, we just seal them up, anyway, there is everything in the city, and we are not interested in traveling. It's you..."

"I don't know if this city will be sealed until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse, let's go!"

"Since you are here to buy medicine, you must be in a hurry to take medicine. Unless you plan to settle in Ciciro City, otherwise..."

"Let's leave now."

"Now, when the city closure order has just been issued and the implementation is not too harsh, this is the only chance for you to go!" Chirrut whispered in a hurry.

"Ah?!" It was Ronggui and Hana who made the sound.

Ronggui immediately felt that his hand was tightly held by the little girl, and his big eyes were full of reluctance. Ronggui heard Hana whispering to himself:

"Agui, you and Xiaomei... are you leaving?"

Rong Gui looked at the little girl's big eyes and suddenly a layer of water mist was covering them.

But it's just water mist, and it didn't fall down into droplets.

"Chiru is right, Agui, you and Xiaomei must go now." The person who answered Hana's question in place of Ronggui was Mrs. Zorah.

"City closure order... I only heard of this kind of thing once when I was a child. After the city implemented the city closure order, it has not opened the city for 50 years. It's been a long time. Agui, you are not planning to repair yourself and Xiaomei. body? In addition to strong nutrients, you still need to see a surgeon, don't you?"

"Your body can't wait for fifty years, you must go." The thin lips were pressed down tightly, and Mrs. Zolla went straight to help them make a decision.

"But... but..." Ronggui looked at Mrs. Zorah, and his eyes finally fell on Hana's face.

"Don't worry about Hana, I'm still here! No matter what, I can live for a while, even if I don't succeed, Chiru and the others aren't there?" said Mrs. Zora.

Ronggui's eyes fell tightly on Hana's little face. He looked at the little girl and stared at him, and then...

Ronggui suddenly felt his hand being released.

Two big tears finally fell from the little girl's eyes.

Wiping it off with the back of her hand, Hana said loudly, "I'm going to help Agui and Xiaomei pack up!"

"Then I'll go up and tell my colleagues that you have to leave the city immediately!" Chirrut also acted.

"I also have something for you." With a slight nod, Mrs. Zola actually... turned around and left

Seeing the backs of the three people disappear into the room, Ronggui looked at Xiaomei as if asking for help. He was a little dazed and a little flustered. He asked in a trembling voice, "Xiaomei, we... are we really leaving?"

He knew that he would leave sooner or later, but... He never thought that he would leave under such circumstances! So rushed! in this way-

Rong Gui, who was in a panic, met Xiaomei's sky blue eyes.

I don't know if it was his delusion, but at that moment, he always felt that Xiaomei was in a hurry at that moment.