The Sacred Ding

Chapter 44: Jinzhou Qiang people


After all, Chen Hai did not hold a military position on this trip and was not qualified to participate in the military meeting. Li Xianghai did not keep him at this time, but left Zhou Jun, Ge Tong, Shen Kun and others to discuss the details of the next breakout deployment.

Hold! Chen Hai secretly cursed that he had re-cultivated martial arts after his cultivation was abolished, and being able to step into the Tongxuan realm was a happy event worthy of celebration, but he did not want to be in such a dangerous situation.

This was probably the most tragic defeat that Taiwei Sect had suffered in recent years, and there were less than 400 of them left. It was not known how many of them would be able to walk out of Yulong Mountain alive in the end. It was only at this time that Chen Hai had time to watch the entire battlefield. .

The dozens of inner sect disciples not only have a much higher status in the sect than the Taoist disciples, but are also direct disciples in the sect clan. They have always had a high self-esteem, and this is exactly the case. When they think about it carefully, they feel that the legend in front of them is expelled by the Yao family. There is some truth in what they said. They could decisively abandon the Taoist disciples and even order the Taoist disciples to cover their retreat into the deep mountains and old forests. But after they were dispersed, who would the rebels hunt down first

"This civil unrest was actually started by the Qiang people?" Chen Hai looked at Shen Kun and Ge Tong who were sitting next to him and adjusting their breaths in confusion.

For Li Xianghai, who was severely injured and could no longer use his true energy for the time being, it was definitely better to break out with a crowd than to break out dispersedly; once he was dispersed and broke out, he would become the target of an ambush by the mob.

"Break through along the original route? Even if these rebels are pig-brained, they will set up ambushes along the stone gorge!" Jie Wenzhuo's gorgeous brocade robe has been beaten to tatters in the melee, revealing the protective spirit inside. The armor is also dull.

Although what Chen Hai has opened at this time is the Zu Shaoyang main energy vein, which is the easiest to cultivate, it also means that he has half-stepped into the Tongxuan realm. Once he has cultivated the first spiritual vein, he will officially cross the threshold of Xuanfa practice. .

Faced with Xie Wenzhuo's aggressive questioning, he replied calmly: "I suggest concentrating our forces and breaking out along the Shixia Gorge, for the sake of you, Senior Brother Xie. I want to ask Senior Brother Xie, if we really want to break out in a scattered way, the elites in the ambush will be staring at us. Are these ordinary Taoist disciples chasing after you endlessly, or will they focus on big shots like you, Senior Brother Xie, and treat them as prey?"

There were not many arrows left in the hands of the Taoist soldiers, and they could no longer consume them at will. He watched the rebels pick up the armor in the ravine. Chen Hai thought to himself that the ambush by the rebels clearly had the upper hand, and there were many after the war. He had the opportunity to clean up the battlefield, but he couldn't wait to pick up the armor at this time. He seemed very embarrassed.

Chen Hai looked around and could see that these inner disciples still didn't want to be burdened by injuries, and even just wanted to use the cover of the Taoist disciples. However, when they escaped on their own under the cover of the accompanying troops, he stood up to stop them. No wonder their wishful thinking makes people unhappy.

On the cliff in front of the Shuangfeng Stone Village, there is a group of elite rebels with bows and armors and dozens of knight-errant swordsmen without armor, looking at this place.

The dozens of surviving inner disciples frowned slightly. They did not expect Chen Hai to come over and interrupt, but they were also shocked by the fierceness and bravery he had just shown. Even if they were unhappy, no one shouted at him at this time for not understanding the rules.

Zhou Jun, Shen Kun, Ge Tong and others also walked over. They couldn't keep silent and let these inner disciples dominate everything.

This battle was already a tragedy, but if Li Xianghai could finally bring more than 300 people out of Yulong Mountain and join them with the local military forces of Yulong Mansion, he would at least be able to clean up the mess and make up for his past mistakes.

"We should have the opportunity to fight out along the original route. This is also the direction we are most familiar with to break out..." Chen Hai said.

After seeing clearly the situation nearby, Chen Hai cheered up. Hearing that the dozen or so surviving inner sect disciples gathered around Li Xianghai to discuss a breakout strategy, most of them actually advocated avoiding the original route from Shixia to break out. It is to disperse into the dangerous mountains with rugged terrain and break out to the north...

Chen Hai did not see the figure of the white-faced scholar Lu Hongqian, thinking that he might have been killed in the Shizhai, and did not want to conflict with the superior inner disciples like Xie Wenzhuo, but at this time even Zhou Jun, Shen Kun, Ge Tong and others were speechless. If he had not persisted in his opinion, the lives of three or four hundred people would have been dragged down by these inner disciples who were too arrogant.

If they disperse and break out, even if two to three hundred people can escape in the end, the situation will definitely be much uglier. At that time, Li Xianghai, as the only surviving elder of the Mingqiao Realm, will only have major faults and no merit.

The battle in the Huanglongyuan Shuangfeng Stone Village has subsided. The hundreds of disciples who did not break out, including two elders of the Mingqiao Realm, were either annihilated or captured. Only Li Xianghai led less than two hundred disciples to break out. , among which there are less than forty inner disciples and retinue.

When the essence of the hundred bones is cultivated to be condensed and abundant enough, it will break through the blockage of the main energy channels, enter the two kidneys, and merge with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth breathed into the two kidneys, and then it can be refined into true essence; while the true essence is retrograde , purify the Qi meridians, and the Qi meridians intervening between the empty and the real will manifest into spiritual veins...

"Elder Li, Yao Xing has something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not." Chen Hai stood up with his halberd in hand, leaned over and said.

