The Scavengers

Chapter 31: Hotel crisis


As soon as Xiao Mo dropped his motorcycle, he ran towards his elder brother's shop. Sweat and rain mixed together. At this time, he didn't even care whether the child's legs and feet could keep up with his speed.

Xiao Mo didn't look back, and he didn't see the child's tiny figure moving through the obstacles with unusual dexterity, like a nimble little leopard, following closely behind him.

The door of the hotel was closed tightly. Xiao Mo pushed open the glass door and rushed in. The child following behind was almost hit in the face by the rebounding glass door.

The cold air from the air conditioner hits your face. All the guests lay down on the dining table. A strange smell of something burning permeated the entire store.

At the cash register, his sister-in-law Deng Anjie was lying on the cash register, unaware of who was doing it.

"Sister-in-law!" Xiao Mo couldn't help shouting, knowing that Deng Anjie couldn't hear her.

Carefully lifting Deng Anjie up, he probed her nose with trembling hands and felt the breath of a living person. The man cried with joy.

Raising his arm and wiping his face casually, Xiao Mo placed Deng Anjie on the armchair. He ignored the waiter who fell on the ground and ran to the kitchen first.

It was the most dangerous place right now, and he had to turn off the gas before something worse happened.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, the burning smell became even more pungent, there was still a lot of smoke that had not dissipated, and the ground was a mess.

His eldest brother and the waiter passed out, and various side dishes fell to the floor.

Xiao Mo held his nose and carefully stepped over his elder brother and the kitchen workers, and immediately turned off the gas main gate.

Further inside, the second chef Zhang Qian collapsed in front of the stove.

Xiao Mo didn't have time to check on his eldest brother, but was shocked by Zhang Qian's miserable appearance and gasped.

The kitchen has two stoves, one large and one small.

The eight burners of the small stove are used to make soups, casseroles, hot pot dishes, etc.

The big stove has three burners side by side for cooking. Now one of the two burners on the big stove holds a wok, one holds an oil pan, and the other burner cooks the soup base for cooking.

Not to mention the small stove, although the fire was small, several pots had been burned through, and black smoke was everywhere. Even the large range hood and exhaust fan could not exhaust all the smoke.

The oversized soup pot on the stove was almost dry; a wok had been burnt to a crisp, and the bottom might have been burned through; these were nothing. What was worse was that the second chef, Zhang Qian, knocked over the frying pan when he fell. The whole pot of hot oil poured over him.

Fortunately, stoves of all sizes have self-control protection functions. In addition to automatically cutting off the gas when the fire goes out, they will also automatically extinguish the fire and cut off the gas when the stove burns empty for more than one minute. This way no major disaster was caused.

Half of Zhang Qian's face and the exposed skin were blistered, and some parts seemed to be rotten. As for the right shoulder and right chest, which were the most serious, they were stuck upside down by a frying pan and were covered by a chef's uniform. It was not immediately obvious how serious the injury was.

It’s over! Xiao Mo didn't dare to confirm the other party's life or death.

Perhaps out of self-deception, he even thought at this time: Zhang Qian was getting married on National Day, but how could he get married when he was burned like this? Even if the burns on his body will heal in three and a half months, what will happen to the scars left behind? Especially his face... Can his girlfriend accept it

Fanning the smoke with his hand, Xiao Mo subconsciously took out his cell phone to call an ambulance. Fortunately, his cell phone was waterproof. As soon as I pressed two buttons, I realized - where should I call an ambulance at this time

A small figure crossed Xiao Mo, walked to Zhang Qian and squatted down, grabbing his pulse and feeling for a while.

"Fortunately, he was burned after being comatose and did not suffer from stress shock. He is still alive, but he will not be able to support it for long in this environment."

Indeed, the environment in the kitchen was terrible. Not only was it stuffy, hot and smoky, it was also very humid. The hygiene conditions were not to be said to be good.

Xiao Mo wiped his face and tried to calm down. Even a four or five-year-old child didn't make such a fuss like him. He couldn't be worse than a child as an adult, right

After opening all the windows and doors to let the smoke dissipate, and making sure that the elder brother and the kitchen workers were unconscious and without other injuries, Xiao Mo turned around and ran to the store. He remembered that Deng Anjie placed a medical kit at the cashier, which should contain treatment. Medicine for burns.

He was worried about his family. He hadn't found his father and brother yet, but Zhang Qian's situation obviously couldn't wait any longer.

Zhang Qian is no different from other passers-by. Not only has he helped his eldest brother in his restaurant for more than six years, but he also has a good relationship with him. Brother Xiao is usually older than Brother Xiao, but at this time, he can't ignore him either emotionally or rationally.

The kitchen floor was slippery. Xiao Mo ran back with a slippery medicine box and was about to get cold water when the child shook his head and stopped him.

"It's useless. The burnt area of this man is too large, and it's in a critical position. Look at his burned skin. It's a deep burn. Just pouring cold water on it and applying scald medicine on it won't have much effect."

The child had previously removed the oil pan stuck on Zhang Qian's right chest, but he did not touch Zhang Qian's clothes and could not move.

