The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 67: The magic of transformation


The north-south connection is the courtyard of the residence behind the front shop. Meng Qi sat in the shadow of the eaves and looked at Wu Cheng's bedroom opposite.

After leaving the letter in You Tongguang's study, Meng Qi rushed to the Nanbeitong Shop in Shuimen, north of the city, overnight to monitor Wu Cheng's every move.

Since the Snow God Palace was destroyed decades ago, and the remaining disciples are all secretly inherited and have rich experience, Meng Qi believes that if he sneaks in and captures Wu Cheng for torture like he did with Jin Ancheng, he will most likely be able to alert the snake, such as near Wu Cheng. There are other people from the Snow God Palace observing his movements. If something is wrong, they will immediately notify the relevant people and completely cut off contact. It is also possible that he has dentures hidden in his mouth and is willing to commit suicide at the critical moment to keep it secret.

All these factors made Meng Qi decide to try other methods first. If that didn't work, he would consider using force.

Therefore, it was not unreasonable for Meng Qi to scare Wu Cheng in the afternoon by saying that there would be disaster if the dark clouds covered the sky. Since the Snow God Palace claims to be a descendant of gods and wants to break the boundaries between humans and gods, it must believe in things such as immortals, gods, and destiny, and is more superstitious than normal people. , when he encounters a curse from a strange monk like him, no matter whether he believes it or not, he will probably feel a little uneasy, fearful and anxious in his heart.

In such a state, Wu Chengcheng is likely to seek psychological comfort, such as worshiping the Snow God, or looking to the high-level Snow God Palace in Tianding City to resolve disasters and stabilize his emotions.

Of course, Meng Qi was only based on the concepts promoted by Snow God Palace and the information provided to Fei Xiangfei who showed clues to the development of the cult after so many years of secret inheritance. He was not absolutely sure. If Wu Cheng didn't respond, then he would have to do something else. Let's try another method.

Dark clouds covered the moon, only a faint ray of light shone, and the surroundings were pitch black. Meng Qi could barely see Wu Cheng's bedroom clearly by relying on the six acupoints related to his eyes.

After a long time, there was a slight creaking sound. Meng Qi looked intently and saw Wu Cheng pushing open the window, carefully looking around, and then gently nodding diagonally in front of him.

Meng Qi's heart moved diagonally in front of him. He followed his line of sight and saw the door of the side room slowly opening.

It turned out that there was a guy from Snow God Palace who was watching Wu Cheng across the way. I didn't know there were a few such people hiding nearby. Meng Qi was secretly glad that he didn't go in to arrest Wu Cheng simply and roughly.

Wu Cheng jumped out of the window, with a slight sound on the ground. His martial arts was quite good. Then he ducked into the side room and closed the door.

There was no candlelight in the wing, and no sound of speaking was heard. It seemed as if there was no one inside.

Meng Qi was about to go down to check when he suddenly remembered Fei Zhengqing's excavation of the tunnel, so he realized something and did not jump into the courtyard. Instead, he looked around and observed the nearby courtyards.

If it is a tunnel, there must be a fear of being discovered when digging. The route chosen must be short and not disturb the people. This wing is close to the two courtyards on the west side. Obviously, it will not take the trouble to pass through its own courtyard and lead to the east. If this is the case with the courtyards on the north and east sides, it is better to choose the east or north wing as the tunnel entrance from the beginning.

Therefore, Meng Qi believed that the exit of the tunnel was in one of the two courtyards on the west side. Even if the Snow God Palace was really cautious, there would be at most one more courtyard to the west and he would have time to explore them one by one.

He didn't think about following him directly from the tunnel entrance here, because he suspected that there were people from Snow God Palace monitoring this wing, and entering hastily would only alert the enemy.

Standing up, Meng Qi took advantage of the darkness and quietly entered one of the courtyards on the west side.

After a while, Meng Qi judged from the owner's condition that this courtyard belonged to an ordinary house, so he sneaked into another one and kept pressing his ears against the roof tiles to listen to the goings on inside.