It's just that they are trapped in an ambush by a mob. It's unclear whether this battle will lead to life or death. There's nothing to be happy about at this time.

Chen Hai frowned slightly. He had thought before that he could not easily break out along the original route, but when he saw that the ambush troops were obviously tired, he changed his mind. Before the troops were exhausted and food was exhausted, it was definitely not a good idea to break out in a scattered way. .

If this group of refugees did not want to consume the last few elites, Chen Hai thought that they still had great hope of making it out of Yulong Mountain.

The corpses of those who died in the battle rolled down into the stone ditches on both sides. There were as many as one or two thousand of them, but there were tens of thousands of rebels surrounding the stone slope, surrounding them.

There were nearly a hundred casualties among the Taoist soldiers guarding the stone slope. However, at this time, we could see how powerful the Taoist soldiers were. As long as we could hold our ground, even if the rebels' elite ambush troops were deployed, several waves of charges would be useless. They broke through their protective formation, but suffered casualties ten times more severe than theirs.

Chen Hai didn't expect that in the fierce battle just now, he could unknowingly break through the blockage of Zu Shaoyang's main energy channel.

"Even if the rebels set up ambushes in Shixia, we should break out of Shixia!" Chen Hai said firmly.

It's no wonder that there were tens of thousands of rebels. Even if a group of soldiers were captured after defeating the local soldiers in Yulong Mansion, there were not many who could be called elites, and there should be no more than 10,000 people.

Xie Wenzhuo was the legitimate son of the Xie family. He originally disliked Chen Hai who didn't know the rules and came to interrupt randomly. He didn't expect that his plan was so clumsy, so he couldn't help but scold him coldly.

Previously, they only thought about getting rid of their burdens and escaping faster, but they did not expect that once they dispersed, they would become the primary targets of the mob.

Xie Wenzhuo sneered and wanted someone to drive Chen Hai out; Li Xianghai waved his hand to stop Xie Wenzhuo and asked Chen Hai patiently: "What reason can you tell me?"

Chen Hai explained what he was saying, and regardless of whether the sect disciples like Xie Wenzhuo, who were above their heads, were unhappy, he bowed to Li Xianghai and then returned to the original place to adjust his breathing and recuperate.

The rebels were also tired at this time, and had gathered their formations around them. For the time being, they could not see any intention of attacking again.

They stood guard on the stone slope opposite Shuangfeng Stone Village. It was more than 2,000 meters wide on both sides. The stone slope was about a hundred acres in size and only forty to fifty meters high. It was not rugged. Fortunately, they were able to avoid the stone slope from Shuangfeng Stone Village. Falling rocks and rolling logs thrown down from the village, and dozens of sparse shrubs around the village, were all shoveled away. The cracks in the pitted stones were filled with blood, which solidified into purple-black color.

Li Xianghai, as the elder of the Taoist Military Command and the captain of the Military Command of the Tieliu Camp, had experience in commanding troops and knew that the inner disciples would not be reliable. The chaos in the attack on Shizhai had proven all this, and he wanted to Listen to the opinions of brave generals like Chen Hai and Shen Kun...

"The rebels are also tired, and they have won a great victory in this battle. As long as we are determined to fight, why do they still waste all the few elites on us?" Chen Hai looked at Li Xianghai's pale face with bright eyes. Face, "And once we disperse and break out, we will definitely be able to run faster than those mountain hunters who are familiar with the terrain? And as we reorganize out of Yulong Mountain and join up with the Yulong Mansion Army in Chenqiao Village, this battle cannot be completely defeated... "

Chen Hai guessed that these people were the leaders and personal followers of the revolt. Looking from a distance, he saw that many of these people had broad eyebrows and pointed noses like eagle beaks. Their appearance did not look like Yanzhou people. Like the Xiqiang people in Jinzhou, they are tall and have piercing wolf eyes, which shows that their martial arts skills are quite strong.

At this time, he knew that Shipo's two hundred Taoist soldiers were not panicking. They were able to form a formation to guard here and join their disciples who had fought their way out of Shizhai. This was because Chen Hai and Ge Ting were well organized.

Seeing that the Taoist disciples on the left and right were hostile to the Qiang people, Chen Hai said nothing. At this time, he saw a few small groups of rioters holding bamboo and wooden shields to the foot of the stone slope, and used the armored corpses to The hook rope was dragged up from the stone ditch, and the armor of these corpses was removed by all means.

"What's your excuse?" Xie Wenzhuo was angry but was refuted by Chen Lie's good-for-nothing nephew in person. He shouted, and the other inner disciples also clearly showed their dissatisfaction with Chen Hai.

"Tieliuling fell into the hands of the Western Qiang enemy for many years in the early years. It was only recaptured after Wuwei Shenhou took charge of the army. However, a large number of Qiang people had already moved to Tieliuling at that time. The counties in Hexi were sparsely populated, and the Shenhou had no generals. These Western Qiang people were driven out and moved inland to the Hetao Plain to fill up the county. One group of people was placed in Yulong Mansion, but they didn't expect it to become a disaster!" Shen Kun sighed.

Whether they ambushed the main force of the sect's Taoist soldiers in the Shuangfeng Stone Village or besieged the defensive formation guarding the stone slope, the casualties among the elite refugees were extremely heavy.

When Chen Hai said this, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Yao Xing, tell me." Li Xianghai sat on the stone ground and motioned for others to make way for Chen Hai to come forward.

Taking the most dangerous and secluded path, with nearly a hundred Taoist disciples seriously injured, should we all give up

Chen Hai believed that he could convince Li Xianghai.