The Sabbath

Chapter 98: The Diary of Bolt's Apothecary


Any antidote production method can be divided into three types: one is for each component of the original drug and the new medicinal properties produced by mixing all the components together, to separately make a drug with restraining effect, and then mix these components in the together, to ensure that there is no other interaction between them;

One way is neutralization. Find the neutralizer for all the ingredients in the drug, and use a brand new drug to neutralize these ingredients one by one. The original medicinal properties no longer work. This is also an antidote.

Then there is the last one: "fighting poison with poison". When the above two medicines cannot be made at all, the use of poison-like agents is the last resort to injure the enemy and destroy one thousand. It is a destructive method. At the same time of detoxification, The human body itself also suffers huge damage.

As a last resort, no one will choose the last option.

Xiaomei chose the first one.

This choice is consistent with that of Hanarens, Hana's father.

Having systematically studied the pharmaceutical theory of Cicero, he has a clear understanding of the behavior that Hanarens's daily behavior represents. He is indeed making an antidote. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, if he were asked to create an antidote for the elixir, the few pharmaceutical plans that remained after deducing the various deduction plans in his brain were indeed similar to Hanarens's.

There's nothing wrong with Hana's dad's idea of making an antidote.

Generally speaking, pharmacists have to go through standard processes such as "design plan" → "hand-made" → "actual synthesis" → "test" to test whether their antidote is effective. For Xiaomei, these steps will be relatively Much simpler.

His brain is far more complex than the average human brain, and the calculations that can be parallelized at the same time are also much more complex.

The various components and processing methods of the immortal medicine are known conditions, and it is verified whether the mixture made from the following medicines can decipher the components listed in the known conditions.

For Xiaomei, drug manufacturing is actually like a proof problem.

The specific composition of the strong nutrient solution was deduced by him after analyzing the composition of the drug through complex in-brain verification and personal testing.

It looks simple, but it is extremely difficult to do.

Xiaomei's brain is so fast that many times, the result of other people's efforts for a year may be one minute in his brain.

The idea of making the antidote that Hana's father is using now may be the plan he chose after researching it for a long time. It is assumed that he has the same plan.

Then, like Hanarens, Xiaomei also fell into a puzzle.

In fact, there are definitely more than two of them who have studied the antidote of the elixir to the same step. There are many talented people in the huge city of Cicero, and there are four other pharmacists who finally came to the same conclusion. Mr. Nerlens and Xiaomei who finally caught up with the progress, at present, there are a total of six people in the entire city of Cicero who are closest to cracking the elixir.

Closing the book in her hand, Xiaomei stood up quietly, picked up the thick stack of books, and put them back in the corresponding storage place. He quietly looked at the bookshelf for a moment.

So far, he has read all the books in the library.

He is in the library now, the library is now fully open, all the undead in the city have been cleared out, the city gate is blocked, shrouded in the fear of the impending doomsday, quite a number of pharmacists choose to come to the library , they didn't come to read books, in fact, they were just here to meet some of the top pharmacists in the city.

At this time, it was no longer necessary to tuck away their research results, and the four pharmacists were no exception. They took the initiative to walk out of their studios, ran to the library and their companions had the opportunity to brainstorm and analyze the antidote. In the end, there is something wrong with that mitigation, why can't crack the elixir at all

The entire library was no longer as quiet as usual. There were pharmacists in heated discussions everywhere. Everyone expressed their opinions and was noisy, except for Xiaomei.

He came to read books and didn't like to give up halfway. After all, he chose to go back to the library to read the rest of the book list.

That is, in the process, he learned that there are four other pharmacists in the city who have reached the same level of research as he and Hana's father.

The four pharmacists gathered around a table, surrounded by pharmaceutical equipment and various materials, and they discussed the most heated issues. Almost no pharmacist could understand the debate, and no other pharmacist dared to approach them.

However, Xiaomei can fully understand.

If Hanarens was here, if he could still hear human voices, he should understand too.

However, the two of them were destined to be unable to participate in this discussion.

The former Hanarens has become an undead, or the "culprit" of the whole incident, and Xiaomei is just a robot from another place. Who would believe them

But Xiaomei didn't plan to join them either.

On the contrary, Ronggui felt that Xiaomei was a little pitiful.

