The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 44: Choose each one


But Sword Twenty-three is too dangerous. Meng Qi doesn't know how to describe Jian Twenty-three. After all, this sword technique was in the comics he read in his previous life, but the introduction to Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation was relatively brief, so he couldn't reveal his knowledge of it. Deep understanding.

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Sword Twenty-Three, from the Holy Spirit Sword Technique in Fengyun Comics, a sword that can only be wielded by burning life and giving up life. It is the sword of the heart, the sword of the soul, the sword of the spirit, and the sword of the sword. With one sword, The senses are stagnant, everything is frozen, and there is no escape.

This is a very powerful sword move. The only problem is that it requires death to be used. This is something Meng Qi doesn't think is appropriate.

Of course, Meng Qi has been reading this comic for many years, and his memory has long been blurred. Maybe he remembers it incorrectly, and this was redeemed from the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Who knows if it gave him the original swordsmanship.

Because there were so many things on the exchange chart, neither Zhang Yuanshan nor Qi Zhengyan noticed the Holy Spirit Sword Technique, so they looked at Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei without knowing why.

Jiang Zhi smiled and said: I didn't expect that we would like the same swordsmanship by chance. Don't worry, young monk. I exchanged the sword manual to study the changes in sword moves and the concentration of sword intent. I can look at the stones from other mountains and attack the jade of my own swordsmanship. I won't I let the Holy Spirit Sword Technique lead me by the nose. One day, if I learn Sword Twenty-Three, I will only understand the laws and principles in it, and understand where the sword of the heart comes from, where the sword of the soul comes from, and where the stagnation of the senses comes from. Where does time come from, not just practice and imitation.

It seems that the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation specifically warned of the dangers of the Twenty-Three Swords during the introduction. Jiang Zhiwei understood what Meng Qi meant. However, if there was no such danger, how could the Twenty-Three Swords be only worth four thousand good deeds? Of course, after the exchange, , whether it can be practiced or not remains to be seen.

Miss Jiang, since you have made up your mind, then redeem it. Jiang Zhiwei's words were very reasonable, and Meng Qi slightly nodded thoughtfully.

Anyway, it will take a long, long time to redeem it for Sword Twenty-Three.

Naturally, the decision made by a natural swordsman cannot be dissuaded. Zhang Yuanshan took out the jade book and read the introduction of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique. He frowned slightly and immediately relaxed: This is a good sword technique, and it can have the effect of Sword Twenty-Three There are not many magical moves.

Jiang Zhiwei rubbed the Baihong Sun Sword and smiled softly: But those magical moves do not have such stringent requirements. Well, I want to redeem the first eighteen moves of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique first and ponder the essence of the Sentient Sword Technique before continuing. Deep realization.

She stood up, took the jade book, returned Zhang Yuanshan's twenty good deeds, then walked to the central light pillar and placed the White Rainbow Sun Sword in it.

Strangely enough, after the White Rainbow Penetrating Sun Sword was put into the beam of light, it did not fall to the ground, but just floated in the air, wrapped in dense air.

The light disappeared, the cracks dissipated, and the white rainbow piercing the sun sword was as radiant as before.

It's cheap to only use thirty good deeds. Jiang Zhi took back her beloved sword with a smile on her face, turned around and said to everyone, "It takes two hundred good deeds to exchange for the sentient part of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique. I still have seventy good deeds left, and I plan to exchange it for another form of Shared Hatred of Heaven and Earth to think about it."

The Holy Spirit Sword Technique can only be exchanged in the form of Sword 23, Sword 23, Sword 23, Sword of Destruction, Sword 23, and part ruthless part, and cannot be completely broken down into Sword One, Sword Two, Sword Three, etc.

The hatred between heaven and earth is the most representative sword among the one hundred and eight swords in the Hidden Sword Tower, worth sixty merit. Jiang Zhiwei has been interested in the swordsmanship of the parallel sects for a long time.

Meng Qi said doubtfully: Miss Jiang, you only exchange sword skills.

