The Sabbath

Chapter 97: suitable for him


Their things were quickly packed into big bags by Chilu. I don't know what he said to those colleagues, but those people actually helped to take the things down together.

The most important luggage - two people's bodies are not in these things.

For some reason, Xiaomei never agreed to move the two's freezer off of Rhubarb.

"Since it's an urgent matter at home, let your friends hurry out of the city, or later..." The man in the lead sighed and pointed to the door for a while: "You take them out, we will continue to check here, this time The search warrant is very strict, and we have to check the outside yard as well."

"Okay, I'll take you there." The corners of his mouth pursed, and his white eyes glanced in the direction of Xiaomei and Ronggui, like a silent farewell.

With a slight nod to them, Mrs. Zora straightened her chest and walked towards the door leading to the backyard with the patrol.

Ronggui's mouth opened, then closed again.

"Hurry up." Chirrut urged them again, stuffing a big bag into Ronggui's arms and another into Xiaomei's arms, he picked up the two big bags himself and walked out the door first.

Flattening her mouth, Hana also struggled to pick up the heaviest package she could, and gently touched Ronggui with the package, and the little girl walked out the door.

"Hey?! I know you are reluctant, but are you really going to be sealed here? You are different from us. Our ancestors have lived here for generations, and we don't have to leave here, but you are different!" Ronggui said Before he could move, Chirrut had already put his things back. Seeing that Ronggui didn't move, he snatched the big package from Ronggui's hand neatly, and then took him and walked out the door until he took him away. onto the car.

Xiaomei followed them silently.

After all the luggage was brought up, the doors closed.

Mrs. Zorah was still accompanying those people to search and did not come back, and there was only a small figure of Hana at the door.

In the darkness, Ronggui couldn't see the little girl's expression.

Until the rhubarb starts to kick in.

Hana, who had been standing quietly at the door watching them leave, suddenly ran.

"Agui, you must become a big star in the future! Only then will I know where to find you when I grow up!" Chasing Da Huang all the way, Hana spoke loudly to Rong Gui as she ran.

In the darkness, Ronggui couldn't see her tears, but he heard the little girl's hoarse voice.

The stubborn little girl was still crying.

"Stop chasing, the road is not safe, go back quickly, there is only Mrs. Zorah in the house, you go back to accompany her!" The person who stopped Hana was Chiru, driving his official car in front of Da Huang, he They had to lead the way. Without him leading the way, Ronggui and the others would have to be sent back less than halfway through.

So, in the car mirror, the little girl's footsteps slowly stopped, and Ronggui saw her parked at the entrance of the alley, smearing her eyes on the back of her left hand, and then...

Da Huang finally drove out of the alley, and he could no longer see everything in the alley.

Ronggui's mind went blank.

He knew that they would leave sooner or later, and even occasionally he and Xiaomei planned where to go to the next city. Thinking of the cities that he might go to in the future, Ronggui was always full of expectations.

However, that was based on the fact that they left the city naturally, just like they left Messertal, Siping Town, Ye Dehan...

Leave your own souvenirs and leave happily.

Instead of leaving like this, hurriedly, as if escaping, unable to even say a decent goodbye.

Ah... Actually, they still have a lot of things to do...

They paid a large deposit for the strong nutrient solution ordered by that store, but it will take a long time to get the item!

What's next for Hana? Her father's wish has not been fulfilled, and the little girl has not even learned a single prescription. How can she live in the future

Do you depend on Mrs. Zola to take care of it

It's that Mrs. Zorah's heart disease is a hidden danger. Once the drug is stopped, a serious accident may happen at any time. If something really happens, can Hana take good care of her

and also…

and also-

Ground beans!

The ground beans brought from Xiaomei's hometown are all planted in the ground! Chirrut doesn't know about these things, and Hana doesn't know much either, they didn't pack those things!

Besides, besides Didou, the flowers that Kiki sent them are also over there!

Ronggui didn't notice, and before he knew it, he had already said all the things that came to his mind.

Xiaomei listened quietly.

Without looking at Ronggui, his eyes kept staring out of the car.

There was a long queue on the way out of the city, but there was not a single car on the way into the city.

There were panicked people everywhere, some out-of-towners who were eager to ask questions, and locals who were discovered by patrollers with undead hidden in their homes.

He saw one undead after another being dragged from their homes by patrollers.


He saw the librarian.

"I'm old and I live alone." He remembered what the old man had said to him on the last day.

Unlike other undead, he was dragged out quietly, and there were no family members who were stubbornly holding him back. He was dragged out of the house quietly like that.

The small green house in the back should be his home.

"I don't have any relatives and I don't have any other property. I'm left with the small house where I usually live. I can live in it before I die, and it can be used as a cemetery after I die."

"It would be nice if I could live quietly and quietly in Cicero City~"

"Actually, this is a really nice place~"

His memories were finally fixed on the old man's smiling face.

He was clearly talking about his own affairs, but the old man was happy.

