The Scavengers

Chapter 19: Mother of gluttons


"Old Yin, is that you?" Xiao Mo heard the voice, looked at the visitor and laughed: "It's such a hot day, you don't mind covering yourself up."

Lao Yin didn't notice the child. He pushed the shopping cart and walked beside Xiao Mo. Before he opened his mouth, he sighed, "Compared with your life, what is heat? I haven't told you yet. You are so brave that you don't even have a mask." Don’t dare to go out without wearing it.”

"It's not contagious. Since it has not been contagious for three days, I think it won't be contagious in the future." Xiao Mo smiled.

The two pushed the shopping cart forward together, and Xue Lihong followed Xiao Mo step by step.

"It would be nice if that were the case."

"Lao Yin, are you okay?"

Lao Yin sighed again, "I was lucky. I only stayed in the hospital for one night and half a day and recovered."

"Then your wife and children..."

"Fortunately, everything is fine. Even Xiaofei's grandma and grandpa are gone."


"What else can I do if I don't express my condolences? Fortunately, both old people are in their early seventies, so it's not too bad."

The two chatted for a while.

Xiao Mo thought that Lao Yin was just saying hello to him, but neither of them said anything and Lao Yin did not leave.

Xiao Mo paused and looked at Lao Yin, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Lao Yin tightened his grip on the handlebars.

The child suppressed his curiosity about the other side of the shelf and followed Xiao Mo closely.

Xiao Mo forcibly looked away from the food. The feeling of hunger crawled from his stomach to his throat. It seemed that every cell in his body was crying for hunger, but he had eaten so much even though he had eaten not long ago.

Even he has become so good at eating, how much food does the mother of gluttons have to eat to fill her stomach

Xiao Mo threw everything on the shelf that was edible into the shopping cart while waiting for Lao Yin to speak.

"Old Xiao, I'm flustered." Old Yin lowered his voice.


Lao Yin looked around, leaned into Xiao Mo's ear and whispered: "You know, many people are spreading... rumors that this infectious disease is a precursor to the coming apocalypse."

"Nonsense!" Xiao Mo sneered, "Old Yin, you don't believe this kind of rumor, do you?"

"I don't know whether to believe it or not. I also want to believe it or not, but why..." Lao Yin's eyes were a little dazed. He seemed to want to say something to Xiao Mo, but he swallowed the words several times.

"Wang Laoer said..."

"Wang Laoer? Can you listen to what he says?" Xiao Mo sneered.

Lao Yin didn't care, and just said in a daze: "Wang Laoer said that the government quarantined us just to kill us, the source of infection, and also said that if the disease could not be controlled anymore, the higher-ups would send people to quietly shoot us all. Then burn and bury them.”

Xiao Mo frowned.

"He said that we must escape, otherwise there will be no way to survive. He also said that the disease center is using us for experiments, and those who were taken away were sent for experiments. Lao Xiao, I am not afraid of your laughter, I am serious Afraid." Old Yin looked at Xiao Mo, "I heard that those who were taken away recovered automatically like me. I, I..."

"No, don't listen to Mr. Wang's farts. Aren't you back? If the disease center really wants to take you for experiments, they won't let you out at all."

"Really?" Lao Yin's eyes glowed a little.

"Trust me, nothing will happen." Xiao Mo comforted him. At the same time, he was surprised that Lao Yin was not the mother-in-law kind of person. How could he look so worried after getting sick once

Lao Yin opened his mouth but hesitated, "You don't know..."

What don't I know? Xiao Mo felt that Lao Yin must be hiding something, but since he didn't want to say it himself, he couldn't force others to ask.

"This is mine! I got it first!" A sharp cry suddenly sounded from behind them.

Xiao Mo and Lao Yin turned around together and saw a man and a woman at the chocolate shelf behind them. Two shoppers were pushing and shoving.

"Ding! Attention, the task target appears, and the scavengers are ready to collect it."

Xiao Mo's face tightened, it was the mother of the gluttonous beast!

"What did you get first? Didn't you see that I had something in my hand? You're crazy!" The man wearing a special anti-virus and dust mask made by a chemical factory threw the last large bag of chocolate into the shopping cart and pushed it out of the way. woman.

The screaming woman was not a weakling. She stepped forward and grabbed the man's eyes, while cursing loudly: "I obviously got the bag of chocolates first, and you snatched it from me! How shameless, a grown man actually grabbed it Women’s things!”

"You bitch! How dare you do something! I can't beat you to death!" When the man with the mask saw the woman grabbing him, he waved his hand and slapped the woman in the face.

Xiao Mo couldn't see it, so he pulled the child behind him, pushed the shopping cart and bumped the masked man's waist moderately.

The man's body swayed but he didn't hit the woman. He turned around and cursed: "I'll wipe it! You're blind. Don't you look in front of you when you walk?"

"Sorry, I didn't notice." Xiao Mo raised his hand and smiled.

"Forget it if you didn't notice it? You hurt my waist, what do you want to do?" The masked man yelled.

"Bumped? Let me take a look. I happen to be able to massage with both hands. Do you want me to give you a couple of pushes?" Who hasn't seen Xiao Mo open his business? Men who dare to attack women in public are generally shameless. The softer you are, the harder he will be. The best way to deal with such a person is to be harder than him.

