The Scavengers

Chapter 14: Unannounced inspection


Xue Lihong stared at the pile of packaging garbage that quickly appeared on the kitchen counter and on the floor. She recalled the past memories in her big head, looking for similar cases. Once she found them, she began to quickly analyze and compare them.

According to his analysis, this person's current situation is actually reasonable.

If the lesions that appeared on this man's body in the early morning of the 17th were an ordinary person, even if he did not die at this time, he would be lying in the hospital and become a vegetative state with broken bones and cracked skin.

But this man woke up after lying down for two and a half days. When he woke up, everything was as usual, and his body looked very healthy on the surface.

This speed of healing can only mean that the cells in this person's body have undergone an almost unbelievable rapid division and growth process in these two and a half days.

Excessive cell division will inevitably lead to a large consumption of body energy. Therefore, if a man starts eating and drinking more than two hours after waking up, he is also replenishing himself with excessive energy consumption. This seems reasonable in theory.

But actually...

In fact, humans cannot recover immediately after such an injury, nor can they make up for it afterwards just by eating and drinking.


Therefore, even if the injection he gave the man at that time was the only special nutritional injection in the world with excellent effects, it would not have caused such a healing miracle.

Speaking of which, that thing can't be called a nutritional injection, because its job is to torture prisoners, and it is also to torture prisoners with strong mental strength and excellent willpower.

As long as a person is injected with this injection, his body will remain paralyzed for fifteen days, but his mind will be abnormally clear, leaving you in a state where you can't fall asleep even if you want to.

And you don’t have to worry about any malnutrition in your body during these fifteen days, because some of the ingredients contained in this injection can provide the energy consumption of a strong adult man for half a month, making you want to die. Can't die.

Imagine if you were injected with this kind of injection and then put into an extremely small and closed space. Your hands and feet, including any muscle in your body, could not move, but your consciousness was clear and abnormal, and you were left like this for half a month. And during this half month, no matter how scared or tired you are, you cannot fall into the arms of sleep...

Of course, in addition to mental torture, this thing can also be used for first aid in emergencies, and is especially suitable for maintaining physical strength and vitality in certain desperate situations.

He originally got such an injection on him just in case, and he never expected that it would be used on a completely unrelated person, still in that state.

At that time, he had no choice but to inject this injection into Xiao Mo. He couldn't watch the other person hurt himself in a crazy state.

Not only did he not want to harm himself, but he also wanted him to have enough energy to resist the virus. When there was not enough time, this injection was the best choice he could think of at the time.

From the current point of view, his choice should not be wrong.

Although the injection was not particularly effective after entering the man's body, it neither made the man unable to move for fifteen days nor kept him conscious for fifteen days. However, its nutritional content still plays a certain role.

Xue Lihong shrugged and thought a little irresponsibly: He is a technician, not a doctor, and it is normal for some deviations in the medication. As long as the results are good, there will be no problem.

After taking into account the possible effects of this special nutritional injection and conducting a detailed analysis, the child Xue Lihong finally concluded that Xiao Mo's body had produced some kind of abnormality due to this new and unknown virus infection. Change.

...Otherwise, this person would be exhausted by now, and the best outcome would be a perforated stomach. But seeing that he is still jumping up and down looking for food after eating, it is obvious that this person's physical condition is no longer within the scope of a normal person.

Xiao Mo's changes, coupled with what he observed outside in the past two days, it seems that this big trouble is really much more troublesome than some big troubles that have happened in the past.

Well, actually this is quite interesting. The child Xue Lihong felt that she had a little urge to continue living.

"Xiao Hong, where is the braised meat that I bought before?" Xiao Mo opened the refrigerator and took out a glass bowl covered with plastic wrap. He opened the plastic wrap, dug out the solidified meat oil inside with his fingers and put it into his mouth.

Xue Lihong was very nervous and had no objection to this nickname. She calmly answered him: "Eat it."

Xiao Mo's expression was extremely bitter. He had never known that hunger could be so uncomfortable. No wonder some people in ancient times were so hungry that they even exchanged their food for food. He now has a deep understanding that people can do anything if they don't have a full stomach. .

He can drool now just looking at the little hairy head next to his legs!

Shaking his head and quickly driving away the thought of eating people, Xiao Mo took out the crisper from the refrigerator and dumped all the vegetables inside on the kitchen counter.

"Do me a favor and wash these dishes. I'm going to burn them all tonight."

"Okay." Xue Lihong didn't have the squeamishness of a child of the same age at all. She just did what she was asked to do. She agreed readily, moved the small bench by the wall to the sink, climbed up on the small bench and started washing and choosing vegetables. He not only washed the vegetables, but also peeled the potatoes diligently.

Xiao Mo patted the child's head to express his praise, and decided in his heart that he must save some braised beef from his mouth and give it to the child. Unfortunately, the child had to say it several times.

Wash rice, cook rice, cut vegetables, and cook vegetables.

Xiao Mo's hands were incredibly fast. He turned on the two burners at the same time, cooking vegetables and stewing meat in the pressure cooker.

He also knew that there must be something wrong with his current situation, but he couldn't suppress the feeling of hunger. If he hadn't had some sense, he would have buried his head in a rice bucket and eaten it raw. Even the frozen and hard raw meat made him want to pounce on it and take a bite.