There were so many strange things about the child, and Xiao Mo was very upset, and he didn't bother to guess how he could understand the knowledge that only professional medical personnel could master at such a young age.

"Even if we send him to the hospital now, will there be any doctors in the hospital to see him?" Xiao Mo said irritably: "We can't just watch him die. To put it bluntly, if he hadn't knocked over the oil pan when he was unconscious, We don’t know how many people are going to die in the store right now. Get out of the way and I’ll try to deal with it bit by bit. Maybe everyone will wake up later and everything will return to normal. Then we can send him to the hospital and maybe he can be saved. Give him his life."

The child did not refute. He was used to seeing life and death, and was not too touched by the loss of a life. However, Xiao Mo was obviously unable to do this at the moment. If he didn't let this person try hard, he would most likely have an uneasy conscience for the rest of his life.

Xiao Mo saw the child squatting aside. Although he understood that he was different from other children, he still didn't want him to see these too cruel scenes. Even he couldn't bear to look at Zhang Qian's current appearance, let alone a child.

"Can you please do me a favor? My brother and his family have rented a suite on the third floor. Please help me go up there to see if my dad, my brother and my nephew are there and if they are in any danger. This is my home Family photo, this is the key to the third floor. Later, when you go out through the back door of the kitchen, turn left and you will see the stairs. Go up to 301." Xiao Mo took out his mobile phone and opened the photo to show the child, and then took out the key and gave it to the child. he.

The child nodded, took the phone and keys and walked to the back door without saying much.

Xiao Mo watched the child leave and immediately began to give Zhang Qian some simple treatment for burns.

But he was not a medical worker after all, and Zhang Qian's condition was too serious. At first, he simply didn't know how to start.

In the end, he just wanted to treat a dead horse as a living doctor, and he decided to give Zhang Qian a simple treatment based on the knowledge he had learned about how to treat burns.

Cover bare/exposed skin with cold water and ice, then apply burn medication. I didn't dare to untie the area covered by clothes. After pouring cold water on it, I found the white vinegar used for cooking in the store and poured bottle after bottle of it onto the injured area.

Still afraid of not being safe, he first used scissors to carefully cut open a part of the clothes that had been soaked in white vinegar. After making sure that the skin and flesh were not uncovered, he dared to continue cutting all the clothes.

The situation is quite bad.

Zhang Qian's right chest and the upper part of his right shoulder were almost cooked, and an indescribable strange smell assaulted his nostrils.

Xiao Mo didn't even know how to apply the ointment. He was afraid that a piece of flesh would stick to the ointment as soon as it touched it.

The rise and fall of Zhang Qian's chest was almost invisible.

To survive! Must survive!

Not only must we survive, but we must also have no scars on our face. A good young man couldn't be ruined like this, and he didn't want his eldest brother and his family to bear a heavy psychological burden for the rest of their lives.

Xiao Mo prayed in his heart while applying medicine to Zhang Qian.

The medicine was not enough, so he applied as much as possible on Zhang Qian's face, neck and chest. For other areas that cannot be taken into account, you can only apply cold compresses with cold towels for the time being.

I hope these treatments and these burn medicines will work. Even if it cannot be cured, please keep it going until everyone wakes up and the hospital can resume normal operations.

Xiao Mo prayed.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if no one could wake up again. He could only firmly believe that everyone would wake up again.

Zhang Qian, you have to work hard!

The child came back and handed the key back to him, "Your dad, your brother and your nephew are all upstairs. Your dad was watching TV, and your brother and your nephew were playing on the computer. They are all unconscious, but they are not in danger."

Xiao Mo threw away the empty tube of scalding medicine. He had done all he could, and there was nothing else he could do for the rest. But he didn't know if it was his imagination. He felt that after applying the medicine, Zhang Qian's condition seemed to be Better

Xiao Mo stood up, feeling dizzy suddenly in his head. He stumbled and hurriedly held on to the stove to keep from falling.

The child reached out to support him and asked worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, maybe I got up too hastily."

"Gululu." As Xiao Mo answered, a series of screams also sounded from his stomach.

Hungry again

Xiao Mo looked down at his stomach suspiciously.

Yes, that's right, not only did he feel hungry now, he even felt extremely weak as if he had been hungry for three days and three nights.

Damn virus!

Xiao Mo cursed in his heart.

Fortunately, he is in the hotel now.

Xiao Mo didn't touch the ingredients in the kitchen. Most of them were semi-finished products. He gently pushed the child away and rushed to the front of the store.

After a while, he couldn't bear it anymore.

All the cells in his body were clamoring for him to replenish his food.

Anyway, it is a waste to leave the dishes ordered by the outside guests. Who knows when they will wake up. Instead of wasting them afterwards, it is better to let them use them to fill their stomachs.

"Ding, the genetic mutation analysis of Scavenger Xiao Mo is 25% complete. Scavenger Xiao Mo can now choose the system reward for completing the first level task 02. There are three options for the reward, you can choose one."

Xiao Mo heard the voice in his head and stopped grabbing the dishes.

"Option one, how to absorb and utilize first-level energy crystals; option two, open up one cubic meter of mental space; option three, how to use first-level powers and precautions."

Xiao Mo wanted to choose all three.