"I'll wipe it! What, you want to do something?" The masked man said something dirty, changed the direction of the shopping cart, pushed the shopping cart hard with both hands, and hit Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo grabbed the shopping cart that hit him with one hand.

The man with the mask pushed hard. Once he pushed, he didn't push. I pushed again, but still no push.

"I think it's normal for you to push the cart, and your waist is 100% uninjured. Or do you want me to check it for you again?" Xiao Mo held on to the car body tightly.

The masked man stared at Xiao Mo fiercely.

Lao Yin walked to Xiao Mo.

At this time, the woman actually grabbed the bag of chocolates in his shopping cart when the masked man wasn't paying attention, put it in her own shopping cart, turned around and ran away.

"..." Xiao Mo looked at the woman's back speechlessly, then at the masked man who glared at him, and touched his nose. The first contact mission objective failed.

Lao Yin couldn't help but laugh, patted Xiao Mo's back and said: "It is no longer popular to act bravely for righteousness, so everyone can clean up the snow on their own."

Xiao Mo shrugged, "It's not a bad thing to be brave, but I'm afraid of encountering such a bad guy." He had to find a way to talk to the woman.

"Ha ha!"

The masked man didn't dare to confront Xiao Mo head-on. He wanted to catch the woman, but when he failed, he cursed at the woman's back.

The policeman on patrol ran over when he heard the scolding and yelled: "What are you doing? What are you making a fuss about? You all think your life is so good, don't you?"

When the masked man saw the police coming, he didn't dare to cause trouble anymore, relaxed his body, glanced at Xiao Mo disdainfully, grabbed the shopping cart and cursed: "Idiot! Who do you think that stinky woman is you? You're a slut!"

Xiao Mo took a step forward.

"Hey! What are you doing? Did you pay for these things? Put the things down! You are not allowed to eat!" The patrol policeman who came just now yelled at the shelves on the other side.

The masked man with dirty mouth heard the sound and ran to join in the fun. Then he heard his sneer: "Where did this female refugee come from? She grabs food without paying. I don't know who is shameless."

Xiao Mo's heart moved, and he gave up the idea of teaching the unclean man a lesson, and instead took the child and Lao Yin to push the shopping cart to their next door.

Next to the shelf next door, the woman who snatched the chocolate just now was crazily stuffing potato chips into her mouth. The cartoon mask hanging precariously from her ears was already on the ground. There were several potato chip bags that she had torn.

Xiao Mo looked at the garbage on the ground and found that the bag of chocolates that the woman had snatched just now had been eaten by her.

In such a short time, I don’t know how she managed to strip off so much chocolate and stuff it into her stomach.

"Don't eat anymore! Put the things down! Put them down quickly!" Seeing that the patrol police couldn't stop the woman just by yelling, he could only step forward to stop her.

But the woman didn't care. She waved her hand away from the policeman's hand, grabbed another bag of potato chips from the shelf, tore it open and poured it into her mouth.

Xiao Mo swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"There is indeed something wrong with that woman. She seems to be unable to control her appetite." The child stood on tiptoe and whispered to him.

"Do you see it?"


"That woman is not the first..."

"What's the first one?" Xiao Mo finally tore his eyes away from the potato chips, and then looked at Lao Yin with a strange expression.

Lao Yin did not answer, but muttered to himself: "Four shopping coupons are not enough. Not enough for me, not enough for everyone. There are so few relief grains and purchase restrictions. They want to force us to death. They want to kill us alive." Starve us to death..."

"Lao Yin?"

"Wang Laoer also forced me to sell shopping coupons to him. What will I eat if I sell them to him?" Lao Yin's face became more and more ferocious.

A series of shouts from patrol officers attracted the attention of shoppers.

People in twos and threes are coming this way.

The temporary manager of the supermarket and other patrol police heard the sound and ran over here.

The woman and the police were entangled in a pile. The police did not dare to really hurt her and just wanted to stop her. However, the woman looked thin but was extremely strong.

The woman pushed the police officer aside, grabbed the potato chip bag on the shelf, tore it apart and poured it into her mouth.

"Crack, click, click", a large number of potato chips leaked from her mouth.

The aroma of food gradually fills the air.

Xiao Mo licked his lips. He seemed to have not eaten potato chips for a long time. He used to look down on these fried foods that were easy to get angry, but now smelling the aroma, he felt that he had looked down on them before. Gadgets have become extremely tempting these days.



There was another crash somewhere and the sound of things falling to the ground.

Xiao Mo didn't pay attention at first, but after a while, there were a lot of shouts.

"What are you doing? Put your things down quickly! You are not allowed to eat without paying! Put it down, put it down quickly!"

"Lao Li, Lao Li! This is Liangoule Supermarket, bring someone here quickly! Here we go again, another bunch of foodies are going crazy!"

"This is mine! I grabbed it first!"

"Give it to me! Give it to me! I want to eat it!"

"I'm so hungry! I can't stand it anymore. I want to eat, and no one can stop me!"

"Let go! Ah! How can you hit someone?"

"Stop! Stop fighting!"

"Where are the police? Why don't you call the police!"

"Sir, you can't push the shopping cart out without paying!"

"Stop him! Stop him quickly!"

"Dad! Dad, where are you? Wow--!"

In just a few minutes, everything was in chaos.