The Scavengers

Chapter 34: Amazing changes in children


Xiao Mo rubbed his eyes, thinking he had seen it wrong. He seemed... as if he saw the child's legs elongated

Not just his legs, but his entire body is getting bigger? !

Xiao Mo took a step back involuntarily, not even knowing that the small towel wrapped around his waist fell off.

"Crack, click, click", the sounds of bones interlacing sounded one after another.

The child was in so much pain that he couldn't even howl. He opened his mouth wide and his body straightened suddenly.

Xiao Mo looked at the child and couldn't believe his eyes.

What did he see

Xue Lihong turned from a little kid only 100 centimeters tall to a young man at least 190 centimeters tall right in front of him

That huge change happened and ended in an instant, so fast that the naked eye could not capture its process.

The young man lying on the bed panting was very thin, but had a large frame. The round face of a child was elongated, and the originally round face became angular. Only the outline of the facial features could barely make out the shadow of a child.

The young man opened his eyes and suddenly turned to look at Xiao Mo. There was very pure desire in those eyes, so pure and original.

Xiao Mo didn't pay attention to the way the young man looked at him. When he saw him waking up, he walked to the bed with some hesitation, leaned over and asked him: "Are you awake? Are you... Xiaohong, right? How are you? How have you changed? become… "

The young man looked at Xiao Mo and sniffed at Xiao Mo.

Well? What is this for? Xiao Mo was puzzled.

The young man moved little by little, got closer to Xiao Mo, raised his face, and sniffed randomly on Xiao Mo's body.

Xiao Mo took a step back awkwardly.

Who would have thought that his retreat would be bad.

The young man suddenly became very angry, roared hoarsely, suddenly stood up, hugged Xiao Mo, and dragged him to the bed.

"Bang!" Xiao Mo was pushed heavily onto the bed by the young man.

The young man straddled him, lowering his head and sniffing around him.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Xiao Mo pushed him.

The young man grabbed his hand, puffed out his mouth like a child, and suddenly lowered his head and started biting randomly on his face and body.

… What exactly is this situation

Xiao Mo's head was full of questions, and then he noticed that neither he nor the young man had any clothes to cover their bodies. The two of them were meeting each other sincerely.

If anyone comes in at this time, you will definitely get a misunderstanding by seeing their appearance.

The young man nibbled and nibbled, and then started rubbing against Xiao Mo's body. The hard thing pressed against the man, and he made a strange humming sound from his mouth.

"Hey, hey, hey! You've gone too far!" Xiao Mo was speechless by the young man.

He didn't feel violated. After all, young people were transformed into children. In his mind, this was a child whose body had grown up inexplicably and was messing around with him.

However, the young man's behavior was obviously far from nonsense, and he became more and more wanton.

Xiao Mo was also a little annoyed and kicked the young man gently.

Damn it, this naughty kid has grown up. Could it be that his needs in that area suddenly appeared? This is unreasonable!

The young man seemed to be even more excited after being kicked, and he hugged Xiao Mo and refused to let go.

Xiao Mo saw that the situation was developing more and more wrong, his sympathy gradually disappeared, his struggle became stronger and stronger, and his kicks became harder and harder.

The young man's eyes were filled with excitement and he was extremely strong. He pressed down on Xiao Mo tightly and opened his mouth to kiss and bite Xiao Mo.

Right now! The ground suddenly shook, and there was a loud bang in the room. Xiao Mo was so frightened that his adrenaline surged, he kicked the young man away, got up and ran outside.

The young man rushed forward.

Xiao Mo cursed and shouted: "Get off here! There's an earthquake!"

The sound fell, and there was another violent vibration.

The young man who threw himself on him didn't know whether he was too excited or was shaken by the earthquake. His body shook violently, staining Xiao Mo's waist.

Xiao Mo couldn't care less about swearing, he had to drag his family to the bathroom.

During an earthquake, if there is no time to escape from the house, the smaller the space, the less likely it is to collapse, and the bathroom is one of the safe spots.

The young man lay unresponsive on the floor.

Xiao Mo looked back at him, then looked at the living room, and said angrily: "Really, why did you suddenly become so big? It's so easy to carry a child!"

Just when Xiao Mo was carrying his nephew into the bathroom, the earthquake stopped again.

Xiao Mo stood beside his father and waited again and again. After waiting for about half an hour and seeing that there were no more aftershocks, he felt relieved and turned around to take his nephew out of the bathroom.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell are you doing?"

After all this going on, Xiao Mo was physically and mentally tired. He didn't even bother to put on clothes. When I went back to my nephew's bedroom, I saw a young man lying on the floor who was either unconscious or sleeping. I was so angry that I stepped forward and kicked his butt. After kicking him, he sighed, accepted his fate, picked him up from the ground, and threw him back on the bed. He was afraid that the air conditioner would make him sick, so he covered him with a towel again.

"I really owe you, kid..." Xiao Mo picked up the towel on the floor and shuffled towards the bathroom.

After Xiao Mo took a shower, he found his eldest brother's clothes and changed into them. When he walked back to his nephew's room, the anger in his heart had calmed down.

To him, what the young man did just now was like a dog that was in heat and rubbed against his legs. After thinking about it, it didn't matter, except that the two of them were not wearing clothes, which was more embarrassing. .

Moreover, what the young man did just now was obviously not intentional, and it was even more abnormal. This can be seen by the fact that he falls asleep immediately after being satisfied.

But will this be the case for children in the future

Xiao Mo thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and took a close-up of the young man.

If the young man returns to the appearance of a child, he will show the photo to the child and tell him that this is what he will look like when he grows up.

Well, to be honest, this kid will look like a human when he grows up, but he will be too thin. If the flesh on his body could be held up and covered with a layer of reasonable muscles, hey, he would definitely be another cool and handsome man who would fascinate most women in the world.

Seeing that the young man was sleeping soundly, Xiao Mo went out to provide simple treatment to the guests and neighbors at the door who had not yet woken up. He tried his best to do whatever he could.

After that, he carried his unconscious brother and sister-in-law to the third floor and put him on the bed. He put his father on the sofa bed. His brother and nephew also temporarily let them lie flat on the floor. They were afraid that they would be uncomfortable lying down, so they put cushions underneath them. Thick cushions.

After arranging his family members and dragging or carrying all the chefs and clerks to the private room on the first floor, he walked out again and called the police while walking. He would save anyone he could save, especially those who could be saved. It's a child.

He was still frightened by what he had found in the dark before, and he didn't dare to go too far, so he just wandered around the door of his house, but just rescuing nearby people was already too busy for him.

The black rain stopped at some point.

In the extreme tranquility, the sound of music coming from the distant store became particularly clear.

Xiao Mo kept himself as busy as possible, even if he was so tired that he fell asleep later, he did not dare to close his eyes. He was afraid that once he closed his eyes, he would be like others and never wake up again.

But if people in this world really never wake up again, he thought, he doesn't know whether he can survive alone. Even if there are still some survivors, when his family, friends, and everyone he knows has left him, No matter how tough the heart is, it will die due to loneliness and endless guilt, right

During this period, he called the police more than ten times, hoping that someone would answer the call, but all he heard every time was an electronic recording.

Everywhere he looked, there were either dead or injured people, and there was no sound. Coupled with the unique depth of the night, Xiao Mo had the terrifying thought that he was the only living person in the world.

Anyone, even an animal or an insect, come to me and let me know that I am not the only one in this world...


Xiao Mo suddenly raised his head.