Xiaomei's eyes were fixed on the elderly zombie in front of her, and she stared at it, and when she stared at Ronggui, she realized that something was wrong with him.

Thinking that Xiaomei saw something incredible, Ronggui quickly followed his line of sight to look over, and after finding out that it was an old man or a zombie, Ronggui was stunned.

Then, he heard Xiaomei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly speak:

"If you forget something, go back and get it."

"Ah... Is it okay?" Ronggui asked him cautiously.

"Why not?" Xiaomei looked forward quietly.

Since the undead are being arrested everywhere, the city lighting system of Ciciro City is fully turned on today, and the usually dark place is actually illuminated like daylight!

"Ah... Is it really possible?" The voice was still cautious, but there was already a trace of it inside that was completely inconsistent with the outside world's chaos... Joy

Xiaomei was not surprised.

Ronggui is such a person.

It is said that he is slow, but he is very sensitive to the changes in other people's emotions, even his own emotions... Although sometimes he is reluctant to admit it, but Xiaomei has to say that being able to stay by her side for so long is so long that she is used to each other. There is no doubt that people who exist, if they are not very sophisticated and deep enough to hide their own guys, then... someone like Rong Gui is very aware of other people's emotional changes, and can do things that people don't hate or even like at any time. people;

He is said to be sharp, but Ronggui is naturally self-satisfied. No matter what happens outside, he can always debug himself very well, as if he can't receive the danger signals from the outside world at all, and his optimism seems to be dull. For example, the collapse of the mine a long time ago, such as when the earth was buried alive a while ago, and for example... now.

Someone said something to him a long time ago, which probably meant "a cold-blooded terminally ill patient like you, in this universe, will never be suitable for you, you should be like now, a One walks alone and awake..."

At that time, he did not refute, because he felt that what the other party said was very correct.

until now—

Ah... In this world, there are still people who are suitable for him.

Thinking in her heart, Xiaomei looked at Ronggui's face, her eyes the color of the sky reflected the face of another little robot, he said seriously:

"I will work hard to study the antidote to the elixir. If the city is destroyed, we will escape from the underground ideas. If the city is not destroyed but simply closed, then we will live here until the city reopens. I will transform the current There are freezers that increase circulation and allow your body to wait longer until we can get out of town and find the right doctor."

It's rare for Xiaomei to say such a long paragraph, and it's scary when she says it.

Why even say the scary words "city destruction"? Xiaomei, what are you thinking about

Ronggui was startled by him, but soon, he was distracted by Xiaomei's words.

No way, my brain is small~ Naturally, it is very easy to be diverted from the topic.

Xiaomei's remodeled freezer, he can rest assured!

Then, what worries does he have

Ronggui stretched out his paws at that time, and clasped Xiaomei's little hand with his ten fingers. The next second, he smiled sweetly:

"Oops~ Then what are we waiting for? Let's go back now!"

After speaking, he happily said to Da Huang: "Da Huang, turn around in front of you, we're going back! Go back to Mrs. Zora's house!"

Rhubarb is a very obedient car, and it is also a car that obeys traffic rules. When ordered by the owner, it did not turn around immediately, but drove in an orderly manner until the next sign that could turn around appeared, Rhubarb. Immediately skillfully swerved from the team, and after a particularly beautiful tail flick, it turned gorgeously!

"Hey! It's coming to you soon? What are you doing?" Chiru was the first to notice that they were wrong. After discovering that Rhubarb was out of the team, Chiru immediately rolled down the car window and shouted at them.

"Forgot to bring something, let's go back and get it! It doesn't matter if we can't get out of the city, we'll just live here!" Ronggui said to him in a louder voice.

"Thank you! Chiru! Thank you! Thank you!" What followed was a series of grateful words.

Chirrut... What else can Chirrut say

Smashing the steering wheel hard, Chirrut... Chirrut laughed.

Then he turned around and went back.

This night is doomed to be in chaos.

This night is destined to be filled with many farewells.

as well as…

Unexpected reunion!

With a sharp braking sound from Da Huang, Ronggui dropped the car window and said to the quiet "Haunted House" in front of him: "Hana! Mrs. Zola! Xiaomei and I are back!"

"Ah?" With the sound of the door lock being opened, Ronggui saw Mrs. Zora frowning and...

Like a small cannonball, Hana slammed into Ronggui's arms.

"I want to study the antidote for the elixir." Back at Mrs. Zola's house again, Xiaomei immediately announced.

"Come on." Mrs. Zora said indifferently. Compared with Xiaomei's declaration, she paid more attention to the luggage in Ronggui's hand.

"Your car... is it called Da Huang? Let's drive it into the yard. The door here is small, but the door of the house next door is bigger. Well, I also bought the land of that house, and you can park it as you like. ' said Mrs. Zora, pulling out from her left pocket... a large number of keys.

Even though she couldn't see it, she was able to choose one key from so many keys at once, and said to Ronggui smartly: "This is the key next door, go and open the door."

This skill is also awesome!

