The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 84: The edge of the vast sea


Liushaji is the last market town that enters the vast sea of death in the west. After leaving the market, you can see the vast expanse of gravel, desolation and depression. The few tenacious and twisted greens not only fail to bring the pulse of life, but instead set off the vast silence of the Gobi.

The Western Regions is the collective name for the vast area in the west of the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. It is not actually a comprehensive concept. Since the Yumen Pass, hundreds of countries have stood up, and deserts and Gobis are everywhere. Among them, the Gobi desert alone has many deaths. There are many places such as the Vast Sea God Burial Desert, the West Pole Desert, etc., and there are many oases and underground rivers in their hinterlands, forming a wonderful and exotic customs.

A previous generation of location experts who traveled to the Western Regions once said that the Western Regions can be said to be deserts and Gobis wrapped around oases and countries. It can also be said to be a mixture of deserts and Gobis between countless countries. The only exception is the Snowy Mountains in the north, which are endless. It starts from Yuanhai and ends at Yumen Pass, stretching for countless thousands of miles and running through the entire Western Region.

And deep in the Snowy Mountains, there are rumors that there are the tombs of nine immortals from the ancient mythological era, which suppressed the endless sea. Among the six sword-holding sects, the Snow Mountain Sect is said to have developed and grown from the tomb-keepers who passed down the generations.

The strong wind mixed with gravel was as sharp as ice, blowing towards the quicksand market, shrouding the market town in sand and dust, making it difficult to see for three feet and making it difficult to hear.

Is this a sandstorm? Meng Qi, who had never experienced it before, tightened his thick monk robe. It was not that he was afraid of the cold, but he felt that after being covered with dust and gravel, he lost his free and elegant temperament, like an old man shepherding sheep.

Since leaving Shaolin at the height of autumn, Xuanbei has been traveling at a leisurely pace, leaving plenty of time for the monks who went to other sects to explain the matter. Therefore, in March of Yangchun, the three masters and apprentices arrived at Liushaji , and March in the Western Regions is still as cold as a severe winter.

Zhenhui opened her big eyes and curiously looked at the dust around her, at the trees around her that were stained and decadent and dim, and at the camels with bells dangling from their heads, and occasionally let out small exclamations.

There are very few pedestrians in Jishang. The people who live here have gone back to their homes to avoid the strong wind and sand. Only the merchants, rangers and travelers are still walking towards the only inn in Jishang despite the wind and sand.

Senior brother, they look different from us. Zhenhui finally couldn't help but ask.

Many pedestrians have high noses and deep eyes, with hair and pupils of different colors, which are unusual among the people in the Central Plains. What's more, some have double horns on their heads and open eyes between their eyebrows, looking like monsters.

Meng Qi was dazzled by what he saw, but he didn't know how to answer Zhenhui.

Amitabha Buddha, where water and soil support people, has its own differences. However, some people in the Western Regions are said to be descendants of gods and demons, so it is inevitable that they will have special shapes. Xuanbei said quietly.

The former refers to normal people from the Western Regions, and the latter refers to those aliens who are born with two horns and open eyes.

Descendants of gods and demons, do they have any special abilities? Meng Qi asked with great interest, could it be that the redemption chart of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation also hides bloodline options such as descendants of gods and demons

The wind and sand were coming, but Xuan Bei's side was unstained. He smiled and said: "Of course there is."

While they were talking, the three masters and apprentices had already arrived at the inn. It was a three-story house with an old appearance and covered with traces of wind and sand. It was the first hotel in Hanhai.

Stepping into the inn, Meng Qi first saw the counter, which was right next to the door. It was messily filled with papers, brushes, account books and other items.

The shopkeeper is a woman wearing a black dress. She is in her mid-twenties, dressed as a woman, with willowy eyebrows and phoenix eyes. Her face is as beautiful as a blooming flower. She is full of femininity, attracting the attention of the customers who come and go. Look around.

She rested her chin on her right hand and lazily looked at the account book. The expression on her face, which was made even whiter by the black dress, was cold, as if everyone in the inn owed her a hundred taels of silver.

Amitabha, the shopkeeper, lives and dines in the hotel. As the relatively reliable disciple, Meng Qi went up and said that he actually wanted to call the boss lady directly, but unfortunately the master was watching from behind.

The woman in the black dress didn't even raise her head and said indifferently: Five taels of silver per night, not counting meals.

