The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 93: New “teammates”


I'm talking about swordsmanship. Jiang Zhiwei looked matter-of-fact.

Meng Qi felt that she was making fun of him, so he smiled bitterly and said: I don't know how to swordsmanship, and swordsmanship is difficult to learn and master.

Anyway, you can't exchange for a good fighting sword style now. It's not a waste of time to follow me to learn swordsmanship during the reincarnation mission. Jiang Zhi slightly pursed her lips and smiled, looking extremely charming. The most important thing is that I want to see what flaws my swordsmanship will reveal in the hands of beginners so that I can correct them. Well, you have a good foundation in martial arts. , and the swordsmanship is also much easier to master.

Meng Qi vaguely guessed that her last sentence was to get rid of his embarrassment, but he couldn't help but ask: "Amendment, this is your own sword move, Zhiwei"

Zhang Yuanshan, Qi Zhengyan, and Fu Zhenzhen all looked at Jiang Zhiwei in astonishment. She could actually create her own sword moves.

She was said to be a natural swordsman, but she underestimated her.

Meng Qi also had the experience of creating moves, but they were basically derived from the changes of Duan Qingjing, and there was almost no self-created part. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhiwei had already begun to integrate what he had learned to create new sword moves.

Yes, I thought it would be difficult to use the sword without self, so I always planned to simplify it into a life-saving sword technique for daily use, but I could never find the idea until I integrated the sentient and ruthless parts of the Holy Spirit Sword Technique. , I suddenly figured out something new, and combined the two, I created a sword move of my own. Jiang Zhiwei said calmly.

Then, her face turned red in a rare way, like the morning sun breaking through the clouds, bright and bright: I personally feel that during the awakening period, it can be regarded as the top life-saving sword move, so I named it Yama Luo Tie.

Such boastful words made her a little embarrassed.

But, doesn’t this count as a private transmission of the sect’s unique skills? Moreover, if the Holy Spirit Sword Technique is privately transmitted, it will be obliterated by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Meng Qi was very moved when he heard this. He has a deep-rooted obsession with swordsmanship, and Jiang Zhiwei was right. He couldn't exchange for new life-threatening moves now. If he wanted to exchange them when he returned, he would have to spend a lot of money to instill them directly, or It also takes time to practice in exchange for good deeds, so taking the opportunity to practice sword skills during the reincarnation mission is a sign of not wasting time.

Jiang Zhiwei's face returned to normal, and she said with a smile: This is a new move I created. It is just a little secret of the swordsmanship of the two. It is not a unique skill of the sect, and it will not be obliterated by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. I just asked quietly.

That's it, but it's probably a bit similar to Swordsmanship. Will it be misunderstood by your sword-washing pavilion? Meng Qi asked excitedly, Ananda Pojie Sword Technique's true meaning inheritance, either requires hard work or hard work. Only when there is a chance can he realize new moves and new sword intentions.

Jiang Zhi raised her head slightly and deliberately looked arrogant: If you use this trick in front of the disciples of Xijiang Pavilion and are misunderstood by them, I will personally take action and chase you to the ends of the earth to kill you, the thief who secretly learned Xijiang Pavilion's special skills. .

Meng Qi, the thief, looked embarrassed, but he was very moved in his heart, because Jiang Zhiwei was obviously playing a side game. Strictly speaking, his experience in practicing swordsmanship and Holy Spirit swordsmanship, and his new sword moves, should also be classified as cleansing. The ranks of Jiange swordsmanship, but since the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation believes that this is not the evolution of the Holy Spirit swordsmanship, then it can barely be regarded as the sect's secret skill. It depends on what Jiang Zhiwei thinks.

Thinking of this section, Meng Qi clasped his hands together and saluted sincerely. Regardless of whether he could get started with swordsmanship and learn the Yama Code during the reincarnation mission, at least this sentiment was worthy of gratitude and remembrance.

Jiang Zhiwei didn't show any pretense, she accepted Meng Qi's gift generously, and then said with a smile: "One more thing, now that you have opened your eyesight, it's time to practice the fifth level of the Golden Bell Jar. This is a real improvement."

yes. Meng Qi patted his bald head gently, almost ignoring such an important matter. He was clearly enlightened, but he didn't even think about practicing the fifth level of the Golden Bell Jar.

The reason is that I still wanted to go back to Shaolin and read the secret book of the Golden Bell Cover without spending any time, so I subconsciously forgot about the things that can be redeemed at the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation. But now the mountains are high and the water is far away, the road is long, and there are powerful enemies around me. , there is no time to wait to return to Shaolin to practice again.

Once redeemed now, during the reincarnation mission, he is likely to enter the fifth level. The attack on ordinary sharp weapons and general enlightenment masters can greatly reduce the damage, and it is not easy to defeat the skill. As for the perfection, it will be a grinding effort.

The Golden Bell starts from the fifth level. After each level is completed, there is a saying of sealing it. It depends on each person's qualifications and the depth of understanding. The highest level can be sealed to the first level, which is nearly twice as powerful as the ninth level.

In this way, everyone who practices the Golden Bell Cage will not have the same strength after completing each level, but only those who reach the top three levels at each level can finally achieve the Vajra Dharmakaya.

This is also common sense in martial arts. For the same skill and the same state of perfection, most people will be divided into high and low levels.

After being reminded by Jiang Zhiwei, Meng Qi quickly took out the jade book and looked through it. He found that the rest before the mission would not be too long, and he would start the mission a little later.