It was like seeing his own children in the kindergarten who couldn't integrate into other children's circles and could only play with himself in silence. Ronggui had no way to force other "children" to "play" with Xiaomei, so he hurriedly stepped forward. One step, she tightly held Xiaomei's hand, implying her support.

At this time, he has to come to the library to read books. While Rong Guizhen admires Xiaomei, he is also very worried. Even if he hates the library, he still strongly requests to accompany Xiaomei.

When Xiaomei was sitting in the corner reading those difficult tome books, Ronggui was too embarrassed to sit next to him and listen to the excitement. He... He couldn't understand either, so he searched everywhere. After a hard search, he finally found a book. The book with the least number of words and the most pictures - commonly known as comics, he actually read a lot~

He is also someone who can go to the library - the first time he sat in the library for a few hours, Ronggui felt that his temperament had been sublimated.

Until he saw Xiaomei looking at the four pharmacists.

what! Xiaomei must really want to participate in the academic discussion of the four—Ronggui immediately thought (Mist).

It's a pity that they obviously don't want to bring anyone to play - then, he saw that there were only four chairs at the table, one for each person, and there was no fifth person to be added.

"Xiaomei, don't envy them, there is Dad Hana at home, his level is much higher than those of the four, and none of the four have a prescription listed in the pharmacopoeia~ They have been secretly researching antidote before, maybe I just want to use the antidote to be listed in the pharmacopoeia~" Ronggui immediately whispered to Xiaomei, and he began to comfort Xiaomei in his own way.

Xiaomei: …

I don't envy those people at all, okay? The problem they are discussing now has been rigorously reasoned and proven to not work, okay

Xiaomei glanced at Ronggui lightly.

Ronggui understands it in seconds.

Of course, Ronggui can't guess the specific meaning in such a detailed way. After all, he is not a worm living in Xiaomei's head. Moreover, even if he lives in Xiaomei's head, it involves academic issues. He... Even if he lives in it every day, he will watch it. I don't understand~ Maybe it's because I watch these things every day, I die fast!

But he understood that Xiaomei really didn't care about it.

So, holding Xiaomei's hand and striding out the door, Ronggui proudly showed off to Xiaomei the book he read today.

"I also read a book today, I read a book!"

Xiaomei who finished reading 11 books in the same time: =-=

However, seeing Ronggui's dark eyes looking at her, Xiaomei knew that this was what he was waiting for her to ask.

Ronggui now has new chatting skills. Many times, he no longer supports the entire chatting field by asking and answering himself. He will pause for a while. If Xiaomei ignores him, he will continue to stare at him.

After several repetitions, Xiaomei also understood this "rule". Many times, in order to prevent himself from being stared at, he would take the initiative to ask questions as Ronggui expected.

"What book did you read?" So Xiaomei asked Xiang Ronggui with a blank expression.

"A comic book! It's called "Bolt Pharmacist's Diary"."

Xiaomei: … Sure enough.

However, he didn't even remember that there were comic books in this library. He quickly went through the entire library's list of books in his mind. After confirming, Xiaomei said:

"There is no book in the library, are you sure you are looking at the book in the library?"

They had already sat on Rhubarb, and while talking to Ronggui, Xiaomei fastened her seat belts rigorously. Beside him, Rong Gui, who was about to fasten his seat belt, was stunned:

"Hey? Don't you have this book?" Ronggui was stunned.

Da Huang was ready to start, and seeing that Rong Gui's movements stopped, and that he couldn't turn around for a while, Xiao Mei leaned down, pulled the seat belt in his hand, and fastened it for him.

"Where did you get the book? On the shelf? On the table?"

"On the table, on the table, the books on the shelf are so difficult that I can't read them." Ronggui answered honestly.

"That's it. The book on the table was probably brought by the pharmacist, didn't you notice? Many pharmacists brought their children here." Helping him fasten his seat belt, Xiaomei sat up straight again.

"That... that... That is to say, the book I read... It's not a library book at all, but a book that a pharmacist... brought by a child... reading?" Rong Gui stammered.

Xiaomei held her chin up slightly.

Ronggui was stunned.

Well, it’s rare to go to the library once. I can’t appreciate the taste of library books at all. After searching for a long time, I just found a book brought by the pharmacist. The book he found was even the book that the pharmacist brought. No, it was the picture book of the bear children brought by the pharmacist.

Ronggui once again despaired of this world.