I x, you robbed her. Meng Qi wanted to teach her that the customer is God, but unfortunately the master was watching from behind.

Thinking that there was only this inn here, not even a ruined temple, and it was a monopoly industry, Meng Qi looked back at his master and saw him gently nodding, so he took out some silver taels from the package and put it on the counter: fifteen taels of silver, Three rooms.

There are only two rooms. The woman in black skirt still ignored him.

Meng Qi thought there was no problem. He and Zhenhui could just squeeze into the master's room. Anyway, there were quite a lot of sleeping and dining along the way. It was good to have two rooms now: Okay, this is ten taels of silver, two rooms. house.

He stretched out his hand to take back five taels of silver.

The woman in black skirt looked at Meng Qi sideways: It’s calculated on a per-capita basis.

Meng Qi's mouth twitched, he wanted to teach her how to behave, but unfortunately the master was watching from behind.

After obtaining Master's consent, Meng Qi nodded and said: Fifteen taels of silver, two rooms.

The woman in the black dress slowly gathered the money and said without raising her eyes: "On the second floor, there are two unlocked rooms on the west side. You can go alone."

Don't think that because you are a beautiful woman, I won't dare to hit you. Unfortunately, the master looked at Meng Qi from behind and thought so resentfully many times. This was a subconscious thought developed along the way.

In the lobby of the inn, there were more than twenty tables, all of which were full of people. Some were clapping hands and drinking, some were talking loudly, and some were whispering in low voices. It was very lively.

Some of these guests are in tight trousers and look like they are practicing family members at first glance, some have a dusty face but have an aura of wealth in every detail, some are dressed in Confucian robes and have a bit of scholarly temperament despite being surrounded by the hustle and bustle. Others have their heads covered, long robes covering their bodies, and are dressed as Shakes. People in the Jin Dynasty called people who traveled through the deserts of the Western Regions and Gobi deserts all year round to make a living, and there were many horse bandits and robbers among them.

When Xuan Bei led his two apprentices through the lobby, many guests glanced at them covertly. After seeing nothing special, they withdrew their gaze and continued their efforts to make noise:

five, five, five

Haha, three six drinks and three bowls

Damn it, why did you lose again

In such a noisy environment, a young-looking man took a sip of wine, frowned, patted the bowl down, stood up and shouted: Shopkeeper, your wine is not strong enough, has it been mixed with water

Suddenly, all the sounds in the lobby stopped abruptly. Those who were punching, throwing dice, talking, drinking, and eating all kept their original movements for a short time as if time had frozen.

The woman in black dress, who may be the shopkeeper or the proprietress, raised her head, her eyebrows raised and her almond-shaped eyes wide:

If you like to drink, go away if you don’t.

Phew, Meng Qi almost spat out his saliva, this boss lady has such a personality

The young man who complained that the liquor was watered down did not expect such an answer at all, and stood there stupidly for a moment.

Ha ha. The stiff crowd burst into laughter, as if they had expected such treatment from the young man.

Haha, I was laughing so hard that someone dared to yell at Jiuniang.

Don't talk to me. I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying. Where did this green-headed boy come from

Jiuniang, it’s not like wine is mixed with water, it’s obviously water. Uh-huh, don’t cover my mouth.

If you don’t cover your mouth, you want to be kicked out or drink a basin of Jiuniang’s foot-washing water.

It was probably the first time for the young man to walk in the world. Faced with this situation, besides his face turning red, he could not get angry or endure it.

Fortunately, Lao Jianghu, who often walked here, was his companion. He stood up and spoke a few words in his ear, urging him to sit down again.

The young man buried his head and gritted his teeth, but he did not dare to get angry. Meng Qi was quite surprised.

After walking up the stairs, Xuanbei, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke with a rare smile in his tone: Qu Jiuniang, whose life experience is unknown, opened the first inn in Hanhai here ten years ago. At first, she was alone and had outstanding appearance. , caused a lot of trouble, but all those who dared to take advantage of her, including those outside the corpse collection, and some whose bodies were hung on the wine flags of the inn, were all spared. After that, the trouble lessened, and they all knew about Qu Jiuniang. She is not a character to be trifled with. I suspect she is an expert in location scenes.

Exterior scene: How old is she? Meng Qi was startled. At the same time, he secretly cursed, Master, when it came to the cadaver collection, you didn't show mercy. Your heart is still alive.