Don’t you need to exchange for magical elixirs

The training method of Taishang Sword Classic of my school is different from other schools. It requires observing the swordsmanship of hundreds of schools, mastering it and then forgetting it, so as to strengthen the sword intention in the heart. The stronger the sword intention, the faster the internal strength grows, and the condensation of the acupoints is even more powerful. Therefore, when I exchange sword skills, I also practice them. It is faster and has no hidden dangers than taking pills to assist me. Jiang Zhiwei said calmly, everyone who knows Xijian Pavilion knows this.

After saying that, she reached into the light beam and took out a gray secret book and a few pages of tissue paper.

She asked casually as she flipped through the swordsmanship secret book with bright eyes, who should be discussed next.

She planned to save the remaining ten good deeds for accumulation to prevent accidents, such as the main mission not being completed and requiring treatment.

Brother Zhang, you already know what you plan to exchange for. Meng Qi already knows the main things he wants to exchange for, so he is not in a hurry.

Zhang Yuanshan pondered and said: To be honest, I have always believed in the way of concentration. If the martial arts exchanged are too complicated, it will not be beautiful. After all, my swordsmanship is enough for now. Therefore, except for Tiancong Wan, I really don’t know how to exchange it for the moment. What.

He has finished concentrating on the relevant acupoints of the ear acupoints and is ready to open the apertures of both ears.

Meng Qi's heart moved as he thought of what Gu Xiaosang said, Senior Brother Zhang, why don't you strengthen your own foundation

What do you mean? Zhang Yuanshan asked doubtfully.

Gu Xiaosang once said that when Zhang Yuanshan was observing the introductory chapters of the two major Zhenwu sects’ magical skills, he didn’t understand the true meaning. Meng Qi got inspiration from this:

Senior Brother Zhang, I remember that most of the magic secrets can be redeemed by dividing them into Qi Accumulation and Awakening Chapters. You might as well exchange it directly for the Qi Accumulation Chapter that you are currently majoring in. It will be instilled by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Then, you can Understand the difference between what it instills and what you usually comprehend and practice, so as to make targeted changes and strengthen the foundation.

The Tathagata Divine Palm and the Seven Swords of Jietian are not differentiated in the Qi Gathering Chapter and the Awakening Chapter, because this is itself included in the understanding of each palm and each style, and they can be directly converted from any skill. There is no hinder, and can also improve the original foundation.

Zhang Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, then clapped his palms together, making a crisp sound, and walked back and forth excitedly: Why didn't I think of it? Why didn't I think of it

His excitement made Jiang Zhiwei look up from the secret book of Holy Spirit Sword Technique.

After a while, he calmed down and solemnly bowed his hands: Thank you, Junior Brother Zhending, your suggestion gave me the hope of understanding the serious problem of determination.

Because he has already completed this stage, the foundation for exchange practice will not be unstable. Instead, he can use this to compare, confirm each other, understand the true meaning, explore existing problems, and make up for his inability to understand the method from the true meaning inheritance. Hidden danger.

I just had an occasional feeling and mentioned it casually. I don’t deserve such a great gift from Senior Brother Zhang. Meng Qi said with a smile.

Dang De, Dang De is a brother who specializes in defensive Tai Chi, but his main training is Zhenwu Qijiejing. Due to various reasons, the more he practices, the more difficult it becomes. Fortunately, there is a world of reincarnation. Zhang Yuanshan couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart, quickly walked into the light pillar and started to exchange.

It seems that he has more expectations and enthusiasm for the world of reincarnation.

Meng Qi flipped through the small jade book and found that the Seven Sections of the Zhenwu Sutra were divided into the Qi Gathering Chapter, the Awakening Chapter, the Outdoor Scenery Chapter, the Dharma Body Chapter, the Hundred Days Foundation Building Chapter, which were similar, with no special chapters.

Among them, the Qi Accumulation chapter requires one hundred good deeds, the Awakening chapter requires one thousand good deeds, the External Scenery chapter requires 20,000 good deeds, and the Dharmakaya chapter requires two hundred thousand good deeds.

