The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 37: Yi Bo Yuntian belongs to Xiao Meng


Meng Qi cursed in his heart and stood up righteously: Master Abbot, you think we are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Amitabha, this is not what I meant. Several donors were injured in body and mind and still wanted to persuade everyone to leave. However, he could not clearly say that Shaolin had decided to abandon this property, and it was useless to guard it. That way it would be easy for Duo'er to detect it and hold on to his injuries to attack, leaving the monks with no time to evacuate.

Master Abbot, could it be that you dislike me for being injured and useless? Meng Qi looked indignant and skillfully twisted the meaning of peace of mind.

At this time, the first elders of Shaolin Temple rushed behind Xinji to prevent Meng Qi and others from making a sudden attack.

After hearing Meng Qi's words, the monks who believed in the righteousness of martial arts would naturally not openly say that it was indeed useless. They hesitated, but no one answered.

Lao Na was seriously injured, as were Donors Jiang and Donor Zhang, but Duoercha was not damaged at all. There is really little hope in this battle. Donors are not my Shaolin disciples, why should they waste their lives and stay in Shaolin? Doing this thing of burning jade together, even if Shaolin Among them, there are very few monks with such determination, because it is really meaningless. I am afraid that only the old man and other people who are about to pass away will let go of this stinky skin.

Donors, why don’t you keep your useful bodies for when the time comes

The only way I feel relieved is to say that only I want to stick to Shaolin, and others may escape. You, a group of unrelated strangers, are trying to be heroes or crazy.

Meng Qi took a step forward, clasped his hands together, and solemnly declared a Buddha's name: Amitabha, death can be lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. We sacrifice our lives for righteousness, and today

All the monks, including Xin Ji, were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a person who wanted to sacrifice himself to save others.

And the most important thing is, we don’t want you to save us at all.

After Meng Qi finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the passionate and generous words behind Amitabha were a bit inconsistent, but he immediately comforted himself by saying that anyway, the popular painting style these days is not right.

Seeing the monks stunned, Meng Qi raised his head and acted chivalrous and courageous: What happened today is not a question of whether Shaolin should save him or not, but that we want to show the world that there are still people in this world who die generously.

Jiang Zhiwei raised her hand, covered her mouth, and suppressed a smile. A flush appeared on her pale face. Qi Zhengyan's mouth twitched, secretly glad that he didn't talk much to Meng Qi.

After being silent for a while, he looked at Zhang Yuanshan, who was meditating to stabilize his injuries after hastily taking the elixir, and Jiang Zhiwei, who was standing alone with her clothes fluttering. He sighed and said: Donor Zhang and Donor Jiang are seriously injured, and they may not be able to break through the armor even if they go down the mountain at this time. Due to the blockade of soldiers, it is better to enter the temple and wait for the opportunity. Dekong, hurry up and get the small return pills to give to several donors.

Several donors, after entering the temple, please guard the back mountain to prevent barbarian masters from climbing the cliff.

He arranged Meng Qi and others in a clean back mountain where almost no one would attack, and also avoided the secret evacuation passage in the temple.

Thank you, Master Abbot. Meng Qi exhaled quietly, this is the most ideal development.

Abbot, is that little novice monk mentally ill? Returning to the Main Hall, Xin Chan said a little angrily, why do you want to keep them

He was about to speak when he was silent, but suddenly his face was as golden as paper, and then as white as snow. After changing several times in succession, he was finally stable, but he looked like he had aged twenty years.

Master, are you okay? His disciple asked with concern.

Not dead yet. Xinjie said calmly, fortunately, he had scared off Duoercha just now and had a chance to catch his breath. His injuries seemed to be getting worse.

He turned his head and looked at Xin Chan: Jiang Shi maintained that the benefactor was really fighting with Duo Ercha and was not a spy. However, Lao Na saw that they were very determined and if they were not allowed to enter the temple, he was afraid that they would stick to the mountain road, so he let them I went to guard the back mountain to repay this kindness and settle the cause and effect.

There is nothing important in the back mountain except for the stupa. There is no need to worry about a sneak attack by Duoercha. After the disciples have finished evacuating through the secret passage, tell them the truth and ask them to leave through the secret passage. If Duoercha attacks, Morning, with the situation in Houshan, they should be able to defend it until the end. By then, things will be irreversible, so they probably won’t hold on anymore.

Xinjie said it unceremoniously. Meng Qi's impassioned speech just now left a deep impression on him.

Xin Chan said solemnly: "I'm afraid there is no solution for the elm-wood head." The abbot, the secret books, elixirs, etc. have already picked out the important ones and packed them up. We are now arranging for the disciples to evacuate.

Um. Xinji nodded, looking back at the golden Buddha statue, his expression became peaceful and indifferent.

Finally entered the temple. On the way to the back mountain, Meng Qi sighed, luckily his acting skills were good.

Jiang Zhiwei walked very slowly, but there was no trace of confusion or sadness on her face. She chuckled and said: I wonder what Master Xinji and other eminent monks will think of you, a little monk.

The brain-disabled child Happy Meng Qi silently slandered himself, if the task was not oppressive, would I be happy with this

Then, he said sternly: Bo Yuntian must have been shocked by my chivalrous and courageous spirit, and he bowed to me just short of bowing his head.

Anyway, I just saw you, little monk, saying those twisted words in a serious, serious, and passionate way. I just wanted to laugh. Haha. Jiang Zhiwei couldn't help it anymore and laughed out loud. But when she smiled, her voice suddenly stopped. Stop, a little pain appeared on his face.

Miss Jiang, how are you injured? Meng Qi asked worriedly.