Xuan Bei stepped onto the last staircase: "About thirty-five or six, I haven't seen it with my clairvoyance, so I'm not sure."

Well, it's well maintained, but a master of this kind of outdoor scene may still look like this in another ten years. Meng Qi nodded lightly.

Outside the guest room, Xuanbei turned to Meng Qi and Zhenhui and said: "As a teacher, you have to do evening classes, so don't relax."

Yes, Master. After they answered respectfully, they pushed the door open and entered their room.

There was only a bed, a table and two chairs in the room. It was old but not dirty. Meng Qi and Zhenhui didn't say much. They sat on the chair and the bed and began to meditate.

Meng Qi did not practice any other martial arts, but focused on guarding the ancestral orifice, and his true energy ascended, slowly stimulating this mysterious entrance.

In the past half year or so, Meng Qi has completed condensing the remaining three acupoints in his eye apertures. He will only wait for a few days to recuperate his body and mind before taking an opportunity to take Tiancong Pills to achieve a breakthrough.

He has already started to catch the wind and catch shadows, and has also completed the previous few chapters of the Yi Jin and Bone Forging chapter. Even if there is no breakthrough in the realm, the power of martial arts such as the Golden Bell Arhat Fist has increased by 30% out of thin air. What is even more gratifying is that after practicing the Yi Jin and Bone Forging chapter, , Meng Qi felt much easier when concentrating the acupoints, and even seemed to be able to grasp the ethereal and looming eye apertures a little.

Therefore, Meng Qicai did not rush to take Tiancong Pills to achieve a breakthrough after condensing the acupoints. Instead, he patiently continued to practice the Yijin Gutong Pian. It was not until recently that he became more and more able to grasp the eye acupoints that he began to prepare for a breakthrough.

This time, Meng Qi felt that he was quite confident.

As for the Transformation Technique, Meng Qi had no reaction at all when he first started practicing it. After practicing it over and over again, he would be very tired and his spirit would become sleepy. However, as time went by, he continued to practice it every day, and he slowly improved himself through the "Easy Muscles and Bones" chapter. , Meng Qi gradually felt that his eyebrows were swollen, as if something was brewing.

This is a good thing, but it is also not a good thing, because it is an hallucination produced after the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows is stimulated. If you are addicted to it, you may become obsessed. However, the occurrence of this kind of hallucination also means that Meng Qi's magical practice has begun.

Therefore, Meng Qi restrained his energy, ignored this illusion, and continued to practice step by step.

The tightly closed eyes were filled with darkness, like chaos. Meng Qi seemed to be waking up, but he suddenly felt a trace of true energy seeping into him. The chaos suddenly cracked open, and something slowly rose up, round and golden, and then shined brightly.

As soon as the light appeared, Meng Qi's eyebrows rose, and the surrounding scenes vaguely appeared in his mind: a table, a bed and two chairs, his junior brother was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and teapots and cups were placed on the table.

This feeling passed away in a flash. Meng Qi's eyebrows swelled and hurt. He had to stop practicing and opened his eyes. This time, although he saw the same scene as before, he had a completely different feeling. He saw that the mountain was not a mountain. Seeing water is not water.

Haha, the magic of transformation is a small success. Meng Qi was quite proud in his heart. This was at the level of a cold envoy, who could sense the surrounding objects through the soul of the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows, and slightly interfere with other people's senses.

Han Shi's martial arts is not very good, so it took him seven or eight years to master the method of transfiguration. Meng Qi completed it in half a year, so he was naturally proud of himself. Moreover, once he succeeded, there would be a further chapter of training. Meng Qi was confident that he could master the method of transfiguration within the next year. When Dafa is completed, if you exchange the corresponding elixirs for assistance, it will be even faster. You may not be able to succeed in three or four months.

Cultivation in the main world is indeed much faster than that in Lao Duan's world. Meng Qi stood up in confusion, then looked left and right, preparing to start his one hundred and third attempt to escape.

Now that I have mastered the art of transformation, I think I can make mistakes in Master's mental lock.

He used the method of transformation, his eyebrows swelled, his energy spread out, wrapped around himself, and then he walked cautiously towards the door.

Senior brother, you want to go out to play, why don't you call me Zhenhui's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Meng Qi's smile suddenly froze on his face.

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