The Sabbath

Chapter 99: Elixir


"It seems that my guess is correct." Xiaomei said quietly.

His voice sounded no different from usual, but Ronggui was embarrassed:

"Don't throw your head to the side and talk!"

The moment she was knocked down by Hana's father, Xiaomei tried to resist, but—

The resistance was unsuccessful, and Hana's father's strength was too great.

He can use the automatic attack device on his chest, but the force of the device is too great, and the moment it pops out, it might damage Hana's father's body, so Xiaomei thought about it for a long time and the result is:

He left his head and neck to Hana's father to continue to bite, got out of the ground, and sat on the chair next to Ronggui.

Ronggui: 囧! ! !

Ronggui is very embarrassed, and Hana is not much better.

"Dad, don't bite! Agui's necks are very hard. If your teeth fall out, now... no one can fill your teeth now!"

Honor: =-=

In the end, Hana, who was the weakest in the room, pulled Mr. Hanarens away. Seeing that he wanted to bite something, Hana directly shoved the bread made by Ronggui to him.

Didn't Ronggui hear that Mrs. Zola's food was not good, but it was very delicious~ He wanted to learn it, and after learning... he made bread that was as hard as a stone and could not be chewed at all.

Just in place of Xiaomei's head, Mr. Hanarence gnawed.


Ronggui's mood was mixed, watching the way his own bread was finally put to use.

But soon he didn't have time to worry about this little thing.


Xiaomei started talking again.

Reinstalling her head and neck on her body, Mae begins to explain why she wants a drop of Hana's blood.

"When you passed that alley the other day, the situation of the pharmacist in Hanarens was obviously different from usual. You both saw it."

Unlike Ronggui who called Hanarens "Hana Dad", Xiaomei called Hanarens "Pharmacist". For him, this is the most correct way to address a person, not because of feelings , and not out of various connections, but solely for the identity of the other party.

Hana and Ronggui nodded together.

"At that time, Hana said, that store was where Hanalens' pharmacists often went to buy herbs."

Hana continued to nod her head.

However, Xiaomei stared at her for a moment, but said, "I don't think so. If he buys herbs, he doesn't need to go there himself."

"The only reason Hanarens Pharmacist can go to another pharmacy in person can only be to see another pharmacist."

"So, he went to see the owner of the pharmacy, the president of the city's pharmacist association, Huo Sen Linde."

Ronggui and Hana were stunned again.

This... Even if we analyze this... Is there any necessary connection with the whole thing...

Ronggui and Hana didn't quite understand why Xiaomei suddenly mentioned this.

However, they did not raise their doubts because they knew that Xiaomei would continue to explain it to them.

"I guess, every time he goes shopping for herbs, he should bring you at least one or two times out of four, right?" Xiaomei turned her head to Hana again, obviously a robot, but at this moment, his eyes were abnormal Sharp, Hana's body shrank slightly the moment she met Xiaomei's eyes.

But this shrink, she is closer to Ronggui, so the little girl is not so afraid.

She murmured: "That was when I was very young, I don't remember very well. I should have been there, but not many times, because I don't like going to his place... "

Xiaomei looked away: "That's it."

"Your brain's memory is indeed not good, but this is also a common occurrence. The memory development of young children is not perfect. Many people cannot remember childhood events. Even if there are memories, they are fragments and cannot constitute a logical and complete memory."

"However, just because your brain doesn't remember doesn't mean your body doesn't remember."

"On the contrary, you have a very good physical memory, and when I asked about Husson, you replied: I don't like Uncle Husson very much."

"When I was a child, every time my father took me to his house, I was not happy. Later, after a few disputes with my father, I didn't have to go."

Xiaomei completely recounted what Hana said that day. It was just a rehearsal. She used Xiaomei's tone to state what Hana said. I don't know why, but it was a bit funny.

But Ronggui couldn't laugh, Xiaomei's expression was too calm and formal, he always felt that Xiaomei was about to say something terrible.

"The human body's memory is often more reliable than the brain's memory."

"There are many reasons for hating, but there is no unreasonable hatred. Even if a person says that he hates a certain person at first sight, it is not for no reason."

"Hate this kind of feeling, it takes a considerable amount of emotional accumulation to happen."

"For example, someone said that he hated eating cucumbers, hated it since he was a child, and still hated it until he was an adult."

"A researcher has investigated this person's case, and finally found that this person had an allergic reaction to cucumber at a certain stage when he was a baby, and the person at this stage would have mild symptoms when eating cucumber. allergic reaction.”