Jiang Zhiwei breathed a few breaths and said: Even if the four orifices are opened, with my level, it is still difficult to use a sword to escape from selflessness. After one sword strike, although he is not out of power, he only has three successful powers left. After that, he is beaten by Duo Ercha's strength was so severe that he couldn't stop even one out of ten. Within half a day, he would probably have to rely on his swordsmanship to deal with the armored soldiers.

She described it in detail, because if her companions misjudged her own strength, strategic problems would easily arise when an enemy attacked.

Brother Zhang, Qi Zhengyan looked at Zhang Yuanshan whose chest was a little sunken.

Zhang Yuanshan smiled bitterly and said: Fortunately, I brought the wound medicine this time and had Shaolin Xiaohuan Dan to help me. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to walk. Haha, even dealing with armored soldiers would be difficult now.

Wang Jin followed the crowd, but remained silent. His eyes wandered, looking at the Buddhist hall in the temple and the roads passing by.

As he walked, Meng Qi was suddenly stunned because the back mountain in front of him was exactly the same as the back mountain in Shaolin. Even the stupa was the same.

No way, at this level, Meng Qi felt frightened for no reason.

Jiang Zhiwei also noticed something strange about Meng Qi.

Meng Qi nodded and said solemnly: Although I have only been to Houshan once, it is exactly the same as here.

Isn't it possible that there are suppressed demons and ghosts here

Well, probably not. With the level of power in this world, if there were demons and ghosts, they would have ruled the world long ago.

The two spoke in extremely low voices to prevent the young novice leading the way from hearing them.

After walking for a while, the little novice monk stopped and clasped his hands together solemnly: All donors, please guard here. After passing the road in front, there is the stupa on the back mountain, which is inconvenient for outsiders to enter.

Meng Qi suddenly felt like he was in a dream, because the place where he stayed was exactly where he had been guarding a few days ago.

Two cliffs face each other, forming a narrow road with dense forests on the left and right in front.

Is this a coincidence, or is there some kind of hidden connection? At this time, Meng Qi knew without looking that the woods on the left and right seemed boundless, but in fact, if he took a few more steps, he would be able to see the cliff.

He was thinking in shock and doubt, while the others listened to the little novice introduce the nearby terrain to facilitate the final evacuation.

The young novice monk seemed to have received instructions from his superiors and explained the terrain in extremely detailed detail.

Hey, I didn’t say that the secret passage on the cliff was wrong. I thought too much. There are no monsters in this world. Who will open up that secret passage? After all, the Shaolin in the two worlds is different. After all, this is Shaohua Mountain, not Liantai Mountain. As Meng Qi listened, the secret passage drilled out by Zhen Guan suddenly appeared in his mind.

Senior Brother Qi, young monk, I’m going to leave this time to you. After the little novice monk left, Jiang Zhiwei took out a thumb-sized white jade bottle of mutton fat, poured out a red pill, drank it together with the Xiao Huan Dan, and began to meditate and adjust her breathing to recover from her injuries.

Zhang Yuanshan's injury was even more serious. He didn't care about Wang Jin's presence and sat down directly to regulate his energy and blood.

Wang Jin looked at them in silence for a while, then looked at Meng Qi who looked wary, walked to the side, closed his eyes and meditated, seeming to regain his energy.

Meng Qi and Qi Zhengyan took turns to be on guard. About half an hour later, faint noises suddenly came from the distance.

Duoercha came again. Meng Qi looked up in the direction of the temple, and sure enough he saw dark clouds there, silver snakes dancing wildly, flames rising in some places, and thick smoke billowing.

He subconsciously clenched the knife, waiting for the final battle to begin.

At this time, Wang Jin stood up suddenly and ran towards Shaolin without saying hello to Meng Qi and others.

What does he want to do? Meng Qi asked in astonishment.

Qi Zhengyan said calmly: Don't worry about him. If he stays, it will hurt his back.

Wang Jin was as fast as a galloping horse, and he was a little excited in his heart. He came from a rough background, and all his martial arts skills were mediocre. He finally reached the stage of enlightenment, and he was considered a master. However, if he wanted to continue, he lacked this level. Secrets, so for him, the world of reincarnation is an opportunity, and now it is also an opportunity

Although this Shaolin is much worse than the real Shaolin, it can be seen from Abbot Xinji that their martial arts are directly directed to the outside scene, and there is no shortage of steps to condense the acupuncture points and open the nine natural orifices.

Now is the time when Shaolin is in chaos. If you arrest a leader or elder to torture the secret book, no one will notice it at all, and you will only think that he died at the hands of Duo Ercha and the others.

Anyway, the mission is just to stick to Shaolin. I didn’t say you can’t harm the Shaolin monks.

Perhaps wanting to take advantage of the chaos, Meng Qi looked at Wang Jin's back and guessed casually.

Suddenly, streaks of silver light shot out from the forest nearby, unimaginably fast, hitting Wang Jin directly.

The noisy sound of rain hitting banana leaves was heard, and small streams of blood spurted out from Wang Jin's body, like a burst water bag. Then, he fell to the ground with a little joy remaining on his expression.

It was a waste of my rainstorm pear blossom needles, but who asked the general to let me not let one go? Hey, you actually dared to blind one of the general's eyes. A young man with sword-browed eyebrows and starry eyes walked out of the forest. He smiled and put the hand in his hand. The black tube was thrown directly to the ground, and he bowed his hands politely and said, "I am Tangshun, nicknamed Qiankun in the palm of my hand, and I am here to send you to see the Buddha of the West, Namo Amitabha."