The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 38: The universe is in the palm of your hand


As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Shun's pace suddenly accelerated, like a mad cow rushing towards Qi Zhengyan and Meng Qi, who were still standing.

Although his martial arts was at the bottom among the four great masters, he was still a strong man in the awakening stage. Qi Zhengyan did not dare to be careless. He made a circle with his long sword and made an arc, just like the setting sun. His defense was leak-proof and his intention was He stabilized himself first, and with Meng Qi's cooperation, he dragged Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan to finish healing and get up to join forces.

It is not that he has no experience fighting against powerful people who have opened their eyes. Whether it is sparring in the sect or the mission of the Hidden Emperor Castle, there are many opponents who only have their eyes opened. Therefore, he is quite confident in his rigorous and steady Changhe swordsmanship, even if there is no hope of victory. , it can still be done after delaying for a while, not to mention that now I have learned some of the thirteen postures of the Thousand Changes of Clouds and Mist, which are hidden in my swordsmanship. They are unpredictable and may even hurt Tang Shun and weaken his strength. .

By then, even if Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan can only perform at 20 to 30% of their level, relying on their exquisite swordsmanship and the strength of their numbers, they are still expected to repel Tang Shun or support them until the main mission is completed.

Meng Qi could probably guess what Qi Zhengyan was thinking. He took eight divine steps, ducked to the side, and hit the head with a knife. They cooperated very well.

Just when Qi Zhengyan and Meng Qi were about to use up their moves, Tang Shun suddenly jumped forward and took the initiative to hit the tip of the sword, as if committing suicide.


This abnormal change aroused Qi Zhengyan's vigilance, but Tang Shun's vision was extremely accurate and his timing was extremely precise. He had no time to put away his sword and return to defense. He could only change his moves and could only turn to one side, lowering his chest and shrinking his belly.

Poof, the long sword made a dull sound as if it had been struck. Meng Qi's blow to the head, because Tang Shun suddenly lunged forward, could only hit his back, slicing his clothes, exposing his dark skin, and leaving white scratches.

The wind from his palm was fierce, Qi Zhengyan escaped with his long sword, and his whole body flew out. Blood spurted out from his mouth, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Practice kung fu horizontally

Perfect iron shirt

Meng Qi ducked backwards and then strangely pounced to the left, avoiding Tang Shun's casual blow after knocking Qi Zhengyan away. He was extremely shocked in his heart.

For so many days, I have been relying on the iron cloth shirt to attack, using fast to defeat the slow, and exchanging small injuries for major injuries to defeat the enemy. It has been smooth sailing, but now, I have to face an iron cloth shirt who is stronger than myself. He is even stronger and has a terrifying opponent whose martial arts skills are even higher than his own.

A blush flashed across Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan's faces, they forcibly interrupted their healing, raised their swords, and prepared to join the battle group.

After Qi Zhengyan landed, he struggled a few times before he managed to stand up. Although he had avoided the critical point of the palm just now, Tang Shun's strength was so strong that he was seriously injured after all.

Back and forth, left and right, facing the formidable enemy Tang Shun, Meng Qi could only walk around, relying on the eight steps of magic to hold on.

The gap between the two sides was really too big, otherwise Meng Qi would definitely choose Zhenmiao's strategy to deal with him.

But now, although Meng Qi's steps are weird, the space for movement is being compressed bit by bit by Tang Shun. Soon, he will be unable to escape.

Miss Jiang and Senior Brother Zhang were about to arrive. Meng Qi gritted his teeth and concentrated on avoiding. Under such pressure and danger, he seemed to have a better grasp of the essence of the Eight Steps of Divine Walking.

Ha. At this moment, Tang Shun suddenly exhaled and sounded like bells and drums.

Buzz Mengqi suddenly felt his ears buzzing, his heart was restless, he was dizzy, his limbs were weak, and his steps slowed down.

Pa Tangshun took the opportunity to catch up, and with a wave of his right palm, he touched Meng Qi's back.

Meng Qi's vision went dark, his back was numb, and he flew into the air. His body made the sound of fried beans, and blood spurted out uncontrollably from his mouth.