The frozen beef that had just been thawed in the pool partially melted, and red blood rippled in the plastic bag. A faint smell of rust entered Xiao Mo's nostrils.

Xiao Mo took a deep breath, it smelled so good, I really wanted to eat it.

The alluring smell of rust became stronger and stronger. "Thump, thump, thump." Xiao Mo felt that he heard a strong pulse beat. Following the strong pulse beat, Xiao Mo looked towards the small bench where he stood. child on the bed.

So small, so tender, so fresh, it must be delicious...

Wipe the saliva, it's over, he looks more and more delicious to the child now.

"Pah!" Xiao Mo slapped himself on the head.

Xue Lihong glanced at him strangely.

Xiao Mo took a long stride back to the stove. He wanted to stay away from the source of temptation.

While cooking and eating, Xiao Mo almost didn't care about the taste, and only picked the quickest ones and cooked two dishes first.

In just half an hour of waiting for the meal to be cooked, he had already eliminated all the high-calorie food he had bought previously.

Xue Lihong stood on the small bench and reminded him, "Remember to get the relief food. In addition, we have to buy more food to stock up."

Xiao Mo said "Hmm" to express his understanding. He really wanted to eat steak now, preferably the kind that was only medium rare.

After eating a large pot of rice, three kilograms of braised pork, and a large pot of mixed soup with various fish, meatballs and vegetables, Xiao Mo breathed a sigh of relief and touched his stomach to finally have a sense of reality that he was still alive. .

"Are you full?" The child Xue Lihong didn't eat anything, she was full just by looking at it.

Xiao Mo shook his head, "It's not even close. You said before that the supermarket is still open? Let's go shopping in the supermarket later."

He still wanted to eat, but the beef was still simmering in the pot.

"Business is open, but there are very few people going there. Everyone is afraid of infectious diseases, especially those who are still healthy. Even the salespersons there have been replaced by volunteers, and now all the people in the entire blockade area who are still serving outside are healthy. Volunteers, I heard that the government’s welfare benefits for volunteers are very high.”

"No matter what, we have to go there and get our relief food back." Xiao Mo decided to stock up on more food this time. He couldn't guarantee that his appetite would not be so strong in the future.

Thinking of eating as much as he did today in the future... Xiao Mo shuddered. If this was the case, he would probably have to have a gastric removal or an operation to suppress his appetite, otherwise he would not be able to support himself.

"By the way, I went shopping in your store and found this thing." Xue Lihong took out a thumb-sized USB flash drive from her pocket.

Xiao Mo glanced at it and said, "Isn't it a commodity?"


"Where did it come from?" Xiao Mo asked, seeing that it didn't look like his own, and knowing that the child wouldn't suddenly bring up such a USB flash drive for no reason.

“It sticks to the bottom of the shelf where you put the knife holder.”

"Huh?" Xiao Mo was surprised and wanted to ask the child: Why are you looking at the bottom of the shelf

"Ding, scavenger Xiao Mo, please pay attention. The second chance for the first-level recovery mission is to recover Li Xiaoshuang, the mother of the gluttonous beast. Time limit: before 18:15 China Standard Time today. Special note: This mission cannot be completed, scavenger Xiao Mo will be completely obliterated."

"What?" Xiao Mo's expression changed drastically.

The child looked up at Xiao Mo. Why did he look so surprised

"Ring ring ring."

Xiao Mo and Xue Lihong looked at each other. Who will come at this time

Xiao Mo suppressed his weird mood, walked to the door, picked up the answering phone, and asked, "Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, we are the census team of the Sixth District south of the disease center. We would like to come to your home to confirm whether there are any patients infected with the disease in the household."

coming! The acute infectious disease this time was so severe, it was only a matter of time before we came to check on the patients, but I didn't expect people from the disease center to come so quickly.

Xiao Mo wanted to send these people away quickly. He wanted to find out whether the voice that sounded in his head really existed.

So, Xiao Mo said on the phone: "No one in our family is infected with the disease."

"Sir, please understand. Regardless of whether you have it or not, we need to go to your home to confirm. Could you please cooperate? Thank you for supporting our work." The person who spoke was very polite and his tone was very gentle. It sounded like Like a trained receptionist.

Xiao Mo was silent for a while, pressed the switch, opened the door downstairs, and then hung up the answering phone.

Before Xiao Mo could tell him, Xue Lihong said beside him: "I won't tell them that you were sick and recovered again."

Xiao Mo glanced at the child and touched his head.

"Do you like touching children's heads?"

"What? Ah, haha!" Xiao Mo laughed, took the child in his arms, rubbed his little soft fur randomly, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's best to touch the child's head. My brother has grown up now. No one is allowed to touch her, even my baby Duoduo is very reluctant to have his head touched."

Xue Lihong said seriously: "Brother, don't you know that a man's head and a woman's waist are places that cannot be touched?"

"That's an adult, not a child. Strange..." Xiao Mo suddenly stopped smiling and said to the child with a puzzled look on his face: "Our home is on the seventh floor. It doesn't count the merchants on the first and second floors. Logically speaking, they should ask from the third floor. Get up, okay? If they rang the doorbell on the third floor first, why are they still outside the door downstairs now?"