Well, the fifth level secret requires two hundred good deeds. Meng Qi had a clear goal and quickly found the list of the fifth to eighth levels of the Golden Bell in the enlightenment stage. They required 24600 and 800 good deeds respectively.

Meng Qi thought for a moment that except for the Red Sun Evil Suppressing Sword and the Torrential Pear Blossom Needle, he had nothing to redeem, so he suppressed his shyness and looked at Jiang Zhiwei and others with a smile: Dear friends of life and death, look, I I'm asking for your help so quickly. I only need to borrow fifty good deeds. Hey, I'm such a shameless person.

Jiang Zhiwei couldn't help but smile, the little monk was really happy: You have one hundred and fifty good deeds, I should exchange one Herb Pill for it, so you owe me sixty good deeds.

The Baicao Pill is an elixir for healing during the awakening stage. One piece has one hundred good deeds. If it is exchanged for the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, it will not depreciate like the secret book. It can be exchanged for sixty to seventy good deeds.

Qi Zhengyan suddenly said: Miss Jiang, there is no need to change to Baicao Pill. It should be enough for everyone to do good deeds together. I have thirty good deeds to spare.

Baicao Dan is a healing elixir. Everyone present may rely on it to save a life. There is no need to waste it like this. You know, a bottle can only take three or four pills at most.

That's enough. I still have ten good deeds, and Junior Sister Jiang should also have ten good deeds left. Zhang Yuanshan clapped his palms and said.

After putting together some good deeds, Meng Qi successfully redeemed the secret book for the fifth level of the Golden Bell Cover. Then he looked at Qi Zhengyan, Jiang Zhiwei and others with a humble look: Dear friends of life and death, you must try your best to protect me. If I die, Your good deeds will never be repaid, haha, the debtor is the biggest.

This thing was so out of the ordinary. Jiang Zhiwei looked at the sky speechlessly. The white mist was thick, like heaven or a fairyland.

A few people chatted about each other's experiences in the past six months. After a while, three milky white lights appeared.

Newcomer Zhang Yuanshan took Fu Zhenzhen's hand and told her not to be nervous.

The light beam dissipated, and three strangers appeared, two men and one woman. The woman was tall, and her facial features were not good when viewed separately. She had squinty eyes, a small nose, and thick lips, but the overall combination was quite harmonious and she had a good temperament. The beauty, she is probably in her twenties, wearing a dark purple outfit, black riding boots, and carrying mandarin duck knives of different lengths on her waist.

The two men are also quite young, both in their early twenties. One has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tall figure, and his muscles hold up the clothes tightly. He has a heroic and intimidating temperament. He has no weapons on his body, which makes people feel clean and free. , looked at Meng Qi and others with a smile.

None of them had the fear and doubts of entering the world of reincarnation for the first time.

You are my teammates this time. Please introduce yourselves. I’m Luo Shengyi. The burly man raised his hands and smiled, full of aura, these are my companions Xia Chulin and Xia Dandan, they are siblings.

Sister and brother, the difference in appearance is too big. One is a beautiful woman, the other is a sinister-looking woman. This was Meng Qi's first thought, and then he realized: Companion

Jiang Zhiwei and others also looked at each other in confusion.

Luo Shengyi smiled calmly: In the world of reincarnation, different teams are often arranged to work together to complete tasks, and may be merged together afterwards.

Therefore, this mission is either very difficult and requires our two teams to join forces, or it is a camp confrontation mission. In short, it is very dangerous and people will definitely die.

It seems that there are many teams in the world of reincarnation. Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan and others looked at each other with similar thoughts in their hearts. Then Zhang Yuanshan stepped forward and introduced about five of himself, but he spoke vaguely, even his sect. He didn't even mention it, who knows if the other party will be an enemy in the future.

I think we should be more frank, at least talk about our respective martial arts levels, so that the tasks can be arranged easily. I have developed my skills and am good at boxing, so I have a small reputation. Of course, Luo Shengyi would not reveal his trump card or martial arts skills, but only briefly talked about his own state.

Xiao Youbo Ming You Are Iron Fist Invincible Luo Shengyi Zhang Yuanshan suddenly remembered who the other party was.

Exactly. Luo Shengyi answered without pride or humility.

Seeing Meng Qi's confused expression, Jiang Zhiwei sent a message into the secret passage: He has done several great things that are impossible for his level, and has become famous. He is currently ranked 30th on the list.

This is higher than the ranking of the white-headed vulture An Guoxie. It should not be underestimated. Meng Qi nodded lightly and secretly decided that he could not just run away and practice in the future, but had to look at the list of people in the world.

Just when Zhang Yuanshan was about to speak, everyone's eyes went dark, and the cold and indifferent voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded in their ears:

The Demon Grave is about to open, and the four major sects are preparing to join forces to besiege the Holy Volcano, the Demon Cult's main altar, to eliminate the opponent's main force and seal the Demon Grave again.

The first main task is to go to Fengyun Village, join the alliance of the four major sects, attack the Demon Cult, break the Demon Cult main altar, seal the Demon Grave, complete the reward of 300 good deeds, and the corresponding good deeds will be deducted if failed.

Main mission two, camp confrontation mission: kill the reincarnators of the Demon Cult camp. For every person killed in the gas accumulation period, each member of the camp will be rewarded with fifty good deeds, otherwise fifty will be deducted from each person; for every person killed with less than six orifices, all members will be rewarded with one hundred good deeds, and vice versa; for every person killed with six orifices and above, For one person, all members will be rewarded with two hundred good deeds, and vice versa; in the end, those who do not have enough good deeds will be wiped out.

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