"Tell me, why are there so many uncommon words in books for children! And it's all about seeing a doctor, prescriptions, etc. How can children understand it!" Rong Gui complained confidently, and followed Xiaomei's gaze. The time on his face was getting longer, and his voice was getting quieter.

Finally, the little robot drooped its shoulders and sighed.

"What's that book about?" Xiaomei thought that she simply wanted to know the question of the book and asked, not to appease the idiot or change the subject.

So Ronggui raised his head again: "It's the story of the pharmacist's pharmacist."

"The pharmacist Bolt is the pharmacist of the pharmacists in the city. When the pharmacist is sick, he often does not make medicine himself, but will take him to see it. Think carefully, there is a similar saying in our hometown, what is a doctor who does not heal himself? And so on, probably the doctor will not see a doctor for himself, and often he will not see a doctor for his family members, at this time, take them to the doctor he trusts." When it comes to his hometown, Ronggui reiterated Become happier.

His words were repeated again:

"The whole story is that the pharmacist Bolt makes medicine for the pharmacist in the city~ There are many small prescriptions in it, and they are listed in detail, and I don't know if they are true or false..."

"Of course it's true. This book should be a popular reading book for young children in Ciciro City. Even if it's a children's book, the prescriptions on it will never be sloppy." Xiaomei was talking to him, her sky blue eyes watching front.

Soon, they passed the alley again.

It was that day that Hana's dad appeared in an alley that didn't respond properly.

And Ronggui is still nagging about the book: "It's hard to be a pharmacist who wants to be a pharmacist. This kind of pharmacist is usually the president of the pharmacist association in the city..."

The shop at the end of the alley just passed by the car window on the side of Ronggui.

A thought suddenly flashed in Xiaomei's mind like lightning and flint.

It was an incredible thought, which seemed to be irrelevant to what they were studying now. However, at that moment, Xiaomei's brain was completely occupied by that thought.

"Rhubarb, speed up and go home, don't worry about speeding tickets." Xiaomei's flat voice appeared in the carriage again.

His voice was no different from usual, but inexplicably, Ronggui heard something different from his usual voice.

There was light in Xiaomei's eyes, a faint, blue light.

Is this the thought of a new antidote? still-

I always feel that at this moment, Xiaomei seems to be thinking about something important, darling, Ronggui sat next to him and stopped talking.

Rhubarb returned home like this.

They came back earlier than expected due to speeding all the way, and before Mrs. Zorah's dinner preparations were done, Hana was mopping the floor at the door.

Seeing Ronggui and Xiaomei entering the door, the little girl immediately greeted sweetly.

"Hello, Agui~ Xiaomei..."

She was interrupted by Xiaomei before she could finish her words:

"Hana, if someone in your family is sick, is Hanarens usually prescribing medicine for you, or does he go to another pharmacist?"

"Hey?" Ronggui was stunned, he looked at Hana who had just climbed up next to him: Oh, the little girl doesn't look much better than him!

Thinking of the pharmacist Bolt in the comic book that she just told Xiaomei, Xiaomei is... asking for proof

Do you need a license to read a comic? This... this... This is really small plum!

"Uh... Pharmacists generally don't prescribe medicine for their own family members. If people in our family get sick, they go to Uncle Husson's house."

Speaking of this, probably recalling something, Hana flattened her mouth: "I don't like Uncle Husson very much."

"When I was a child, every time my father took me to his house, I was not happy. Later, I had a few fights with my father, so I didn't have to go~"

Speaking of this, the little girl suddenly became happy: "But everyone in my family is in good health, so I don't need to go to him easily!"

It's a very ordinary passage, no matter Hana or Ronggui, I don't think there is anything wrong with this passage.

However, Xiaomei's expression was still serious, and he even asked another question: "Do you have your own case? It's the previous record of taking medicine and seeing a doctor."

"Ah? That thing... No, Hana is very healthy and never gets sick." Hana said, patting her chest: "This is what Dad said, Hana is healthy!"

Then, Ronggui saw Xiaomei pursing her lips, and a deep blue light flashed in her eyes. Ronggui heard Xiaomei say to Hana:

"Hana, can you give me a drop of your blood?"

Hey? !

Why... suddenly asked this sentence? !

Rong Gui was about to ask, when suddenly, a huge roar came from the room—

Hana's father suddenly appeared from the door, this always quiet zombie roared, showing his white teeth, and threw down Xiaomei heavily, he bit Xiaomei's neck fiercely!