After hearing deliberately suppressed breathing from time to time, he gradually felt confident.

According to the principle of which wing is closest to Wu Cheng's courtyard, Meng Qi heard Wu Cheng's voice without much effort:

Thank you, Hanshi Kaijie. My subordinates were overwhelmed by the tension during this period, so they were worried about the random nonsense of a young monk.

A slightly older voice sounded: Respecting heaven and fearing gods is the foundation of our Snow God Palace sect. There is nothing wrong with it. We just have to identify people who are cheating. Alas, this time too, we suffered heavy losses. Even the venerable one is missing. It is inevitable that people will be panicked. .

His Holiness is missing

Meng Qi didn't know what the title in the secret inheritance of Snow God Palace meant, but he could tell that the Venerable's status was higher than that of the cold envoy.

"Hanshi, the venerable one hasn't gone away yet" Wu Cheng suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Then Hanshi said solemnly: Friends on the roof, please come down.

Meng Qi was shocked when he discovered me, but he did not act immediately to prevent fraud.

The cold envoy spoke again: Friends on the roof, since you heard that we came from the Snow God Palace, you should not know the magic of transformation. The young man is not talented and has not yet completed the cultivation, but his perception is different from ordinary people.

Hearing such a statement, Meng Qi knew that he had been exposed, but the skilled man was bold. He let out a long laugh, flew down from the roof, knocked on the door and entered openly.

There were four people in the room, one was Wu Cheng, the other was an old man with a stooped back, and the remaining two people were sitting on either side of the old man, seemingly his entourage.

It turned out to be Mr. Shenhou. The old man was startled when he saw the playful monkey face mask on Meng Qi's face, as if he hadn't expected it.

He was wearing short brown clothes, like a poor and busy man on the dock.

The method of transformation is truly extraordinary. Meng Qi casually closed the door as if visiting a friend, and hit the sleeping points of Han Shi's two followers.

Han Shi did not resist, but smiled and said: The method of transformation is indeed magical, but it is not as close to ghosts and gods as rumored. I don’t know why Mr. Shenhou is here.

Last night, Shen Hou took action and easily killed Jin Ancheng. He thought that he was not strong enough, so he decided to tell the unimportant secrets frankly and look for opportunities to escape.

There are two purposes, the first is to inquire about the mystery of the Dafa of Apparition. This was the purpose Meng Qi just came up with.

Han Shi said doubtfully: Mr. Shenhou wanted to ask about the Dafa of Apparition, but he had come to the wrong person. Unless he was a respected person, he could not be taught the full text of the Dafa of Apparition. The little old man only knew a little bit about it.

Meng Qi asked with a smile on his face, seemingly relaxed.

The cold messenger nodded: Anyone who has an in-depth understanding of the Snow God Palace is familiar with the method of transformation. It specializes in practicing the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows and is a magical skill that unlocks the secrets of the human body. Even if the practitioner has not opened the secret in the end. If you hide, you will be mentally stronger than ordinary people. You can sense most things within a certain distance without seeing it with your eyes or hearing it with your ears.

This is not a secret, but not everyone can know it, so it is normal for Shen Hou not to know.

Meng Qi, the mysterious Zang Mengqi, the Ancestral Aperture Essence in the Eyebrow Center, became more and more interested in the method of transfiguration. He smiled and said: It turns out that this is how Hanshi discovered me just now.

After a pause, he asked cautiously: If the phantom technique is practiced to the extreme, will it be possible to create phantoms through powerful spirits, like ghosts and gods, which are impossible to guard against

How do you know? Han Shi asked in astonishment, how could Shenhou, who knew nothing about the Apparition Dharma just now, know the horror after the Apparition Dharma is completed

Because I fought against such a person last night, and every sword attack could only hit a shadow, and I finally managed to drive him back. I suspect that he is your venerable person. Meng Qi deliberately revealed some details to see what judgment Han Envoy could give.

