The Scavengers

Chapter 21: Eliminate surveillance


"Hey, hey! Xiao Zhou, it's me!" Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Xiao Mo shouted quickly and at the same time grabbed the wine bottle that was thrown at his head.

When the barber Xiao Zhou saw that he was an acquaintance, he immediately gasped, "It turned out to be you. It scared me to death. I thought it was those crazy people."

Xiao Mo had a lot of stuff in his stomach, and his sanity was restored a little, and a smile appeared on his face. Although the scene looked very strange at this time, "Xiao Zhou, are you stupid? Because you haven't paid yet." Money’s goods fight with those lunatics?”

Xiao Mo refused to admit in his heart that he was also one of those madmen, and lectured people with a serious face: "They are madmen. If they hurt you, they might be detained for a few days at most. If you hurt them, it will be miserable. If you don't Be careful to get seriously injured or something. Not only will you have to pay compensation, but you may also have to face a lawsuit. Are you worth it? Find a place to hide for a while, the police will definitely arrive soon."

Xiao Zhou was shocked. Yes, why would he want to hit those people with wine bottles? He hasn't paid for the items in the shopping cart, and they're not his, so why is he so protective of them? If it was taken away, he would just buy it again.

Could it be that I am like those lunatics, who appear to be normal on the surface, but actually have psychological problems? It's just that they want to eat, but he wants to kill

Due to the rapid development of film and television culture, what kind of novels and movies have modern people not seen

Xiao Mo was not the only person in this isolated community who concealed his illness and recovery. The barber Xiao Zhou happened to be one of them, and he was also one of the people who had alloy particles in his palms, but he couldn't hide it. Well, no one knows that he has such a special function.

Xiao Zhou was thinking wildly for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became. He always felt that he was about to transform from human to non-human. From then on, he would grow eight octopus arms, three eyes on the top of his head, and his body would be made of metal. Then he would lose his humanity and go on a killing spree. In the end, he would even kill someone. He killed his favorite girl, Xiao Zhang, and then regained his sanity due to the stimulation. He was caught by the army in grief and grief, and was chained to the dissecting table for dissection, or locked in a secret laboratory and subjected to illegal and inhumane treatments. Various studies…

Xiao Zhou was frightened by his suspicion. He pushed the shopping cart and ran towards the checkout counter, forgetting to even answer Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo was puzzled. He shrugged as he watched Xiao Zhou run away, then turned around to look for food again.

"Xiao Mo!" The child screamed. The mother of gluttonous beasts was actually targeting him? Is it because he is easy to bully

The child jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Mo.

"Xiao Hong?" Xiao Mo turned around and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

"Old Xiao, save me, that lunatic wants to eat me!"

Xiao Mo glanced at the woman chasing after the child.

"Ding! The target is approaching, the scavengers are preparing to recover the target." A warning sound sounded in his head, and his reason, which was stimulated by appetite and ran away from home, was instantly pulled back to its original position.

He almost forgot his mission!

The child jumped in front of him. Xiao Mo grabbed the child and stuffed it behind him, facing the chasing woman head-on.

The woman - Li Xiaoshuang, the mother of the Gluttonous Beast, has no trace of humanity in her eyes. After tasting the taste of flesh and blood, her eyes now only have the flesh and blood that makes her feel happy.

Something guided her in the dark, like an instinct. She vaguely felt that this young-looking figure among the nearby flesh and blood was the most delicious! And eating it must be of great benefit to her.

Xiao Mo pushed away the woman who was rushing towards him. In a hurry, he noticed that the woman's face covered in blood seemed to be a little deformed

When the woman pounced on him for the second time, Xiao Mo discovered that the woman's mouth had undergone some mutations. Two long fangs had grown out of it, and her lower jaw had become protruding. However, these changes were not over and seemed to be still going on. , and the woman is unaware of it.

Maybe that face was so scary that Xiao Mo was stunned for a moment.

"Xiao Mo, use the electric baton!" the child reminded him loudly.

Xiao Mo woke up, turned around, and avoided the woman's big mouth. At the same time, he quickly took out the electric prod from his pants pocket. He didn't have time to adjust the power valve, flipped the switch, and stabbed it at the woman's heart. .

The woman let out a piercing scream, jumped up suddenly, and ran far away in an instant.

Damn it! How could she jump so high? Xiao Mo found that let alone communication, whether he could successfully catch people was a problem.

At this moment, the supermarket manager, who was distressed that the supermarket had been robbed and a large amount of food was wasted, shouted loudly through the loudspeaker: "The police have arrived at the door. You gang of robbers, no one can escape!"

Xiao Mo, who was about to chase the woman, subconsciously looked up in the direction above his head. He didn't find the loudspeaker, but saw a monitor hanging in the top corner of the supermarket.


Xiao Mo suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

The sense of panic that the crime was likely to be faithfully recorded even slightly suppressed the terrible shock and conscience remorse caused by the attempted murder.

He forgot the monitor

what to do

The scene of him snatching food together and the process of shocking the woman with an electric bat must have been filmed. Compared with the intention to kill someone, recovering from the infection is really a small problem. If his intention to kill someone is found out...

"Old Xiao, that woman ran away. Doesn't it matter if you don't chase her? How long do you have?"

Xiao Mo raised his wrist, "There's still about an hour and a half."

"Is this a first-level mission? Only the first-level mission seems to be difficult for you." The child said ruthlessly.

Xiao Mo was speechless and choked.

Outside the supermarket gate, armed police were unable to force their way in because a large number of people accumulated outside and blocked the supermarket entrance.

Outside the encirclement, doctors wearing protective clothing can be vaguely seen, waiting for notification.

