The Scavengers

Chapter 12: Metal particles


"Xiao Mo! Is that you?" It's Deng Anjie.

"it's me."

"It's really you? That's great! Fortunately, you're okay. You scared us to death. You said why you haven't answered the phone these days. Your brother and I almost went crazy! We went to find you, but why? They didn't even let us in. You don't know anything, and your phone number couldn't be reached, and you said that this infectious disease will kill people, and you..." Deng Anjie was anxious and distressed, and she said a lot in one breath, and by the time she said it, she had taken it with her nasal.

Just as Xiao Mo was about to explain, he heard Deng sniffling and saying quickly: "Wait a minute, I'll call your brother, third brother, and old man. They are all here."

After instructing the waiter to call someone, Deng Anjie asked again: "Are you okay? Where are you now?"

"Ahem, I felt a little uncomfortable two days ago and went to the community hospital. I lay there for two days. I forgot to bring my mobile phone with me. I'm really sorry for making you worry. But I'm fine now, very good, really!"

"You can say sorry or not, as long as you are fine!" Deng Anjie cried with joy.

After Deng calmed down, Xiao Mo asked, "How's it going over there? No cases of infectious disease have been found, right? Are Dad and the others okay?"

Deng Anjie replied: "No, we are fine here. The old man and the others are watching the news in the private room and will be here soon. It's just that the business in the store has been very bad these two days because I heard that this infectious disease can cause death. Alas, since the news was broadcast After that, there were a lot less people coming to the restaurant to eat, and chef Wu’s wife also called to ask for leave, saying that Wu had also fallen ill and was now living in the hospital.”

"Isn't Lao Wu living in the north of the city? Why is he also infected?"

"You don't know? Just one day later than your place, the Marriott Villa area in the north of the city was also quarantined, and the City's First Hospital and the Military Region General Hospital were also covered with plastic skins to prevent people from entering."

Deng Anjie sighed, "Well, the atmosphere in Zhongshan City is extremely tense now. Many people are eager to leave the city. However, no matter who leaves the city, they must undergo examination. Only those who are confirmed to be healthy can leave. The mayor goes on TV every day to appeal to everyone to calm down. He said that doctors from all over the country are arriving and the condition will be resolved soon, so everyone should not panic."

"So how is Lao Wu doing now?" Xiao Mo turned down the TV volume, glanced at the child, and found that the child was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, messing with something.

Deng Anjie sighed again and said, "I don't know. His wife didn't make it clear. She just said that his old Wu and her father-in-law were sick and couldn't come to work in a short time. She hung up the phone without saying anything else. I You and your brother went to see Lao Wu, but he was not admitted to the hospital at all. After that, he couldn't contact his wife either." Deng Anjie's voice was full of uneasiness.

"Who is the chef in the store now?"

"Second chef Zhang Qian and two waiters are busy in the kitchen, but there are few guests, so the three of them can handle it."

"That's good." Xiao Mo suddenly remembered an important question and asked quickly: "Dazi is also in the store? Is he okay?" If he remembered correctly, the company where his third son worked seemed to be under quarantine this time. within ten kilometers.

"He's fine. Last Friday, their company notified him of a company-wide holiday, telling him when the quarantine would be over and when he would go back to work. That kid almost died of joy! Your brother and the others are here. Just wait a minute. I'll press the button for hands-free. "

Xiao Mo heard a running sound coming from the mobile phone, and at the same time he could vaguely hear his father's loud voice, "Is the second brother really calling? Is that kid still alive?"

His sister-in-law replied: "He is really the second child. He is fine. Don't worry."

"Second brother, are you okay?" Xiao Da, the youngest member of the Xiao family, was the first to get to the phone and shouted angrily.

"It's okay." Xiao Mo smiled.

"It's okay, why didn't you answer the phone? Do you want to scare us all to death?" Boss Xiao asked the counter.

"You kid, I'm not telling you, why don't you bring your cell phone with you? Your brother, your sister-in-law, and your brother were so frightened that they ran to the quarantine area to look for you, and even the police guarding them wouldn't let you in. I also asked someone to Find a way to go to your place and see if anyone is there?" the old man of the Xiao family said.

Xiao Mo didn't listen to the child telling him that someone came looking for him, so he answered his father: "Oh, I haven't come back from the community hospital. Even if someone comes looking for me, I can't find him."

"Let me just say, I gave the other party two giant pandas, and they must not have found the person. Your brother and the others insisted that I spent money to find the wrong person. Although they are not in charge of that area, there is definitely no problem in helping them inquire. .”

Hearing that the old man started to go off topic again, Xiao Mo quickly changed the subject, asked about the current situation, and told them to store more food. He talked for nearly an hour before hanging up the phone.