Taking the key excitedly, Ronggui immediately went to let Da Huang move his place.

It was nothing to stop here before, but thinking of the undead attacks that have appeared one after another these days, I always feel that it is not safe for Da Huang to stop outside.

Rhubarb is a metal material, it's nothing, but their bodies are still on Rhubarb!

Ronggui ran out immediately.

Not long after he left, Mrs. Zora took another key from the bunch of keys: "Next door, I also bought that house, which used to be a pharmacist's house, and I remember there were It's a pretty big pharmaceutical studio, don't you want to study the antidote for the elixir? Use that house to study it."

Very generous, Mrs. Zora handed Xiaomei another key.

Xiaomei silently took the key, without saying a word of nonsense, he immediately went over there to check the environment.

Mrs. Zorah's consideration is right. According to the situation tonight, they may no longer be able to go out as freely as usual. It is best to find a qualified studio where you live.

Fortunately, Mrs. Zora's home is big enough.

The two men were sent out, and then there were two ladies left in the room again.

Just now, after Ronggui and Xiaomei left, the whole house was like this. There were only two ladies in the huge house. The room was quiet. I didn't usually feel that the space was so scary. But now Ronggui and the others are back. Now, even if they have something to temporarily leave now, and the two of them are left in the room again, the feeling of loneliness just now disappeared all of a sudden.

Although she couldn't see, Mrs. Zolla guessed the little girl Hana's actions now. She keenly felt that the little girl must be curiously looking at the key in her hand now.


Coughing softly, Mrs. Zora took off another key from it: "In this way, each of them has a key, and I will give you one too."

"This is the key to the room opposite my bedroom on the first floor. It used to be my daughter's room. The house is not big and may be a little old, but the clothes in the wardrobe are all new clothes that have not been worn. If you like, I'll give you all those clothes..."

"Yes! Yes! I'm willing!" said loudly, Hana stood on tiptoe and hugged Mrs. Zorah's waist, just hugging her. She was still playing a hooligan. of the chest.


It's been a long time since she's been so close to someone, and Mrs. Zora stepped back uncomfortably... Uh, being held too tightly, she couldn't move back, she simply gave up struggling.

Her palm tentatively rested on the little girl's back, her heart was soft, but her words were still tough: "Be quiet, a lady won't be so loud, and—"

"You're about to be a big girl, you can't sleep with two men, you should have your own room..."

"That's right! Mrs. Zola, everything you said is right!" This little flatterer is actually flattering again~

Embarrassed and coughed again, where Hana couldn't see, Mrs. Zora raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

She laughed.

Rong Gui is very satisfied with Da Huang's new parking lot; Xiao Mei accidentally found a full set of tools in the pharmacist's studio next door, and is also very satisfied; and Hana carefully opened the room opposite Mrs. Zorah's bedroom, which had been closed, and saw Inside the dreamy princess-style room, she screamed in surprise; and just behind her, listening to the footsteps of the girl happily running around, and thinking of the two little robots running back, the corners of Mrs. Zorah's mouth kept twitching. , never sipped.

As a result, it should have been a chaotic night due to the closure of the city, but in this dark, ghostly-like alley, the people here are rarely happy and relaxed.


The next day, the city of Cicero was officially closed.

There was no longer a single foreigner on the street, the ambulances carrying customers around in the streets and alleys lost their business, and all pharmacies were forced to close because there were no customers.

Without jobs, the shop assistants and ambulance drivers were all pulled to build the city gate and city wall. The original city gate and city wall were heightened and reinforced, and a long cordon was drawn on it, which was pulled down from the upper city. Supplies are specially aimed at undead creatures. Once undead creatures try to enter the city, these cordons will immediately send out sound waves to shake them down, and at the same time emit a sharp siren to warn the people living in the city.

Ordinary people are all doing this now.

And what about the pharmacists

Everyone is researching the antidote to the elixir.

Originally it was only a half-closed city, guests could still come in to buy medicine, and business would not be affected. For this group of dead pharmacists, whether to seal the city or not is not a big deal, but now it is good: the guests are all go! New guests are not allowed in, they are really quarantined this time.

Quarantined in a circle of undead who start attacking people...

Finally, an older generation of pharmacists recalled some rumors they had heard before: in the past, only cities with large-scale epidemics would be locked down. The duration of the closures varied, and some cities would even be locked down for a hundred years. .

However, this is still good.

Many cities, once closed, never reopened.

The whole world is an eternal tower, and the countless dungeons are the huge rhizomes under the tower, like bunches of grape tumor studded below - this is the favorite used by adults in Ciciro City to explain the history of the world to children. simile.

Until they suddenly realized that the metaphor might actually be true.

The city they have lived in for generations has become a "cancerous tumor".

In the era when Ronggui lived, people already knew that there was only one way to cure tumors.

That is excision.

The rumors spread more rapidly in the confined space, and it didn't take long for people in the entire city of Cicero to know this guess.

For a time, the entire city fell into a panic of doomsday.