Meng Qi woke up from the severe pain and happened to see Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan attacking and defending, catching Tang Shun.

Resisting the urge to faint, Meng Qi managed to adjust his breathing a few times. The mellow Shaolin internal energy slowly circulated like a clear spring, eliminating many discomforts and stabilizing Meng Qi's injuries.

The injury was not serious. Meng Qi looked at his condition, but the iron cloth shirt was completely broken.

Since Tang Shun's palm was flanked by Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan, he was unable to exert his full power. Meng Qi also had Xiao Cheng's iron cloth shirt to protect him, so he was only slightly injured and the iron cloth shirt failed, and he still had Xiao Cheng's strength. .

But without the iron cloth shirt, Meng Qi's strength dropped by at least 70%

In the main hall, the sound of wooden fish echoed without any gaps, creating a wonderful solemn silence.

Xinjie sat cross-legged in front of the golden Buddha statue, tapping the old wooden fish in front of him with a calm and indifferent expression. It did not look like a big enemy was coming, but rather like he was doing his daily homework.

Monk of Peace of Mind, you have gained a bit of Zen. The sky outside was dark, lead clouds were hanging low, silver snakes were flashing, and the rain was heavy. A figure slowly walked through the curtain formed by dripping water from the eaves, and stepped into the Mahavira Palace. It was General Duoercha.

He was wearing a barbarian black robe, and his left eye, which was blinded by Jiang Zhiwei, was not closed, but widened with anger, revealing a heart-stopping darkness and hollowness.

It's a pity that the donor could not be persuaded to put down the butcher's knife. The wooden fish stopped and Shi Shiran said.

Duo'ercha exclaimed: "You will become a Buddha by killing all living beings"

Following his words, strong winds roared in the Main Hall, blowing out the candles one after another.

Calm and unhurried, he struck the wooden fish again and said solemnly:

Relics, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed

In his left palm, a burst of glazed Buddha light suddenly appeared, and bursts of Zen sounds were heard:

Not dirty, not clean, neither increasing nor decreasing

The Buddha's light converges on Xinji's body, making him look like a solemn Buddha statue. Together with the golden sculptures behind him, one is small and one is large, one is empty and the other is real, one is moving and the other is still, forming an indescribable scene.

Duoercha's expression became solemn: You actually gave up so many relics.

He waved out his right fist, the strong wind in front of him condensed into a giant dragon, and lightning struck the top of the palace.

Without the accumulation of suffering, there is no way to destroy the path, and there is no wisdom and no gain. When the left palm of the heart is silent, the Buddha's light is strong and the King Kong's eyes are angry.

Meng Qi stood up, looking for the Jiedao that flew out of his hand, and fully observed the battle between Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan. At the same time, from the corner of his eye, he saw Qi Zhengyan picking up his long sword and standing there with a little hesitation. There.

Zhang Yuanshan was good at Daji's defensive stance, and Jiang Zhiwei's swordsmanship was unparalleled. He defended and attacked at the same time, and actually stopped Tang Shun temporarily.

In their current situation, Tang Shun could forcefully break Zhang Yuanshan's defense with a few quick attacks, but at every critical moment, Jiang Zhiwei's White Rainbow Sun-piercing Sword was like a poisonous snake emerging from its hole, stabbing at several of his places smartly and terrifyingly. The cover forced him to give up the attack and switch to defense, giving Zhang Yuanshan a chance to breathe.

And if he wanted to defeat Jiang Zhiwei first, he would not be able to break through Zhang Yuanshan's sword power.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi was secretly happy. Qi Zhengyan should not hesitate anymore. With his help, Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan would be able to hold Tang Shun down and wait for the end of the mission.

Just when Meng Qi found his Jiedao and was about to join the battle group, Zhang Yuanshan's body suddenly trembled and the sword's power suddenly slowed down.

Oops, his injuries can't be suppressed.

As soon as these words flashed into Meng Qi's mind, he saw Tang Shun seize the opportunity and slap away Zhang Yuanshan's long sword with one palm, and kicked him in the side with his left foot, sending him flying away.