Xiaomei said and pointed to her lips: "It's a very slight reaction, just numbness on the lips. Since there are no other adverse reactions, his family did not find that he is allergic, so he should continue to eat cucumbers until he eats cucumbers every time. Use crying to push back."

"His body remembered the unpleasant fact that eating cucumbers would make his lips tingle, and he felt disgusted with cucumbers, so until he became an adult, his physique was strong enough to eat cucumbers without any adverse reactions, but he still hated cucumbers, He didn't know why until scientists helped him find it."

"And Horsen Lind is Hana's cucumber."

"Huh?" Rong Gui was taken aback by this metaphor.

Hana's mouth opened, as if she was about to think of some terrible memory, and her body began to tremble slightly again.

"When I went to the library today, Rong Gui also read a book, the name of the book is "Bolt Pharmacist's Diary", this book should be the enlightenment reading for children in Cicero City, it is about a The story of a pharmacist who prescribes medicine for a pharmacist."

"Although it is a children's book, the various prescriptions in it are very sophisticated and there are no mistakes, so the source of the entire book should be the same. It is the original intention of this book to instill correct common sense in preschool children from an early age."

"If this book is completely in line with the actual social situation, then Horsen Lind is the current Bolt pharmacist in Cicero City, and he is the pharmacist in the city who can prescribe medicine for the pharmacists."

"In this case, there is one more reason for Hanarens pharmacist to go to him. He may go to Horsen Lind for medicine."

"There are three people in the Hanarens pharmacist's family, and he may ask for medicine for any of the three."

"And then, Hana, you mentioned that you hate Apothecary Hodson."

"There is one more known condition."

Xiaomei's blue eyes were aimed at Hana's face again.

"Isn't there an example just mentioned about human disgust?"

"One guy said he hated another person the first time he saw him, but he swore he never met him."

"Later researchers checked his entire file and found that he was not telling the truth."

"He met that man when he was a baby."

"That man is his primary doctor."

"Children hate doctors who see them, because many doctors will give them needles and take bitter medicine, so many children hate doctors."

"So, Hana, think about it carefully. When you were very young, were you taken by Pharmacist Hanarens to see a doctor at Pharmacist Huo Sen?" Xiaomei raised her head slightly. chin down.

His eyes were fixed on Hana's little face.

And Hana...

The little girl's eyes were hazy, until she suddenly remembered something, her little body shook, and her little face was instantly pale.

"Okay, it seems so, Mr. Hawthorne gave me an injection!"

"I... I don't remember very well, but I just suddenly remembered a scene. Dad grabbed my next door and asked Uncle Husson to give me an injection!"

This is it-

Xiaomei pursed her lips tightly and did not speak. His expression was unusually calm, but Ronggui felt that he saw fire in his eyes!

Quiet blue fire!

"It seems... It seems that I have had more than one injection... ah... My health is obviously very good. My father said that my health is the best in the whole family, and I don't need to take medicine to see a doctor... Why... "

Why did so many fragmented memories of taking medicine, injections, and infusions suddenly appear in his mind

The little hands were tightly squeezed into two, Hana was thinking too hard, and before she knew it, sweat soaked her forehead, and the little girl was covered in sweat.

Until Xiaomei speaks again—

"Your health is really good, that's because your illness is cured."

"It was not Horsen Lind who cured you, but the pharmacist Hanarens."

"If I'm not wrong—"

"The elixir is not at all as stated in the pharmacopoeia. It was made to keep Mrs. Hanalens youthful."

"The real reason this medicine was born should be you."

"Hanallens pharmacist created this medicine for his daughter!"

After the last sentence came out, there was no sound in the room.

Not even the sound of Hana's father nibbling on the bread was gone.

I don't know when, he has put down the bread in his hand, staring blankly in Hana's direction, his stiff blue face looks extremely wooden.

"The first thing that caught my attention was the name of the medicine."

"The elixir and the elixir of death, these two medicine names have almost no difference in pronunciation, only one letter is different, and people often confuse them."

"Because of the appearance of immortals, most of the thoughts on this medicine are directly read into immortality according to the efficacy of the medicine."

"In addition to Hana, there are several former shop assistants in your family."

"Besides, the records in the pharmacopoeia are also elixir, not elixir."

"Hanallens pharmacist is a pragmatist and has no interest in any medicine that does not improve human life. His research focuses on the makers of medicines that are beneficial to human beings."

"It's a strange thing in itself that a pharmacist like this would develop a youth-preserving drug for his wife without researching any kind of cosmetic drug."