In other words, Zhang Yuanshan would have to spend at least two hundred good deeds if he directly exchanged it for practice.

The rays of rays of light shone all over the body, making Zhang Yuanshan feel like climbing into a fairyland, and the surrounding light spots were like fireflies dancing.

After a while, the rays of light disappeared, and Zhang Yuanshan walked out of the beam of light, his face full of joy and refreshed: It turns out that in the past few years, I have gone astray more and more, and it is still hard to find the astray. Two hundred good deeds are so worth it.

He also held a Tiancong pill in his hand, and the remaining twenty good works were also used to prevent accidents.

Senior Brother Zhang has studied Zhenwu Seven Sections Sutra and is good at Tai Chi defense. Miss Jiang’s swordsmanship is powerful and her swordsmanship is fierce. They complement each other, and this exchange is also strengthening in this direction. Therefore, the two of us try not to repeat each other. . Meng Qi said to Qi Zheng.

In a short period of time, his position was clear, that is, he was the mt in the previous online games, using horizontal skills to attract attacks and help others find opportunities, but Qi Zhengyan's position was a bit vague.

This is not a problem. The problem is that the current team lacks long-range attackers, lacks talents in concealed weapon mechanisms, and lacks many, many more. However, there is no way. The current team only has four people, which is still too thin, and it is impossible for everyone to divide it. Don't worry about it, after all, the road to martial arts still requires concentration.

Qi Zhengyan nodded: Junior Brother Zhending, you want to strengthen your horizontal kung fu training.

Meng Qi frowned: I have too much to exchange, and this time before entering the world of reincarnation

He told the truth about the secret Taoism and the rewards from the Bodhi Courtyard. There is no need to hide it now.

Zhang Yuanshan said unimaginably that the two worlds have the same secret path.

No wonder you were able to find the secret passage. Qi Zhengyan was also shocked and inexplicable.

Jiang Zhiwei frowned slightly and thought: Maybe there is really some connection, but we currently know too little to see through it.

Everyone thought hard for a while, but couldn't think of a reason, so they had to change the topic. Zhang Yuanshan smiled and said: According to Shaolin's custom, the reward from the Bodhi Courtyard will definitely let you choose among the seventy-two stunts. For the Qi Gathering chapter of this category, you can directly choose the Golden Bell Shield or the Vajra Indestructible Magic Kung Fu, so there is no need to exchange for the Qi Gathering chapter for other horizontal kung fu exercises.

Well, I have to complete the first remaining form of Ananda’s broken sword technique, and I have to complete the poisonous needles of the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle. Meng Qi said his plan, and I felt that the eight steps of the divine walk were no longer enough. Let's see if I can spend good deeds to sublimate the magical walk to a hundred changes. If there are still good deeds left, I would choose a good sword technique.

Qi Zhengyan looked at the syringe he picked up. There was no need to hide this.

You have thought very carefully, and they are the ones that should be redeemed. If your sword skills and good deeds are not enough, I can lend you ten good deeds, nine out of ten and thirteen in return. Jiang Zhiwei joked.

Zhang Yuanshan nodded gently: I can also lend it to you.

Anyway, the remaining good deeds are to prepare for accidents. At best, I can collect some unimportant secret books and artifacts to take with me.

Qi Zhengyan pondered for a moment and said with an expressionless face: "Ten times come out and twelve times come back."

How long are you going to laugh about this matter? Meng Qi pretended to be angry and walked towards the central light pillar and stepped inside.

It takes one hundred and ten good deeds to complete the first step of Ananda's broken sword technique. After completing it, it is equivalent to the things exchanged and cannot be exchanged for good deeds.

It takes fifty meritorious deeds to make up for the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

The eight steps of the divine walk can be sublimated into the ever-changing divine walk. Because of understanding, only forty good deeds are needed.

Whether to redeem

The voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation echoed in Meng Qi's ears.

Meng Qi naturally did not hesitate, but was delighted that it was less than he expected, especially that the eight steps of divine walking only required forty meritorious deeds because of his understanding.

Therefore, he simply chose to exchange.