The Scavengers

Chapter 13: Gluttony


At this time, the First Municipal Hospital.

"Dad, I want to participate." Qian Yunkai said to his father calmly.

"No!" Director Qian refused.

"You just woke up this morning and you haven't fully recovered yet. Just be honest..."

"I've recovered."

"you have not!"

"I am a doctor, and I know best whether my body is healthy or not."

"You are a forensic doctor. You only know the dead best." Director Qian shouted.

Qian Yunkai was silent, and after a while he whispered: "Maybe you are right, I have already died once."

Director Qian pressed his eyebrows. His son always had his own opinions. Even if he disagreed, if this kid really wanted to do something, he would definitely do it.

"Dad, don't you think this is a very challenging subject? The disease comes suddenly and spreads at an alarming rate. Those who don't get through it will die. Those who get through it can fully recover without any treatment. Those who recover People will feel extremely hungry, and many of them will have alloy particles growing on their bodies shortly after waking up."

Qian Yunkai's eyes flashed with a strange light, both excitement and fear of the unknown, "Dad, this is a miracle and a human mutation! I can't miss this subject!"

Director Qian still didn't nod. If the first person who recovered without medicine wakes up automatically is a miracle, and the first person with alloy particles growing on his body appears is a miracle, then when the second, third... most of the people who wake up recover. After alloy particles grew on the bodies of the victims, the nature of this infectious disease incident has changed, and it has even become a state secret.

Now the Zhongshan City Disease Center has transferred the matter to the headquarters, and the National Security Bureau has also begun to get involved.

Things are getting more complicated.

People involved in this infectious disease research may become famous, maybe...

As a father, he hopes that his son can avoid this invisible whirlpool.

"Dad, actually I just don't want other doctors to use me as a guinea pig for research. Rather than letting others toss me, I might as well do it myself." Qian Yunkai picked up the glasses on the bedside table and wiped them gently with a glasses cloth.

He originally had mild myopia of 400 degrees, but when he woke up...

Director Qian heard this and sat down on the hospital bed opposite.

His son was right. As one of the recovered persons, one of the very few who did not have alloy particles on his body, and with his identity, his son would definitely not be able to escape being studied.

Instead of doing this, it's really better to take the initiative yourself first.

"I will talk to Director Cai." Director Qian said feebly. He felt a headache and felt uncomfortable.

The group of people who were in contact with the patients at the beginning are now confined to the No. 1 Hospital and cannot go anywhere. Fortunately, no infected persons have appeared yet, but maybe it is just that the virus lurks deeply and has a long incubation period. In short, Until effective treatments are available, no one can guarantee that they are out of danger.

"Thank you, dad. By the way, how are Wang Cheng and the others now?" Qian Yunkai raised his head.

"Wang Cheng is in good physical condition and got over it. The four detectives who fell ill with him have also recovered, and they are now cooperating with various tests."

Qian Yunkai was happy, "When did he wake up? Can I see him?"

"He woke up earlier than you. He woke up last night. You can see each other, but you have to wait 24 hours. The quarantine period for recovered patients is required to be at least 24 hours. Before that, they cannot leave the hospital or the ward. .”

"Do all recovered patients have different recovery times?" Qian Yunkai asked sensitively.

"Yes, they are all different. The first one to wake up was a little girl. She only woke up safely after being in a coma for eight hours. She was also the first person to have alloy particles grow from the palm of her hand."

"How many people have been infected so far? How many people have died? How many people have recovered? How many people have alloy particles? Are there any other symptoms among those who have recovered?"

Director Qian shook his head, "Detailed data are still being compiled. The special investigation team arrived in Zhongshan City this morning and is currently conducting a census of the quarantine area."

Qian Yunkai held the glasses cloth with his fingers and rubbed the lenses back and forth. He was wondering whether to tell his father about the abnormality in his body.

After thinking about it, he felt that this was not a good time. Maybe he should wait a little longer and see the details of other recovered patients before talking.

"Did alloy particles also grow in Wang Cheng's body?"

"No, he is just like you. He hasn't had any changes in his body."

Hasn't there been any change... Qian Yun opened his glasses and smiled thoughtfully.

Director Qian heard a knock on the door outside and knew that the visiting hours had expired. He had to stand up and said to his son: "These patient information will be accessible to you after you participate. I will try to get you into the investigation team and try to let you get first-hand information." material."

"Dad, just do your best."

"I understand. Your mother and I will come to see you in the evening." Director Qian patted his son on the shoulder, turned and walked out of the ward.

He had a hunch that he was 90% infected by this virus. He didn't know whether he would recover after a few days of coma like his son, so he had to pave the way for his son before the disease struck. At least he couldn't let his son become a mere guinea pig.