"However, if the real effect of this drug is to cure the disease and save the life, there is no problem."

"So, I guess you have suffered from serious diseases when you were very young, like cells dividing much faster than normal people, and the rate of aging is several times that of ordinary people."

"Your father immediately noticed your condition. He first went to Horsen Linde for help, but when the other party had no choice, he started researching on his own, and then finally developed a drug just for your condition. "

"Stops the rapid decline of cells in the body, stops your time, and doesn't make you age rapidly."

"The name of this medicine is called the Elixir, isn't it a very reasonable thing?"

Looking at Xiaomei blankly, Hana was stunned.

After being stunned, there are also Ronggui and Mrs. Zola next to him.

Hana stared at Xiaomei for a long time before slowly turning her eyes to the father next door.

Mr. Hanarens, who has become a zombie, is just stunned, staring numbly ahead, his eyes seem to be empty.

Until Hana stood up and walked over, Bai Nennen's little hands lightly rested on Mr. Hanerens' black hands, the little girl raised her head and asked softly, "Dad, is that so?"

"Did you invent the elixir to save me?"

It turned out that the original purpose of subverting the banned drugs in the entire city was so simple. Did he... just want to save his daughter's time

Hana raised her head and looked at her father with clear eyes.

Just when she thought that her father would never respond to her, suddenly—

Two lines of turbid and bloody tears suddenly rolled out from the dry eyes of the black zombie.

Hana suddenly opened her mouth when she saw her long dead father:

"Ha... Hana..."

He only said one word.

Then, then Hana cried.

Throwing herself into her father's arms, like when her father was still alive, the little girl cried aloud.

However, this time, Dad's hand did not gently hug her shoulder as usual, and gently coaxed her not to cry.

Stiff and numb in the arms of her daughter, Hanarens looked like a portrait.

In the end, Hana wiped away her tears and crawled out of Mr. Hanalence's arms.

"I'm not crying anymore, Xiaomei, what's going on? Tell me."

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and before the tears were dry, the little girl used the corner of her father's clothes to dry the remaining tears.

Except for her red nose and eyes, she couldn't tell that she had just cried.

Washed with tears, her eyes looked extremely bright.

Xiaomei's eyes swept across her face, and then continued to say in a calm tone:

"The pharmacist Hanarens invented the elixir for you, and your condition is under control after taking the medicine, and you can even say it's okay, this matter can't be hidden from Horsen Linde, as the meeting of the city's pharmacist association Long, he immediately realized how precious the drug was."

"He then reported the drug to the Pharmacists' Association until the name of the pharmacist at Hanalens was registered in the Pharmacopoeia."

"It's not looting, as he's still reporting under the name Hanalens Apothecary."

"He probably just wants to add a new drug to the pharmacopoeia that will make Cicero shine again."

"Before the elixir of pharmacist Hanarens was listed in the Pharmacopoeia, the last prescription was created a hundred years ago."

"It's been too long. A city that has relied on pharmacy to build the world will be forgotten if no new revolutionary drugs have come out in such a long time."

"And then, just as he imagined, after the elixir came out, the city of Cicero flooded with guests again, and the whole city prospered again, until—"

"The first dead person appears."

"The Elixir was not originally invented as a drug for people to embrace youth. Its ingredients can certainly maintain a vigorous level of cell division, but this level of exuberance continues even after the person taking the drug dies. This is the The beginning of a nightmare."

Xiaomei's eyes fell on Hana's face again:

"The Elixir was invented for you by the pharmacist of Hanarens, and after taking this medicine, your performance is completely different from other people's. You are still growing up, which proves that the medicine works perfectly in your body. It has defeated the rapidly aging cells in your body, and did not let your time stand still, and you continue to grow slowly. So-"

"The antidote to the elixir is obviously on you, or—"

"You are the antidote to the elixir yourself."

Ronggui was stunned.

He looked at Xiaomei first: Xiaomei's expression was as calm as always, just quietly looking at Hana.

Then, Ronggui followed Xiaomei's line of sight and looked in Hana's direction.

He originally thought that Hana would be shocked too, but he was still a little worried, worried that Hana would have an overreaction after learning about this, who knows—

With a big smile on her lips, Hana actually smiled:

"So it is!"

"No wonder, after all—"

"My father invented the elixir for me!"

"It turns out that the elixir was invented by my father for me!!!"

The big eyes looked at her father tenderly, and the smile on the corner of Hana's mouth couldn't take it anymore.