The sound of Zhang Yuanshan's ribs breaking was clearly audible. After landing, blood spurted out. He tried to stand up but was unable to do so. He was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Without his defense, Jiang Zhiwei immediately faced Tang Shun. Within two or three blows, due to her unstable injuries and lack of strength, her movements were not as agile and quick as when she was at her peak. Tang Shun took the opportunity and hit him hard with his left palm. The sword came close to her, and she exerted force on her right shoulder, knocking her away.

Jiang Zhiwei's clothes were fluttering and her teeth were clenched, but the blood from the corner of her mouth was overflowing as if it was free. Even so, she still held the sword tightly. After landing, she barely used the sword blade to punch the ground to keep herself from falling.

Tang Shun was stunned for a moment and sighed in admiration. He originally thought that this blow could directly kill Jiang Zhiwei, but unexpectedly it could only severely injure her. Unfortunately, it's a shame that you can't even beat a child now.

He looked around, seeing the injuries and the weak, he felt proud secretly, and laughed loudly: Your martial arts are all exquisite and extraordinary, obviously your inheritance is extraordinary, why not teach me, and I will make your death easier, okay

As he said that, he looked at Jiang Zhiwei: You are a very pretty little girl. You are the only one Tang has seen in his life. If it weren't for the general's death order, I would never have shown mercy. Hehe, I like you best in martial arts. You seem to be strong. You are such a heroic girl. If you hug me to death, it depends on whether you beg for mercy or not.

Jiang Zhiwei looked extremely angry, but her current injury made it difficult to even speak, and she could only gasp for air.

As Tang Shun spoke, he approached Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan, facing Meng Qi and Qi Zhengyan, intending to use his words and momentum to put death pressure on them and force them to find out the secret of the magic.

In fact, he had a unique method of interrogation, which was extremely vicious. However, Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan were seriously injured and were close to death. If this method was used, it would probably end without asking anything.

Why do you, a little monk, think that your martial arts skills are mediocre and your strength is low? Well, I might as well kill you first. Tang Shun decided to scare the monkeys and picked Meng Qi, who was least worth questioning.

Meng Qi kept yelling obscene words, but he felt strangely calm in his heart, constantly thinking about how to deal with it.

Although he knew that the hope was extremely slim based on the strength and conditions of both sides, he did not collapse and tried to grasp the glimmer of hope.

Meng Qi watched Tang Shun approach step by step, preparing to fight to the death.

If you don't fight, you are destined to die, so you might as well risk it all

Tang Shun walked towards Meng Qi with a smile, but looked at Jiang Zhiwei and Zhang Yuanshan, waiting for them to surrender.

"Little monk, do you think I should remove your left hand or your right leg first? Or do you want to be a eunuch first?" Tang Shun chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression suddenly froze, and a white light bloomed in Qi Zhengyan's hand, getting brighter and hotter, illuminating everyone and hitting Tang Shun who was caught off guard.

Amidst Tang Shun's roar, the sound of thick cloth being torn was heard, and at this moment, another white light flew out of Qi Zhengyan's hand, dazzling and more powerful, and hit Tang Shun with a whooshing sound. The blocking right palm penetrated directly and hit the chest.

Meng Qi, the son's mother-in-law soul escort, seemed vaguely familiar. It was a Tang Sect hidden weapon that had left a deep impression on him when he saw it before.

However, he didn't have time to think about it. The attack he just planned became instinctive. He ducked, ducked and rolled, and got in front of Tang Shun. He stabbed up with the long knife and penetrated Tang Shun's abdomen from the lower vaginal door.

Meng Qi turned hard, blood poured down from his head, and heat billowed.

He didn't care to continue to use force, abandoned the knife and rolled away to avoid Tang Shun's dying counterattack.

Tang Shun's tragic scream echoed in the back mountain, like a lone wolf crying at the moon, like an evil ghost crying at the grave.

The screams gradually became muted, and Tang Shun fell limply with his eyes wide open. There was a strange-shaped dart stuck in his chest, and his lower body was covered in blood and flesh.

After sending out the Son-Mother Soul-Leaving Dart, Qi Zhengyan seemed to be unable to stand still, and fell to his knees, gasping for air.

Meng Qi wiped the blood on his face. Did he exchange all his Huanhua Sword Sect martial arts