The person in charge of the Sixth District in the south of the city was forced to rush to the scene. He stood on a truck and shouted to the people at the scene. He told everyone to stay calm and trust the government, and promised to increase the share of relief grains again so that everyone could eat them. If you are full, you will never starve anyone.

Fang Zhenggang, who was in charge of the police operation, was anxious about the situation inside the supermarket. He also heard reports that hungry ghosts eating people had appeared inside. He couldn't stand outside and wait. In the end, he had to use shields to separate the crowd and try to lead them away first. A group of people rushed into the supermarket.

"Don't move! Don't even move!"

Xiao Mo moved before the police came in. He didn't know the situation outside, but when he thought about it, the first floor was so chaotic and the supermarket was so big. Even if the police came in, they might not be able to control the entire supermarket within five minutes.

And he had to spend at least five minutes to do something before the police arrived at the control room.

"Wait for me near the cashier and don't run around." Xiao Mo told the child.

The child reacted quickly, "You want to delete the surveillance video?"


The child raised his little paw and said, "Be careful, you don't have much time." He didn't want to have to change his protector temporarily. He found it too troublesome.

"Hey, system, are you there?" Xiao Mo rushed to the second floor.

"I am here."

"Can you bring up the floor plan of this supermarket?"

"Non-task cannot call any function of the system."

Xiao Mo, "...I am just doing the task! This is just a step that must be completed before the task is completed."

The system seemed to analyze this for a few seconds. After about three seconds, the floor plan reappeared in the mind, but there were no red dots. The mother of the glutton seems to have escaped from the supermarket

Xiao Mo looked at the floor plan, found his target, and headed toward the supermarket office on the second floor.

He can't guarantee that he can find the surveillance room before the police arrive, and he can't guarantee that the master tape of the surveillance video is in the surveillance room. If the surveillance data here is transmitted through the network to the surveillance centers of all Liangoule supermarkets in Zhongshan City, Then even if he finds it, it won't help.

However, I heard that the Liangoule here was a nominal one. Although he was not sure, Xiao Mo still wanted to try his luck. If it was really a private supermarket with a nominal name, then the monitoring data here would most likely not be transmitted.

The offices of the supermarket manager and others were just behind the clothing area on the second floor. When he thought about it, the monitoring room should also be there.

Xiao Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, touched the self-defense weapon the child gave him in his pocket, and encouraged himself.

There was no food on the second floor and there were not many people. Some people hid from the first floor to the second floor, just to wait until the first floor was safe before going down.

Xiao Mo went upstairs without attracting anyone's attention. In order to confuse others, he found a basket and carried it from the daily chemical area to the clothing area. He grabbed a bag of one hundred transparent sanitary gloves and saw that no one was around. , quickly rushed into the supermarket office area.

Fortunately, during special times, there is only one manager on duty in the supermarket office area.

When Xiao Mo put on transparent plastic gloves and entered the office, the supermarket manager was staring at the monitor and cursing. After he finished cursing, he muttered and kept saying words like "zombie, doomsday".

Xiao Mo felt that the poor, slightly neurotic middle-aged man was so frightened that he didn't even know he was touching his back.

It was the second time in my life that I had done something bad, and I felt all kinds of emotions in my heart. Obviously he had done a good job of psychological preparation before, but when things came to pass, Xiao Mo couldn't help but think about it.

Fear of being discovered, fear of being exposed, fear of being caught by the police, fear of going to jail...

But if he doesn't do this, once people know that he is also one of the "hungry ghosts" and intends to kill people, his end will definitely be worse than going to jail.

do not care! We’ve come this far, we can’t go back any further, right

The man's mind was churning with various thoughts until he finally made up his mind. It seemed like a long time, but in reality it only took less than a few seconds.


Xiao Mo took out the small flashlight-like electric stick from his pocket, adjusted the power level, and put it against the waist of the supermarket manager who was looking at the monitor intently. While turning on the switch, he said, "Sorry."

"What?" The supermarket manager turned around. Before he could see the figure behind him clearly, he was paralyzed by the strong numbness coming from his waist.

Xiao Mo supported the middle-aged man's unsupported body and slowly lowered himself into the boss's chair.

Looking at the monitoring equipment placed on the long table, Xiao Mo rubbed his hands.

Fortunately, he is no stranger to surveillance equipment. He once collected a set when collecting used goods, and also helped others repair it.

Xiao Mo first checked the connection of the surveillance equipment and found that there was a terminal server in the office. He then operated on the monitor and confirmed that the surveillance information of this supermarket was not transmitted out by the network, but was directly stored in the large-capacity server. on the terminal server.

Xiao Mo almost cried with joy.

Thank you to the name supermarket. Although you have various disadvantages compared to regular supermarkets, such as poor service attitude of employees, incomplete varieties of goods, etc., your huge loopholes in security saved me once. Thank you! Thank you so much!

With tears of gratitude in his eyes, Xiao Mo began to delete and set settings to ensure that all the monitors in the supermarket would not record anything from one hour ago to ten minutes after.

But while he was tinkering, several police officers could be seen on the monitor walking quickly towards the second floor.

Xiao Mo looked at the monitor and then at the server. It was too late to set it up. What should I do

Sorry, Mr. Supermarket, please save this person to the end. Xiao Mo gritted his teeth and refused to do anything. He once again took out the self-defense weapon given to him by the child, pointed it at the information interface of the terminal server and monitor, and released it twice in a row. Maximum power.

"Chi--!" The self-defense weapons provided by the children lived up to Xiao Mo's expectations. A series of sparks and pungent smoke quickly erupted from the two machines, and the lighting above the office also flashed and went out in an instant.