Xiao Mo, who had read the blog content here, subconsciously raised his palm and turned his left and right hands over and over for a long time.

Nothing changes.


I don’t know if what is said in this blog is true or false. If it is false, forget it. If it is true... maybe it is just a special case? After all, the world is full of wonders. Since there are women who can grow wires from their bellies, there are also men who can grow metal particles from their palms.

Apart from this blog, Xiao Mo never found any eye-catching information.

While browsing other web pages, he reached out to the bag of chocolates out of habit, but after touching for a long time, he couldn't find a single chocolate.

No way, this is packaged in a big bag, and it will be eaten by him in such a short time

Why should today's manufacturers be so unscrupulous? The packaging bags are so big and three-dimensional, but the actual content inside is pitiful.

Xiao Mo was angry, grabbed the packaging bag and rubbed it, but was stunned when he found a pile of packaging garbage in front of the keyboard.

There are at least thirty pieces in such a pile, right? Did he finish eating it all in just such a short time

How can it be? !

He doesn't usually eat sweets, and he rarely touches chocolate. He also likes to eat some dark chocolate, but only one or two pieces at a time.

Eating more than thirty chocolates in one sitting was simply unbelievable to him.


Damn it! Why is he still so hungry

Where did all the chocolate go

Xiao Mo held his stomach, feeling that things were getting worse and worse.

Want to eat!

Want to eat meat!

He wants to eat chocolate, he wants to eat fried chicken legs, in short, he wants to eat anything!

When all kinds of food appeared in his mind, Xiao Mo found that he could no longer restrain his appetite.

I want to eat it, but I want it too much!

Is this what it really feels like to be hungry for three days

But...he had clearly eaten so much chocolate just now, so why was he not only still hungry, but also even more hungry

Xiao Mo pushed away the chair and stood up staggeringly. He wanted to eat, anything was fine. Now there was only one concept left in his mind, and that was "eating"!

Where's the food

Where is the food

Xiao Mo frantically searched for anything edible nearby. As long as he saw food, no matter what it was, he would immediately tear open the package and stuff it into his mouth.

The more I eat, the hungrier I get!

"Whoa!" The packaging bag containing the biscuits was forcibly torn open.

"Crackling." The biscuits fell all over the table.

Xiao Mo didn't care whether it was clean or not, he grabbed the biscuits on the table and stuffed them into his mouth.

After quickly finishing the food on the table, he lay down on the ground to pick up the food that fell on the ground, stuffing it into his mouth while picking it up.

Xiao Mo's strange behavior attracted Xue Lihong's attention.

"Old Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Xue Lihong jumped off the sofa and ran to him and asked.

He ate too many biscuits and all of them were clogged in his throat. Xiao Mo was eager to drink water, so he grabbed the cup and rushed to the water dispenser.

"Gudong, Gudong", he drank three large cups in a row, and after finishing the water, he went to find something to eat. Seeing the child standing in front of her, she pushed him away and rushed into the kitchen.

Xue Lihong was pushed back several steps before she could regain her balance.

What happened to this old man? Xue Lihong stopped asking and followed Xiao Mo to observe him carefully.

Xiao Mo ran into the kitchen to look for the preserved grains he bought a few days ago.

First I found high-calorie chocolate and ate five or six pieces in a row. Then I dug out the malted milk I had bought for more than half a year. I scooped out two tablespoons and put them into the largest cup. Then I took the sugar bowl and poured a lot of sugar into it. inside.

Dissolve the malted milk with boiling water, and before waiting for the temperature of the water to drop enough to enter his mouth, Xiao Mo grabbed the fruit and ate it.

The fruits in the fruit basket are disappearing at an extremely fast speed. After the fruit was finished, there were cookies.

His stomach growled for a while and stopped, but the emptiness that seemed like extreme hunger made him want to take a bite of everything he saw.

"Are there any restaurants open outside? As long as they are restaurants selling food." Xiao Mo asked the child anxiously.

Xue Lihong shook her head: "Everything is closed. Only the supermarket is still open, but there are police officers guarding it."

Xiao Mo had no choice but to give up the idea of going out to buy food. He was afraid that if he rushed into the supermarket, he would grab something and eat it without thinking, which would attract the attention of the police.

So he decided to do it himself. By the way, you need to take out the frozen meat you bought earlier and defrost it first. Just do it as soon as you think of it, turn around and open the refrigerator.

But even though his hands were busy with work, this man did not forget to stuff food into his mouth.

Xue Lihong opened her eyes wide and watched as the man finished a large package of ham sausage very quickly, ate two packages of cream sandwich biscuits, drank a large glass of malted milk, and then ate a bag of family-sized wafers. biscuit.

Immediately, beef jerky, pork jerky, chocolate, toffee, dry cut bread... whatever the man could find and eat immediately, he devoured them all quickly.