It's impossible, how could you force back the man who had perfected the Apparition Dafa? Hanshi obviously didn't believe in Meng Qi's strength, but he quickly calmed down his shock and said thoughtfully: I have full authority to deal with Tianding City and the province where it is located. The master of things has been missing for many days without any contact. He is probably dead. The person Mr. Shenhou is facing should not be the master. Moreover, even if he is a master, his attainments in the magic of transformation cannot reach such a terrifying level. .

Will you, the master of the palace, come here? Meng Qi also believes that the transformation method of a venerable person cannot be so powerful, otherwise the Snow God Palace would not have secretly inherited it long ago.

Han Shi shook his head in obvious amusement, then pondered for a moment and said: It may not be the magic of transformation.

Well, Meng Qi expressed doubts in his nasal voice.

Han Shi said with a solemn expression: The Transformation Technique is a magical skill that can open up the hidden secrets of the human body, but it is not the only one. If there are other methods to cultivate the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows and open up the hidden secrets of the essence, then whether or not the Transformation Technique can interfere in the fight The enemy's facial features cause the opponent to deviate in judgment and create a shadow of himself.

Meng Qi opened the secret treasure and whispered thoughtfully, and then changed the topic. I came here this time for another purpose. I wanted to ask about the treasures of Snow God Palace, and now there is another one. The question is why your venerable one disappeared and when did he disappear

He did not ask Duan Mingcheng directly, but asked in roundabout ways.

Han Shi smiled bitterly again: The two are the same thing. I'm not afraid of Mr. Shenhou's laughter. When our Snow God Palace was split, the four guardians each took away a treasure map. If the four maps are combined, the treasure can be found. It's sad. After testing, in the end there was only one protector left who was willing to continue the inheritance of Snow God Palace, so we only had a treasure map in our hands.

The other three, one is missing, one is in the hands of the Living God of Wealth, and one was obtained by Duan Mingcheng, the son of Mr. Xianyin. He also covets the treasure and has many contacts with us. Just when everyone was planning to join forces, the Venerable who came to discuss disappeared with him.

The missing piece is in my hand, Meng Qi thought silently, and at the same time there was some confusion in his heart. It seems that Duan Mingcheng did go to see the mysterious man at that time, but he was not kidnapped by the mysterious man, but disappeared with the mysterious man.

Of course, the description of Snow God Palace may not be true.

Regarding the disappearance of the Venerable, Han Shi mobilized a large number of manpower to search for him, but before the news came back, he was hunted by Fei Zhengqing and had to go underground. From then on, the investigation became difficult and there were no clues.

Meng Qi woke up Han Shi's followers and questioned them again, and the results were highly consistent.

Seeing that there was no more information, Meng Qi smiled slightly and said: "I'm nagging you late at night, please forgive me for your sins. I'll leave now. By the way, I wonder if you can silently write me a copy of the Apparition Dafa, just what you know."

He has not yet planned to practice the Shapeshifting Technique. After all, Han Shi may have tampered with the sentences. He just wanted to take a look at the cultivation ideas of the Ancestral Aperture between the Eyebrows and ponder the reasoning behind it.

Commander Han sighed, found a pen and paper, and wrote the first part silently. Anyway, this was not the core chapter of the Apparition Technique.

After getting the first chapter of the Apparition Dafa, Meng Qi quickly exited the room, and then waited outside for an hour. He found that no one came to see Han Envoy, and Han Envoy did not leave either.

Then he changed direction again and again and headed towards Jinshui Bridge.

When he was about to leave Beicheng, Meng Qi suddenly had a wave of doubt. Even if Han Shi was afraid of death, he didn't need to be so cooperative. There were many questions he asked without hesitation.

Meng Qi's heart sank, and he returned along the road and came to the courtyard again.

There was no sound in the wing, and Meng Qi felt something was wrong, so he opened the window paper and peeked inside.

There were people lying on the floor in the room. Han Shi was leaning against a beam, his face was respectful, his expression was frozen, and he had lost his breath.

:Thank you everyone, I actually made it into the top three, please continue to ask for clicks and recommendations~