Xiao Mo covered his stomach. Was he hungry

Looking at the time on his phone, he saw that it was just after half past two. It was neither early nor late. He planned to endure it until around four o'clock before making dinner.

Looking at the TV, the local news station was broadcasting news about the sanitation office cooperating with the disease center to spread disinfectant and disinfectant powder in every corner of the city.

The director of the program had a very relaxed expression, as if this infectious disease was just a common cold virus that would be completely resolved after a while.

I switched to several other news stations, and I don’t know if it was because of the wrong time, but I didn’t see Zhongshan City and other related words appearing on any of them.

Xiao Mo plans to look online.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xiao Mo walked around to the sofa and frowned at the mess.

I didn't notice it because I just woke up and my mind was confused. Then I realized that the child had made a mess in the living room at home. The coffee table and sofa were covered with screws, springs, chips, wires and other messy things.

"I didn't touch your study."

Xiao Mo looked at the other half of the study room. Well, it was still the same, but... "I asked what are you doing?"

"The light is good here."

"I'll ask again, what are you doing?" Xiao Mo said every word.

The child was busy with his little hands and said without raising his head: "Aren't you going to get the relief food?"

"...Okay, I won't ask, but you have to clean up for me and have dinner here at night."

"Oh." The child replied casually, not sure whether he heard it or not.

Xiao Mo walked helplessly towards his half study room, his stomach growling. He seemed to be getting hungrier and hungrier. Would you like to eat a few pieces of chocolate first to satisfy his hunger

While eating dark chocolate, I turned on my computer and typed the words "Zhongshan Infectious Diseases" into the search bar of, and nearly 100,000 pieces of information came out.

One hundred thousand pieces of information seemed like a lot, but not many of them were really useful. Xiao Mo looked through a few that looked reliable.

He found that this Zhongshan City infectious disease incident did not cause much response on the Internet. The climax of the hot comments was the day before yesterday, when a spokesman for the disease center named Qian gave a speech on a local TV station.

There are also people who take pictures of people suffering from the disease and upload them online, but there are many people scolding them, many people are suspicious, and very few people really care. At most, some people ask what the disease is and whether it is contagious. It did not cause panic among the people as some people feared.

Is someone deliberately concealing the risk of infectious diseases, or are netizens too nervous

Xiao Mo smiled, thinking that it was probably the latter reason.

After flipping through a few more pages, a blog diary caught his attention.

It was a blog posted by a person with the ID "Zhongshan Mengdu Man", and the title was very scary, called "The virus gave him special powers".

Xiao Mo quickly clicked on the blog. This was a diary he just wrote, and it was posted just two minutes ago. The diary was very short, with only more than 600 words in total, but it made him more and more shocked the more he read it.

Posted by: Zhongshan Mengdu people

June 19, Sunday, sunny, 14:51.

You will never believe what I saw! ! !

I still doubt my eyes! ! !

I told my wife, but she didn't believe it at all. Our neighbor developed the special ability to produce metal after a serious illness! ! !

The thing is, my neighbor fell ill the night before yesterday, but he returned from the community hospital safely this morning.

Our whole family is happy for him. Fortunately, during the outbreak of this new infectious disease, none of the three members of our family were infected. His parents are okay, but he is more unlucky.

The young man smiled happily. As soon as he came back, his parents took him to receive relief food. Haha, by the way: I like relief food. It would be great if the wages during the quarantine period could also be paid to us.

So far, everything is fine. We still think that the young man can recover, which means that this new infectious disease should also be fine. I was still telling my wife that the quarantine period might be over in less than two days, but the words fell apart. Suddenly he knocked on our door, crying and saying that his son was sick again. He kept complaining that his hand hurt and asked me to come over and take a look.

I'm scared, honestly.

Although I graduated from a pharmaceutical university, I really only know how to sell medicine and not see a doctor. But for the sake of my old neighbor, I decided to go over and have a look.

It was this look that made me see the shocking news! ! !

Do you believe it? I saw with my own eyes that the young man’s right hand—the hand he kept complaining about hurting—bulged and cracked in the center of his palm, and a small, silvery particle fell out! ! !

That kind of luster and hardness is definitely not stone, it must be metal particles. I swear I'm not lying! I picked it up with medical pliers and looked at it for at least a minute.

The most amazing thing is that after the metal particles appeared on his palm, his palm grew completely!

Can you believe it? This is a miracle! This is definitely one of the most amazing things in human history! Definitely much more awesome than that foreign woman with a wire on her belly!

Their whole family was shocked, and so was I. I didn’t know how I came back. I thought I needed to see an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. Maybe I was infected before, but I actually didn’t know it...